WEBVTT 1 00:04:40.240 --> 00:04:44.280 Bobbi Muscara: Good morning, everybody! Evening whatever. 2 00:04:47.290 --> 00:04:54.640 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, wait! I can't barely hear you. Hold on, let me see, I will be. Good evening. It's good evening here. But good morning for you. 3 00:04:54.700 --> 00:04:58.230 Bobbi Muscara: Yes, Monday morning. Gay. 4 00:04:58.930 --> 00:05:00.720 Arunima Chaudhuri: Can you hear me now? 5 00:05:01.730 --> 00:05:04.429 Arunima Chaudhuri: I can hear you much better. Yes. 6 00:05:04.680 --> 00:05:06.139 Bobbi Muscara: I thought it was me. 7 00:05:06.430 --> 00:05:10.700 Bobbi Muscara: I have trouble sometimes with the audios on Zoom. 8 00:05:10.890 --> 00:05:12.760 Bobbi Muscara: but I figured it out. 9 00:05:13.370 --> 00:05:24.449 Bobbi Muscara: I was on a presentation on Friday, and it was horrible. It was a metaverse presentation, and everything the speaker tried to do fell apart 10 00:05:24.630 --> 00:05:40.529 Bobbi Muscara: like he was getting kicked off the Zoom or the Google meat call The demonstration didn't work, I was like, Oh, you poor thing, it's all I pleasure only, or like some other late 11 00:05:40.890 --> 00:05:43.400 Bobbi Muscara: it was on like a meet up 12 00:05:43.740 --> 00:05:54.309 Bobbi Muscara: So they use that that meet up format which hyper ledger uses as well. So what the meet up meet up is is, let me see if I can get 13 00:05:55.010 --> 00:06:02.110 Bobbi Muscara: show you an example well, everybody's filtering in. Let me see if I can 14 00:06:04.830 --> 00:06:06.540 Bobbi Muscara: give you a little 15 00:06:08.700 --> 00:06:16.780 Bobbi Muscara: little lesson on something here. I'm sure you at most people already know. But it's interesting when you hear it 16 00:06:17.540 --> 00:06:19.059 Bobbi Muscara: kind of in a 17 00:06:20.150 --> 00:06:23.269 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, so let me share my screen. 18 00:06:25.000 --> 00:06:26.379 Hold this up. 19 00:06:43.780 --> 00:06:56.739 Bobbi Muscara: Okay? So what you're seeing is my computer being very slow and loading. But this is a software program called Meet up. 20 00:06:57.050 --> 00:07:26.370 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah. So even the Linux Foundation uses meet up. I use meet up. I'm a paying customer, so I can get as many groups as I want together. So like Ledger Academy. There's my logo So I'm signed to. You can use meet up and set up small meetups complementary. But it it doesn't stay, you know, like there's all. It's just for preview kind of purposes. But once you like pay to be a meet up participant. 21 00:07:26.590 --> 00:07:28.669 Bobbi Muscara: you get certain 22 00:07:28.770 --> 00:07:40.430 Bobbi Muscara: things that happen. So I'm just gonna show you my groups for a second. So I administer some groups. And I'm a member of some groups. 23 00:07:40.840 --> 00:07:49.599 Bobbi Muscara: So, for instance, I do different things. So this group is when I'm actually charging people to come sit in a class. 24 00:07:49.640 --> 00:07:54.420 Bobbi Muscara: So this is a paid group. So if I do an event for this group. 25 00:07:54.690 --> 00:07:56.670 Bobbi Muscara: and I'll actually just go in there. 26 00:07:57.000 --> 00:07:59.220 Bobbi Muscara: it is 27 00:07:59.360 --> 00:08:09.529 Bobbi Muscara: paid, and it is done all 3 Ledger Academy. So you can see, I have 400 members, and I do a lot of 28 00:08:09.690 --> 00:08:20.520 Bobbi Muscara: job related find matching jobs and and participants and and and companies and that kind of stuff with that meet up, and then I have a few others as well. 29 00:08:20.640 --> 00:08:23.920 Bobbi Muscara: This is a great place. 30 00:08:25.760 --> 00:08:36.309 Bobbi Muscara: to network. It is possibly the best place to network. And you know, Linkedin's great. You don't really talk to the people or the the meetups. There aren't really as robust. 31 00:08:36.360 --> 00:08:49.040 Bobbi Muscara: So what now Hyper Ledger does is so I have Hyper Ledger Princeton, blockchain for business, so I can run a meet up here for Princeton anytime I want 32 00:08:49.190 --> 00:08:57.259 Bobbi Muscara: has to do with something, you know. Hyper Ledger related. also, which is the benefit of this meetup is 33 00:08:57.360 --> 00:09:01.650 Bobbi Muscara: David Boswell from Hyper Ledger. Once covid hit. 34 00:09:01.750 --> 00:09:17.209 Bobbi Muscara: you know. Rationalize that. Why is this? constraint by geographic boundaries? Why don't we try to network all these events? So at the beginning of the week, or you'll notice if you're a member of more than one meet up. 35 00:09:17.310 --> 00:09:24.569 Bobbi Muscara: you might get double invites to what Hyper Ledger Foundation puts out as meet ups, and they have 36 00:09:24.880 --> 00:09:41.060 Bobbi Muscara: great meet ups. They have a little introduction. So if you don't know where your hyper ledger meet up is for everyone on this call, find the closest, or start your own. It's very simple. David will walk you through it. so, for instance, this is this afternoon, and I will be attending this one. 37 00:09:41.960 --> 00:10:05.660 Bobbi Muscara: it looks like only 2 people are going, but that's only 2 people from this group. This will probably be, you know over 100 people on this call, because it's one of 248 people on this call. because it's a network event. So again, that's very powerful. So that's one of the things I want this group to do. And I also have a one more group. 