WEBVTT 1 00:00:03.520 --> 00:00:05.000 Arun S M: Okay? 2 00:00:06.090 --> 00:00:18.380 Arun S M: So right in terms of release. I think we'll, we'll list the unknown issues in the release notes, right? Like the things that we continue improving. But this is going to be the first release that 3 00:00:18.590 --> 00:00:22.550 Arun S M: we will be supporting now. 4 00:00:23.050 --> 00:00:30.280 Arun S M: for the release strategy the previous maintenance. They used to release a version of explosive. 5 00:00:30.650 --> 00:00:34.150 Arun S M: And then that particular release was tagged against 6 00:00:34.180 --> 00:00:36.059 Arun S M: us, a version of 7 00:00:36.240 --> 00:00:38.350 Arun S M: fabric that it supported. 8 00:00:38.900 --> 00:00:49.229 Arun S M: And the Nodejs function that people can use. If there is any dependency on, let's say, the the software development tools, those who are being listed in the release strategy as well. 9 00:00:49.860 --> 00:00:52.010 For instance, if you see over here 10 00:00:52.230 --> 00:00:53.989 Arun S M: at least 11 00:00:54.470 --> 00:00:56.460 Arun S M: explorer version 1, 1, 8 12 00:00:56.510 --> 00:01:01.449 Arun S M: supported version fabric version one dot, 4 to 2 dot, 3, which has been tested. 13 00:01:01.580 --> 00:01:05.070 Arun S M: and these are the Node J's versions, which were supported back then 14 00:01:06.000 --> 00:01:09.769 Arun S M: so And every release that was created 15 00:01:09.810 --> 00:01:18.370 Arun S M: there would be a tag created over here. and these tags are maintained like for the life cycle of the project right 16 00:01:18.760 --> 00:01:20.710 Arun S M: now. 17 00:01:22.210 --> 00:01:23.040 Archana: sure. 18 00:01:24.240 --> 00:01:36.729 Arun S M: So that's the release strategy that the previous Maintainer who are following. We can follow similar life cycle for the release. However. one of the challenge that I see with this approach is. 19 00:01:36.930 --> 00:01:45.040 Arun S M: if we don't, we would to a specific version of explorer. It's possible that issues could be reported in older versions. Right? 20 00:01:45.510 --> 00:02:03.220 Arun S M: at least to begin with to reduce the the support requirements until we stabilize the project. Maybe what we can do is follow a release strategy like the way fabric team follows, they do a long-term support releases. 21 00:02:03.500 --> 00:02:07.189 Arun S M: and then they do a for their release, which are 22 00:02:07.490 --> 00:02:20.339 Arun S M: which may get changed eventually. Right? So that's the way, like the fabric team follows. For instance, we all know, like 2 dot, 2 version of fabric is a long term supported release. If any bugs are reported on that. 23 00:02:20.500 --> 00:02:22.500 Arun S M: There is a support available. 24 00:02:22.610 --> 00:02:25.469 Arun S M: however, for other releases of fabric. 25 00:02:25.640 --> 00:02:27.400 Arun S M: There is no guarantee that 26 00:02:27.430 --> 00:02:31.150 Arun S M: a support for that release would be available or not. 27 00:02:31.750 --> 00:02:36.039 Arun S M: So maybe, like 2.5 is the other Lts release that they do. 28 00:02:37.240 --> 00:02:45.049 Arun S M: We could follow something similar for explorers, saying that, let's say, if we start with version 2 dot 0, 29 00:02:45.190 --> 00:02:55.390 Arun S M: we can say that the long-term supported or we could not even play many Lts releases. we could just say, like 2.0 0 is a major release. 30 00:02:55.780 --> 00:03:01.960 Arun S M: However, we will keep improving the product, and we cannot guarantee it that there is a stable version. 31 00:03:02.050 --> 00:03:07.320 Arun S M: because we are in process of adding new features and then improving current feature set. 32 00:03:08.490 --> 00:03:10.460 Arun S M: That's 33 00:03:10.750 --> 00:03:13.069 Arun S M: That's something that we could follow. 34 00:03:13.280 --> 00:03:22.270 Arun S M: and we could always claim support on just one version of fabric. I'm not sure if we want to have support across multiple versions. 35 00:03:22.900 --> 00:03:25.150 Arun S M: that's going to be additional. 36 00:03:25.590 --> 00:03:30.200 Arun S M: If we if we want to do that, we need a testing strategy 37 00:03:30.250 --> 00:03:32.560 Arun S M: across multiple versions. 38 00:03:36.000 --> 00:03:44.529 Arun S M: so that's about that. And then we also need a release pipeline in the sense 39 00:03:44.980 --> 00:03:48.669 Arun S M: any release that goes in must be tested against. 40 00:03:48.770 --> 00:03:56.230 Arun S M: Oh. the suit and make sure the test results are captured before the release goes out 41 00:03:58.140 --> 00:04:08.470 Arun S M: and we could create release pipelines over here through the of actions that do not exist today. 