WEBVTT 1 00:07:26.670 --> 00:07:28.619 Timo Glastra: Good afternoon, everyone. 2 00:07:32.370 --> 00:07:33.360 Kalin Canov: Good afternoon 3 00:07:35.380 --> 00:07:36.280 Charles Lanahan: definitely. 4 00:07:38.270 --> 00:07:41.050 Jorge Flores: I'm on. Good day tomorrow. 5 00:07:41.530 --> 00:07:42.490 Timo Glastra: Hi, there! 6 00:07:45.270 --> 00:07:49.729 Timo Glastra: So let me share a link again. 7 00:07:52.390 --> 00:07:55.770 Timo Glastra: Let's wait one more minutes and we can get started. 8 00:08:22.330 --> 00:08:23.320 Timo Glastra: All right. 9 00:08:23.660 --> 00:08:31.690 Timo Glastra: Let's get started. look, I've run today, or something with Javascript working recall of June fifteenth. 10 00:08:31.870 --> 00:08:52.900 Timo Glastra: I need to remember you to buy but a high pledge of conduct and the anti-trust policy. and if you would like to add yourself to the tennis list for free to do so. I've shared the meeting links in the chat. is anyone new here today that would like to introduce themselves or share what they're working on. 11 00:08:54.680 --> 00:08:57.749 Kalin Canov: Well, maybe me. I can start 12 00:08:58.470 --> 00:09:08.849 Kalin Canov: I've been once, I think, on on that meeting, but was kind of a like a year ago or so. My name is Colin. 13 00:09:08.860 --> 00:09:12.460 Kalin Canov: and we are from the Rain Company. 14 00:09:12.950 --> 00:09:21.740 Kalin Canov: So we're working on an interesting project related to you. I mean, related to exchanging data and information through a did call message. 15 00:09:21.790 --> 00:09:26.949 And one of the reason why I here just to check, maybe later on, there is a Q. And a session 16 00:09:27.260 --> 00:09:39.700 Kalin Canov: in regards to Didcom version 2. I think there is a branch there and just wanted to see if someone is working. If company is, there is someone assign it. If there is a definite tasks. 17 00:09:40.430 --> 00:09:46.150 Kalin Canov: and if there is a to find a task which are kind of a clear, maybe we can 18 00:09:46.350 --> 00:09:51.960 Kalin Canov: to share some of our great developers, to to help and finalize that 19 00:09:52.510 --> 00:09:54.410 Kalin Canov: not part of the framework. 20 00:09:56.160 --> 00:10:07.299 Timo Glastra: Yeah, cool. Good here and welcome. I think I added it for the agenda for today. if Artem is here to give an update, but we can definitely discuss it. Yeah. 21 00:10:07.520 --> 00:10:08.320 Timo Glastra: cool. 22 00:10:08.670 --> 00:10:09.700 Kalin Canov: Very good. 23 00:10:10.100 --> 00:10:11.610 Kalin Canov: Who knows? 24 00:10:13.450 --> 00:10:21.760 Jorge Flores: Everyone. I'm Laura here, float us I'm here with a couple of my team members first time on this call. 25 00:10:21.900 --> 00:10:26.010 Jorge Flores: we've been long time followers of the Ariz community 26 00:10:26.240 --> 00:10:34.760 Jorge Flores: consumers of of the work. that this great community has been contributing we are 27 00:10:34.780 --> 00:10:43.829 Jorge Flores: part of that, we're a social impact startup who are in the process of building technology for underserved communities. 28 00:10:43.900 --> 00:10:46.559 Jorge Flores: and our first used case is 29 00:10:46.850 --> 00:10:49.909 Jorge Flores: for a farm worker. 30 00:10:49.990 --> 00:10:51.669 Jorge Flores: Mobile wallet 31 00:10:51.990 --> 00:10:55.769 Jorge Flores: actually built on top of Aries. 32 00:10:56.330 --> 00:10:59.480 And we're hoping for an opportunity to present today 33 00:10:59.500 --> 00:11:03.049 Jorge Flores: a demo of a low code wallet engine 34 00:11:03.160 --> 00:11:08.909 Jorge Flores: that is built on top of this great community. The Ares framework. Javascript. 35 00:11:09.070 --> 00:11:41.779 Timo Glastra: cool. Yeah. definitely want to have that demo. So I think we can edit to the to the to the end of the agenda. we do really. want to discuss some wallet Api stuff today, because we've, I think, already postponed it for like 6 6 weeks but if there's still time left, and otherwise we can put it first thing on next week's call. If that's okay. 36 00:11:41.780 --> 00:11:44.899 Ariel Gentile: if we can do this demo before, because 37 00:11:44.990 --> 00:11:51.700 Ariel Gentile: I know that for her case is very hard to to. I think this meeting is 6 Am. They are so 38 00:11:52.090 --> 00:12:00.299 Ariel Gentile: I prefer to to just and be sure that that he will be able to do this stuff, because 39 00:12:00.430 --> 00:12:01.130 you know. 40 00:12:01.350 --> 00:12:04.430 Timo Glastra: okay. 41 00:12:06.340 --> 00:12:20.850 Timo Glastra: yeah, no. Cool. Then don't worry it it. The Api will be very, very quick as well. So don't worry about it. Yeah, yeah, no. I just want I didn't want to push you forward again. But if you're okay with it and 42 00:12:21.500 --> 00:12:26.340 Timo Glastra: cool anyone else that would like to introduce themselves. 43 00:12:26.640 --> 00:12:28.150 Zdravko Iliev: Okay, everyone. 44 00:12:28.160 --> 00:12:36.280 Zdravko Iliev: I'm Colleen is my teammate, and he already explains about the our project. 45 00:12:37.850 --> 00:12:51.719 Timo Glastra: Cool, good to have here. They also together with us. We have, Bobby, I think you a couple of times you exchange some messages back and forth with Bobby. He's also, I mean from our team, together with Alex saloon in. So 46 00:12:52.460 --> 00:12:55.379 Kalin Canov: I think you might already, I mean, at least virtually. 47 00:12:55.400 --> 00:12:59.669 And if I'm not mistaken, last week you met in in jury 48 00:12:59.770 --> 00:13:03.470 Kalin Canov: our. C, 49 00:13:03.520 --> 00:13:13.779 Timo Glastra: yeah, the discussion. I'm I'm did comfy, too. And yeah, he said, your team will join this week's call So 50 00:13:15.920 --> 00:13:22.450 Timo Glastra: cool. well, I see Yaku based on the call. Also again today, welcome, Yaku. 51 00:13:22.500 --> 00:13:24.230 Timo Glastra: Long time. No see? 52 00:13:24.530 --> 00:13:30.210 Timo Glastra: yeah. Hi, hi, guys, bye, guys for a long time. So yeah. 53 00:13:30.300 --> 00:13:34.410 Jakub Koci: today, just just watching from like, only but 54 00:13:34.470 --> 00:13:36.109 Jakub Koci: great to be here again. 55 00:13:36.280 --> 00:13:37.690 Timo Glastra: Yeah, cool. 56 00:13:39.260 --> 00:14:00.209 Timo Glastra: Okay. So on the agenda for today. we have a demo from our hey? I want to do a quick update on 0 for 0 release, just like we have released it. What state is What's next steps? and we have to wallet Api discussion. 57 00:14:00.670 --> 00:14:20.989 Timo Glastra: we have a discomfort to discussion. If our item is here today, and otherwise like, let's see what blocks left, and how can we get it merged? And then there was some stuff on the Revocation Pr. From Ariel and and other open issues, Pr, and and and that kind of stuff, any any important things we need to add to the agenda 58 00:14:21.030 --> 00:14:28.020 Timo Glastra: Otherwise we can also add them to the future topics, or for next week. But yeah, please shout if you if you want something discussed. 59 00:14:38.090 --> 00:14:41.159 Timo Glastra: all right, then 60 00:14:41.320 --> 00:14:44.839 Timo Glastra: or hey, can you? Do you want to share your screen? 