00:20:55 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Some helpful workshop links: Workshop Page (links, decks, video): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/events/Hyperledger+Aries+Framework+Javascript+0.4.0+Release%2C+Setting+Up+an+Agent+and+Issuing+Credentials YouTube Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bza4il9Iitw Subscribe to mailing list: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries Event Calendar: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries/calendar Discord Channel: https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/941708033434738768 Github Repository: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript Aries Framework JavaScript Meetings: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries/viewevent?repeatid=35824&eventid=1960662&calstart=2023-07-13 00:22:40 Diana Martinez-Trejo: Reacted to "Some helpful worksho..." with 👍 00:24:04 Artur Polsuszny: Hi.Is webinar streaming onYT. 00:24:10 Berend Sliedrecht: Yes! 00:24:23 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): @artur - YouTube Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bza4il9Iitw 00:24:35 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): We are not monitoring that chat for questions, though 00:24:48 Artur Polsuszny: Thanks 00:25:55 Denver Naicker: Will the recording be made available afterwards? 00:26:16 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Can we build new Aries RFCs in a separate package ? 00:26:36 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): @Denver - the recording is being streamed on YouTube and will be available on the Hyperledger YouTube channel. Once the workshop ends I will update the YouTube video with links and stuff 00:26:56 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "Can we build new Ari..." Absolutely, you can create an extension module supporting new protocols 00:27:14 Denver Naicker: Thank you Sean 00:27:18 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Replying to "Can we build new Ari..." That’s great to know, Ariel. Thank you.. 00:27:24 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "Thank you Sean" with 👍 00:27:29 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Reacted to "Absolutely, you can ..." with 👌 00:28:46 Tarun Vadde: I am encountering an issue when attempting to establish a connection between two different base agents after integrating the Tenants module in my implementation of the AFJ (Aries Framework JavaScript) version 0.4.0. 00:31:46 Denver Naicker: where can one reach the other members of this chat afterwards? Is this via discord, where is the best place community hub to connect with for Aries Javascript? 00:32:26 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): @Denver - the Hyperledger community chat is found on Discord and that’s the best place for ongoing conversations 00:32:59 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Discord invite: https://discord.gg/hyperledger 00:35:00 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Question - ​How to create wallet backup, is it possible with 0.4.0? 00:36:46 Karim: @Sean, you can import and export the wallet. We currently don’t have a cloud backup functionality. 00:36:54 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "@Sean, you can impor..." with 💯 00:36:57 Denver Naicker: Thank you for the link I have joined the Discord 00:37:16 Denver Naicker: Will the slides also be available online afterwards? 00:37:18 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "Will the slides also..." with 👍 00:37:39 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Yes, the slides and links will be up on the wiki page for the workshop - I will repost the links for that in a minute 00:37:46 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "Thank you for the li..." with 👍 00:37:51 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Reacted to "Yes, the slides and ..." with 👍 00:37:55 Denver Naicker: Thank you Sean 00:38:05 Nimesh Atodariya: Reacted to "Yes, the slides and ..." with 👍 00:38:12 Bimmer C: Replying to "Thank you for the li..." please repost link 00:38:19 Bimmer C: Replying to "Thank you for the li..." I came late 00:38:51 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Some helpful workshop links: Workshop Page (links, decks, video): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/events/Hyperledger+Aries+Framework+Javascript+0.4.0+Release%2C+Setting+Up+an+Agent+and+Issuing+Credentials YouTube Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bza4il9Iitw Subscribe to mailing list: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries Event Calendar: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries/calendar Discord Channel: https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/941708033434738768 Github Repository: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript Aries Framework JavaScript Meetings: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries/viewevent?repeatid=35824&eventid=1960662&calstart=2023-07-13 00:44:08 saroj.basnet: I had a question related to backup and restore, so to use this feature we got to use Aksar storage rather than Indy . And another question is it possible to continue using Indy storage in afj 0.4.0? 