42 00:04:10.080 --> 00:04:13.989 Arun S M: That's the other set of activities. We must pick it up. 43 00:04:19.149 --> 00:04:22.449 Arun S M: I know there are pipelines on as your but 44 00:04:22.810 --> 00:04:29.249 Arun S M: like the as your servers are no more available, will have to create github pipelines for us. 45 00:04:36.420 --> 00:04:48.420 Archana: So I don't really regarding the release right? like any documentation we need to add. So so what are the issues we have solved, or like what the new features we've brought up 46 00:04:49.040 --> 00:04:56.759 Arun S M: right? So there is expectation. So for the graduated projects in Hyper Ledger there is an expectation that 47 00:04:57.150 --> 00:05:01.459 Arun S M: and the release.md. File should be available or it 48 00:05:01.800 --> 00:05:05.380 Arun S M: a file should be available which tells the user 49 00:05:05.950 --> 00:05:12.639 Arun S M: like the change log.md, if I'm not wrong, I don't think so this repository, or it has. 50 00:05:13.190 --> 00:05:15.840 Arun S M: So this change log is supposed to capture 51 00:05:15.970 --> 00:05:25.420 Arun S M: the information of what changed from the previous version. And there are multiple strategies that different people follow for different projects. 52 00:05:25.520 --> 00:05:31.200 Arun S M: few projects, and just list all the commits that happen as part of this release. Right? 53 00:05:31.290 --> 00:05:36.240 Arun S M: In this case also, I see some something like that, like the Pr. So I listed here. 54 00:05:36.970 --> 00:05:47.689 Arun S M: and few teams. They go ahead and they write the descriptions, they say, like these are the new features introduced, and these are the new breaking features. 55 00:05:47.730 --> 00:05:52.250 Arun S M: and these are like few bug fixes done from the previous release. 56 00:05:52.400 --> 00:05:58.079 Arun S M: We could call the E their approach. But is we need to maintain the change log file. 57 00:06:00.060 --> 00:06:00.850 Archana: Okay? 58 00:06:06.870 --> 00:06:10.079 Archana: So around this Github actions plus 59 00:06:10.170 --> 00:06:19.260 Archana: more container images right that day spending with. So we tested Github actions. It is failing at one condition. So 60 00:06:19.830 --> 00:06:20.730 Archana: oh. 61 00:06:21.000 --> 00:06:23.050 Arun S M: do we have a bi on that? 62 00:06:23.180 --> 00:06:24.590 Archana: How is 63 00:06:32.770 --> 00:06:35.110 Archana: padded Github? C. I, it would be 64 00:06:38.400 --> 00:06:39.600 Archana: this one. 65 00:07:04.420 --> 00:07:06.999 Arun S M: It's failing on something. 66 00:07:14.590 --> 00:07:16.650 We oh. 67 00:07:24.850 --> 00:07:29.159 Archana: this 1, 2 gs here registry is there, right. 68 00:07:29.400 --> 00:07:55.210 Archana: you know where it fade and 69 00:07:55.290 --> 00:07:59.019 like. if you go to the Pia right there. 70 00:08:00.720 --> 00:08:04.000 Archana: the screenshot of, you know is it? Was it given me 71 00:08:10.970 --> 00:08:15.249 Archana: now this one 380 to Pr number. 72 00:08:19.560 --> 00:08:20.470 Okay. 73 00:08:31.480 --> 00:08:33.869 Archana: this is a note from package. 74 00:08:35.929 --> 00:08:37.610 Archana: Thank you. Shoe. With that. 75 00:08:46.770 --> 00:08:48.400 Arun S M: It's being built on. 76 00:08:49.130 --> 00:08:59.699 Arun S M: Was this triggered from the Github actions? Or was this regard from on a local environment 77 00:09:01.850 --> 00:09:03.680 Archana: good to have action? So 78 00:09:04.490 --> 00:09:05.440 Arun S M: okay. 79 00:09:07.200 --> 00:09:07.860 Archana: you. 80 00:09:12.060 --> 00:09:17.819 Arun S M: okay, I can check this with. run this gain. 81 00:09:19.410 --> 00:09:23.519 Archana: and one finite pr is also pending. 82 00:09:26.390 --> 00:09:28.240 Arun S M: Is that for the home charts? 83 00:09:28.860 --> 00:09:30.000 Archana: Punish 84 00:09:32.130 --> 00:09:37.730 Arun S M: right? I think the helm chart I tried, and it has some issues. 85 00:09:39.040 --> 00:09:49.649 Arun S M: we'll have to check the explorer Dv. Part in here in the room charge. So I believe the volume was not created as part of 86 00:09:49.660 --> 00:09:50.890 Archana: so 87 00:09:51.190 --> 00:09:54.499 Archana: Adithi has told to add him that. PVC, 88 00:09:55.370 --> 00:09:58.019 Arun S M: but postgres TV, 89 00:09:58.210 --> 00:10:01.369 Archana: I think he has to do that a minute. 90 00:10:04.530 --> 00:10:09.990 Archana: And Apart from that, for this release I don't. 91 00:10:10.090 --> 00:10:18.209 Arun S M: we. We are rigorously testing with the, you know, my taking different scenarios like multiple channels, multiple chain codes. 92 00:10:18.320 --> 00:10:20.860 Archana: So we were facing 93 00:10:22.770 --> 00:10:26.099 Archana: issues. Okay? So we are fixing it. 94 00:10:26.160 --> 00:10:32.729 Archana: and it might take some time. We will give some. It will raise issues as well. Pr for that. 95 00:10:33.930 --> 00:10:34.720 Arun S M: Okay. 96 00:10:34.930 --> 00:10:38.669 Archana: so the lecture height was not consistent. Some of the issues are like. 97 00:10:38.860 --> 00:10:53.930 Archana: count with respect to channels that is also not updated with single channel. And multi multi chain codes. Right? It is working fine. But when we go for multiple channels and multiple chain goods, we were getting a lot of issues. 