61 00:14:45.250 --> 00:14:56.279 Jorge Flores: Yeah. So we'll just do. Briefly. I'll just introduce kind of the the project, and just have a couple of slides, and then I'll hand it over to Acker, who actually be presenting the demo 62 00:14:57.590 --> 00:14:58.620 Timo Glastra: perfect. 63 00:15:12.010 --> 00:15:18.159 Jorge Flores: Okay? So to begin just to get some context what we're doing is 64 00:15:18.250 --> 00:15:23.229 Jorge Flores: we, we're building an Ares digital trust ecosystem 65 00:15:23.290 --> 00:15:32.870 Jorge Flores: to facilitate phone work or serving organizations to transact digitally in a secure and privacy for certain matter. 66 00:15:32.880 --> 00:15:43.389 Jorge Flores: historically, here in the Us. by the way, we're we're based on the United States. I'm in Southern California, and our current is in South Africa. 67 00:15:43.580 --> 00:15:49.330 Jorge Flores: Historically, the farmers are excluded from us labor laws. 68 00:15:49.580 --> 00:15:53.169 Jorge Flores: and you know their essential workforce 69 00:15:53.200 --> 00:15:55.030 the back of our food supply chain. 70 00:15:55.180 --> 00:16:06.939 Jorge Flores: And so we're open that with technology that we're building will allow farm workers to be able to trust trust technology, learn to trust technology 71 00:16:07.440 --> 00:16:18.479 Jorge Flores: and be able to. Do. You know, transact digitally? this is an example. These are screenshots of a of an app that we've developed on top of. it's a react native app. 72 00:16:18.810 --> 00:16:31.149 Jorge Flores: and the idea that for the for the app is to serve as a single channel from a farm worker perspective, a wallet holder can 73 00:16:31.270 --> 00:16:36.599 Jorge Flores: build a digital identity profile that makes it easier for them to access services 74 00:16:37.730 --> 00:16:42.150 Jorge Flores: So this, this this app we call that Spanish for get ready 75 00:16:42.290 --> 00:16:58.549 Jorge Flores: prepare yourself, and that's in the context of a farmer or large, comprehensive farm worker immigration reform that we're expecting from from our government to give farm workers a past to 76 00:16:58.550 --> 00:17:15.109 Jorge Flores: legal residency or citizenship. And so the idea is that here's an app where you can collect your information, build your identity profile, and then have the means to in Aries enabled ecosystem Gdc, credential exchange, etc., to be able to transact 77 00:17:15.619 --> 00:17:20.630 Jorge Flores: And so we have one service that's live in the in the app. and that is allevi 78 00:17:20.869 --> 00:17:26.050 Jorge Flores: the pandemic relief. It's a program. 79 00:17:26.109 --> 00:17:37.699 Jorge Flores: funded. By the by, the you you United States Department of Agriculture. So our client the United the United Phone Workers Foundation 80 00:17:37.720 --> 00:17:41.179 Jorge Flores: and a Sixist organizations were recipient of the current 81 00:17:41.230 --> 00:17:50.799 Jorge Flores: from the Usda of almost a hundred 1 million dollars to distribute in direct pandemic assistance to eligible farm workers in the form of $600 payments. 82 00:17:52.580 --> 00:17:58.589 Jorge Flores: so that's kind of been on a show we we're at 83 00:17:58.850 --> 00:18:01.040 And now I'll pass it over to 84 00:18:01.130 --> 00:18:03.949 Jorge Flores: to present 85 00:18:04.290 --> 00:18:13.519 Jorge Flores: the framework that we we develop on top of Aries. Js, that really serves as the wallet engine for the app. 86 00:18:13.620 --> 00:18:21.480 Jorge Flores: And the idea is that this we're building on top of a low code platform. And the idea is that we could take this wet wallet engine 87 00:18:21.590 --> 00:18:33.170 Jorge Flores: and allow other communities, other developers to build similar apps for their respective constituents. So I'll just that's over to. Okay. 88 00:18:34.610 --> 00:18:40.950 Ockert van Schalkwyk: Hello, everybody. I'm okay. Also from into that. And I'll show you some of our progress. 89 00:18:45.590 --> 00:18:47.279 Ockert van Schalkwyk: Just a second. 90 00:18:50.060 --> 00:18:51.559 Ockert van Schalkwyk: And you see my screen. 91 00:18:52.540 --> 00:18:53.380 Timo Glastra: Yeah. 92 00:18:56.180 --> 00:18:57.510 Ockert van Schalkwyk: Okay. 93 00:18:57.840 --> 00:19:06.420 Ockert van Schalkwyk: On the left hand side we have the BC wallet demo. And on the right hand side is the 94 00:19:06.880 --> 00:19:10.710 Ockert van Schalkwyk: progress, using every chase in our platform. Index. 95 00:19:10.820 --> 00:19:14.890 Ockert van Schalkwyk: No, just fire up. The agent whoops 96 00:20:02.420 --> 00:20:04.050 Ockert van Schalkwyk: just a second. 97 00:20:08.790 --> 00:20:10.180 Ockert van Schalkwyk: Go ahead again. 98 00:20:28.040 --> 00:20:29.810 Ockert van Schalkwyk: It would not. 99 00:21:15.210 --> 00:21:21.110 Ockert van Schalkwyk: Okay. So our agents initialized and we can get started with the BC. Demo. 100 00:21:32.410 --> 00:21:37.079 Ockert van Schalkwyk: and we're not gonna use this wallet. We can use. Our own agent 101 00:21:38.340 --> 00:21:40.170 Ockert van Schalkwyk: established the connection. 102 00:21:48.790 --> 00:21:59.450 Ockert van Schalkwyk: and there's a connection established. We from base PC, college. And there's a credential claim student. First. 103 00:22:00.040 --> 00:22:01.409 all right. 104 00:22:16.120 --> 00:22:19.470 Ockert van Schalkwyk: Okay, and then we can go move on with the next of the 105 00:22:20.830 --> 00:22:21.670 Ockert van Schalkwyk: and 106 00:22:22.230 --> 00:22:25.719 where you can get a discount like an online store. 107 00:22:26.290 --> 00:22:31.220 Ockert van Schalkwyk: And we have this. the connection is established with, we see college. 108 00:22:31.400 --> 00:22:37.600 Ockert van Schalkwyk: and we have, the single credential student card. And with that 109 00:22:38.000 --> 00:22:39.220 Ockert van Schalkwyk: credential 110 00:22:39.660 --> 00:22:41.599 and the connection to. 111 00:22:41.690 --> 00:22:48.700 Ockert van Schalkwyk: we're going to establish a cool connection to cool, close online. And we can student card. 112 00:23:01.260 --> 00:23:03.580 Ockert van Schalkwyk: And now cool, close online. 113 00:23:03.600 --> 00:23:06.399 wants us to present our student card. 114 00:23:25.220 --> 00:23:29.989 Ockert van Schalkwyk: And the next one we want to book a study room. I need our student code again. 115 00:24:04.080 --> 00:24:10.750 Ockert van Schalkwyk: And that concludes the demonstration for this. We can also demonstrate. 116 00:24:12.680 --> 00:24:15.100 Ockert van Schalkwyk: that. 117 00:24:15.590 --> 00:24:20.180 Ockert van Schalkwyk: So on the left hand side, I have another phone that I'm mirroring. 118 00:24:20.430 --> 00:24:21.870 We can 119 00:24:24.170 --> 00:24:25.949 just second 120 00:24:37.040 --> 00:24:39.369 Ockert van Schalkwyk: start the agent this side. 121 00:25:02.840 --> 00:25:04.910 Ockert van Schalkwyk: we can produce the invite. 122 00:25:08.020 --> 00:25:10.130 Ockert van Schalkwyk: scan it with the other phone. 123 00:25:14.720 --> 00:25:20.649 Ockert van Schalkwyk: So now are established in the 2 license. 124 00:25:20.720 --> 00:25:23.239 Ockert van Schalkwyk: and we can use that call messaging. 125 00:25:24.550 --> 00:25:30.330 Ockert van Schalkwyk: you know, basic checks. 126 00:25:41.640 --> 00:25:43.490 That's what we have to demonstrate. 