00:05:28 Lance Byrd: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Copy+of+Aries+DIDCommV2+Working+Group+2023-03-27+meeting 00:18:11 Alex Andrei: Nick will be at IIW! he got his tickets last week 00:19:59 Alex Andrei: test-didcomm-mediator.herokuapp.com 00:20:05 Alexandra Walker: Mike Ebert and Char Howland :) 00:22:01 Björn Sandmann: Alex, could you check the url of the link? Doesn't seem to work 00:22:59 Alex Andrei: I am not sure that they have it up and running all the time let me reach out to nick 00:23:29 Rodolfo Miranda: oki 00:25:53 Alex Andrei: I would remove it for now 00:26:11 Alex Andrei: my mic is acting up let me rejoin 00:35:20 Alex Andrei: atala uses did prism is that required? 00:35:42 Rodolfo Miranda: It uses did:peer for connections 00:38:33 Alex Andrei: Reacted to "It uses did:peer f..." with 👍 00:39:12 Lance Byrd: https://iiw.idcommons.net/IIW_36_Speed_Demo_Hour 00:40:41 Alex Andrei: Do we need to support a connection protocol in addition to oob for the chat? 00:56:41 Alex Andrei: Veramo has a web app interfaces for a chat workflow! 01:01:24 Meeting Analytics from Read: Bhaskar added Meeting Analytics from Read to the meeting. Review our Terms of Service at https://read.ai/tos and Privacy Policy at https://read.ai/pp. Type "timer off", "talk time off", "meeting score off", or "display off" to disable features or type "opt out" and Read will leave the meeting. Install for Zoom: https://api.read.ai/zoomapp/install View Read Metrics: https://app.read.ai/dash/01GWHNXDTN20V7B3RJPMYWA0T2?src=chat.