WEBVTT 1 00:01:40.610 --> 00:01:43.079 Peter Somogyvari: Hey, Sandy? Sorry for being late. 2 00:01:43.840 --> 00:01:45.810 sandeep: hey? Hi! 3 00:01:49.810 --> 00:01:51.600 Peter Somogyvari: And also I 4 00:01:53.530 --> 00:01:57.490 Peter Somogyvari: did not have time to create an agenda. Let me. Just 5 00:01:58.630 --> 00:01:59.890 Peter Somogyvari: great one. Right? 6 00:02:03.840 --> 00:02:04.790 sandeep: Okay. 7 00:02:10.330 --> 00:02:11.980 Peter Somogyvari: I am in technical. 8 00:02:12.180 --> 00:02:14.140 Peter Somogyvari: And that 9 00:02:17.080 --> 00:02:18.100 Peter Somogyvari: actually 10 00:02:18.850 --> 00:02:23.029 Peter Somogyvari: add a few things to discuss just quick ones. 11 00:02:23.610 --> 00:02:25.900 Peter Somogyvari: Oh, yeah, the pool request 12 00:02:27.850 --> 00:02:29.640 sandeep: yeah. 13 00:02:30.080 --> 00:02:35.709 Peter Somogyvari: the second pull request about that fix that I made. 14 00:02:35.760 --> 00:02:38.369 Peter Somogyvari: or the open Api generator 15 00:02:39.760 --> 00:02:42.380 Peter Somogyvari: the way through to download. 16 00:02:46.390 --> 00:02:48.400 sandeep: Yeah, I think it got merged right. 17 00:02:49.750 --> 00:02:53.200 Peter Somogyvari: It did. Thanks for merging it, but it had a bug. 18 00:02:53.430 --> 00:02:54.870 sandeep: Oh, okay. 19 00:02:56.770 --> 00:03:03.460 Peter Somogyvari: it it was so silly of me. There was a race condition in the bug fix for the race condition classes. 20 00:03:06.970 --> 00:03:10.560 Peter Somogyvari: let me share my screen. 21 00:03:13.460 --> 00:03:14.530 Peter Somogyvari: Hey? Rama. 22 00:03:17.030 --> 00:03:18.840 Ramakrishna V: hey? 23 00:03:19.510 --> 00:03:20.500 Peter Somogyvari: No problem 24 00:03:27.030 --> 00:03:29.440 Peter Somogyvari: share screen. 25 00:03:32.100 --> 00:03:33.669 Peter Somogyvari: Can you see my screen? 26 00:03:34.130 --> 00:03:34.920 sandeep: Yeah. 27 00:03:35.430 --> 00:03:38.739 Peter Somogyvari: alright. So then we can start the actual meeting. 28 00:03:38.960 --> 00:03:47.249 Peter Somogyvari: Hello, and welcome everyone to the Maintainer's Meeting. We abide by the anti-school policy. Notice that I'm showing on the screen 29 00:03:47.920 --> 00:03:54.529 Peter Somogyvari: and also the Hyper ledger code of conduct which is linked to you from the agenda document which 30 00:03:54.770 --> 00:04:00.430 Peter Somogyvari: I just created about 10 s ago. But it's important to have it, because then we can 31 00:04:01.280 --> 00:04:03.630 Peter Somogyvari: document the meeting. 32 00:04:05.320 --> 00:04:08.310 Peter Somogyvari: So the one thing I had 33 00:04:09.380 --> 00:04:15.359 Peter Somogyvari: his well, 2 things, thanks for the Pr reviews, and the other one is that 34 00:04:17.209 --> 00:04:27.989 Peter Somogyvari: I had to sneak in a second fix to my previous fix to the concurrency issue with the Chore downloads. 35 00:04:29.020 --> 00:04:31.560 Peter Somogyvari: and so the 36 00:04:33.470 --> 00:04:37.110 Peter Somogyvari: all requests that I submitted 37 00:04:37.960 --> 00:04:42.459 Peter Somogyvari: to fix a docker container issue. 38 00:04:43.770 --> 00:04:47.729 Peter Somogyvari: Yeah, share this. yeah. So here's the. 39 00:04:49.530 --> 00:04:52.999 Peter Somogyvari: here's the fix. I basically just made it so that 40 00:04:54.120 --> 00:04:59.709 Peter Somogyvari: it deletes the open Api to straighten file once, and it forces it so that 41 00:05:00.260 --> 00:05:05.179 Peter Somogyvari: even if it fails to delete because of whatever reasons, it doesn't fail 42 00:05:05.940 --> 00:05:10.510 Peter Somogyvari: the process itself. So what will this now put together? 43 00:05:11.870 --> 00:05:20.259 Peter Somogyvari: The code generation task should be parallel to running, but it should not have race conditions. And then the actual pull request 44 00:05:20.620 --> 00:05:24.000 Peter Somogyvari: just about upgrading the fabric images. 