127 00:25:51.950 --> 00:25:52.730 Timo Glastra: Cool. 128 00:25:54.110 --> 00:25:55.500 Timo Glastra: I 129 00:25:56.130 --> 00:26:05.449 Timo Glastra: I would be curious. Could you tell a bit more on the like? The the mending part of it and the the the low code stuff? 130 00:26:06.450 --> 00:26:09.599 Ockert van Schalkwyk: Okay, yes, that's also relevant. 131 00:26:09.750 --> 00:26:14.410 I'll show you a bit more about the tool. Can you see the screen? 132 00:26:16.630 --> 00:26:23.910 Ockert van Schalkwyk: so this is the ide. It's a very graphical kind of way of programming. 133 00:26:24.260 --> 00:26:30.549 Ockert van Schalkwyk: You have a database designer. You can set up your tables entities, as they call it. 134 00:26:31.070 --> 00:26:34.910 in Mendix you have a a 135 00:26:35.940 --> 00:26:52.250 Ockert van Schalkwyk: where you can design your flows and flows, can execute in a client or on the server. The survey executes in Java and in the client in Javascript, the Javascript and the Javascript run their browser all in in react native. 136 00:26:52.530 --> 00:26:59.660 Ockert van Schalkwyk: and you can extend the stock actions with custom actions. For example, this one 137 00:27:00.060 --> 00:27:01.589 it's 138 00:27:04.250 --> 00:27:07.610 Ockert van Schalkwyk: deleting the connection by Id. 139 00:27:07.810 --> 00:27:13.450 Ockert van Schalkwyk: and then you can create your own custom actions. And we're using 140 00:27:15.150 --> 00:27:18.189 Ockert van Schalkwyk: Aries. I have J 141 00:27:20.250 --> 00:27:26.339 Ockert van Schalkwyk: connections, and for the manage also as a graphical page designer. 142 00:27:26.350 --> 00:27:31.030 Ockert van Schalkwyk: So you, you can also very easily design 143 00:27:31.740 --> 00:27:36.340 Ockert van Schalkwyk: pages, buttons inputs, and things of this nature. 144 00:27:37.660 --> 00:27:43.530 Ockert van Schalkwyk: And we took the most of the library and 145 00:27:43.950 --> 00:27:45.770 created custom 146 00:27:46.090 --> 00:27:47.500 Ockert van Schalkwyk: actions. 147 00:27:47.960 --> 00:27:51.129 Ockert van Schalkwyk: for most of the Api functions. 148 00:27:57.660 --> 00:28:01.689 Ockert van Schalkwyk: and that's a bit more about the Mendics tool tool that we're using. 149 00:28:05.730 --> 00:28:11.810 Jorge Flores: I just add a little more little more color to to. To Mendix 150 00:28:12.210 --> 00:28:13.720 Jorge Flores: Mendix is a 151 00:28:14.060 --> 00:28:20.940 Jorge Flores: local platform, their their leader in in in that particular space is a low code application platform. 152 00:28:21.160 --> 00:28:23.090 Jorge Flores: if you look up 153 00:28:23.320 --> 00:28:25.979 Jorge Flores: if you go to mendix.com 154 00:28:26.570 --> 00:28:29.869 Jorge Flores: Their their leader is in the Gartner Magic Quadrant. 155 00:28:30.000 --> 00:28:31.970 Jorge Flores: mendix. 156 00:28:32.000 --> 00:28:34.559 Jorge Flores: both 157 00:28:34.960 --> 00:28:41.060 Jorge Flores: a thriving developer community of 300,000 across the across the globe. 158 00:28:41.310 --> 00:29:03.520 Jorge Flores: And so it's, it's pretty active communities. There's a there's a public marketplace where you find functionality that's published by other developers. Some of some of it is for pay a lot of it is open source. And that's you know, part of the valid proposition for us as a 159 00:29:03.630 --> 00:29:10.119 Jorge Flores: technology provider serving working with nonprofit organizations. 160 00:29:10.400 --> 00:29:13.179 Jorge Flores: It really is a great tool for us to be able to build 161 00:29:13.280 --> 00:29:18.530 Jorge Flores: high quality security first applications 162 00:29:19.180 --> 00:29:20.250 and 163 00:29:20.760 --> 00:29:28.050 Jorge Flores: and and do it in a way where you know we you don't need an army. you can. You can get to market very quickly 164 00:29:28.180 --> 00:29:36.279 Jorge Flores: with with this platform. And so it's it's been great for us. and we hope to be able to contribute some of the work that we've done 165 00:29:36.410 --> 00:29:39.429 Jorge Flores: to, to to open source it 166 00:29:39.610 --> 00:29:53.969 Jorge Flores: like this this wallet engine that that I could just download. The idea is that any Mendix developer can import that areas SDK module into their app project and immediately start to be able to leverage 167 00:29:54.020 --> 00:29:56.749 Jorge Flores: that functionality, to 168 00:29:56.880 --> 00:30:00.300 Jorge Flores: to continue to build the, you know, on your ecosystems. 169 00:30:04.150 --> 00:30:06.839 Timo Glastra: Cool. That's that's really cool to hear 170 00:30:10.340 --> 00:30:11.040 Jorge Flores: awesome 171 00:30:11.430 --> 00:30:15.349 Timo Glastra: any questions from from people 172 00:30:26.710 --> 00:30:39.229 Timo Glastra: cool. I think there was a a question in the chat on what to build on Reag, native. I I think you answered it. anything. It's it's built on like it is built on reactive right with the menux platform. 173 00:30:39.660 --> 00:30:40.940 Jorge Flores: That's correct. Yeah. 174 00:30:41.210 --> 00:30:52.009 Jorge Flores: So the way it works is, you build your apps in in the studio, the the designer. And then, there's a build there's a build capability 175 00:30:52.030 --> 00:31:07.599 Jorge Flores: that kind of where it allows you to. Also, in a in a graphical builder, a ui that takes a native template that's been customized by Mendics to be able to inject their dependencies into into a react native framework. 176 00:31:07.630 --> 00:31:11.219 Jorge Flores: And so so all of the dependencies that you introduce 177 00:31:11.370 --> 00:31:20.500 Jorge Flores: have to be compiled into that native template. And then you you you have the ability to to build your apps, but it it's pretty active. Yes. 178 00:31:22.000 --> 00:31:26.690 Ockert van Schalkwyk: and then also with it as a service side component which could 179 00:31:26.740 --> 00:31:28.970 Ockert van Schalkwyk: easily integrate with 180 00:31:29.030 --> 00:31:31.740 Ockert van Schalkwyk: a Fj 181 00:31:32.530 --> 00:31:33.830 Ockert van Schalkwyk: by using race. 182 00:31:34.780 --> 00:31:36.670 Timo Glastra: Yeah, yeah, exactly. 183 00:31:38.980 --> 00:31:39.790 Timo Glastra: Oh. 184 00:31:42.160 --> 00:31:49.750 Ariel Gentile: and you're you're now on the 0 3 release, or or have you up upgrade to the 0 4 of I of sh 185 00:31:53.520 --> 00:31:56.869 Jorge Flores: I I think that the 186 00:31:57.350 --> 00:31:58.560 Jorge Flores: the 187 00:31:59.500 --> 00:32:06.539 Jorge Flores: Oh, I'm I'm sorry it's it's a versioning actually, it's a good question for Acker like, what what version of the 188 00:32:06.780 --> 00:32:10.990 Jorge Flores: A Aries? Js, did did you? Did you present today? 189 00:32:13.710 --> 00:32:16.310 Ockert van Schalkwyk: 0 point 3.3? 190 00:32:16.900 --> 00:32:17.570 Okay. 191 00:32:18.820 --> 00:32:19.620 Timo Glastra: yeah. 192 00:32:21.790 --> 00:32:23.210 Jorge Flores: One of the things 193 00:32:23.520 --> 00:32:28.620 Jorge Flores: we, we've been kind of working on. We introduce. 194 00:32:28.830 --> 00:32:32.179 Jorge Flores: the concept of 195 00:32:32.640 --> 00:32:42.069 Jorge Flores: contributing this this package to you basically want to open source it. And we've been following the conversation around the open wallet foundation. 