38 00:10:07.420 --> 00:10:15.230 Bobbi Muscara: I've never done anything with the met averse group, but they lost their leader, and I just took the group on 39 00:10:15.590 --> 00:10:20.980 Bobbi Muscara: But this is the group that started in all of a almost has 2,000 members. 40 00:10:21.060 --> 00:10:23.700 Bobbi Muscara: and it's blockchain and AI. 41 00:10:24.360 --> 00:10:31.949 Bobbi Muscara: And this is the one that I want to. Well, all 3, actually And I want us to set up a network event 42 00:10:32.100 --> 00:10:34.640 Bobbi Muscara: more towards the end of the summer. 43 00:10:34.670 --> 00:10:42.650 Bobbi Muscara: based on our, you know, like kind of taking the presentation, we're going to do this week and and giving it to 44 00:10:43.150 --> 00:11:05.760 Bobbi Muscara: all the public in this network event. So you know, and documentation out of all the mentorship programs on boarding and documentation seem to be the one that people gravitated to, because, in my personal opinion, a lot of people want to know what Hyper Ledger is about, but they're not coders. So they were free to join any group because they're afraid they don't have coding skills with these meet ups. 45 00:11:05.760 --> 00:11:13.670 Bobbi Muscara: You know. You don't need to have coding skills, you just going as a participant. So it's a great way to get people into the community. 46 00:11:14.190 --> 00:11:15.260 Bobbi Muscara: anyway. 47 00:11:15.700 --> 00:11:20.210 Bobbi Muscara: that's the little lesson. So what 48 00:11:20.550 --> 00:11:27.199 Bobbi Muscara: the meet up? So we're going to do the presentation this week. And then from that 49 00:11:28.410 --> 00:11:41.270 Bobbi Muscara: each of the committees are going to work on, you know, enhancing that. So it becomes a deliverable instead of a here's what we want to do. And then we're going to do a network event at the end of the summer. 50 00:11:41.330 --> 00:11:59.989 Bobbi Muscara: where you guys present, you know what you've done with these different subcommittees for documentation for the community. So that anybody like, even if I mean, I think that's gonna be the most powerful one. Because for people who come to that and want to write a white paper or want to write a case, study 51 00:12:00.010 --> 00:12:09.299 Bobbi Muscara: again. They're going to realize they don't need to be coders to do that. They can just come in and you know, document something or create a user guide, or even just read a user guide. So 52 00:12:09.640 --> 00:12:12.349 Bobbi Muscara: again, I think that that's going to be very powerful. 53 00:12:12.840 --> 00:12:26.960 Bobbi Muscara: we are recording this call. So I should get started with at least the antitrust policy that is displayed on your screen. If everyone can see that. Please take a moment to read it over. If you need more information, there's a link to the code of conduct 54 00:12:30.350 --> 00:12:31.950 Bobbi Muscara: participants. 55 00:12:32.830 --> 00:12:47.949 Bobbi Muscara: and I'm going to turn again. The meeting over to Ronima. All we're really doing today is just introducing people on the call. And you know, however, you feel a room you need to practice for Thursday. 56 00:12:47.970 --> 00:12:50.059 Bobbi Muscara: That's great. 57 00:12:50.410 --> 00:12:57.969 Bobbi Muscara: Again, the onboarding people who are on the call. I got this email from David. 58 00:13:00.560 --> 00:13:14.810 Akanksha Rani: John had shared the this thing as well that David asks like if we need any help. So I had to send a follow up mail, and I think you are also in. Yes, okay, I'll have to try. I haven't really reached out for my email yet this morning. 59 00:13:14.820 --> 00:13:32.150 Akanksha Rani: I was traveling all weekend. So I just got back. Yeah. So following on this message where David, I had made about all the things that we need, and you know everything that I would required since we like John has not joined the call now, but 60 00:13:32.150 --> 00:13:49.430 Akanksha Rani: we have another call every week, which is on Thursday, because, you know, we have to work a lot on on boarding, so he has scheduled. So there we discussed about this thing, and I had mail, but right now I didn't receive any mail back from David or Bell. 61 00:13:50.610 --> 00:13:58.890 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, yeah, I I think that's gonna be your biggest hurdle for onboarding is getting cooperation. So in 62 00:13:58.900 --> 00:14:23.790 Akanksha Rani: I would just, in my opinion, focus on those landing points that you have complete control over 63 00:14:23.790 --> 00:14:31.900 Akanksha Rani: since you had shared that canva link based on that, you can manage the theme, and we'll be working on the design team now with the team. 64 00:14:32.730 --> 00:14:40.909 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah. And I wouldn't be afraid again. The way Hyper Ledger works. Everybody's kind of really laid back in their chores here, because it is a foundation 65 00:14:40.940 --> 00:14:55.409 Bobbi Muscara: and and and it's a slower beat with the foundation than if it was just an enterprise where everybody was getting paid. So it's definitely a different pace than usually in business. 