00:00:18 Meeting Analytics from Read: Bhaskar added Meeting Analytics from Read to the meeting. Review our Terms of Service at https://read.ai/tos and Privacy Policy at https://read.ai/pp. Type "timer off", "talk time off", "meeting score off", or "display off" to disable features or type "opt out" and Read will leave the meeting. Install for Zoom: https://api.read.ai/zoomapp/install View Read Metrics: https://app.read.ai/dash/01GT9JQ2326H2QZ5TBRYR151TK?src=chat. 00:01:08 Thomas Diesler: Opt out 00:04:32 Lance Byrd: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries+DIDCommV2+Working+Group+2023-02-27+meeting 00:05:57 Lance Byrd: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries+DIDCommV2+Working+Group+2023-02-27+meeting 00:14:06 Alex Andrei: https://github.com/roots-id/didpeer-plugin 00:24:57 Alex Andrei: One of the requirements for the did method for didcommv2 is that the service endpoint must be in the diddoc https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/#service-endpoint 00:28:23 Rodolfo Miranda: https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/1078014171536445562 00:33:28 Alex Andrei: So can we pass any inception event in the method? 00:39:51 Lance Byrd: https://hackmd.io/_Kkl9ClTRBu8W4UmZVGdUQ 00:45:58 Alex Andrei: Do we want to measure the size in bytes rather than tshirt sizing ? Would that be helpful? 00:54:42 Alex Andrei: Looking into Num algo 1 and seems very similar to a KEL from keri 00:59:50 Alex Andrei: https://www.impervious.ai/ this has did peer 1 in an app in prod