00:17:40 Jerome LAFERE: Hi from Geneva 00:18:40 Ashiana Ismail (they/them): Let's go! :) 00:18:49 Bhumi Shah: Volume seems low 00:19:07 Ashiana Ismail (they/them): Can you put the link to the Discord? 00:19:30 David Boswell: YouTube livestream is at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMI-xuysiwI 00:19:33 Nicko Guyer: https://github.com/nguyer/firefly-nft-workshop-2023-03-023 00:19:39 David Boswell: You can join a discussion about the workshop on the #firefly-workshop channel on the Hyperledger Discord server at: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/HYP/Our+chat+service 00:19:42 Nik Handyman: https://discord.com/invite/hyperledger 00:20:06 David Boswell: And for more about FireFly, check out their Github repo at: https://github.com/hyperledger/firefly 00:22:12 Bhumi Shah: Will this be useful in Edtech domain anyhow? 00:23:10 Hyperledger Community: today's workshop resources: https://github.com/nguyer/firefly-nft-workshop-2023-03-023 FireFly Wiki: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/fir FireFly Github repo at: https://github.com/hyperledger/firefly Discord: https://discord.com/invite/hyperledger 00:25:29 Mussie Woldeselassie: Will share the deck afterwards? 00:26:00 Hyperledger Community: @Mussie - we will send an email out to attendees with a link to the wiki that will include the deck, workshop resources and link to the video on you tube 00:26:22 Jelena Kocic: Reacted to "@Mussie - we will se..." with ❤️ 00:26:24 Kevindu Kanakarathna: Reacted to "@Mussie - we will se..." with ❤️ 00:26:52 Hyperledger Community: The recordings and assets will be on this page: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/events/Using+Hyperledger+FireFly+to+Launch+an+NFT+Collection+on+Public+Chains 00:27:40 Hana Awad: Reacted to "@Mussie - we will se..." with ❤️ 00:29:03 Mussie Woldeselassie: Any API to export this on-chain data for analytics, what is the latency for real time analytics? 00:30:56 Piero Sogno: Hi! I joined the discord but couldn’t access the channel, maybe I’m not getting verified correctly. 00:31:41 Hana Awad: @Mussie there are REST API's but also the Built-In Webhooks/Websockets. I think you can use HL websocket to keep track of real-time event-driven on chain activity. 00:32:17 David Echelberger: @Piero can you try this link: https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/1063562168064282685 00:32:53 Jeff Pribich: What "type" of data are stored in the database? 00:33:56 Nicko Guyer: https://github.com/nguyer/firefly-nft-workshop-2023-03-023 00:34:08 Piero Sogno: Thanks for the reply, I’ve used the link previously and it turns the chat content grey. 00:35:13 Rajendran Avadaiappan: Is there a separate dist for Mac OS? 00:35:21 Hana Awad: Can we use a ERC-1155 to make a batch transfer of images to load them as an NFT collection? 00:36:17 David Echelberger: @Rajendran Avadaiappan No, as long as you have Docker on your Mac, FireFly and the FireFly CLI will work out of the box 00:36:29 Jeff Pribich: Thank you - great explanation! 00:37:32 Rajendran Avadaiappan: Thanks @David. 00:37:45 Mussie Woldeselassie: ok 00:37:47 Hari Narasimhamurthy: Zoom pls 00:37:48 Eray ALTILI: zoom in please 00:38:11 Hari Narasimhamurthy: This is good 00:41:18 James Solderitsch: audio is choppy here 00:42:58 James Solderitsch: make terminal font bigger 00:47:52 Ram Jayaraman: is the remote node url just a http service returning htttp response ? can we mock that ? 00:48:42 Ram Jayaraman: thanks ! 00:48:44 Pablo Vance: Is this an infra based node we are connecting to? 00:48:51 Pablo Vance: infura** 00:49:42 Eray ALTILI: Can we host the application at kaleido ? 