196 00:32:42.400 --> 00:32:43.560 Jorge Flores: and 197 00:32:43.820 --> 00:32:50.799 Jorge Flores: we we had been preparing to present this as as kind of a project for that open wallet foundation. 198 00:32:50.820 --> 00:32:56.860 Jorge Flores: But, You can follow this conversation with the airs community, and you know it, just 199 00:32:57.100 --> 00:33:00.000 Jorge Flores: trying to see how that plays out. 200 00:33:00.360 --> 00:33:07.439 Jorge Flores: we we wanted to the opportunity to present this work to the Aries community. Just so you guys are aware that 201 00:33:07.900 --> 00:33:12.670 Jorge Flores: there, there are folks out there that are actually building on top of your great work. 202 00:33:12.900 --> 00:33:15.030 Jorge Flores: And hopefully. 203 00:33:15.050 --> 00:33:19.570 Jorge Flores: if if we if we move forward with the open while foundation 204 00:33:19.600 --> 00:33:23.740 Jorge Flores: that that's you know, we just we wanted to make sure that that wasn't going to be 205 00:33:23.810 --> 00:33:36.500 Jorge Flores: a A of friction with with the community. But I think that based on yesterday's I think that the collaboration there, or the interesting collaborating is, is there? So 206 00:33:37.170 --> 00:33:37.910 Jorge Flores: okay. 207 00:33:38.560 --> 00:33:54.239 Timo Glastra: yeah, yeah, I think we we can go into the discussion of oh, yeah. Owf, and I rise maybe a bit later, if you have some more time yeah, but cool, I think. either one is fine, I think. yeah. 208 00:33:54.730 --> 00:33:57.380 Timo Glastra: over to. 209 00:33:58.730 --> 00:34:10.080 Alberto Leon: Yep. Hello! nice to meet you, Barry. Nice to meet you. This is my first time joining this meeting. Just a quick question for you, for me. 210 00:34:10.310 --> 00:34:17.459 Alberto Leon: Is there any way? Or have you considered a solution to build on top of existing apps? 211 00:34:17.489 --> 00:34:22.709 Alberto Leon: So let's say, ha! I have an in native Ios, or need of android. 212 00:34:22.850 --> 00:34:33.920 Alberto Leon: Is there a way I can integrate a wallet? SDK functionality. So I can do like, for example, send proof requests offer credential 213 00:34:34.080 --> 00:34:58.020 Alberto Leon: Is there anything like that? that you've thought of? Or maybe not even just record it. But for everyone else. If there's anything similar to that, because I think the community has like bipol right? Which is in react native project that you can go from 0. But what if there's a used case or business use case where someone wants to get credentials on an existing app? 214 00:34:58.760 --> 00:35:09.439 Jorge Flores: Yeah. So that's that's pretty much what we've done an. And I think if you can show him the the Npm, they'll come out so that you can take your existing react native 215 00:35:09.770 --> 00:35:20.800 Jorge Flores: a solution, and just add the the Aries Js dependencies. I think you just have to add the every's framework, the core, and the in the 216 00:35:21.010 --> 00:35:30.449 Alberto Leon: right. But what if I have a let's say an objective see app, or a swift app like a native? 217 00:35:31.210 --> 00:35:32.000 Jorge Flores: I see 218 00:35:32.420 --> 00:35:37.620 Jorge Flores: I I I'm not a entirely familiar with some of the other. 219 00:35:38.610 --> 00:35:43.489 Jorge Flores: Aries project, but I I believe I see I keep seeing an airy stammer in 220 00:35:43.620 --> 00:35:51.450 Jorge Flores: working group example, but I don't know. I think maybe someone else from the community can answer that. So 221 00:35:53.470 --> 00:35:58.720 Timo Glastra: Warren is your Do you want to answer that question, or do you have a separate question? 222 00:35:59.980 --> 00:36:08.629 Warren Gallagher: I have a partial answer to that question, I think. one is that I believe that the Xamarin 223 00:36:08.970 --> 00:36:18.270 Warren Gallagher: base is not being actively pursued. I may be mistaken about that. I'm not really plugged into that. but that's my impression. 224 00:36:18.550 --> 00:36:23.079 Warren Gallagher: But there was also a project presented 225 00:36:23.090 --> 00:36:33.610 Warren Gallagher: in one of the areas meetings. I think I may have been at a pug which was a swift implementation that has been offered up 226 00:36:34.060 --> 00:36:39.669 Warren Gallagher: to the community. so it's not based on a Fj, it's a completely new. 227 00:36:39.710 --> 00:36:47.130 Warren Gallagher: I think it may be model on a but it's a completely new implementation based on on swift 228 00:36:47.480 --> 00:36:51.140 Warren Gallagher: And for the Android side, I don't really know. 229 00:36:53.360 --> 00:37:09.989 Timo Glastra: Yeah, yeah, I think I filed the the swift framework which is making good progress. yeah, I think native apps is complex still. and we've seen a lot of times also and 230 00:37:09.990 --> 00:37:33.380 Timo Glastra: every time. When also our clients ask it. It. It's like, we mainly answer what it's like, yeah, it's just not something. We really add an issue with ourselves, because we mostly either build new apps or integrated in reg native applications. you can run like Reg native and add that to a like a native project, and let the 231 00:37:33.380 --> 00:37:41.090 Timo Glastra: the the framework be handled by that. But I think that adds a lot of complexity. So in that case. 232 00:37:41.090 --> 00:37:50.050 Timo Glastra: yeah. Other languages. Maybe, since this error frame swift sort of like a an implementation in rust which allows you to call it from 233 00:37:50.110 --> 00:38:06.500 Timo Glastra: both. I think. ios and android, I think. Then other solutions. yeah, you would need to look at other solutions or come up with a complex thing. I think that is one of the limitations of 234 00:38:06.580 --> 00:38:12.439 Timo Glastra: having this framework implemented in in Javascript compared to something like for us. 235 00:38:13.030 --> 00:38:26.510 Alberto Leon: No, that's that's that's totally fair. And I think there's a good answers. we actually dug deep into this. Yes, and areas go is another option. We have rappers that build libraries for it. 236 00:38:26.560 --> 00:38:33.260 Alberto Leon: but it doesn't seem active in the channels anymore. I know. Trust Black has something called bullet SDK, 237 00:38:33.400 --> 00:38:37.549 Alberto Leon: which the big contributors to the areas go framework 238 00:38:37.840 --> 00:38:51.360 Alberto Leon: and yes, like you mentioned the rest. And then there's swift but none of them seem to be like truly mature enough to to consider it as an SDK native implementation. 