00:45:25 Mz Omarjee: How can we ensure that credentials issued by AFJS be verified in ways that's agnostic of underlying DLT/ blockchains? 00:54:21 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Question from YouTube - if we want to the backup the wallet to some external store, I was looking for a function like (e.g. getWalletSnapshot() importWalletSnapshot()) 00:54:53 Mz Omarjee: If we need to write the schema definitions or revocations lists to an underlying DLT which component will do that and what needs to be done ? 00:55:59 Denver Naicker: does indy askar somehow leverage off openwallet foundation architectural principles? 00:56:15 Karim: @sean, the wallet has import() and export methods() https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript/blob/002be4f578729aed1c8ae337f3d2eeecce9e3725/packages/core/src/wallet/Wallet.ts#L28 00:57:03 Denver Naicker: is indy askar and aries js framework able to both create a user mobile app, or should we use one? 00:57:11 Karim: Replying to "If we need to write ..." It depends on what DLT you use. But we have a ledger module that contains the interfaces for that 00:58:01 Mz Omarjee: Replying to "If we need to write ..." Thanks. We looking at Hedera DLT 00:58:10 Karim: Replying to "is indy askar and ar..." Askar is a dependency of Aries Framework JavaScript. You only need Aries Framework JavaScript. 00:58:20 Denver Naicker: Thank you Karim 00:58:27 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "Question from YouTub..." Yes, Wallet API has “import” and “export” functionality where you set the input/output paths and optional ciphering key for the wallet 00:58:55 Tarun Vadde: Hi, we are tying to integrate EVM based blockchains with AFJ/AnonCreds. Can we get some suggestions on that? 00:58:56 Tristan Nguyen: What we need to connect Aries to running Indy nodes cluster on AWS cloud I have Indy node but don't have the Genesis file 00:59:39 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "Yes, Wallet API has ..." with 👍 01:00:13 saroj.basnet: I had a question related to backup and restore, so to use this feature we got to use Aksar storage rather than Indy . And another question is it possible to continue using Indy storage in afj 0.4.0? 01:00:19 Karim: Replying to "Hi, we are tying to ..." Please head to Discord for use case specific questions. 01:01:11 Karim: Replying to "I had a question rel..." Yes, you can use either, but we advice everyone to migrate. More about that in a bit. 01:01:28 saroj.basnet: Replying to "I had a question rel..." Okay, thank you 01:02:02 Karim: Replying to "What we need to conn..." This question is related to Indy, not AFJ. But yes, you’d need the genesis block in order to connect. 01:02:45 Tarun Vadde: Replying to "Hi, we are tying to ..." I did ask on Discord too, but couldn’t get a response I thought this would be the right place for some suggestions. 01:03:09 Diana Martinez-Trejo: Can you share the link please? 01:03:32 Jakub Koci: https://github.com/animo/hyperledger-afj-040-release-workshop 01:03:37 Diana Martinez-Trejo: Reacted to "https://github.com/a..." with ❤️ 01:03:51 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Some helpful workshop links: Workshop Page (links, decks, video): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/events/Hyperledger+Aries+Framework+Javascript+0.4.0+Release%2C+Setting+Up+an+Agent+and+Issuing+Credentials YouTube Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bza4il9Iitw Subscribe to mailing list: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries Event Calendar: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries/calendar Discord Channel: https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/941708033434738768 Github Repository: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript Aries Framework JavaScript Meetings: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries/viewevent?repeatid=35824&eventid=1960662&calstart=2023-07-13 01:03:55 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "https://github.com/a..." with ❤️ 01:04:19 Karim: Reacted to "https://github.com/a..." with ❤️ 01:04:21 Denver Naicker: on the discord channel which is the best sub-channel or chat channel is best to talk about questions? 01:04:45 Bart Kus: When will revocation be supported by the AFJ? 01:05:06 Mohit Vaish: Do we have any quick setup documentation available for AJF like ACA-PY for Issuer, Verifier agents using existing indy ledger like dev.greenlight.bcovrin.vonx.io ? Thanks 01:05:18 M R: Reacted to "https://github.com/a..." with ❤️ 01:05:57 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Replying to "on the discord chann..." If it is an Aries Framework JavaScript question then post it there. Generic Aries questions can go there. There are channels for AnonCreds and Indy 01:06:17 Jason Leach: @Bart It is already. We do revocation in Bifold. 