00:51:14 Tomasz Woźniak: do you know ay methods how to encrypt graph metadata in blockchain? 00:51:14 Ashiana Ismail (they/them): wow, it's pullin a LOT of stuff 00:51:56 Mussie Woldeselassie: Any docker image for the ff 00:52:44 Mussie Woldeselassie: How would you run the ff in AWS EC2 or other cloud system? 00:53:13 Vinayak: I am getting this error even when docker is installed Error: an error occurred while running docker. Is docker running on your computer? 00:54:02 Alex Shorsher: @Vinayak, what OS are you using? 00:54:11 Vinayak: MacOs 00:54:24 Alex Shorsher: Have you started docker desktop? 00:54:40 Vinayak: No- how to start that 00:54:57 hugo bustamante: That error is because you haven't started docker service 00:55:39 Alex Shorsher: You can search for “docker” w/ spotlight (cmd + spacebar) and then start that application 00:55:40 Rajendran Avadaiappan: sorry I missed : 5000 port seems to be already used. 00:56:10 Rajendran Avadaiappan: how do I stop it? 00:56:36 Rajendran Avadaiappan: Thank you! 00:57:18 Shadman Hossain: you can use this to stop anything running on port 5000 00:57:20 Shadman Hossain: sudo fuser -k 5000/tcp 00:57:22 David Echelberger: @Mussie there are open source helm charts you can use here: https://github.com/hyperledger/firefly-helm-charts 00:58:35 Pablo Vance: Are these testnet funds into your alpha wallet address or the firefly node’s address? 00:58:39 Mahesh Balan: Just catching up after the 5000 issues - thanks for the pause 00:59:29 Vinayak: Now I have the docker desktop running but I still get the same error 01:00:49 Hyperledger Community: today's resource: https://github.com/nguyer/firefly-nft-workshop-2023-03-023 FireFly Wiki: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/fir FireFly Github repo at: https://github.com/hyperledger/firefly Discord: https://discord.com/invite/hyperledger 01:01:06 David Echelberger: @Vinayak can you run the command `docker ps` in your terminal? 01:01:28 David Echelberger: Also, happy to help debug on Discord 01:01:52 Nicko Guyer: If you’ve gotten stuck and need to remove your stack and start over, please run: ff remove workshop Then try ff init … again 01:03:49 Mussie Woldeselassie: is the IPFS deployed in docker? 01:03:50 Pablo Vance: Can we launch an IPFS node with Kaleido cloud? 01:04:31 Mussie Woldeselassie: How can you check the data stored in ipfs using ff 01:05:40 Kriengsak Kongkapunya: Can we use another account instead of using the FireFly default account? 01:10:41 Kevin Fox: I keep getting the following with no details: initializing new FireFly stack... Error: exit status 1 01:11:08 Kevin Fox: Is there a log somewhere I can check? 01:11:52 Nicko Guyer: ff init --verbose … 01:11:58 Nicko Guyer: And see if there’s more detail there? 01:13:56 Rajendran Avadaiappan: I am new to Discord. Any link I can use to jump on? 01:14:10 Nicko Guyer: https://discord.com/invite/hyperledger 01:14:16 Mussie Woldeselassie: Where is the Mineable? 01:14:30 Rajendran Avadaiappan: Thanks Nicko! 01:14:32 Mussie Woldeselassie: Mintable? 01:14:54 David Boswell: And to learn more about using the Hyperledger Discord server, there is more at: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/HYP/Our+chat+service 01:15:04 Mussie Woldeselassie: Open Zeppelin Contracts Wizard Select ERC-721 Select Mintable Select Auto Increment Ids 01:15:16 Mussie Woldeselassie: Thanks 01:16:59 James Solderitsch: screen sharing is off? 01:17:40 David Boswell: Yes, because we’ve had some recent Zoom bombing issues on other calls. 01:17:56 Mussie Woldeselassie: any contracts on multilateral for real estate? 01:17:57 Alex Shorsher: Nick can you share your s creen 01:18:07 James Solderitsch: YEs -- Nick needs to share 01:24:07 Mahesh Balan: Can you show where you accessed the contract deploy screen in the dashboard ? 