239 00:38:51.560 --> 00:38:56.909 Alberto Leon: But yes no. I appreciate the answer. thank you for it. Thank you. 240 00:38:58.260 --> 00:39:07.039 Timo Glastra: Yeah, yeah, no, it's it's it's a it's a tough a a, a tough thing. And I think it's something to consider as always, the question like. 241 00:39:07.140 --> 00:39:17.520 Timo Glastra: do we want one implementation and and reuse that. I think if you have very complex stuff, 242 00:39:17.610 --> 00:39:31.409 Timo Glastra: You probably want to do that like browser engines. You don't want to re-implement that for different platforms. But I think like a lot of libraries are okay. But so I think it's it's a bit of a trade off like. There's a lot of 243 00:39:31.590 --> 00:39:58.019 Timo Glastra: complexity involved in in exposing things to separate languages. So I think that was also one of the goals of this framework? at least for us, is that like with a lot of these things? If you wanted to change something, you had to go like 3 layers deep in some very low level. Worst code. and and this, yeah, allows a lot more flexibility by having the logic implemented in Javascript. But yeah. 244 00:39:58.250 --> 00:39:59.850 Timo Glastra: okay. 245 00:40:00.370 --> 00:40:06.730 Jorge Flores: yeah, I I just wanted to add that I'd like to. I don't know if you you consider this or where you are in your stage. But 246 00:40:06.740 --> 00:40:20.500 Jorge Flores: there's also the so the option of you know, finding a a hosted solution right, and then integrate your your native app through through Apis and rest. Api calls. That's actually how we started. 247 00:40:20.660 --> 00:40:34.640 Jorge Flores: you know that that that that gave us the opportunity to figure out our, our, our framework to to for our development, but also learn Aries and learn. They're based protocols in the process. And now you know 248 00:40:34.770 --> 00:40:42.060 Jorge Flores: now, because because of that learning experience. Now then, we're able to dig deeper into the into the weeds and actually try to get 249 00:40:42.090 --> 00:40:44.519 Jorge Flores: this. This much had directly embedded. 250 00:40:44.670 --> 00:40:47.319 Jorge Flores: But I just want to throw that out there for you. 251 00:40:48.650 --> 00:41:00.749 Alberto Leon: Interesting Can you point me to how? How? How much yours does anybody know? What's the best place to go for those Api endpoints, or how those 252 00:41:00.820 --> 00:41:05.989 Alberto Leon: are managed within the hyper ledger community. Is there a specific repo for that? 253 00:41:08.470 --> 00:41:31.389 Timo Glastra: so it depends a bit on like whether you want to use an open source implementation, and then you can can use something like ours, cloud Agent Python, or you can use ours and javascript, but you would have to like. Add your Api endpoints yourself like we don't. There is an a arrest extension, but it. It's 254 00:41:31.410 --> 00:41:33.440 Timo Glastra: It's still 255 00:41:33.710 --> 00:41:56.999 Timo Glastra: from 2 versus all. So it hasn't been updated. that much. So that's not the best. And there's also like paid cloud services that you could leverage for this, for example, trinsic, is is one where they provide just Api endpoints where you can just have cloud wallets manage for you. 256 00:41:58.140 --> 00:42:09.960 Alberto Leon: Okay? Alright, no. Thanks. just one last question. maybe either for any. Maybe a go to the closest currently in the development process. We're trying to do different things. 257 00:42:10.010 --> 00:42:13.549 Alberto Leon: One of those things is actually creating a web view 258 00:42:13.750 --> 00:42:22.670 Alberto Leon: in the native app right here with you, and that connects to some sort of Javascript. Right? 259 00:42:22.730 --> 00:42:26.780 Alberto Leon: So we're also. And then that Javascript will have a 260 00:42:26.870 --> 00:42:42.190 Alberto Leon: but that would be taking like a remote wallet. In a sense, I guess so. have you guys got through that path before? Has anybody tried any comments before I dig deep into this. Poc, I'm trying to build. 261 00:42:42.390 --> 00:42:47.949 Alberto Leon: what do you think? Does that? Does that make me some of the concepts of this side? 262 00:42:49.910 --> 00:42:52.120 Timo Glastra: so 263 00:42:52.150 --> 00:43:01.160 Timo Glastra: are you talking about running a web view and running A of J in that web view, or through a remote 264 00:43:02.120 --> 00:43:07.869 Timo Glastra: yeah, something like that. Technically, it looks like a lot like an Api now, and I think of it. 265 00:43:08.000 --> 00:43:21.370 Timo Glastra: it it you would have to implement, like the current dependencies we have for ours from the Javascript, the native stuff that handle storage and crypto and and all that, the heavy stuff that 266 00:43:21.370 --> 00:43:44.779 Timo Glastra: it's only available for react native and notes. Yes, so if you were to do it in in the browser, you can run the framework to core in the browser, but you would need to provide your own bindings for crypto signing and verification and storage. And so those aren't implemented by default. So it's a an interesting path to explore. I would like to have like default browser 267 00:43:44.780 --> 00:43:54.929 Timo Glastra: a packages available, but we don't have those yet, so there would be more work in full of them, for example, running it in a react native environment. 268 00:43:55.710 --> 00:43:59.189 Alberto Leon: Okay, no good answer. Thank you, too. 269 00:43:59.370 --> 00:44:11.499 Warren Gallagher: There is one. There is one other thing to look at, and I I've only looked at it very fleetingly, so I can't speak to it authoritatively. 270 00:44:11.670 --> 00:44:17.379 Warren Gallagher: But there's another framework in typescript from Veramo 271 00:44:17.810 --> 00:44:28.200 Warren Gallagher: and Veramo does have at least some support for Ares protocols. And my understanding is that it's attempting to 272 00:44:28.310 --> 00:44:34.540 Warren Gallagher: run in, react native and in node and in browser 273 00:44:34.770 --> 00:44:57.010 Warren Gallagher: and how they're doing that I don't know, and how well it works. I don't know like there's a lot of I don't know is here. but It. It's another approach that does at least have some areas protocol support. And it seems to be that part of it seems to be growing. But I would expect that making it work in the browser, as Timo said, will be a challenge because of the 274 00:44:57.020 --> 00:45:01.500 Warren Gallagher: if you want to use the existing rest, libraries and stuff for all the crypto. Then. 275 00:45:01.710 --> 00:45:05.780 Warren Gallagher: you're you're kinda in storage. You're kind of sunk. 276 00:45:06.900 --> 00:45:17.829 Timo Glastra: yeah, I think. for them was a is a great option also. I think they, I've been actually being more focused on their with 3 C credentials and and so 277 00:45:17.830 --> 00:45:41.060 Timo Glastra: there has been work recently to support did come feed 2, and also have to issue credential and percent proof protocols. But you can use it with democrats, credentials. they mostly use like web crypto Apis, which allows them to run it easily in the browser. But, for example, like some some Apis, like Anocrets. 278 00:45:41.100 --> 00:46:04.590 Timo Glastra: we can easily run that in the browser. There has been some more going on to get it working and compile to wasn't and I think we can do that also with other dependencies, but that is more of like a ongoing thing. So, depending on what your needs are, I think from it could be a great way if you want to integrate it. 279 00:46:04.620 --> 00:46:07.530 Timo Glastra: Yeah, in a in a browser environment. 