01:06:18 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "When will revocation..." AnonCreds Revocation is already supported for verifiers and holders. For Issuance will be very soon. We have a PR opened for it. Most likely before the end of this month 01:06:35 Karim: Replying to "Do we have any quick..." There is a rest extension you can use https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript-ext/tree/main/packages/rest 01:06:37 Viet Bui: Replying to "What we need to conn..." Tham Khao https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/blob/main/docs/source/start-nodes.md 01:07:20 Ariel Gentile: Reacted to "https://github.com/a..." with ❤️ 01:07:33 Bart Kus: Reacted to "AnonCreds Revocation…" with 👍 01:08:36 Niall Shaw: What does `createLinkSecret` do? And why is it required? 01:09:48 Karim: Replying to "What does `createLin..." It’s a mechanism AnonCreds uses to prove that two credentials have been issued to the same wallet. 01:10:00 Denver Naicker: How does a developer move more towards a production ready Aries app, is there a guide for this? 01:10:10 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "What does `createLin..." It creates a default link secret (aka master secret) to use for all further VC issuance and proofs. Previously it was automatically created by Indy SDK but not we do it manually. As Berend said, there will be an update soon to do it automatically as well 01:10:21 Stephen Curran: The Link Secret is what identifies the holder in an AnonCreds Verifiable Credential in privacy preserving way. 01:10:52 Niall Shaw: Replying to "What does `createL..." Ah ok understood, I was confused because I know it as master secret 01:10:55 Mohit Vaish: Reacted to "There is a rest exte..." with 👍 01:11:08 Niall Shaw: Reacted to "It creates a defau..." with 👍 01:12:25 Samit Singhai: Can we get recording of this webinar 01:13:13 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "Can we get recording..." Sure, it will be in Hyperledger Youtube channel AFAIK 01:13:14 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): @samit - we are live-streaming this to YouTube - the video will be on the Hyperledger YouTube channel and I will post it to the wiki page for this workshop when we are doing (along with links and decks, etc.) 01:13:20 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "Sure, it will be in ..." with 💯 01:13:31 Karim: Reacted to "Sure, it will be in ..." with 💯 01:15:38 Stephen Curran: Replying to "What does `createLin..." Yes — the name has been changed in as many places as easily done to link secret — it is what links together the credentials/proofs presented by a holder in a single presentation. 01:16:34 Ariel Gentile: @Denver we are at #aries-javascript in Hyperledger discord. https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/941708033434738768 01:17:05 Karim: https://aries.js.org 01:18:00 Denver Naicker: Thank you Ariel, I am viewing the chat records on discord at the moment 01:18:21 Niall Shaw: To confirm, it seems the only difference between modules that the legacy (indy) agent, and the shared components (askar) agent is this: ``` indySdk: new IndySdkModule({ indySdk }), vs askar: new AskarModule({ ariesAskar }), ``` Is that correct? There is no way to just omit the other modules also and implicitly infer them via the use of indysdk? 01:18:50 Ariel Gentile: Reacted to "To confirm, it seems..." with 👍 01:19:34 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "To confirm, it seems..." In the shared components case you’ll need not only askar but also AnonCredsRsModule and IndyVdrModule 01:20:27 Niall Shaw: Replying to "To confirm, it see..." but it seems this is also declared in the indysdk agent, at least in the example? 01:20:54 M R: Would it be better to do server side AFJ for issuer and verifier and then mobile for holders ? 01:21:06 Tristan Nguyen: Reacted to "Would it be better t…" with 👌 01:21:48 Mz Omarjee: Can it work together with native mobile iOs or android apps? 01:21:51 M R: Second question, when is mediation used? What use cases is it suited for? 01:21:58 Mohit Vaish: Is the code executed in this workshop demo available for reference in AJF GitHub repo? What is the location of that file? Thanks 01:22:12 Jakub Koci: Replying to "Can it work together..." Yes, if you use it with React Native 01:22:41 Tristan Nguyen: Reacted to "Can it work together…" with 👌 01:22:44 Mz Omarjee: Replying to "Can it work together..." Thanks 👍 01:23:00 Niall Shaw: Replying to "Is the code execut..." https://github.com/animo/hyperledger-afj-040-release-workshop/tree/main 01:23:35 Mohit Vaish: Reacted to "https://github.com/a..." with 👍 01:23:46 Tristan Nguyen: how I can connect to Indy with the network Seed ? 