66 00:14:55.430 --> 00:15:00.239 Bobbi Muscara: and I think that it would benefit you if you. 67 00:15:00.530 --> 00:15:02.040 Bobbi Muscara: your team. 68 00:15:02.430 --> 00:15:25.550 Bobbi Muscara: went ahead and like almost gave Ben wireframes for the onboarding button on the website, you know. Like, say, Oh, Ben, we want a button for onboarding. And we want it to look like this. Because I think that that's what the user guide people are gonna do in the this group for when you go to the website and you hit that library button, I mean, we need to 69 00:15:25.550 --> 00:15:36.879 Bobbi Muscara: figure out how that looks. from a documentation point of view, and then bring it to the you guys on onboarding and saying, You know, when you hit that button library, here's what it should look like 70 00:15:37.050 --> 00:16:03.739 Akanksha Rani: that kind of thing, so I would not be afraid to again do the design work and send it to Ben and say, this would be great if the website look like this, or this would be great if the start here look like this, or whoever is in control of each of those. Anyway, I'm sorry I'm babbling again. No, no, no, no, yeah. I actually. They took up your you know, whatever you said, that they should be some wire same for you. The users. Right? You mentioned. 71 00:16:04.090 --> 00:16:29.070 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, like, say, this is, this is the way the website looks like now, and here is the start here, Button, here's what the onboarding group suggests happens once you click that button, and I'm sure he will take it under consideration, because again, that's the beat of how a foundation works. They wait for for suggestions like that. Yeah, it's the same just like you. John also recommended some design changes. 72 00:16:29.070 --> 00:16:36.450 Akanksha Rani: So he said, that we can make, you know, a navigation based on user perspective on us for the 73 00:16:36.450 --> 00:16:53.169 Akanksha Rani: start. Third page. So that's what right. Now, you know, there are some members also who are in on boarding team on on the call right now. So today I'll be introducing them to all the things that I had discussed, and this week will be working on that design part that you're talking about 74 00:16:53.170 --> 00:17:08.660 Bobbi Muscara: perfect, beautiful. And again I'm going to. So I've introduced myself. Let me start editing this page here, and I will turn the meeting over to to go through the list of introductions, and then, I guess, just go over the presentations. 75 00:17:09.050 --> 00:17:11.040 Bobbi Muscara: So it's all you run up 76 00:17:11.310 --> 00:17:13.880 Arunima Chaudhuri: yeah, sure. So 77 00:17:13.920 --> 00:17:20.949 Arunima Chaudhuri: coming to the introductions. let's start with the Kongshaw so account. So you can go ahead and introduce yourself. 78 00:17:21.280 --> 00:17:43.509 Akanksha Rani: Yeah, sure. So Hello, everyone myself for Pansha. And I am Lfix Mentee for a hyper ledger on boarding mentormentary project. And I'm also contributing to hyper ledger documentation project. these 2 projects. I've focused on this call. And I've been part of a hyper ledger community since past 2 months now 79 00:17:43.510 --> 00:18:02.469 Akanksha Rani: since may I? 3 months, I would say, since July also counted, and I I had worked, and with Bobby and John, these are our mentors, and I would love to be work with you all, and for the upcoming months, and contribute to my best. Yeah. 80 00:18:03.240 --> 00:18:14.959 Arunima Chaudhuri: that's great account. Sure. Thank you so much. next we have an as well in this call. So now, so I think I'm seeing you for the first time, so you can go ahead and introduce yourself. 81 00:18:15.720 --> 00:18:19.990 Anasuya, BiniWorld Innovations : Hi, everyone evening. Actually, I wasn't 82 00:18:20.180 --> 00:18:24.600 Anasuya, BiniWorld Innovations : attending the task force meetings in between 83 00:18:24.620 --> 00:18:27.050 Anasuya, BiniWorld Innovations : Hi, Bobby! 84 00:18:27.560 --> 00:18:48.849 Anasuya, BiniWorld Innovations : like Actually, I was attending the before this mentor and I should program kick started before that I was attending these calls. and I'm the founder and director of Benevolent Innovations Private Limited, and one of our project, like Binny B of it is 85 00:18:48.860 --> 00:18:54.900 Anasuya, BiniWorld Innovations : being so selected as a clp project. So 86 00:18:55.000 --> 00:19:05.569 Anasuya, BiniWorld Innovations : mentor over there. So when I saw that I got a mail regarding this, because in between for 2 weeks when I tried to 87 00:19:05.590 --> 00:19:16.050 Anasuya, BiniWorld Innovations : join the meeting. I think the meeting timing has been shifted so Mondays I couldn't join the meeting, so when I got the 88 00:19:16.700 --> 00:19:22.929 Anasuya, BiniWorld Innovations : invitation? I thought, okay, I will start back again, and I'm not a Mandy. I am Amanda. 89 00:19:24.710 --> 00:19:29.959 Arunima Chaudhuri: that's great, and as well. Thank you so much for attending the call. 90 00:19:30.510 --> 00:19:31.390 Anasuya, BiniWorld Innovations : Thank you. 91 00:19:31.720 --> 00:19:32.860 Arunima Chaudhuri: Welcome. 92 00:19:33.020 --> 00:19:44.560 Aswin Shailajan: So next we have a screen between, you can go. Yeah, my cell question. I. Also, I couldn't attend any of the meetings because of some. 93 00:19:44.730 --> 00:19:46.689 Aswin Shailajan: I have attended one of the meetings. 94 00:19:46.710 --> 00:19:55.779 Aswin Shailajan: and I am in Atlanta's team. I am a contributor here, and we are looking forward to with yours. Thank you. 95 00:19:57.210 --> 00:20:07.860 Arunima Chaudhuri: That's great. Thank you for attending the call. next we have Bulby Sync. so. But we? He can go ahead and choose yourself. 