98 00:10:54.930 --> 00:11:06.989 Arun S M: In what kind of issues were they? like ledger height? If we see right in the network tab, we have legend height. So with respect to. So, for example, I have 2 channels, channel one and channel 2 99 00:11:07.200 --> 00:11:16.579 Archana: When I when I see the Rachel height with respect to Channel one, I'm getting the correct this major height. But if it is switched to channel 2 right. 100 00:11:16.810 --> 00:11:25.129 Archana: whatever the later height of channel one, it is the the same data we are getting into in the ledger height of Channel 2. This is one such issue. 101 00:11:26.620 --> 00:11:27.490 Arun S M: Okay. 102 00:11:28.140 --> 00:11:33.910 Archana: and even chain codes. change codes. Also, we are not getting properly 103 00:11:36.850 --> 00:11:51.339 Archana: so like in the channel. But I have installed, maybe chain code one chain code to in the channel 2, I have installed some chain code 3. But in the chain code, tab, if I go and see right 104 00:11:51.490 --> 00:11:54.659 Archana: in the Channel 2, I'm getting the date of channel one. 105 00:11:58.900 --> 00:11:59.610 Arun S M: Okay. 106 00:11:59.870 --> 00:12:03.850 Arun S M: so is this a Ui refresh issue? Or is this from the back end? 107 00:12:04.970 --> 00:12:07.139 This is from the back end itself. 108 00:12:08.270 --> 00:12:10.969 Arun S M: Okay, that's that's bad. Okay? 109 00:12:13.830 --> 00:12:22.729 Arun S M: And is it possible to automate these tests? I know the Ui automation, or it's not available right now and explore it. 110 00:12:23.390 --> 00:12:26.299 Arun S M: And I, to be honest, I do not know 111 00:12:26.430 --> 00:12:38.989 Arun S M: which strategy was followed from the previous Maintainer on maintaining the real estate cases. I don't know if they had a like manual test cases. For instance. 112 00:12:39.490 --> 00:12:46.079 Arun S M: we could create a manual test case suit and then maintain status of each of them somewhere. 113 00:12:46.900 --> 00:12:58.689 Archana: the test cases which were written were very, very minimal. And they are mocking the blockchain. 114 00:12:58.840 --> 00:13:01.720 Archana: they're giving some inputs and testing. 115 00:13:02.480 --> 00:13:03.500 Archana: That's it. 116 00:13:05.110 --> 00:13:17.569 Archana: Only like 2 to 3 functionalities. Only they would have not gone to it completely. One of my other team. It is working on it. So it was very, very minimal. 117 00:13:20.890 --> 00:13:21.570 Arun S M: Okay. 118 00:13:22.970 --> 00:13:25.300 Arun S M: let's do one thing. Let's create a. 119 00:13:25.460 --> 00:13:30.800 Arun S M: So for all these tests that you are mentioning, right? I think it's good that we are testing them. 120 00:13:30.970 --> 00:13:34.969 Arun S M: We but we don't have a mechanism to capture it. The status right? 121 00:13:35.170 --> 00:13:46.999 Arun S M: we could create our own checklist for all these manual tests that are being conducted. And we can mention, like these scenarios were tested as part of the release 122 00:13:47.610 --> 00:13:54.509 Arun S M: or the regular development cycle. and this can serve as a reference for any new developer. 123 00:13:54.840 --> 00:14:06.819 Arun S M: and we could open up on like a github issue, or like in in our meetup event as well, we can call for people to come and contribute and make this automation possible. 124 00:14:07.270 --> 00:14:12.980 Arun S M: We can say, here are the test cases that we are right now doing, and then the 125 00:14:13.270 --> 00:14:20.899 Arun S M: the home they do G to get started with the project. Is not that high? it's possible for anybody to come and get started. 126 00:14:21.380 --> 00:14:27.609 Arun S M: For instance, the the low-hanging fruit that does not really require expertise in 127 00:14:27.870 --> 00:14:31.219 Arun S M: blockchain, or the explorer is over here. 128 00:14:31.430 --> 00:14:41.059 Arun S M: Thank you. All you need is the Java programming concept. So maybe not just programming concepts. Come and get started automating these things. 129 00:14:42.290 --> 00:14:45.129 Arun S M: and we could also ask Hyper Ledger to help us 130 00:14:45.160 --> 00:14:48.120 Arun S M: push that and then get more contributions in. 131 00:14:52.200 --> 00:14:53.280 Archana: Yes, sir. 132 00:14:55.510 --> 00:15:04.839 Arun S M: it could be a Csv file that we maintain on the Github itself. For now, like a record keeping, we can mention the period when the testing was done. 133 00:15:04.970 --> 00:15:12.740 Arun S M: we can mention. Let's say, any nodes and it and we can capture those status of the test for now. 134 00:15:26.300 --> 00:15:29.110 Arun S M: So I think the release strategies. 135 00:15:29.120 --> 00:15:38.560 Arun S M: This is important. We'll I think I don't know. Maybe we will follow the same. The same strategy for release naming convention. 