01:25:52 Jorge Flores: Reacted to "The Link Secret is w..." with ❤️ 01:26:20 Denver Naicker: How does one access the REST API link? 01:26:40 Denver Naicker: I googled it but found this page with no info https://aries.js.org/guides/next/extensions/rest 01:27:18 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "To confirm, it seems..." In both cases you’ll need AnonCredsModule (the base module that provides AnonCreds interfaces) 01:27:47 Jakub Koci: REST is an AFJ extension you can find the code at https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript-ext/blob/main/packages/rest/README.md 01:27:49 Alberto Leon: Is the REST API still maintained? I heard the documentation is outdated. And where would I find it under the afk-ext? 01:27:56 Karim: https://aries.js.org/guides/0.4/extensions/rest/setup 01:28:04 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "To confirm, it seems..." So with IndySdk you’ll need only 2 modules (indy-sdk, anoncreds) while with shared component you’ll need 4 (anoncreds, askar, anoncreds-rs, indy-vdr) 01:28:21 Karim: Replying to "Is the REST API stil..." It needs to be updated I think 01:29:15 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "Second question, whe..." Mediators are used mostly for mobile agents that do not have any public/persistent endpoint. So the mediator will receive messages and the mobile agent will pick up when it connects (much like an e-mail server and client) 01:29:15 M R: Can aca-py agents communicate with AFJ mobile wallets? 01:29:27 Karim: Replying to "Can aca-py agents co..." Yes 01:30:07 Denver Naicker: How does one distinguish wallets for clients, is there a reason to create different wallets using Aries JS? 01:30:17 Niall Shaw: Replying to "To confirm, it see..." So the anoncredsRs and indyVdr modules aren't necessary in indysdk agent example? 01:30:25 Alberto Leon: Replying to "Is the REST API stil..." Yes, I went thought it a couple of weeks ago and could not get it to setup. I can help if help is needed, if you can just guide me in the right direction on how to start. Thanks 01:30:44 M R: Reacted to "Yes" with 👍 01:31:02 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "Would it be better t..." Usually it’s like that, but there are some cases with mobile verifiers as well (for example a police officer checking driving licenses) 01:31:12 Karim: Replying to "Is the REST API stil..." Happy to help contributors 🙂 Please ask any questions in the DIscord 01:31:25 Karim: Reacted to "Usually it’s like th..." with 👍 01:32:01 Niall Shaw: Reacted to "Yes — the name ha..." with 👍 01:32:32 M R: Reacted to "Usually it’s like th..." with 👍 01:33:12 Satoshi: Question: Is it easy to use Hyperledger Fabric for VDRs with AFJ? 01:34:00 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Replying to "Question: Is it easy..." Yes, this is already done.. 01:34:41 Mz Omarjee: Was there any consideration to use the FIDO standard to store and mange keys on mobile device? 01:34:57 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Do AnonCreds have any way to add NIST-approved key types? 01:35:30 Denver Naicker: Will it be possible to have more frequent meetups and presnetations and insights like this? 01:35:56 M R: Reacted to "Mediators are used m..." with 👍 01:36:09 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): @Denver - the AFJ community meets every Thursday https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries/viewevent?repeatid=35824&eventid=1960662&calstart=2023-07-13 01:36:26 Viet Bui: Can we revoke cred ? 01:36:30 Denver Naicker: Thanks Sean, I did add the calendar invite, I was just hoping the sessions would be similar to this one. 01:36:34 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Replying to "@Denver - the AFJ co..." And the Discord for asynchronous discussions 01:38:18 Denver Naicker: Thanks Sean 01:38:18 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): That is a community call, not an event like this We have other workshops https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/events/Workshops 01:38:28 Jorge Flores: Will AFJ support adding new DIDComm protocols once DIDCommV2 support is added? 01:39:00 Satoshi: への応答 "Question: Is it ea..." Thanks. Are there any samples using Fabric for VDRs? 01:39:50 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Does AnonCreds package support any NIST-approved crypto? 01:40:24 Diana Martinez-Trejo: Reacted to "That is a community ..." with 👍 01:40:55 Niall Shaw: Following up on the earlier thread: "So the anoncredsRs and indyVdr modules aren't necessary in indysdk agent example?" 01:42:11 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Thanks Karim. 01:42:18 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "Following up on the ..." Exactly. We’d need to correct the example if they are there 01:42:25 saroj.basnet: Can you explain abit about unrevealed attributes support in 0.4.0? 