08:05:00 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2023-04-26+Aries+Working+Group+Call 08:09:14 From Peter Janes : A belated announcement - https://diceurope.org (I will be attending, just around the corner for me) 08:29:29 From Akiff Manji : Would that mean it's own namespace and moving all of the Open Source repos over to that? 08:38:05 From Mike Ebert (Indicio) : Sorry I am late. I would like to add to the IIW recap--there were quite a few sessions led by government representatives seeking to understand the current state of decentralized identity. 08:39:18 From mccown : Reacted to "Sorry I am late. I w..." with 👍 08:49:47 From Stephen Curran : Love that about leave 2 and added 3 as the shortened idea. Nice! 08:55:53 From Alex Andrei : we'll be ion compliant lol