280 00:46:08.910 --> 00:46:11.820 Alberto Leon: Alright, thank you. Thank you all. 281 00:46:12.490 --> 00:46:16.749 Ariel Gentile: But I remember that you have a you have a 282 00:46:17.400 --> 00:46:23.599 Ariel Gentile: a them or or or someone going pro work on the 283 00:46:23.680 --> 00:46:24.810 Ariel Gentile: some 284 00:46:25.420 --> 00:46:27.609 Ariel Gentile: browser wallet or something like that. Right? 285 00:46:28.700 --> 00:46:54.709 Timo Glastra: Yeah. So I've I've started so many on it. I don't know. Yeah, multiple times on like integrating a of J in the browser. But mostly to the did come part. I've I've worked on that, and like in in memory storage. But not really the the Democrats part the. But Baron has done work on, on, on, on that, and someone else also. 286 00:46:57.260 --> 00:47:00.549 Timo Glastra: So it should be possible. It's just I think it's not 287 00:47:01.550 --> 00:47:09.419 Timo Glastra: really used yet. People haven't used to framework a lot yet for browser environments. yet. Yeah. 288 00:47:11.530 --> 00:47:12.290 Okay. 289 00:47:14.370 --> 00:47:24.539 Ariel Gentile: okay, so But I'm sorry for that. But for for for an unknown credits. What's preventing us to 290 00:47:25.210 --> 00:47:27.320 Ariel Gentile: to compare it to? 291 00:47:28.860 --> 00:47:46.739 Timo Glastra: So it has been compiled to, wasn't, and it runs in the browser, and for the holder side of things. It actually works pretty well, I think. it was. It was someone else that that worked on on that and they got it compiled 292 00:47:46.740 --> 00:48:01.219 Timo Glastra: to wasn't, and so hold the side works relatively well, it goes wrong if you do the other like issue or side, because, the crypto libraries that the browser has or it uses like 293 00:48:01.290 --> 00:48:13.620 Timo Glastra: something with the Ssl library which makes it like. If you want to generate a credential definition with a few attributes. It takes a few minutes to to generate it. But I think for the holder side it was actually pretty doable. 294 00:48:15.940 --> 00:48:41.800 Timo Glastra: yeah, but so it it is possible. But it's not something like it. It was a proof of concept to get it like we would need to have another library that handles on credits and then exposed to bosom files and have a build process for it. So I think the the the missing piece here would be having it like released as a package and being yeah, installable from Npm. 295 00:48:43.620 --> 00:48:47.199 Ariel Gentile: okay, how about that? But anyway, if if we can manage to 296 00:48:47.440 --> 00:48:50.730 Ariel Gentile: to run it at the at least on the holder side, it will be a 297 00:48:50.790 --> 00:48:57.499 Ariel Gentile: I'm pretty good advanced right? Because that would mean that probably we will. We will not 298 00:48:58.240 --> 00:49:09.439 Ariel Gentile: force people to install a native application. I mean, it can run on a mobile browser. So for some cases, it will be very, very interesting. 299 00:49:10.630 --> 00:49:16.529 Timo Glastra: Yeah, yeah, I we've been looking at like, wasn't 300 00:49:16.690 --> 00:49:27.330 Timo Glastra: more. Also, because you have like for a lot of environment you have wasn't micro one times which makes it possible to run was them from 301 00:49:27.330 --> 00:49:50.869 Timo Glastra: ios android browsers. Node Js react native. And so it would be a really nice way if you can just compile anything to wasn't, then you can run it literally on any platform. without much hassle. So yeah, I think generally, Wilson is a an interesting thing to explore also for other environments than the browser. 302 00:49:56.130 --> 00:50:00.280 Timo Glastra: cool or do you want to 303 00:50:00.630 --> 00:50:03.869 Timo Glastra: do your wallet presentation for last 15 min. 304 00:50:05.120 --> 00:50:07.069 Ariel Gentile: Okay, okay, let me see. 305 00:50:07.260 --> 00:50:14.519 Ariel Gentile: actually, I have to some, some slides. But actually, it's more, more, more like a a discussion or more questions than 306 00:50:14.640 --> 00:50:20.730 Ariel Gentile: answer so and see what happened. Another one. 307 00:50:42.430 --> 00:50:43.479 Ariel Gentile: I think I cannot. 308 00:50:46.060 --> 00:50:47.860 Ariel Gentile: I can actually my screen off. 309 00:50:52.810 --> 00:50:54.050 Timo Glastra: You can't, or 310 00:50:55.450 --> 00:50:57.820 Ariel Gentile: I will try the 311 00:50:57.940 --> 00:51:00.559 you know, if you can see something anything. 312 00:51:00.800 --> 00:51:03.900 Ariel Gentile: I have to allow 313 00:51:05.060 --> 00:51:08.200 Zoom to the it. 35. 314 00:51:09.010 --> 00:51:10.580 Ariel Gentile: I think I will need to 315 00:51:11.110 --> 00:51:12.310 Ariel Gentile: re-enter the 316 00:51:13.220 --> 00:51:15.849 Timo Glastra: to rejoin the the meeting. 317 00:51:17.170 --> 00:51:23.119 Kalin Canov: So do you think, guys, we'll have some time to discuss the other points of the agenda like did come, and they 318 00:51:23.530 --> 00:51:29.539 Kalin Canov: the new version of the Aj. because there is a 13 more minutes 319 00:51:30.160 --> 00:51:45.039 Timo Glastra: yeah. So we'll do the all discussion. And if we have time we'll move on to the to the other topics, and otherwise we'll have to postpone them to to next week. If that's okay. 320 00:51:57.640 --> 00:51:58.900 Ariel Gentile: Okay, that's 321 00:51:59.650 --> 00:52:01.869 Ariel Gentile: can you see the my screen? Now? 322 00:52:04.000 --> 00:52:04.700 Nope. 323 00:52:05.100 --> 00:52:07.850 Timo Glastra: yeah. we can. 324 00:52:09.180 --> 00:52:11.190 Ariel Gentile: Okay, so I will. 325 00:52:14.410 --> 00:52:17.630 Ariel Gentile: Some discussion about the Api. so 326 00:52:18.820 --> 00:52:21.159 Ariel Gentile: or that, you know. 327 00:52:21.680 --> 00:52:23.869 Ariel Gentile: as most part of the framework 328 00:52:24.320 --> 00:52:30.170 Ariel Gentile: the wallet, the word model is widely inspired on what? 329 00:52:30.690 --> 00:52:32.460 Ariel Gentile: On? What came from 330 00:52:32.690 --> 00:52:43.409 Ariel Gentile: from the in the SDK. They they we loved in the SDK. So What we will not like to to discuss today is a bit. 331 00:52:43.670 --> 00:52:46.090 Ariel Gentile: How can how can 332 00:52:47.210 --> 00:52:48.920 Ariel Gentile: we 333 00:52:50.230 --> 00:52:54.910 Ariel Gentile: change a little bit the the way it it works, in order to 334 00:52:55.290 --> 00:53:00.259 Ariel Gentile: be able to more easily use different wallet types 335 00:53:01.220 --> 00:53:03.130 Ariel Gentile: and also to make it 336 00:53:03.170 --> 00:53:04.569 Ariel Gentile: easier to 337 00:53:05.310 --> 00:53:06.700 Ariel Gentile: to to 338 00:53:07.510 --> 00:53:17.100 Ariel Gentile: handle different wallets and and and and and and and and and delete, and I mean, do the administrative stuff with with wallets, and also 339 00:53:17.400 --> 00:53:21.380 Ariel Gentile: to handle the indeed. 340 00:53:22.080 --> 00:53:25.919 Ariel Gentile: the data that we have in the one like the keys, for instance. 341 00:53:26.970 --> 00:53:27.910 Ariel Gentile: So 342 00:53:29.160 --> 00:53:30.940 Ariel Gentile: at the moment. 343 00:53:31.460 --> 00:53:34.079 Ariel Gentile: as you may know the 344 00:53:34.850 --> 00:53:40.690 Ariel Gentile: the agent, I I an agent. We have a right needs a 2 step to work like 345 00:53:40.990 --> 00:53:44.710 Ariel Gentile: the construction. and they initialization instead. 