00:08:13 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2023-06-07+Aries+Working+Group+Call 00:09:07 Dr. Andre Kudra: Would someone add me to attendees? Currently driving. 00:09:12 Dr. Andre Kudra: Thank you! 00:10:15 Janelle Krupicka: Great, thanks! 00:17:53 Tracy Kuhrt: https://openwallet.foundation/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2023/02/OpenWallet-Foundation-Overview.pdf 00:28:57 Tracy Kuhrt: https://openwallet-foundation.github.io/tac/ 01:02:23 Helen Garneau: The Hyperledger Foundation is in the process of planning and developing a major brand update and will roll out a new website, logo etc in the upcoming months (weeks?). We definitely have the opportunity to tweak pages/names/logos/descriptions of the Aries project while keeping the momentum of growth/adoption/interest in the project. 01:02:41 Alex Metcalf: Reacted to "The Hyperledger Foun..." with 👍 01:04:13 Ryan Koch: Reacted to "The Hyperledger Foun..." with 👍