136 00:15:38.690 --> 00:15:41.499 Arun S M: We'll have a major version in the minor version. 137 00:15:42.040 --> 00:15:47.469 Arun S M: and we'll do. Minor version changes or patch version changes for any new patches. 138 00:15:47.670 --> 00:15:53.190 Arun S M: Minor version changes for like additional features that we implement 139 00:15:53.540 --> 00:15:57.330 Arun S M: and major version changes. If we are doing a breaking change. 140 00:16:00.350 --> 00:16:02.140 Arun S M: that'd be good. 141 00:16:14.590 --> 00:16:15.410 Arun S M: Hello. 142 00:16:15.730 --> 00:16:16.550 Archana: yeah. 143 00:16:17.780 --> 00:16:23.110 Arun S M: So I was talking about release. A naming strategy will follow the similar structure 144 00:16:23.160 --> 00:16:24.260 Arun S M: having 145 00:16:24.360 --> 00:16:32.519 Arun S M: major version, minor version and the patch portion. The patch versions are the ones which are buck fixes on the release itself. 146 00:16:33.050 --> 00:16:40.800 Arun S M: and my new version, changes would be new feature additions and major versions would be 147 00:16:41.180 --> 00:16:43.750 Arun S M: breaking changes in the project. 148 00:16:46.250 --> 00:16:47.489 Arun S M: Would that be fine? 149 00:16:48.140 --> 00:16:48.970 Archana: Hmm! 150 00:17:15.990 --> 00:17:18.790 Satyanarayana Arigela: Anything on a release that still. 151 00:17:20.500 --> 00:17:22.099 Archana: Oh, no. 152 00:17:22.670 --> 00:17:30.250 Satyanarayana Arigela: So we are good with this one another. only those 2 releases what our Pr spending. Apart from that, everything is okay. Right? 153 00:17:30.560 --> 00:17:39.450 Archana: so some of these, those 2 peers and some of the issues we need to raise and fix it. So that's from us. And it's been 154 00:17:39.750 --> 00:17:40.770 Satyanarayana Arigela: okay. 155 00:17:44.240 --> 00:17:51.530 Satyanarayana Arigela: So the other one we will discuss about the project plan, or this, this group of this one or anything else you want there in your 156 00:17:51.760 --> 00:18:00.220 Archana: how? That is what like. By June 30, we have to like, get this detailed project plan we have to publish in Wiki. 157 00:18:00.350 --> 00:18:01.480 Archana: So 158 00:18:02.830 --> 00:18:04.700 Archana: that also we need to discuss. 159 00:18:13.260 --> 00:18:22.530 Satyanarayana Arigela: So I don't for this scope whatever we have identified as part of the project proposal So this plan, if you want to start right. 160 00:18:25.020 --> 00:18:30.869 Satyanarayana Arigela: maybe what all features will be taken from that. like, can we decide on those things? 161 00:18:34.890 --> 00:18:37.190 Arun S M: Yeah, we could. 162 00:18:44.330 --> 00:18:45.250 Arun S M: So. 163 00:18:45.830 --> 00:18:52.189 Arun S M: And I think we listed a feature set for 91 164 00:18:54.450 --> 00:18:56.970 Archana: I paid in the 165 00:18:57.880 --> 00:18:59.760 Archana: the day you have created 166 00:18:59.890 --> 00:19:01.079 a beach. Right? 167 00:19:01.630 --> 00:19:02.390 Arun S M: Yeah. 168 00:19:02.590 --> 00:19:11.269 Arun S M: So in the project plan, are you proposing to put up the plan only? Or are you asking to put a low V effort, like the 169 00:19:11.670 --> 00:19:20.190 Arun S M: exact tasks to be done by when it has to be done under that kind of information? Or is it that you are expecting us to 170 00:19:20.210 --> 00:19:24.970 Arun S M: have a high level overlook and divide the timelines in those springs. 171 00:19:25.410 --> 00:19:30.190 Arun S M: And then mark certain milestones during the mentee program. 172 00:19:35.240 --> 00:19:53.279 Satyanarayana Arigela: Probably we can do milestone marking. Yeah, that should be fine as I like. Like we can break out the what about the scope? Right? So we can have, like milestones defined, depending on that, we can proceed instead of having every high level definition. Right? This is better. I could 173 00:19:58.000 --> 00:19:58.830 Arun S M: right? 174 00:20:00.050 --> 00:20:01.909 Arun S M: So I'm a zoom means 175 00:20:02.160 --> 00:20:08.470 Arun S M: the mentees both. The maintenance we have Their availability is part time for 6 months. 176 00:20:08.870 --> 00:20:11.090 Arun S M: People starting 177 00:20:11.750 --> 00:20:16.329 Arun S M: from July first. We'll have to put it put on my timeline for 6 months. 178 00:21:22.130 --> 00:21:25.479 Arun S M: I don't know if there is an option for us to add 179 00:21:27.320 --> 00:21:30.370 Arun S M: the timelines info here. 180 00:22:05.820 --> 00:22:16.349 Arun S M: so we'll just talk through the milestones, and then we will find out the activities and the goals. right? we can elaborate on those aspects. 