96 00:20:08.260 --> 00:20:31.209 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: Hello, everyone, my step bulb. We sing now. I have applied for a Lfx mentee. But I was not selected, and later, I can't. I reach this out and introduce us about the cohort. So I joined that group in in that group today. I can support that that we have a meeting. So I joined 97 00:20:33.570 --> 00:20:38.220 Arunima Chaudhuri: as people with, I I thank you for introducing yourself. And 98 00:20:38.830 --> 00:20:49.539 Arunima Chaudhuri: yeah, you will surely find out some way in which you can contribute to the projects, because we really need some folks who can help us improve the documentations and everything. 99 00:20:49.550 --> 00:20:51.820 Arunima Chaudhuri: So thanks a lot for joining. 100 00:20:52.700 --> 00:20:58.929 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: Yeah, looking forward to contribute. Yeah. So next we have. 101 00:20:59.110 --> 00:21:01.829 Arunima Chaudhuri: you can go ahead and introduce yourself. 102 00:21:02.960 --> 00:21:12.320 Kajal Kumari: Hello, everyone I'm and the Committee chair number of out of the Templates. 103 00:21:12.480 --> 00:21:17.830 Kajal Kumari: So like in century, I was identifying the projects 104 00:21:17.910 --> 00:21:21.489 Kajal Kumari: which needs our that and documentation. We 105 00:21:21.630 --> 00:21:25.249 Kajal Kumari: so I talked to the Calendar Maintainer. 106 00:21:25.510 --> 00:21:29.630 Kajal Kumari: Bobby, could you please switch to my mentorship page? 107 00:21:29.870 --> 00:21:36.220 Kajal Kumari: We have to like that. of course. Just give me 1 s. 108 00:22:08.280 --> 00:22:10.470 Kajal Kumari: Oh, yeah. So I 109 00:22:10.980 --> 00:22:11.770 Kajal Kumari: yeah. 110 00:22:12.230 --> 00:22:14.429 Kajal Kumari: it's 5 billion. 111 00:22:14.710 --> 00:22:22.720 Kajal Kumari: I I had the conversation with them on this call, like, what we can do for 112 00:22:22.850 --> 00:22:25.739 Kajal Kumari: so you mentioned some points 113 00:22:25.790 --> 00:22:28.970 Kajal Kumari: related to all that I have mentioned. This. 114 00:22:36.230 --> 00:22:43.580 Kajal Kumari: Yeah. these are the 3 we said, like. what can you? 115 00:22:58.420 --> 00:23:05.460 Bobbi Muscara: That's a really good point you made there. I never really thought about versioning and documentation. 116 00:23:05.480 --> 00:23:15.739 Bobbi Muscara: you know, it is tedious how to, you know, maintain the documentation through version controls as well, so thank you for for pointing that out 117 00:23:31.630 --> 00:23:35.749 Kajal Kumari: like. I was going through their documentation, too. 118 00:23:35.880 --> 00:23:39.000 Kajal Kumari: And if it is quite good. 119 00:23:39.040 --> 00:23:44.350 Kajal Kumari: But I didn't understand the the last point, like they want to export 120 00:23:44.960 --> 00:23:49.800 Kajal Kumari: this like a Pdf, so like, how can we do that? 121 00:23:50.820 --> 00:23:53.110 Kajal Kumari: like? I said with dogs have. 122 00:23:58.270 --> 00:24:10.439 Kajal Kumari: So if I'm understanding, you're asking if there is a feature in like the make the docs or read the docs that you can convert that to a Pdf. 123 00:24:11.350 --> 00:24:16.079 Bobbi Muscara: that's a great question. I have no idea that the answer to that is 124 00:24:16.130 --> 00:24:20.979 Bobbi Muscara: But I will find that out. That's a really good question. 125 00:24:21.290 --> 00:24:25.120 Kajal Kumari: So almost you can template the Pdf. 126 00:24:25.520 --> 00:24:28.539 Bobbi Muscara: And almost make it like it. It's an instant manuscript. 127 00:24:28.630 --> 00:24:32.700 Kajal Kumari: Yes, I can do that right on you. Yes. 128 00:24:33.000 --> 00:24:48.769 Kajal Kumari: oh, great. Thank you. I'll do more or more results on this. And also like, I talk to the bevel mentally, he is doing all right. And right now he doesn't need any help from ourselves. 129 00:24:49.040 --> 00:24:52.810 Kajal Kumari: So this is all about me. 130 00:24:54.460 --> 00:24:55.180 Kajal Kumari: Sure. 131 00:25:03.040 --> 00:25:15.219 Arunima Chaudhuri: thanks a lot cattle. But doing so much research and giving us those insights for next we have 3 full. So it's different. You can go ahead and introduce yourself. 132 00:25:16.840 --> 00:25:18.240 Tripur Joshi: Hi, everyone! 133 00:25:18.310 --> 00:25:27.489 Tripur Joshi: my name is Ripper. And I'm working on so lang And I'm kind of like, oh. 134 00:25:27.700 --> 00:25:32.079 Tripur Joshi: creating their like, not creating. But yeah, 135 00:25:32.440 --> 00:25:39.489 Tripur Joshi: making some changes into their user document existing one, and also side by side, also creating a 136 00:25:40.210 --> 00:25:48.810 Tripur Joshi: like standard user guide. changer! So that if they want to use it, they can in the happen as a community. 137 00:25:49.010 --> 00:25:52.150 Tripur Joshi: So, Bobby, if you can ship to my page. 138 00:26:10.450 --> 00:26:12.309 Bobbi Muscara: I'm trying 139 00:26:13.320 --> 00:26:14.540 Tripur Joshi: no issues. 