00:16:52 Elisabeth Green: NIH toughens enforcement of delayed clinical trials reporting Agency says it has brought more than 200 tardy investigators into compliance since July 2022. 26MAY2023 MEREDITH WADMAN https://www.science.org/content/article/nih-toughens-enforcement-delayed-clinical-trials-reporting 00:42:41 Elisabeth Green: This proposal defines a system which gives every ERC-721 token a smart contract account. ERC-6551 is the Ethereum standard for token bound accounts, which creates a smart contract wallet for every ERC-721 NFT. An interface and registry for smart contract accounts owned by ERC-721 tokens. ERC-6551 Turns Any NFT Into a Web3 Wallet. All NFTs on Ethereum, from CryptoKitties to the latest projects, can hold other tokens. It allows NFTs to own an Ethereum account (essentially your NFT is the access key to a wallet). A lot of interesting properties arise such as tradable accounts. 00:43:07 Elisabeth Green: ERC-6551: token bound accounts(TBA), creates a smart contract wallet for each ERC-721, allowing them to perform transactions, interact with other applications, hold tokens or other NFTs, or serve as on-chain identity. These TBA are created and managed through a permissionless registry that keeps all executed on-chain activities and records unaltered. With ERC-6551, you can create multiple on-chain identities through NFTs and use them to interact with smart contracts and dApps, without relying on a wallet. This opens new use cases like in-game rewards, credit ratings, and loyalty programs based on the history of the NFT. https://coindcx.com/blog/cryptocurrency/what-is-erc-6551-nft-standard/amp 00:44:44 Anasuya, BiniWorld Innovations Private Limited: Hey, have to go. Signing off. Will check the YouTube recording. See you next week 00:44:48 Anasuya, BiniWorld Innovations Private Limited: Good day 00:45:04 Tomaz Sedej: Good day Anasuya 00:49:35 Elisabeth Green: of the authors who have chosen to make the trained parameters available to the readers around 25% have chosen to deposit the parameters on GitHub, while 19% and 6% have opted for Google drive and Dropbox services respectively. Within our collection of open-source models, we have noted that 32% of the authors have selected the MIT license, 18% have selected Apache-2.0, 12%—GPL-3.0, 10%—BSD-3-Clause license, 8%—CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Remarkably, another 8% have published their code without license attribution, arguably making it harder for the field to understand the freedom to operate with the code made available with the paper (Figure 1E). Within these papers, 84% of the authors made the dataset used to train the model available and clearly indicated within the paper or the code repository.