181 00:22:16.410 --> 00:22:20.730 Arun S M: So breaking down the 6 months timeline for us. 182 00:22:20.920 --> 00:22:29.899 Arun S M: I believe, like end of sixth month. We want the many to present to the global audience 183 00:22:29.930 --> 00:22:35.899 Arun S M: the work they have accomplished. Right? So milestone would be a global meetup 184 00:22:37.840 --> 00:22:50.179 Arun S M: showcase demo in showcase of the work that has happened. I believe this also has to be aligned with the Linux Foundation 185 00:22:50.790 --> 00:22:59.399 Arun S M: Demo official Demo. So there is, I don't remember the exact timelines Linux Foundation has 186 00:22:59.700 --> 00:23:04.059 Arun S M: across all the projects, not just Hyper Ledger Foundation, but all the projects 187 00:23:04.300 --> 00:23:06.749 Arun S M: where they invite 188 00:23:07.180 --> 00:23:16.120 Arun S M: all the mentees to come and demo what they have done. and this will be great opportunity for for all the mentees to present there. 189 00:23:16.440 --> 00:23:21.460 Arun S M: So this is something we need to talk to min about and get the timelines. 190 00:23:22.100 --> 00:23:26.160 Arun S M: we'll have to align our demo to that timeline, it will be good for us. 191 00:23:26.490 --> 00:23:34.069 Arun S M: if I'm not wrong, it was around in January sometime like mid January. 192 00:23:34.680 --> 00:23:36.770 Arun S M: But you can ask me about it 193 00:23:47.770 --> 00:23:48.670 Arun S M: oh. 194 00:23:50.300 --> 00:23:52.760 Arun S M: timelines to be confirmed from me. 195 00:24:27.360 --> 00:24:40.479 Arun S M: And we could have one demo every 2 months and invite to to schedule a call. And this does not necessarily need to be a global meter. 196 00:24:40.550 --> 00:24:41.630 Satyanarayana Arigela: It's good 197 00:24:42.060 --> 00:24:44.100 Arun S M: project level. 198 00:24:45.190 --> 00:24:50.069 Arun S M: demo of the progress that the maintain is making right. 199 00:24:50.540 --> 00:24:54.820 Arun S M: And we could send out in the invite to the labs. 200 00:24:56.790 --> 00:24:58.029 Arun S M: So 201 00:24:58.040 --> 00:25:04.640 Arun S M: we can have like 3 check checklists or 3 checkpoints in the life cycle of project. 202 00:25:05.430 --> 00:25:07.639 Satyanarayana Arigela: Do you think that sounds good 203 00:25:07.710 --> 00:25:09.379 Arun S M: having 3 checkpoints? 204 00:25:10.810 --> 00:25:22.959 Satyanarayana Arigela: It's monthly. I don't know by a month, 2 months once. So there is one expectation like, we will start receiving emails from Linux Foundation asking for 90 evaluation 205 00:25:23.150 --> 00:25:25.899 Arun S M: and I believe this happens 206 00:25:26.670 --> 00:25:32.359 Arun S M: once. So there will be like midterm evaluation as well, and there will be 207 00:25:32.570 --> 00:25:37.350 Arun S M: either monthly or one end of month evaluation request sent to us. 208 00:25:37.420 --> 00:25:43.140 Satyanarayana Arigela: and it will be required. All the mentors will be required to sign the status. 209 00:25:44.020 --> 00:25:44.740 Satyanarayana Arigela: Okay? 210 00:25:49.190 --> 00:25:56.570 Arun S M: So how do we align the milestones. To that I think at least the mid evaluation is must 211 00:25:56.720 --> 00:26:01.540 Arun S M: again, the the exact time is something 212 00:26:03.950 --> 00:26:06.530 Satyanarayana Arigela: we can check with min okay? 213 00:26:18.760 --> 00:26:22.140 Arun S M: And maybe we could have a monthly checkpoint by 214 00:26:22.190 --> 00:26:25.329 Arun S M: every month. We could have a checkpoint. 215 00:26:28.910 --> 00:26:33.619 Satyanarayana Arigela: So it will be day more every month. They are in my single. So 216 00:26:34.100 --> 00:26:46.989 Arun S M: yeah, this could also happen as part of the regular explorer calls like, once a month, we'll have them move scheduled for at least at 10 min where 90 can present their work. 217 00:26:47.120 --> 00:26:57.890 Arun S M: so starting July and we can schedule it last week of July 218 00:27:03.870 --> 00:27:04.690 Arun S M: and 219 00:27:05.810 --> 00:27:09.389 Arun S M: believe august would also have them that way. 220 00:27:15.470 --> 00:27:23.890 Arun S M: and for September it could be midterm evaluation for the meeting and for October it could be again monthly checkpoint. 221 00:27:27.600 --> 00:27:29.579 Satyanarayana Arigela: No, but it will be final 222 00:27:30.860 --> 00:27:32.250 Satyanarayana Arigela: them. All right. 223 00:27:32.850 --> 00:27:40.470 Arun S M: Maybe December is the We can keep this for the global meter number. We will have more monthly checkpoint. 224 00:27:40.660 --> 00:27:41.360 Satyanarayana Arigela: Hmm. 225 00:27:45.080 --> 00:27:51.729 Arun S M: so every month we'll have a checkpoint and then alternate months. We'll have midterm evaluation and the final evaluation. 226 00:27:52.530 --> 00:27:53.340 Satyanarayana Arigela: Okay. 227 00:27:58.680 --> 00:27:59.730 Arun S M: so 228 00:28:00.920 --> 00:28:02.970 Arun S M: I think this should be good. Right? 229 00:28:06.770 --> 00:28:08.170 Satyanarayana Arigela: Yes, yes. 230 00:28:10.920 --> 00:28:16.190 Arun S M: and the initial 2 weeks. We need to also account for onboarding 231 00:28:17.790 --> 00:28:19.020 Arun S M: and learning 232 00:28:20.570 --> 00:28:22.870 Arun S M: or ramp up activities. 