140 00:26:36.120 --> 00:26:39.579 Tripur Joshi: So I initially like in the 141 00:26:39.860 --> 00:27:05.679 Tripur Joshi: like on the top already that user documentation improvement that is needed for so long and that we need to make some changes to the introduction as it is very basic, and it the users who will be stumbling on on the page will not be able to understand at all. if they are big nurse, and they don't know anything about the technology or coding itself, so it will be very difficult for them. But 142 00:27:05.680 --> 00:27:15.579 Tripur Joshi: the product do. And what they are trying to say. And they I, when I was going through the guide, the user side, I 143 00:27:16.000 --> 00:27:30.049 Tripur Joshi: notice that they are not many visuals that can help the reader to understand what the code will look like if they run it, and what will happen? What's the flow chart like of the system that they are 144 00:27:30.130 --> 00:27:34.279 Tripur Joshi: like building their stuff on and all that stuff. So I've suggested 145 00:27:34.310 --> 00:27:47.140 Tripur Joshi: 3 free options so that we can but build some doc like drygrounds or anything that flowcharts and like what step comes after, what step and make it more interactive. 146 00:27:47.330 --> 00:28:15.300 Tripur Joshi: And now I'm going into like section wise improvements. So I have yet done only one which is installing so long, and my remark was on it like, they are very good, but at the same time they are very difficult to understand as I was installing it like on my computer, I was not able to, because it was like as a user, and who a person who is not much into coding or do, who knows everything about coding 147 00:28:15.300 --> 00:28:25.399 Tripur Joshi: will can understand that. But the person who is who don't know anything about coding will not be able to do that. So my improvement was like, we can make. it's 148 00:28:25.400 --> 00:28:49.550 Tripur Joshi: simple and add specific screen short of the devices like if they have like Mac, what The output will look like. And if we are on the Linux, what it will look like. And the language we are using it's kind of very technical. And I wanted to make suggest that we can make it simpler. So I will like. Go go go into the meeting next time, and such as all these things 149 00:28:49.550 --> 00:28:55.970 Tripur Joshi: with the Sol and community, and we will discuss how we will move forward at the same time. I'm also making the Standard 150 00:28:56.680 --> 00:29:06.630 Tripur Joshi: Guide, which I'm making it on my git book. I'm creating a get book. So I, if I can share my screen, will that be okay, Bobby? 151 00:29:11.560 --> 00:29:13.459 Tripur Joshi: Yeah. So of course. 152 00:29:14.380 --> 00:29:31.969 Tripur Joshi: by the way, I'm clapping great job. I was. I was sitting here saying, well, you were doing that. Oh, please be making a a template for everyone else to follow what you're doing. And boom! Here it is. So, thank yeah, I'm at the very initial state. So yeah, the 153 00:29:31.970 --> 00:29:48.060 Tripur Joshi: how I will proceed is this, First of all, a page this is just introduction. What is user documentation? If someone is new to technical writing it, they don't know. What is it? I will add more. It's just a simple, I have added just simple definition, nothing more, nothing less 154 00:29:48.060 --> 00:30:03.470 Tripur Joshi: like it is a user guide for consumer helping them navigate the product properly while assisting them with any difficulty that arrives, so will that with that keeping in mind, the person should write their user document or make changes to it. And then I will write the steps 155 00:30:03.470 --> 00:30:20.059 Tripur Joshi: like, first you have to download your product and use it, and then you start writing it. Start testing the product of what is happening. How do you proceed? And like I will add more steps. I'm at the initial stage. Then I will do specific sections like, after 250 156 00:30:20.100 --> 00:30:43.309 Tripur Joshi: first step will be like writing about introduction, then writing about setup and more. So I'm I'm doing that right now. It's not completed, and then I will add more things, and I will share the link with all of you, so that you can also make change like, suggest changes, and we can make it more like helpful to the community as we can together. 157 00:30:43.610 --> 00:30:48.629 Tripur Joshi: so yeah, that's what I am doing right now. And this is my progress. 158 00:30:54.410 --> 00:30:56.729 Arunima Chaudhuri: that's amazing. 3, 4, 159 00:30:56.780 --> 00:30:58.850 Arunima Chaudhuri: surely. Great work. 160 00:31:02.470 --> 00:31:07.109 Tripur Joshi: I do have some doubts like 161 00:31:07.250 --> 00:31:16.069 Tripur Joshi: what about the like? I didn't get any announcement on the chair thing. If we have done it, I have missed it. 162 00:31:17.470 --> 00:31:22.050 Arunima Chaudhuri: So regarding what can you please tell me 163 00:31:22.650 --> 00:31:32.230 Tripur Joshi: like the bobby mentioned earlier that we will be making chairs for the user template. And then, like at the specific user documentations and all that stuff. So 164 00:31:32.830 --> 00:31:35.239 Tripur Joshi: we didn't discuss anything about that. 165 00:31:36.120 --> 00:31:39.049 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay. So I think, 166 00:31:40.180 --> 00:31:46.990 Arunima Chaudhuri: let me see. So your your for let me just go ahead and see it 167 00:31:54.690 --> 00:32:03.229 Arunima Chaudhuri: also. since you are doing the presentation for Github. Read the talk so you can be the chair of that group. Right? 168 00:32:05.780 --> 00:32:10.160 Tripur Joshi: I think that's not a group. that 169 00:32:11.830 --> 00:32:14.880 Tripur Joshi: that was the comment that Bobby wrote. At that time 170 00:32:14.920 --> 00:32:25.330 Tripur Joshi: the there are only 5 groups in that, that is templates and onboarding user guide best practices. 