WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.009 --> 00:00:05.630 Char Howland: Great. Thank you. Let's see. 2 00:00:05.670 --> 00:00:11.629 Char Howland: welcome everyone to the Indie contributors. Working group for June twentieth. 3 00:00:11.770 --> 00:00:28.999 Char Howland: 23. Great to have you all here today. today we're gonna talk about. I guess. it sounds like there aren't any updates currently on the sovereign node pipeline and that we isn't able to join us this morning, but so we'll we'll see 4 00:00:29.120 --> 00:00:42.080 Char Howland: what topics you all would like to bring. we are recording this call, and we'll post it on the meeting page. Later today we've got the antitrust policy notice and the Hyper Ledger code of conduct 5 00:00:42.140 --> 00:00:50.800 Char Howland: here, both of which we are following on the call. and if you want to put out your name on this 6 00:00:51.320 --> 00:01:02.430 Char Howland: Wiki link that I'm sending, that would be great. let's see, does anybody have any announcements they would like to make, or topics to add to the agenda 7 00:01:02.520 --> 00:01:12.399 Char Howland: even I. know you said that that email about the the summit. If you'd like to mention that. Yeah. So I'll post this in there. 8 00:01:12.830 --> 00:01:15.359 Stephen Curran: there is a 9 00:01:16.900 --> 00:01:27.069 Stephen Curran: I in my role as a chair of the sovereign foundation. We decided that it really is high time for the indie community. Those that are 10 00:01:27.120 --> 00:01:38.869 Stephen Curran: running instances of indie and and those using it using. Those instances should should could benefit from getting together for a summit. 11 00:01:39.040 --> 00:01:43.800 Stephen Curran: So we proposed it on the 20 ninth of this month. 12 00:01:44.080 --> 00:01:51.310 Stephen Curran: so about a week and a half from now a week Thursday from now we'll have a summit. 13 00:01:51.540 --> 00:02:15.390 Stephen Curran: so Those who haven't heard about it yet. that are interested. Let me know. I'll put links into the into this message. for it, for signing up for registered for it. And then there's also a A for for submitting topic, ideas, things that you'd like to have discussed at that meeting. So 14 00:02:15.530 --> 00:02:31.419 Stephen Curran: that's there. we try to include everyone that we were aware of in the in the community. But feel free to share that email or or share the registration links and the session call for sessions 15 00:02:31.480 --> 00:02:39.629 Stephen Curran: links out with anyone else. so the idea is to get folks together and decide sort of what's next for any 16 00:02:39.840 --> 00:02:47.899 Stephen Curran: you know. how do we? what do we want to do as a community next? Do we need to be? 17 00:02:47.980 --> 00:03:02.680 Stephen Curran: I I think one thing we could definitely do is be more organized as a community. And we could also consider what alternatives there might be the in the if if there is an interest in in moving it forward. So those are the types of conversations. 18 00:03:02.790 --> 00:03:11.680 Stephen Curran: some funds, some not so fun to have during the summit. So the idea is it will be scheduled for 3 h, starting 19 00:03:12.960 --> 00:03:27.669 Stephen Curran: horribly at 6 Am. Pacific time, which is 3 pm. Central Europe, and we'll hold it for 3 h and have a I have an agenda drawn up from those topics collected 20 00:03:27.870 --> 00:03:29.260 Stephen Curran: prior to the meeting. 21 00:03:29.820 --> 00:03:34.759 Stephen Curran: So that is the plan, and having said that, I'll I'll open up for any questions, and then I'll 22 00:03:35.190 --> 00:03:38.119 Stephen Curran: chase down the the various links. 23 00:03:40.290 --> 00:03:43.070 Stephen Curran: Any questions. comments. 24 00:03:50.620 --> 00:03:53.199 Lynn Bendixsen: Did you say? An invitation already went out. 25 00:03:53.690 --> 00:03:55.070 Stephen Curran: Yeah, yeah. 26 00:03:56.350 --> 00:03:57.680 Lynn Bendixsen: Hmm. Okay. 27 00:03:58.800 --> 00:04:05.080 Stephen Curran: send it to within a dco heather and ken 28 00:04:05.110 --> 00:04:16.169 Stephen Curran: have it. And then shar as the organizer, if they any contributors, calls on it from from in DC. But then, you know, representatives, from all of the 29 00:04:16.339 --> 00:04:18.729 Stephen Curran: instances we're aware of, at least 30 00:04:31.060 --> 00:04:42.039 Char Howland: sounds like it'll be a really useful event to have, and and good discussions will come out of it. And I I can add all those links to this Wiki page. once you have them. So 31 00:04:46.620 --> 00:04:48.599 Stephen Curran: that's about all that I had. 32 00:04:48.880 --> 00:05:02.520 Char Howland: Great. Yeah, thank you, for we're explaining that. Does anybody else have have announcements or agenda items to add to the call. 33 00:05:10.890 --> 00:05:12.739 Stephen Curran: Sounds like, it's gonna be a quick one. 34 00:05:14.600 --> 00:05:22.720 Char Howland: Yeah. Yeah. If if nobody else has anything they'd like to add, I think that's all we had for the call today. 35 00:05:25.140 --> 00:05:35.190 Char Howland: so yeah, unless somebody wants to jump in with with a topic or announcement. I think we can probably go ahead and call it give back 50 min 36 00:05:35.230 --> 00:05:45.539 Char Howland: of the morning. So thanks everyone for joining today and we'll see, I guess, before 2 weeks. on on the 20 ninth. So, looking forward to that. 37 00:05:49.320 --> 00:05:51.620 Char Howland: thanks, everyone.