00:04:15 Lance Byrd: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries+DIDCommV2+Working+Group+2023-04-10+meeting 00:05:13 Lance Byrd: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries+DIDCommV2+Working+Group+2023-04-10+meeting 00:05:36 Lance Byrd: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries+DIDCommV2+Working+Group+2023-04-10+meeting 00:09:18 Alex Andrei: http://nessus-tech.io:9100/dashboard/messages?walletName=Government&pconId=a41e15e8-14a0-465e-a8b5-a1d5659dae30 00:09:22 Lance Byrd: https://hackmd.io/j6U6JpQ2SRexSUKL7i2XRg 00:21:12 victor: https://spiffe.io/docs/latest/spire-about/spire-concepts/ 00:21:44 Alex Andrei: Reacted to "https://spiffe.io/..." with 👍 00:23:52 Alex Andrei: I think the diagram might be more helpful for IIW since most people at IIW are just walking around and probably won't spend time watching a video at IIW 00:26:46 victor: SPIFFE and SPIRE help enable zero trust by delivering continuously attested service identity across cloud, container, and on-premise enterprise IT infrastructure. In this video Evan Gilman, co-author O'Reilly's 00:28:02 Alex Andrei: Reacted to "SPIFFE and SPIRE h..." with 👍 00:38:02 victor: https://landscape.cncf.io/ 00:52:24 Alex Andrei: connectathon reharsal