01:42:26 Denver Naicker: in terms of setup there are quite a number of issues for yarn install on windows for node version 16 and 18, are those being recognised and is it effecting anyone else? 01:42:32 Niall Shaw: Reacted to "Exactly. We’d nee..." with 👍 01:42:52 Denver Naicker: in terms of demo running 01:43:19 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): That’s answerd 01:43:33 Niall Shaw: Replying to "Following up on th..." They are there - https://github.com/animo/hyperledger-afj-040-release-workshop/blob/main/src/holder.ts#L47 01:44:36 Ariel Gentile: Replying to "Following up on the ..." Thanks, will correct it 01:44:40 Mz Omarjee: Great session, thanks guys 🙏 01:44:45 Niall Shaw: Reacted to "Thanks, will corre..." with ❤️ 01:44:56 Denver Naicker: its mainly the indy-sdk node packages 01:45:43 Denver Naicker: i tried node 18 but i found node 16 on linux to work 01:46:01 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Any plan to support on Deno runtime ? 01:46:30 Niall Shaw: Reacted to "Any plan to suppor..." with 👍 01:46:33 Jakub Koci: Do you suggest to migrate from 0.3.0 with Indy SDK to 0.4.0 with IndySDK or directly to 0.4.0 with those 3 separate libs? 01:46:41 Niall Shaw: Reacted to "Do you suggest to ..." with 😮 01:46:49 saroj.basnet: Okay, thank understood 01:47:02 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): 🙂 01:47:20 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): I would love to contribute 01:47:35 Berend Sliedrecht: Reacted to "I would love to cont..." with ❤️ 01:47:51 Denver Naicker: Thank you for the presentation 01:47:55 Berend Sliedrecht: Reacted to "Thank you for the pr..." with ❤️ 01:47:59 Karim: Reacted to "I would love to cont..." with ❤️ 01:48:02 Jakub Koci: Amazing job, guys! 01:48:40 Denver Naicker: Thanks Sean 01:48:57 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Thank you very much Animo & 2060 team for this great presentation … 01:49:24 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "Do you suggest to mi..." with 😎 01:49:49 shehan pingamage: Thank you very much for the great presentation guys! Very informative. 01:50:03 Karim: Reacted to "Thank you very much ..." with ❤️ 01:50:06 Karim: Reacted to "Thank you very much ..." with ❤️ 01:50:16 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "Thank you very much ..." with 💯 01:50:23 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "Thank you very much ..." with 😎 01:50:26 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "Thanks Sean" with 👍 01:50:29 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "Amazing job, guys!" with 💯 01:50:34 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Reacted to "I would love to cont..." with 😎 01:51:01 Jakub Koci: Ok, thanks 🙂 01:51:06 Karim: Replying to "Any plan to support ..." Love this question. I remember us talking about this 4 years ago in a WG 01:51:19 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Replying to "Any plan to support ..." 🙂 Yup 01:51:23 Diana Martinez-Trejo: Thank you very much!! 01:51:29 kiran bandi: Replying to "Any plan to support ..." thank you so much 01:51:37 saroj.basnet: Thank you so much for such an information 01:51:37 Berend Sliedrecht: Replying to "Any plan to support ..." Should’ve done Deno from the start ;) 01:51:43 Jorge Flores: Thanks to the AFJ community for you great work! 01:51:47 Berend Sliedrecht: Replying to "Any plan to support ..." Or now bun… 01:51:49 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Replying to "Any plan to support ..." It’s never late 01:51:49 Ian Carbone: Thank you! 01:51:57 Karim: Thank you for organizing everything Sean!! 01:51:59 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Replying to "Any plan to support ..." Yes, also Bun 01:52:02 Berend Sliedrecht: Reacted to "Thank you for organi..." with ❤️ 01:52:03 Sean Bohan (Hyperledger): Some helpful workshop links: Workshop Page (links, decks, video): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/events/Hyperledger+Aries+Framework+Javascript+0.4.0+Release%2C+Setting+Up+an+Agent+and+Issuing+Credentials YouTube Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bza4il9Iitw Subscribe to mailing list: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries Event Calendar: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries/calendar Discord Channel: https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/941708033434738768 Github Repository: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript Aries Framework JavaScript Meetings: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/aries/viewevent?repeatid=35824&eventid=1960662&calstart=2023-07-13 01:52:20 M R: Thank you! 01:52:29 Berend Sliedrecht: Reacted to "Thanks to the AFJ co..." with ❤️ 01:52:36 Janelle Krupicka: Thank you; that was very informative 01:52:44 Ajay Jadhav (AyanWorks): Thanks everyone 01:52:47 Samit Singhai: Thank you