233 00:28:25.440 --> 00:28:27.400 Arun S M: And this could be 234 00:28:30.150 --> 00:28:34.190 Arun S M: Should I mentioned timelines here end of June. 235 00:28:39.850 --> 00:28:45.480 Arun S M: and checkpoint here would be both on mentors and Wendy. To make sure that 236 00:28:45.790 --> 00:28:52.450 Arun S M: we understand projects go clearly, and we understand the requirements to work on the project. 237 00:28:53.890 --> 00:28:56.950 Satyanarayana Arigela: Okay, do you request it's expectation 238 00:28:57.760 --> 00:29:01.630 Arun S M: should be said. I'm still waiting for 239 00:29:01.650 --> 00:29:07.709 Arun S M: to hear back on like what is expected by all the mentees. I haven't heard back on what is needed. 240 00:29:08.190 --> 00:29:13.989 Arun S M: But if they any sessions, then it's on us to make sure, that we conversations to them 241 00:29:14.160 --> 00:29:34.429 Satyanarayana Arigela: in in 242 00:29:35.130 --> 00:29:41.290 Arun S M: I think we need to prioritize, do you have a preference of which of these to be prioritized 243 00:29:44.580 --> 00:29:45.680 Satyanarayana Arigela: so 244 00:29:48.380 --> 00:29:51.629 we would take first, the second line. Item. 245 00:29:52.070 --> 00:29:55.540 Archana: okay. 246 00:29:56.030 --> 00:29:59.220 Arun S M: So the purging takes the priority. And then 247 00:29:59.900 --> 00:30:07.550 Arun S M: can we in include the Bootstrap, or or like the good stuff activity as well as part of this activity. 248 00:30:09.450 --> 00:30:10.600 Archana: We can. 249 00:30:14.040 --> 00:30:14.870 Okay. 250 00:30:26.540 --> 00:30:33.859 Archana: I'm sorry I didn't get you. Oh, no, that might take some time. So 251 00:30:35.300 --> 00:30:36.900 Arun S M: okay, 252 00:30:42.680 --> 00:30:47.010 Arun S M: let's see if we can at least have any valuation done, and 253 00:30:47.310 --> 00:30:52.050 Arun S M: I think this activity will let them mentally understand the project, and then 254 00:30:52.180 --> 00:30:54.230 Arun S M: you to come and propose. 255 00:30:54.740 --> 00:30:58.060 Arun S M: let's say, by end of July, to the group 256 00:30:58.650 --> 00:31:00.580 Arun S M: on what their explorations for. 257 00:31:03.420 --> 00:31:09.219 Satyanarayana Arigela: So that Bootstrap thing what is the exact thing we are expecting a run 258 00:31:09.950 --> 00:31:16.840 Satyanarayana Arigela: so at the time of load every time we should not fetch those records on the right. That's the reason 259 00:31:17.530 --> 00:31:24.559 Arun S M: that's that's right. So the boot top becomes a big for somebody to deploy or start using explorer. 260 00:31:24.580 --> 00:31:31.979 Arun S M: maybe networks which are like 3 to 4 years old, which have millions of blocks and 261 00:31:32.740 --> 00:31:34.649 Arun S M: like GPS of data. 262 00:31:34.990 --> 00:31:45.840 Arun S M: the the time for explorer tool to be id state is longer for such cases. personally, I have seen cases where it can take 263 00:31:46.130 --> 00:31:54.100 Arun S M: days together like more than 20 to 30 days for. 264 00:31:55.920 --> 00:32:00.720 Arun S M: So that's something we we can look into improving the boot. Stop time. 265 00:32:03.060 --> 00:32:04.380 Satyanarayana Arigela: Yeah, sure. 266 00:32:08.230 --> 00:32:14.779 Arun S M: And I believe, like, we can start picking up the role management and removing the Ca dependency 267 00:32:15.600 --> 00:32:16.929 Arun S M: if possible. 268 00:32:17.470 --> 00:32:21.039 Arun S M: because this is going to take some time, and like 269 00:32:21.420 --> 00:32:32.629 Arun S M: the the this entire section of user management, including authentication authorization. this could be prioritized next. And if by by this time, if we have 270 00:32:32.820 --> 00:32:37.849 Arun S M: your ux design for some part like for your X, then those activities can be picked up. 271 00:32:38.040 --> 00:32:54.490 Satyanarayana Arigela: So this user management I don't like any like, are we ready with the requirements? What to be implemented? Actually, so the the the team will be ready. Not a program to take it. But requirement. Why is are we clear like, what has to be done, or what needs to be done. 272 00:32:55.940 --> 00:33:00.010 Satyanarayana Arigela: or anything we need to check with another other team. We are to discuss something with it. 273 00:33:01.630 --> 00:33:07.609 Arun S M: So one something that we can start looking into from user management. Perspective is 274 00:33:07.930 --> 00:33:19.730 Arun S M: right now, the explorer has its own user management mechanism. But in typical corporate environments, when, if we want these tool to be in installed and deployed. 