00:11:40 Timo Glastra: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2023-03-23+Aries+Framework+JS+Meeting+notes 00:16:29 Simon Westh Henriksen (Hyphen): Great news! 00:20:21 Esteban Velasquez: Can you share the link, please? 00:20:35 Timo Glastra: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2023-03-23+Aries+Framework+JS+Meeting+notes 00:24:00 Clecio Varjao: Continue the conversation about “prioritisation for 0.5.0” 00:38:50 Timo Glastra: Android emulators are always so slow.... 00:45:03 Ariel Gentile: https://github.com/2060-io/aries-javascript-indy-vdr-proxy/tree/main/packages/server 00:46:31 Timo Glastra: Is it just resolving? Or can it also be used to write? 00:46:55 Timo Glastra: If so, who signs the transactions? Can the proxy server be used as an endorser as well? 00:46:59 James Ebert: Just resolving IIRC 00:47:04 Timo Glastra: Reacted to "Just resolving IIRC" with 👍 00:47:30 Clecio Varjao: I think there was an idea to support that as a mediator feature. Is that the end goal? 00:57:19 Clecio Varjao: @James, maybe the resolvable namespace as part of indy method would enable ledgers to provide a “var proxy” end point: https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-did-method/issues/66 00:59:48 James Ebert: @clecio that’d be per ledger though right, not per node? An option nonetheless though