01:24:18 Mussie Woldeselassie: I am not able to insert 01:24:30 Kriengsak Kongkapunya: What is the difference between using the FireFly CLI `ff deploy xx` and the REST API to deploy a smart contract? 01:24:40 Mussie Woldeselassie: Apologies, it is working 01:25:27 Ashiana Ismail (they/them): Sorry, can you go back to what to do after compiling? 01:26:42 Ashiana Ismail (they/them): got it! thanks 01:29:30 fabien berthomé: api call is in timeout 01:30:32 Kriengsak Kongkapunya: If I want to deploy an upgradeable smart contract, would the process be the same? 01:30:38 Rajendran Avadaiappan: Can you show once again how to copy from Remix and past the bytecode? 01:30:52 David Echelberger: @fabien are you able to access the Discord so I can help? 01:33:56 Michal Bajer: How do you generate FFI for token deployed on HL Fabric? Do you support tokens on fabric as well? 01:34:05 Nirlep Patel: Do I need to put description? 01:35:08 Michal Bajer: All clear, thanks :) 01:35:47 Ashiana Ismail (they/them): can you show me the copy the entire response 01:41:36 Ashiana Ismail (they/them): don't know why I'm getting this :

 "error": "invalid character '{' looking for beginning of object key string" 01:42:05 David Echelberger: There should not be any trailing commas in the payload 01:42:27 Ashiana Ismail (they/them): I checked, everything is matching 01:44:25 Andre Carneiro: is it possible to use erc 4907(extension of erc 721) instead of erc 721? 01:46:37 David Echelberger: Replying to "I checked, everythin..." Can you paste the payload here? 01:47:56 Zachary Jones: Reacted to "Can you paste the pa…" with 👍 01:49:37 Mussie Woldeselassie: Would you need to upload each file if you have multilateral legal documents? 01:50:08 Kriengsak Kongkapunya: If I want to deploy an upgradeable smart contract, would the process be the same? Sorry if you answered this already. 01:53:25 Pablo Vance: Thanks for the interesting session so far! Is the Kaleido stack used for all the steps we’ve done so far or is this completely open source? Or are there specific features in Kaleido’s stack that enables built in support for firefly? 01:59:17 Mussie Woldeselassie: Pls share it here 01:59:27 Andre Carneiro: what if I use my own ipfs node? Where should I set my own ipfs address? Please, could you give some guidance in this regard? 02:00:28 Nirlep Patel: From where can I obtain IPFS CID? 02:01:49 Mussie Woldeselassie: Apologies, I have the ff grep address 02:02:27 Mussie Woldeselassie: When you have multi images or documents would you have multiple public response? 02:02:42 Andre Carneiro: what if I use my own ipfs node? Where should I set my own ipfs address? Please, could you give some guidance in this regard? 02:02:43 Pablo Vance: Thanks! But, I think you mentioned we can’t launch public nodes via Kaleido Cloud? 02:02:54 Mussie Woldeselassie: Or can you have zip or tar 02:03:24 Dzianis Andreyenka: Does FF convert ABI to FFI to define smart contract interface and generate the API? And if yes, which service is responsible for that 02:05:44 Pablo Vance: In the future when we can launch public nodes through Kaleido, would it be via the Firefly gateway? 02:06:28 Martin Wehr: my view of the firefly sandbox does Show the three Collums toke / code / Events BUT NOT the left Navigation bar to use all the function to navigate … ??? 02:07:41 Martin Wehr: … s how to explore the local minted bolck in the ff blockexplorer ? 02:12:26 Martin Wehr: thats it HOW TO NAVIGATE to firefly explorer 02:12:41 Martin Wehr: the view Right now ? 