275 00:33:19.900 --> 00:33:25.680 Arun S M: they already have an identity mechanism, right? The id id 276 00:33:25.850 --> 00:33:31.650 Arun S M: whatever we call line entity, management or access mechanism, that for organizations 277 00:33:31.800 --> 00:33:32.880 Satyanarayana Arigela: good and 278 00:33:32.970 --> 00:33:37.270 Arun S M: majority of them will follow typical standards where 279 00:33:37.570 --> 00:33:47.589 Arun S M: it's either. What if we want to delegate permissions or it's going? It's like a Ss, so like, we're expecting. This is what type of thing 280 00:33:47.800 --> 00:33:56.480 Arun S M: correct? Okay. So there should be an option at the time of starting. The explorer, like through some configuration parameters. 281 00:33:56.830 --> 00:34:01.439 Arun S M: an existing identity management solution should be reusable. 282 00:34:03.120 --> 00:34:03.960 Satyanarayana Arigela: Okay. 283 00:34:06.070 --> 00:34:14.639 Arun S M: it could be done in many ways. We could start looking into supporting, or, for instance, and then we could look into 284 00:34:15.159 --> 00:34:23.709 Arun S M: why, DC, model as well. If if that's something we want to go with, or we could look into the sample approach. 285 00:34:23.820 --> 00:34:29.229 Arun S M: So Samuel allows for authentication. However, authorization is still maintained within the tool. 286 00:34:29.370 --> 00:34:30.110 Satyanarayana Arigela: Okay. 287 00:34:30.219 --> 00:34:33.980 Satyanarayana Arigela: these are some of the models we can start looking into, and 288 00:34:34.900 --> 00:34:37.190 Arun S M: we can support 289 00:34:37.449 --> 00:34:41.570 Arun S M: any of them. Or we could support, all of them depending on how we want to. 290 00:34:42.620 --> 00:34:50.660 Arun S M: proceed, or at least through this experiment, through one of the support that we provide, we will learn what? 291 00:34:51.260 --> 00:34:54.370 Arun S M: What else is the gap as part of this evaluation? 292 00:34:54.760 --> 00:34:56.570 Satyanarayana Arigela: Oh, yeah, okay. 293 00:34:58.750 --> 00:35:05.530 Arun S M: some of the configuration. Maybe we can look into the user management aspect. that give us 294 00:35:05.690 --> 00:35:09.950 Arun S M: good work in terms of adoption for the product adoption. 295 00:35:13.920 --> 00:35:19.520 Arun S M: and this will also remove dependency with fabric. Ca, if at all. that we currently have 296 00:35:19.660 --> 00:35:24.740 Satyanarayana Arigela: oh. 297 00:35:25.450 --> 00:35:32.190 Arun S M: that being said. And by this time, if we have some of the Ux, new Ux design. 298 00:35:32.340 --> 00:35:37.529 Arun S M: we could pick it up. or if the ux is still not ready. 299 00:35:37.950 --> 00:35:44.109 Arun S M: then we can work on some of the metrics, part the network level observability 300 00:35:44.220 --> 00:35:48.049 Arun S M: to alert the users if something happens at the network level. 301 00:35:49.780 --> 00:36:04.220 Arun S M: So so the fabric matrix that we receive it's localized to the peers and order the nodes currently like the Prometheus matrix information we were at the network level. There is no tool that provides the visibility. 302 00:36:04.980 --> 00:36:09.839 Arun S M: For for with, let's say, the peers are out of sync across organizations. 303 00:36:10.300 --> 00:36:15.639 Satyanarayana Arigela: Currently, it's not possible, like every organization, is expected to have their own mechanism built. 304 00:36:15.980 --> 00:36:24.460 Arun S M: And since the explorer has this visibility across organizations. we could emit those information in as Prometheus. 305 00:36:27.190 --> 00:36:28.650 Satyanarayana Arigela: Okay. 306 00:36:37.560 --> 00:36:49.129 Arun S M: And all these features that we discussed so far, they are going to help in a product adoption. And they are going to fix some of the problems that today users things. 307 00:36:49.290 --> 00:36:51.700 Arun S M: because from adoption standpoint. 308 00:36:52.210 --> 00:36:55.410 Arun S M: And I'm assuming by this time we'll have the 309 00:36:55.460 --> 00:37:05.100 Arun S M: user interface available to start working on. And those could be the next set of features, right? All the enhancement that we were planning in terms of user experience. 310 00:37:05.390 --> 00:37:10.930 Arun S M: And then we could also start improving the search experience. Okay. 311 00:37:12.030 --> 00:37:15.399 Satyanarayana Arigela: anything that we have? 312 00:37:19.870 --> 00:37:27.840 Arun S M: we we can further like again, regroup maybe midterms and add more activities, detailed activities. 313 00:37:28.090 --> 00:37:32.349 Arun S M: But this should be good set of work for close to 3 months. 314 00:37:32.810 --> 00:37:33.910 Satyanarayana Arigela: Okay. 315 00:37:39.990 --> 00:37:40.880 Satyanarayana Arigela: sure. 316 00:37:41.610 --> 00:37:50.289 Arun S M: And then see if I can. elaborate more in terms of activities, if possible. Okay, I'll follow this call if everybody is okay with this. 317 00:37:50.630 --> 00:37:51.679 Satyanarayana Arigela: Sure. Sure. 318 00:37:57.000 --> 00:38:02.879 I don't. One request. I don't like. regarding this user access management, right? 