171 00:32:26.090 --> 00:32:36.969 Bobbi Muscara: But there's 2 different sections to it. Get the Github documentation when you approach it from a community perspective. The first one is when I am a Project Maintainer. 172 00:32:36.970 --> 00:33:03.520 Bobbi Muscara: and I'm going into the labs, and I'm creating my first Github Repository. If there's a template for that, what needs to be there. But there's not a template for what the next step is like when you're in labs, and you want to take your lab project and and and make it an incubated project in the community or an incubated project to a graduated project. So those templates don't exist. So that's the first Github templates. 173 00:33:03.520 --> 00:33:17.250 Bobbi Muscara: The other section of the Github is about taking that material that the Maintainer is already created and making it into reasonable, readable user Guides and 174 00:33:17.870 --> 00:33:28.800 Bobbi Muscara: Hyper Ledger offer some tooling practices they have, I think they use. Make the docs to read the docs. I'm not sure what David suggests, but that's what this task force that section of this test course is 175 00:33:28.800 --> 00:33:53.229 Bobbi Muscara: going to research is, what does Hyper Ledger offer? We already know what each one uses. We have a graph in this documentation task force, documentation somewhere of what everyone in the community is using right now. And as a documentation task force deliverable, we are going to give them suggestions on how to take what the Maintainer's created 176 00:33:53.230 --> 00:34:08.029 Bobbi Muscara: and make user docs, and even adding that Pdf suggestion is like a a great idea for that section. So there's 2 different github, and we have you down. For once the Github repositories are completed. 177 00:34:08.670 --> 00:34:17.900 Bobbi Muscara: What read the Doc? Make the docs. Do you use to suggest the community uses so that the 178 00:34:17.960 --> 00:34:24.090 Bobbi Muscara: end user documentation is hyper Ledger. Look and feel if that makes sense and in. 179 00:34:24.380 --> 00:34:33.629 Bobbi Muscara: And and if you still want to be a a chair on that that, you know. Discuss that with the root of. But that was the point of having that broken out into 2 different tasks. 180 00:34:33.960 --> 00:34:54.870 Tripur Joshi: Okay, okay, I got it. Thank you. Bobby. And I do have one more question. like in the early meetings you also mentioned that. if we are working on the project, and we will get some college credits that we can show, and all that type of stuff. So was it related to this project, or were you talking about some other one? 181 00:34:55.060 --> 00:35:28.479 Bobbi Muscara: there are no college credits given out from hyperbolic community in any way, shape or form. what it was was, there is and I'm working with men on that. There is a learning and I'm not sure maybe you run about has more information. But it's a learning center, and this project is going to be in there so that you would get like a badge from Hyper ledger saying that you completed. And we're part of this mentor learning ship program. the only difference is it. It wouldn't be compensated. 182 00:35:28.860 --> 00:35:42.890 Bobbi Muscara: But you would get the same credit for your resume, Linkedin. For your networking, you know you'll be able to go and speak about this. You'll be able to, you know, become a speaker because you've had this interaction with the hyper ledger community. 183 00:35:44.300 --> 00:35:47.020 Tripur Joshi: Okay, okay, yeah. Got it. Thank you. 184 00:35:48.690 --> 00:36:07.450 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, so for regarding that part, even, I don't have much idea about the learning program. But what I can do is start, I can share men's email id with with you. And you can. send a mail to her asking about it. I think she will be the correct person to provide the correct 185 00:36:07.450 --> 00:36:27.330 Bobbi Muscara: guidance to you regarding this about already. I've already talked to him in so all I'm waiting for is her to set us up as a project, and then I'll send everyone in this call a link, so that if they want to enroll which everyone should, you're doing the work for it enroll just can enroll in that learning section. 186 00:36:27.740 --> 00:36:33.719 Akanksha Rani: oh, that's great. Yeah, working on it. We just need to get it. We need to get it. So you guys can enroll it. 187 00:36:33.910 --> 00:36:49.539 Akanksha Rani: Yeah, I just wanted to add on that. So since there are certain people who wanted to, you know, take part in the hyper ledger projects. So I also searched up and saw that collaborative learning program that was there. 188 00:36:49.540 --> 00:37:10.909 Akanksha Rani: But I think so. The deadline was 20 fifth June for that. since I was checking out for our projects for documentation and on boarding. And those were not part of collaborative programs. So their deadline had across like it was 25 June. But I'm not sure if that's the same thing you talked men about or 189 00:37:10.910 --> 00:37:21.569 Bobbi Muscara: it is, and we're going to get in there. We're going to get past. We're going to slide in past the day. Okay, okay, so yeah, so it would be just documentation. Or we can get the onboarding project as well in there. 190 00:37:21.920 --> 00:37:25.220 Bobbi Muscara: I can hopefully get both. 191 00:37:25.440 --> 00:37:45.230 Akanksha Rani: I'd be reaching out to her again today. So let me find out, and then by next week we'll definitely have that set up. 192 00:37:46.420 --> 00:37:47.720 Bobbi Muscara: Exactly 193 00:37:49.950 --> 00:37:53.550 Kajal Kumari: for me. I have a question. Oh. 194 00:37:53.880 --> 00:37:54.880 Bobbi Muscara: go ahead. 