346 00:53:45.700 --> 00:53:51.369 Ariel Gentile: us. Some modules on the project, on the framework 347 00:53:51.490 --> 00:53:55.460 Ariel Gentile: depend on the on the wallet, because they need 348 00:53:55.490 --> 00:53:56.660 Ariel Gentile: probably to 349 00:53:56.700 --> 00:53:59.970 Ariel Gentile: fetch some records or do some stuff 350 00:54:00.150 --> 00:54:02.590 Ariel Gentile: with them. and 351 00:54:02.770 --> 00:54:06.649 Ariel Gentile: they need to to have a a wallet. Right? So 352 00:54:06.990 --> 00:54:12.760 Ariel Gentile: we can, for for the moment we can specify the valid configuration right on the constructor. 353 00:54:13.420 --> 00:54:14.230 Ariel Gentile: or 354 00:54:14.430 --> 00:54:23.449 Ariel Gentile: we can do it somewhere in the middle, and then call the the the the initialize for for the agent in Cisco. 355 00:54:25.850 --> 00:54:27.140 Ariel Gentile: and 356 00:54:27.180 --> 00:54:31.870 Ariel Gentile: something that we we were discussing some month ago with, I I guess with team, or was that 357 00:54:32.220 --> 00:54:35.660 Ariel Gentile: maybe we can. we can. 358 00:54:35.850 --> 00:54:40.200 Ariel Gentile: remove this quality configuration from the 359 00:54:40.240 --> 00:54:46.689 Ariel Gentile: what if from the agent in it configuration and delegate that to the 360 00:54:47.700 --> 00:54:50.760 Ariel Gentile: module that it's actually providing the wallet. 361 00:54:51.550 --> 00:54:56.009 Ariel Gentile: This is something that would be useful, because 362 00:54:57.050 --> 00:55:04.640 Ariel Gentile: it's it's hard to define a generic wallet configuration. a project, because 363 00:55:04.930 --> 00:55:16.000 Ariel Gentile: usually it's true that they everywhere it has an an id, and probably a password, or something like that. But there are also some of the other configuration stuff like. 364 00:55:16.020 --> 00:55:23.590 Ariel Gentile: In this case, we have the deviation method. That is not exactly the same. For instance, here in the in Ascar and in the 365 00:55:24.210 --> 00:55:28.260 Ariel Gentile: and also this search configuration. In this case we are, we are. 366 00:55:28.360 --> 00:55:36.299 Ariel Gentile: and using these parameters to specify if we are going to use sqlite or or postgres database. But 367 00:55:36.460 --> 00:55:37.969 Ariel Gentile: it's likely that 368 00:55:38.620 --> 00:55:40.929 Ariel Gentile: other what it types. 369 00:55:40.940 --> 00:55:45.060 Ariel Gentile: because, you know, Ascar is also based somehow in Indie. So 370 00:55:45.150 --> 00:55:51.980 Ariel Gentile: they are more or less similar. But if you are going to use different modules for for for what it management, it's likely that they are. 371 00:55:52.050 --> 00:55:57.639 Ariel Gentile: This will not work exactly, and it will be hard to define at the core level 372 00:55:58.300 --> 00:56:02.120 Ariel Gentile: and technical critical layer all the the 373 00:56:03.180 --> 00:56:07.270 Ariel Gentile: the constants and and types to to be able to 374 00:56:07.860 --> 00:56:11.669 Ariel Gentile: be useful for for every kind of of of 375 00:56:12.860 --> 00:56:14.889 Ariel Gentile: so and then 376 00:56:15.290 --> 00:56:16.439 Ariel Gentile: now we have. 377 00:56:16.570 --> 00:56:21.969 Ariel Gentile: I have list here here how our what and module Api looks like. So 378 00:56:22.410 --> 00:56:23.350 Ariel Gentile: we have. 379 00:56:23.870 --> 00:56:29.660 Ariel Gentile: all these methods like initialize, create Kate and open 380 00:56:29.810 --> 00:56:34.439 Ariel Gentile: open. We can do it. 381 00:56:36.230 --> 00:56:40.230 Ariel Gentile: It's for the important. And also, we have those this 382 00:56:40.660 --> 00:56:43.100 Ariel Gentile: methods to create key and generate notes. 383 00:56:44.720 --> 00:56:49.050 Ariel Gentile: we can see that here we have. 384 00:56:49.580 --> 00:56:53.929 Ariel Gentile: We have lots of methods, and and probably 385 00:56:54.640 --> 00:57:03.240 Ariel Gentile: and some of them are related to the they call it administration, and some of them for they will it. The operation, like this one for create a key or or generate unknowns. 386 00:57:05.200 --> 00:57:14.469 Ariel Gentile: and they I don't know if if the users of the brain, or have have noticed that recently, since the 0 3 0, we have this agent context. 387 00:57:14.570 --> 00:57:17.340 Ariel Gentile: I in context 388 00:57:19.140 --> 00:57:20.020 Ariel Gentile: concept 389 00:57:20.720 --> 00:57:22.170 Ariel Gentile: where we can 390 00:57:22.670 --> 00:57:24.660 Ariel Gentile: access the wallet 391 00:57:26.170 --> 00:57:29.160 Ariel Gentile: of the of the the the. 392 00:57:29.370 --> 00:57:34.039 Ariel Gentile: So it's hard to to tell what the difference between using 393 00:57:34.150 --> 00:57:35.460 Ariel Gentile: the 394 00:57:35.890 --> 00:57:41.829 Ariel Gentile: the wallet from here or the let's say the the agent wallet. 395 00:57:42.870 --> 00:57:52.009 Ariel Gentile: Exactly so it it can be some somehow confusing. So maybe we can. We can just try to 396 00:57:52.060 --> 00:57:53.300 Ariel Gentile: separate 397 00:57:53.420 --> 00:58:03.730 Ariel Gentile: the wallet Api from the wallet interface. I mean the the, the actual wallet that is open. By the by this context. 398 00:58:04.510 --> 00:58:11.609 Ariel Gentile: so in such a way that for the world, Api, we will only use those methods related to the, to the administrations 399 00:58:11.740 --> 00:58:15.050 Ariel Gentile: of any kind of a of wallet like 400 00:58:15.260 --> 00:58:22.919 Ariel Gentile: a agent. A what a creation, Deletion and a rotate key, export and import 401 00:58:23.490 --> 00:58:27.670 Ariel Gentile: and leave all the operative methods 402 00:58:28.080 --> 00:58:37.000 Ariel Gentile: for the what it instance like create keys, and the while signing and verifying, and all that stuff 403 00:58:37.540 --> 00:58:38.929 Ariel Gentile: at the moment. 404 00:58:39.190 --> 00:58:44.670 Ariel Gentile: If you look at the at the wallet. Api call. I will see if they can. 405 00:58:45.090 --> 00:58:46.569 Ariel Gentile: I can show you. 406 00:58:49.480 --> 00:58:52.090 Ariel Gentile: If you. If you look at the Api. 407 00:58:54.600 --> 00:58:58.409 Ariel Gentile: we'll see that we are almost everywhere calling the 408 00:58:58.470 --> 00:59:03.799 Ariel Gentile: the wallet object to do everything. It's most more like an an exposed than 409 00:59:04.790 --> 00:59:07.519 Ariel Gentile: than than other things. So 410 00:59:08.330 --> 00:59:15.010 Ariel Gentile: what we can probably do is to to create what it service. I will. 411 00:59:15.150 --> 00:59:16.430 Yeah. 412 00:59:17.480 --> 00:59:24.310 Ariel Gentile: I want a service that will be provided by the by the module that is providing the the it itself. 413 00:59:25.300 --> 00:59:33.040 Ariel Gentile: So that's what it service will be, the the one giving us the methods to 414 00:59:33.080 --> 00:59:36.480 Ariel Gentile: import and and and that stuff. 415 00:59:37.000 --> 00:59:41.729 Ariel Gentile: This is a here I left that question, do we really need a well-ed, an Api on the core? 416 00:59:42.350 --> 00:59:46.450 Ariel Gentile: Maybe we can delete everything to the. 417 00:59:47.170 --> 00:59:50.510 Ariel Gentile: to the Ascar module or the 418 00:59:52.710 --> 00:59:56.760 Ariel Gentile: so. But anyway, I will. I I left some some of the 419 00:59:56.840 --> 00:59:58.300 Ariel Gentile: how, how 420 00:59:58.690 --> 01:00:01.300 Ariel Gentile: the word Api can be simplified, so 421 01:00:01.650 --> 01:00:07.970 Ariel Gentile: we can have here the this method method for for what it creation are opening. Actually. 