02:12:46 Alex Shorsher: http://localhost:5000/ui should work for you 02:13:55 James Solderitsch: should be 0 02:14:08 Martin Wehr: thnx ui … thats it 02:14:31 Mussie Woldeselassie: Please repeat it again 02:15:58 Jelena Kocic: Thank you 02:16:02 Zakhar Deyneka: Thanks 02:16:05 Rishi Chopra: Thank you Nicko! 02:16:05 Pablo Vance: Can we do the same thing for other public chains like Ava, bsc using firefly? 02:16:05 Christos Tsislianis: Thank you! 02:16:08 Andre Carneiro: thanks!! 02:16:08 Kriengsak Kongkapunya: Thank you so much 02:16:10 Rajendran Avadaiappan: When can we have access to the recording? 02:16:13 Piero Sogno: Thanks 02:16:14 Pablo Vance: Would there be any major changes in the steps to follow? 02:16:21 Martin Wehr: thank you very much … i enjoyed it 02:16:47 Pablo Vance: Thanks a lot! 02:16:50 David Boswell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMI-xuysiwI 02:16:55 Rajendran Avadaiappan: Thank you so much Nick and Team! 🙏🙂 02:17:02 Christos Tsislianis: Reacted to "https://www.youtube...." with 👍 02:17:12 Piero Sogno: Reacted to "https://www.youtube...." with 👍 02:17:25 Hana Awad: Reacted to "Thank you so much Ni..." with 👏 02:17:31 Andre Carneiro: Reacted to "https://www.youtube...." with 👍 02:17:36 Martin Wehr: are there any plan to connect to some ZK-Tech (ZeroKnowledge) like STARK or Polygon ZK ? 02:17:58 Mussie Woldeselassie: What are you advice on the on-chain data analytics using graph database and will this work for high volume dataset the real time analytics? 02:18:26 Martin Wehr: great 02:19:28 Pablo Vance: For one of the components mentioned for the workshop regarding integration capabilities to connect the NFT to enterprise systems - are there any guides on what this means and how to do so? 02:20:08 Mussie Woldeselassie: Any smart contract templates by business domain? 02:21:15 Andre Carneiro: what if I use my own ipfs node? Where should I set the private ipfs address up? 02:21:24 Kriengsak Kongkapunya: In terms of FireFly Identity, do we have any chance to have a workshop about that? 02:24:00 Mahesh Balan: I got the NFT in my metamask wallet. IS there an easy way to transfer it now to my alpha wallet ? 02:24:01 Mussie Woldeselassie: Great presentation, any plan for hybrid cloud hosting presentation or any architecture design link from Kaleido 02:25:08 Mahesh Balan: got it. I will try that! (export private key and import into alpha wallet) 02:25:38 Pablo Vance: For one of the components mentioned for the workshop regarding integration capabilities to connect the NFT to enterprise systems - are there any guides on what this means and how to do so? 02:25:48 Barnaba Pawełczak: Hi, is there some tool to easy encrypt decrypt attachments we post in nft realted data like file in IPFS ? if the file would be something important not a silly picture ? 02:27:27 Mussie Woldeselassie: IPFS - is S3 suitable for this? 02:28:27 Pablo Vance: Thanks, very helpful! 02:30:41 Mussie Woldeselassie: Thanks , great presentation. Any plan for the hybrid cloud 02:30:47 Andre Carneiro: congrats for the presentation!! Very helpful!! 02:31:18 Rajendran Avadaiappan: Thanks a lot again Nick! Look forward to connecting more! 👋🏻 Very helpful session!! 02:33:25 Nicko Guyer: https://github.com/hyperledger/firefly-evmconnect 02:34:23 Nicko Guyer: https://discord.com/invite/hyperledger 02:34:24 Martin Wehr: thnx good bye 02:34:29 Ashiana Ismail: ha.. finally caught up 02:34:31 Ashiana Ismail: thanks! 02:35:15 Mussie Woldeselassie: Will quorum platform be available o ff 02:35:41 Mussie Woldeselassie: Again thank you for your insights :-) 02:36:03 Louis Paul: Thanks! very informative. 02:36:14 Ashiana Ismail: this was fun and easy to follow, thanks! 02:36:15 Andre Carneiro: ok, thanks!! have a good day!! 02:36:25 Christos Tsislianis: Great!