00:11:35 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2023-05-31+Aries+Working+Group+Call 00:28:27 Alex Andrei: there is also the web5 guys using dids and vcs with dwn 00:29:40 Alex Andrei: https://areweweb5yet.com/ 00:42:57 karimstekelenburg: I really liked your rationale about this on GH, Sam. I quote: β€œI think this division, the difference between a wallet focused on keys and credentials and an agent focused on connections and relationships (that happen to use keys and verifiable credentials) is actually a huge largely unseen issue in the DI/SSI space.” 00:47:33 Steve McCown: +1 John: the β€˜phone’ capabilities became part of the larger functionality set of an iPhone. 00:47:57 Mike Ebert (Indicio): Wallet is broadly used and better understood, but will eventually be limiting. Agent is going to get co-opted by AI applications. 00:48:40 Steve McCown: Reacted to "Wallet is broadly us..." with πŸ‘ 00:48:42 Berend Sliedrecht: For wallet it could be the same, for like a cryptocurrency wallet 00:49:38 Helen Garneau: Aries announcement from 2019 https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2019/05/14/announcing-hyperledger-aries-infrastructure-supporting-interoperable-identity-solutions 00:50:21 karimstekelenburg: Reacted to "Wallet is broadly us..." with πŸ‘ 00:50:24 Charles Lanahan: Reacted to "Wallet is broadly us..." with πŸ‘ 00:50:31 Helen Garneau: Reacted to "Wallet is broadly us…" with πŸ‘ 00:50:36 Alex Metcalf: Reacted to "Wallet is broadly us..." with πŸ‘ 00:50:53 karimstekelenburg: Reacted to "For wallet it could ..." with πŸ‘ 00:51:29 Akiff Manji: Can we just call it a smart wallet? Or is that term used for something else already? 00:51:34 Alex Andrei: just don't give the AI access to your keys lol 00:51:41 Alex Metcalf: Reacted to "just don't give the ..." with πŸ˜„ 00:51:48 Mike Ebert (Indicio): Reacted to "just don't give the ..." with πŸ˜„ 01:02:49 Warren Gallagher: Gotta run. Thanks.