422 01:00:08.300 --> 01:00:15.780 Ariel Gentile: I don't see a reason of having to have a great and open, because we can probably put the put that here in the in the options. 423 01:00:16.960 --> 01:00:20.259 Ariel Gentile: and also for 424 01:00:21.210 --> 01:00:24.289 Ariel Gentile: for what? It's fine to to find a wallet 425 01:00:24.690 --> 01:00:29.100 Ariel Gentile: to delete wallets. 426 01:00:29.510 --> 01:00:31.149 Ariel Gentile: to export and import 427 01:00:31.800 --> 01:00:33.750 Ariel Gentile: without being 428 01:00:34.000 --> 01:00:37.600 Ariel Gentile: the wallet that we have open right now. Right? 429 01:00:39.270 --> 01:00:41.709 Ariel Gentile: Well, I know I'm 430 01:00:42.160 --> 01:00:45.740 Ariel Gentile: so, so I will go for faster 431 01:00:45.890 --> 01:00:51.729 Ariel Gentile: and for the for the wallet interface. Currently, we have all these methods. 432 01:00:52.620 --> 01:01:00.040 Ariel Gentile: We have methods for what administration we have method for export and import. Actually, this is pretty weird, because we. 433 01:01:01.650 --> 01:01:13.150 Ariel Gentile: this method that does not do not work with an open wallet, you will need to close the wallet and export it, or or or import it. So 434 01:01:14.060 --> 01:01:16.719 Ariel Gentile: for me, it doesn't make any sense to have 435 01:01:16.910 --> 01:01:30.730 Ariel Gentile: a wallet object that it's actually more than that has some method that actually are more like static methods because they are not actually related to. To. To this particular instance. 436 01:01:32.040 --> 01:01:37.800 Ariel Gentile: We have these methods for for for a key management, and and 437 01:01:37.850 --> 01:01:41.930 Ariel Gentile: you seem like this thing in Beta or verifying. 438 01:01:42.200 --> 01:01:49.230 Ariel Gentile: And also we have this this method for for message packing and unpacking of did come message in this case. 439 01:01:49.870 --> 01:01:54.849 Ariel Gentile: So well, here's more or less what we have. See I have. 440 01:01:56.240 --> 01:02:01.960 Ariel Gentile: and then what can I propose is to 441 01:02:03.310 --> 01:02:08.449 Ariel Gentile: well remove all that that is regretted, ready to the any station from 442 01:02:08.900 --> 01:02:10.600 Ariel Gentile: from this class. 443 01:02:11.370 --> 01:02:13.810 Ariel Gentile: and the probably 444 01:02:13.930 --> 01:02:20.459 Ariel Gentile: add add a few meters for for key management, like finding an elite keys, which is something that is missing here right now 445 01:02:21.440 --> 01:02:26.800 Ariel Gentile: and for the message packing, and I I know that it's difficult to separate 446 01:02:27.240 --> 01:02:30.300 Ariel Gentile: the packing from the wallet 447 01:02:30.870 --> 01:02:33.139 Ariel Gentile: module itself, but probably we can 448 01:02:33.480 --> 01:02:41.610 Ariel Gentile: call another object, or something to, to, to not make the the 449 01:02:42.100 --> 01:02:43.130 Ariel Gentile: the 450 01:02:43.550 --> 01:02:50.190 Ariel Gentile: very heavy like it's in the. In the case of the I have seen in the case of the did come with you, Branch, that 451 01:02:50.300 --> 01:02:53.380 Ariel Gentile: it's about 1,000 lines, or something like that, because 452 01:02:53.440 --> 01:02:55.390 Ariel Gentile: Arden had to 453 01:02:55.520 --> 01:02:56.720 Ariel Gentile: to to add 454 01:02:57.090 --> 01:03:00.730 Ariel Gentile: all the logic for for this con. V. One and v. 2, and 455 01:03:01.020 --> 01:03:06.110 Ariel Gentile: and all that stuff so more or less like that. we have 456 01:03:06.280 --> 01:03:11.380 Ariel Gentile: methods for opening and closing and deleting the the current. 457 01:03:12.310 --> 01:03:13.780 Ariel Gentile: The Vc instance 458 01:03:13.910 --> 01:03:17.580 Ariel Gentile: to create 500 keys to sign on verified data. 459 01:03:17.930 --> 01:03:18.860 This is 460 01:03:19.700 --> 01:03:35.830 Ariel Gentile: the methods for for Dcom, and also some genetic method to generate, generate the nuns and and keys with options. I mean the what kind of case we want to generate, and and and so on. But I have 1 min. So if you you want to come in team or someone. 461 01:03:40.250 --> 01:04:09.520 Timo Glastra: yeah, I don't think we have a lot of time to to go into detail. I think a lot of stuff you said makes sense. So maybe if you can share the the link to the slides. Then we can put them in a meeting notes, and then I can leave some comments, and if people would like to to share the thoughts on the wallet. Api they can do it on the documents, and then maybe next week we can, we can discuss the those topics. 462 01:04:09.740 --> 01:04:15.380 Ariel Gentile: Okay, okay, I I will. I will do that. And also maybe I will have a discussion on the Github. 463 01:04:15.900 --> 01:04:19.279 Ariel Gentile: Yeah, maybe we can. We can come in there as well. 464 01:04:19.540 --> 01:04:32.210 Timo Glastra: Yeah, perfect. yeah, thanks for this presentation. This, this, this, this could just make sense. sorry that we didn't get to the discomfort to topic. 465 01:04:32.970 --> 01:04:53.749 Timo Glastra: I'm going to add it to the agenda for next week. First thing, so that we make sure that we get to it. and also a bit on the 0 for your stuff. Then we make that the 2 main topics, and I'll also ask Art to to to join and share some things on on discomfort, too. 466 01:04:53.760 --> 01:04:59.359 Timo Glastra: we will try to join in next week, because at the very same time we have a workshop 467 01:04:59.820 --> 01:05:01.360 Kalin Canov: in Brownsville. 468 01:05:01.630 --> 01:05:18.079 Kalin Canov: and at the very same time, but at least we'll try some some of us to join. That stuff was important to be there, Bobby, and learning as well, we'll see how to arrange. I mean, the only thing is to see how it's what's the status, and if there is some some way, if we can help. 469 01:05:18.600 --> 01:05:20.380 Kalin Canov: That's probably. 470 01:05:21.040 --> 01:05:23.039 Kalin Canov: you know, may speed up the things 471 01:05:23.080 --> 01:05:37.589 Kalin Canov: we have some quite interesting projects I want to share. Yet what exactly is, as I said, is sending data through a Dcom. but also want to try it with combination with the rest, framework, golank 472 01:05:38.210 --> 01:05:40.230 Kalin Canov: and mediator. So it's 473 01:05:40.290 --> 01:05:52.790 Kalin Canov: you'll see it, I mean, that's why we won't have that. We did that with the first 1 one, the conversion one. But we want to have it in the 2. Because areas framework go. It's only unfortunate. It's it's using on. Did conversion to 474 01:05:53.760 --> 01:05:58.020 Timo Glastra: that makes sense. Okay? Yeah, no. We'll make sure to this because of next week. 475 01:05:58.210 --> 01:05:59.120 Kalin Canov: Okay. 476 01:05:59.650 --> 01:06:02.779 Timo Glastra: good. Thanks, everyone, and see you next week. 477 01:06:03.050 --> 01:06:07.659 Kalin Canov: Thank you. Thanks. Goodbye, bye, bye, for now.