319 00:38:02.950 --> 00:38:09.659 Archana: if possible, can you put your thoughts in one document and can share it across a team? 320 00:38:10.200 --> 00:38:19.120 Archana: So all we have to start with, and you know what exactly we need to look up on these things. Once we finalize, then we can start working right. 321 00:38:20.330 --> 00:38:32.680 Arun S M: Yes, so I may have a few questions on the current working of the in. I will reach out to you if I have more questions. What I can help with is put up an architecture diagram of the current working, and then 322 00:38:32.770 --> 00:38:39.060 Arun S M: how the new architecture proposed architecture would look like with the you for the user access management 323 00:38:39.440 --> 00:38:46.729 Arun S M: and the possible ways we can integrate are like the possible features we could implement for each of them. 324 00:38:48.710 --> 00:38:49.770 Arun S M: Would that help? 325 00:38:50.000 --> 00:38:51.190 Archana: Yes, sir. 326 00:38:51.610 --> 00:38:52.370 Arun S M: okay. 327 00:38:54.180 --> 00:38:57.830 Archana: I'll reach out to you. I may have a few questions on the current. 328 00:38:58.190 --> 00:38:59.050 Okay? 329 00:39:09.840 --> 00:39:13.760 Arun S M: any questions on you. 330 00:39:14.200 --> 00:39:20.859 Arun S M: Any other questions on the plan will put up the activities. offline this going to take time. 331 00:39:21.110 --> 00:39:27.290 Arun S M: you have to evaluate. And then in this time, I multiple activities under each of these calls. 332 00:39:29.130 --> 00:39:33.220 Satyanarayana Arigela: yeah, sure, yeah, that we can take it up for it. So once you update, they will 333 00:39:33.300 --> 00:39:36.830 Satyanarayana Arigela: go through that. And we can update. And we can review also, yeah. 334 00:39:38.200 --> 00:39:38.930 yes. 335 00:39:40.750 --> 00:39:57.080 Satyanarayana Arigela: And one more thing I don't know this call whatever by weekly we are planning that it is happening at is T, right like last time we are discussing we will remove to us time. Right then, can you? reschedule that are there still? It is at 40'clock, only 336 00:39:57.990 --> 00:40:19.370 Arun S M: sure. So what time would work? I know it's going to be late, and I know the team are in based in India, and that's when I was not pushing that hard. But if if, because the problem is since you morning time, 40'clock, right, if you are not there, and sometimes our detail will be busy. Right? So call is not happening. So like we even after rating for 2 weeks. 337 00:40:19.370 --> 00:40:31.039 Satyanarayana Arigela: if nothing will appear as under something pending, it will not be able to proceed. So that's what we thought, at least. if you are in your you are regularly joining right. So we thought, we'll continue with this time. 338 00:40:31.080 --> 00:40:33.670 Satyanarayana Arigela: Oh, and is it Tokyo? 339 00:40:33.720 --> 00:40:41.580 Satyanarayana Arigela: Does this happen on Thursday or Wednesday, Wednesday, Thursday? You would only have some other conflict right. So we thought, we'll do it in Wednesday. 340 00:40:42.290 --> 00:40:45.820 Arun S M: Okay, this time on Wednesday should work. 341 00:40:46.970 --> 00:40:53.890 Satyanarayana Arigela: So if that is fine with you, maybe we can reschedule that to this sound that we isd sound that you? Something 342 00:40:55.520 --> 00:40:56.940 Arun S M: sure makes sense. 343 00:40:57.880 --> 00:41:14.710 Satyanarayana Arigela: And wouldn't this be too late? I hope it's not too late for India. it's only by like the the 2 weeks once right, that should be fine together, even if it is a other purpose. Also, like you, people are not joining in the morning time. And if you are not getting inputs right, the team will not be able to 344 00:41:14.730 --> 00:41:16.880 Satyanarayana Arigela: proceed with their one. That is the reason. 345 00:41:18.610 --> 00:41:27.170 Satyanarayana Arigela: Okay, this time you will be compulsory, will be joining it sadly. We will get the input from you. So we can start working on those review top points and all 346 00:41:28.640 --> 00:41:37.510 Arun S M: it's let's do it. So once in 2 weeks we'll we'll also push the other members based in us to 347 00:41:37.650 --> 00:41:45.420 Satyanarayana Arigela: join. Yeah, sure. and I'll be, I hope this time also works for the European region as well. 348 00:41:47.160 --> 00:41:47.980 Arun S M: Perfect 349 00:41:52.990 --> 00:41:54.689 anything else that you know. 350 00:41:55.600 --> 00:42:09.330 Satyanarayana Arigela: Oh, no. yeah, that's all. I don't. So once you have that coin, said, we will, as a go through that and try to see if anything updated to be done. and this call you can reschedule to this time. 351 00:42:10.440 --> 00:42:16.589 Arun S M: Okay? So quick question, does anybody among you have access to the calendar 352 00:42:18.550 --> 00:42:22.370 Satyanarayana Arigela: calendar for creating calendar? I don't know 353 00:42:22.940 --> 00:42:28.599 Arun S M: right on the mailing list. So we will go create this mailing list okay let me stop it