195 00:37:58.770 --> 00:38:06.240 Kajal Kumari: Data templates and only templates. They are different. I like, I have a 196 00:38:07.040 --> 00:38:08.370 Kajal Kumari: confusion. 197 00:38:08.620 --> 00:38:17.800 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. So now the the templates, the templates that that this refers to let me see if I can find them quick enough 198 00:38:20.010 --> 00:38:22.960 Bobbi Muscara: has to do more with. 199 00:38:23.780 --> 00:38:29.659 Bobbi Muscara: I'm gonna be guessing the the onboarding button libraries 200 00:38:29.680 --> 00:38:37.649 Bobbi Muscara: and the templates have to do more with this information. So if I want to write a white paper. 201 00:38:39.030 --> 00:38:45.789 Bobbi Muscara: We had this little white paper standards. It was done 4 years ago. it 202 00:38:46.000 --> 00:39:07.980 Bobbi Muscara: probably needs to be done more user friendly, because if I was someone trying to wider white paper and I saw this, I'm not sure if I would know how to use it. I'm not sure if this is a good format anymore for white papers. so that's what the that section of the template is doing. It's going over all of these, and I'll drop this link in the chat if I can get it. 203 00:39:10.880 --> 00:39:12.210 Bobbi Muscara: Hold on 204 00:39:12.370 --> 00:39:29.060 Bobbi Muscara: so copy. So now the learning materials working group has been archived. So it really isn't something that people can access anymore. So David has asked us to take what we think of these templates 205 00:39:29.140 --> 00:39:52.350 Bobbi Muscara: and make it into like, almost like a button on that library, so that when someone in the community needs to create something, they can go to these templates and say, oh, I'm creating, and even that Github Template will be in here. It will be a part of the overall, but that one you won't have to create from scratch. none of them you really have to create from scratch. none of them you really have to create from scratch. none of them you really have to create from Scott. You just have to look at them all 206 00:39:52.570 --> 00:39:57.839 Bobbi Muscara: and redo them to make them current. so again, there's 207 00:39:58.460 --> 00:40:06.659 Bobbi Muscara: Here's another one. Use case standards. So if you want to. And I encourage this one, everyone who who is implementing a use case should 208 00:40:06.860 --> 00:40:11.420 Bobbi Muscara: use this format. But again, this is not user friendly. 209 00:40:11.710 --> 00:40:13.040 This is 210 00:40:13.370 --> 00:40:21.100 Bobbi Muscara: crazy. If you ask me, I would know how to do a use case from this. So I hope that answered your question. 211 00:40:21.130 --> 00:40:27.679 Kajal Kumari: there are any like examples where people have used these templates 212 00:40:28.120 --> 00:40:29.919 Kajal Kumari: like a 213 00:40:30.340 --> 00:40:40.130 Bobbi Muscara: yes, there the labs templates. I'm I'm not sure if that was your question. But what do the labs uses templates? let's see. 214 00:40:41.030 --> 00:40:42.170 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I think I just 215 00:40:51.180 --> 00:40:54.160 Bobbi Muscara: I never find what I need when I look this way. But 216 00:40:59.310 --> 00:41:08.289 Bobbi Muscara: no, it's not here. There's a section in the Github for for the blank lab Repository. It is listed on our 217 00:41:09.860 --> 00:41:13.180 Bobbi Muscara: page somewhere. Let me just see if I can find it. 218 00:41:16.020 --> 00:41:20.550 Bobbi Muscara: But yeah, that should be one of the templates in our list as well. 219 00:41:21.840 --> 00:41:24.770 Bobbi Muscara: I think it's under the section for Github 220 00:41:31.930 --> 00:41:33.220 Bobbi Muscara: recordings. 221 00:41:39.370 --> 00:41:40.730 Bobbi Muscara: We just a minute. 222 00:41:45.380 --> 00:41:47.110 Bobbi Muscara: So to make a commit. 223 00:41:48.410 --> 00:41:55.199 Bobbi Muscara: And again, like not to jump topic. I I can't locate that, but I will definitely try to find it for the end of the meeting. 224 00:41:57.660 --> 00:42:09.429 Bobbi Muscara: like I'm looking for that now. That's the whole point of this is so that people don't have to search for things anymore, and so that they're easy to grab and find But it is in here. 225 00:42:10.660 --> 00:42:12.540 Bobbi Muscara: I hope that answered your question. 226 00:42:12.620 --> 00:42:15.600 Kajal Kumari: Okay. 227 00:42:15.750 --> 00:42:17.100 Kajal Kumari: okay. 228 00:42:33.990 --> 00:42:40.040 Arunima Chaudhuri: okay. So We had Victoria in the call, but she had to 229 00:42:40.160 --> 00:42:42.579 Arunima Chaudhuri: top of because 230 00:42:42.760 --> 00:42:54.800 Arunima Chaudhuri: she maybe she had some work. So I will connect with her later. And just to confirm Bobby, we will have the presentation on thirteenth, right on Thursday. 231 00:43:01.280 --> 00:43:02.740 Bobbi Muscara: Yes, that's correct. 