45 00:05:25.600 --> 00:05:30.439 Peter Somogyvari: but yeah. So the the reason I'm talking about all this is because 46 00:05:31.130 --> 00:05:46.060 Peter Somogyvari: I had to modify the commit message to say that also sneaking the hard fix, and also because I'm asking for reviews on this in an expedited manner, just because it has a bug fixed that 47 00:05:46.550 --> 00:05:54.130 Peter Somogyvari: hopefully makes the cr it more stable, which is something that we desperately need, because it's been a 48 00:05:55.170 --> 00:06:05.429 Peter Somogyvari: slowing down progress a lot. Just the fact that the Ci takes too long, and then it has to be retried a bunch of times. But it fails with false negatives. 49 00:06:07.090 --> 00:06:07.940 sandeep: Yeah. 50 00:06:10.660 --> 00:06:14.799 Peter Somogyvari: I don't know. 51 00:06:16.470 --> 00:06:17.330 sandeep: Yeah. 52 00:06:21.040 --> 00:06:23.049 Peter Somogyvari: yeah, so that's a lie. Head 53 00:06:25.440 --> 00:06:36.060 sandeep: RAM, I, you had some questions about adding the interns to be reported. 54 00:06:37.320 --> 00:06:38.710 Ramakrishna V: oh, 55 00:06:39.600 --> 00:06:52.889 Ramakrishna V: yeah, just for that, just wanted to say that I'm working on the documentation so made some progress. Not yet, it should go. But I should have something to show you pretty soon. 56 00:06:55.260 --> 00:06:57.000 Peter Somogyvari: That sounds great. Thank you. 57 00:06:58.640 --> 00:07:03.479 Ramakrishna V: and yeah on the interns so 58 00:07:03.710 --> 00:07:05.850 Ramakrishna V: how do we 59 00:07:06.530 --> 00:07:11.730 Ramakrishna V: like do the interns have to join the hypothesis organization. 60 00:07:12.220 --> 00:07:15.530 Peter Somogyvari: They don't have to, you know, but 61 00:07:16.740 --> 00:07:18.050 Peter Somogyvari: by they can. 62 00:07:18.940 --> 00:07:25.930 Peter Somogyvari: It's I guess it's more of a question for rye. but I'm pretty sure that if they want to join they can. 63 00:07:27.360 --> 00:07:32.650 Ramakrishna V: if I have to assign an issue to them. Their name doesn't appear in the list. 64 00:07:35.660 --> 00:07:40.309 Peter Somogyvari: That's right, then that is because they are not in the organization. 65 00:07:40.560 --> 00:07:41.370 Ramakrishna V: Yeah. 66 00:07:41.590 --> 00:07:45.960 Peter Somogyvari: And they don't have. They also have to have at least 67 00:07:46.110 --> 00:07:55.210 Peter Somogyvari: permission on the repository. but you cannot give them the permission unless they join the organization first. 68 00:07:55.700 --> 00:08:02.710 Peter Somogyvari: So it's a multi-step process. But if you don't want to deal with all of that. The other alternative is 69 00:08:03.410 --> 00:08:11.859 Peter Somogyvari: to ask them to comment on the issue, saying, Hey, I would like to work on this, or literally anything else. It doesn't matter. It's just that 70 00:08:12.530 --> 00:08:18.950 Peter Somogyvari: Github automatically gives you permission to assign the issue to their names 71 00:08:19.380 --> 00:08:23.700 Peter Somogyvari: once they commented on it. And the reason they do it this way is because 72 00:08:25.200 --> 00:08:26.880 Peter Somogyvari: people have been 73 00:08:27.210 --> 00:08:34.160 Peter Somogyvari: abusing other people by assigning issues to them without them asking for it, and then 74 00:08:34.429 --> 00:08:43.399 Peter Somogyvari: they would have something mean or a death threat, or some crazy stuff in the issue description that had nothing to do with the actual like open source software at all. 75 00:08:44.610 --> 00:08:51.150 Peter Somogyvari: So they they made this permission system for a reason. But for us it's kind of annoying because it's religious. 76 00:08:51.230 --> 00:08:53.320 Peter Somogyvari: Some extra h that you have to come. 77 00:08:54.650 --> 00:08:57.739 Ramakrishna V: Not okay. that makes sense. 78 00:08:58.010 --> 00:09:03.970 Ramakrishna V: If he if they did want to join the organization we had to. Right? Right? 79 00:09:05.610 --> 00:09:11.560 Ramakrishna V: Yes, and they also change that. So you don't message right 80 00:09:12.020 --> 00:09:17.430 Peter Somogyvari: directly anymore. You just go to the 81 00:09:18.830 --> 00:09:22.710 Peter Somogyvari: either the to or some other repository. I don't remember 82 00:09:23.530 --> 00:09:24.270 sorry. 83 00:09:24.760 --> 00:09:35.019 Peter Somogyvari: and you open an issue. and they have a template that you can fill out that ask the questions of, Okay, who is this person? What is the Github username? 84 00:09:35.440 --> 00:09:40.829 Peter Somogyvari: What's their email? And then rye sees that issue, and then he 85 00:09:41.090 --> 00:09:52.219 Peter Somogyvari: as them to the org. So the whole old way of just a messaging ride directly is not recommended anymore, because he was quite overwhelmed with 86 00:09:54.520 --> 00:10:05.520 Ramakrishna V: I, if I remember correctly the they also to email community architects. But I don't know if that's the same thing you're supposed to follow, or 87 00:10:07.710 --> 00:10:13.609 Peter Somogyvari: let me double check the link because I have it somewhere. I can look it up 88 00:10:14.670 --> 00:10:16.670 Peter Somogyvari: because I was just doing it 89 00:10:17.630 --> 00:10:21.180 Peter Somogyvari: for someone who just joined my team 90 00:10:21.730 --> 00:10:26.250 Peter Somogyvari: as well. So if you if you give me a minute, I can 91 00:10:26.470 --> 00:10:27.849 Peter Somogyvari: get the link for you. 92 00:10:28.210 --> 00:10:29.000 Ramakrishna V: Yeah. 93 00:10:33.160 --> 00:10:36.260 Peter Somogyvari: Oh, yeah, it's not the Tooc repo, it's 94 00:10:37.610 --> 00:10:41.330 Peter Somogyvari: governance repo. And then this is the link 95 00:10:42.040 --> 00:10:51.499 Peter Somogyvari: you click on the link that just takes you straight to the the new issue creation. And then there's one template specifically that you can choose for 96 00:10:52.600 --> 00:10:56.820 Peter Somogyvari: add someone to the hyper electric. You have work with the first one. 97 00:10:57.200 --> 00:10:59.480 Ramakrishna V: Got it. Okay, thanks a lot. 98 00:11:00.260 --> 00:11:01.830 Peter Somogyvari: No problem 99 00:11:06.430 --> 00:11:15.289 Ramakrishna V: other than that. So Rye moved all of our shoes from the weaver report to that time. So 100 00:11:15.580 --> 00:11:25.950 Ramakrishna V: yeah, officially, we kind of set. I mean the we were we still keeping around, because there is an active dependency there. 101 00:11:26.260 --> 00:11:28.900 Ramakrishna V: so 102 00:11:29.250 --> 00:11:33.940 Ramakrishna V: but you know, as soon as the dependency gets 103 00:11:34.950 --> 00:11:39.120 Ramakrishna V: I mean, as soon as they say they don't need it anymore. Then we can. 104 00:11:40.470 --> 00:11:46.700 Peter Somogyvari: Okay, yeah, that's fine. By me. I don't want to rush you or anything. 105 00:11:46.810 --> 00:11:49.689 Peter Somogyvari: If there's anything I can help with, just let me know. 106 00:11:50.960 --> 00:11:58.709 Ramakrishna V: Sure. Thanks. Yeah. But any anything new we are doing on the backpack. So that repo, we just making some 107 00:11:58.960 --> 00:12:02.330 Ramakrishna V: vulnerability updates with them. 108 00:12:03.320 --> 00:12:07.640 Peter Somogyvari: Yeah, that's good to know. That's I mean, it was always going to be 109 00:12:08.260 --> 00:12:15.690 Peter Somogyvari: the gradual migration. It would have been impossible to to do everything all at once. 110 00:12:15.880 --> 00:12:21.250 Peter Somogyvari: We we're still working with some details, and we will continue working on some of them. 111 00:12:21.500 --> 00:12:26.680 Ramakrishna V: The important thing, in my opinion, is that now we have the code in the same repository, and 112 00:12:26.910 --> 00:12:32.979 Peter Somogyvari: and you're working together. We have communication, and we have the issues in the port request and all that. 113 00:12:33.950 --> 00:12:34.730 Ramakrishna V: Yep. 114 00:12:42.440 --> 00:12:44.770 Ramakrishna V: that somebody is there anything else. 115 00:12:46.360 --> 00:12:47.320 sandeep: you know? 116 00:12:50.420 --> 00:12:51.320 Ramakrishna V: Okay. 117 00:12:53.050 --> 00:13:00.659 Peter Somogyvari: all right. I don't have anything else, either, and I don't know if so, we wanted to join, maybe couldn't make it today. 118 00:13:00.740 --> 00:13:08.520 Ramakrishna V: Yeah, I just didn't have time to read this code. So okay, then. 119 00:13:09.470 --> 00:13:14.350 Peter Somogyvari: that's cool. And we can talk next time and thanks everyone for joining. 120 00:13:14.940 --> 00:13:17.139 sandeep: Okay, thanks. 121 00:13:17.180 --> 00:13:19.080 Ramakrishna V: Bye, bye.