232 00:43:02.940 --> 00:43:03.850 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay. 233 00:43:04.570 --> 00:43:16.100 Bobbi Muscara: So if you want for the rest of the meeting, just go over the presentation. It's all up to you. Now 234 00:43:16.400 --> 00:43:23.840 Akanksha Rani: finish off the meeting. Thank you, everybody I'm sorry for. 235 00:43:24.350 --> 00:43:39.940 Akanksha Rani: I just wanted to ask one thing from you. I had mail, Ben, regarding this. So any of any update or anything, so that I can, you know, connect with Ben or David on a call, because we really need their opinions. For 236 00:43:39.940 --> 00:44:05.269 Akanksha Rani: the there are 3 different things that we discussed me and John discussed that was was like analyzing the traffic flow, the high traffic pages like analyzing the high traffic pages so that we can implement it into downboarding project and work on that. So all these things we just can't, you know, discuss like that. So is there any way or any meeting that we can join to connect with them? 237 00:44:06.190 --> 00:44:08.199 Bobbi Muscara: Send me the link, and I'll be there. 238 00:44:08.550 --> 00:44:15.419 Akanksha Rani: Yeah, okay, But like when and David, since they haven't responded yet. 239 00:44:16.180 --> 00:44:23.170 Bobbi Muscara: When is your onboarding? Call it? We have it. We have it on Wednesdays 240 00:44:23.180 --> 00:44:35.670 Akanksha Rani: now, like it will be on Wednesday. The timing would be 9, 30 to a 1030 Indian standard time, which would be, I guess, 12 pm. According to you. 241 00:44:36.320 --> 00:44:59.140 Bobbi Muscara: I I I'm unfortunately this Wednesday I'm speaking to the Penn State Alumni Association, so I'll be in Philadelphia giving it a presentation. But any other day this week. How about If you could throw it out there at your meeting? Yeah, I can do right after the tooc presentation. So that would be Thursday 242 00:44:59.140 --> 00:45:23.860 Bobbi Muscara: or before, if it's easier for you guys. Well, they're in Colorado and David's in California. So he's not getting up at 5 exactly. No, exactly. No, he actually wrote in the mail that he that John forwarded that whatever time that you know, he'll try to reschedule. So I said I applied him that whatever is his, you know convenience according to his convenience. He can tell Elvis lords 243 00:45:23.860 --> 00:45:39.780 Akanksha Rani: so. I'm not sure when he will reply back. But I really need to connect with Ben and David regarding the on boarding project, and it would be really good if you'll be also there with John. Yeah. But I again, I 244 00:45:40.520 --> 00:45:44.900 Bobbi Muscara: I don't envy you having to coordinate with the 245 00:45:45.120 --> 00:46:05.180 Bobbi Muscara: website people. And and the, you know, because again they they move very slowly. But if I keep going on what you envision and then work with them to plug it in. Okay, okay, thank you, Bobby. and surely I'll tell you the I'll mail you the time and everything that I'll reschedule the meeting. 246 00:46:05.390 --> 00:46:09.120 Bobbi Muscara: Yes, and I will see you at the toc presentation. 247 00:46:09.570 --> 00:46:10.560 Akanksha Rani: I will. 248 00:46:17.750 --> 00:46:43.509 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay. So before I get started with the presentation, just let me tell you all something. If any of you have exams, or you think that you know, if if you need help from me regarding any help or any assistance from me regarding any of the tasks, and feel free to let me know on, either on Linkedin or through a mail. I will be moved and happy to help you out with the tasks, so 249 00:46:43.760 --> 00:46:50.189 Arunima Chaudhuri: I just wanted to let all of you know that. Now, coming to the presentation, let me start sharing my screen. 250 00:46:55.010 --> 00:46:56.980 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay. so 251 00:47:00.500 --> 00:47:05.640 Arunima Chaudhuri: so let's start with the presentation. So we're starting with the plus slide. 252 00:47:11.880 --> 00:47:22.040 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay? So Hello, everyone. My name is Ainema Chaudrey, and I'm the committee chair of the documentation to us post, and also on on this project. 253 00:47:22.250 --> 00:47:31.920 Arunima Chaudhuri: first of all, I want to express my gratitude to you for entrusting me with this role, and I'm truly excited about the work that 254 00:47:31.950 --> 00:47:34.390 Arunima Chaudhuri: we all will be doing together as a team. 255 00:47:36.120 --> 00:47:53.130 Arunima Chaudhuri: So clear and comprehensive documentation is essential for any successful project. It not only helps the developers understand and contribute to the projects, but also facilitates the adoption and success of our projects in the wider community 256 00:47:53.530 --> 00:48:04.119 Arunima Chaudhuri: to ensure that our hypologic projects also have the best possible documentation. We we have 6 6 subcommittees 257 00:48:05.060 --> 00:48:11.699 Arunima Chaudhuri: that will be working under the documentation standards. Task force at each group will provide a 258 00:48:11.870 --> 00:48:25.229 Arunima Chaudhuri: assistance to the projects in a specific area. So the 6 subcommittees are Github templates. Github read the talks, templates, best practices on boarding, and user cries 259 00:48:25.710 --> 00:48:33.179 Arunima Chaudhuri: also, all the subgroups will work collaboratively to address the documentation gaps and assist. The project maintains 260 00:48:33.290 --> 00:48:44.529 Arunima Chaudhuri: some of the shared objectives of the Documentation task force includes to enhance the overall quality and consistency of the documentation across all the projects 261 00:48:44.830 --> 00:48:53.780 Arunima Chaudhuri: to provide and guide to provide a support and guidance to the project teams in utilizing the available resources effectively. 262 00:48:55.010 --> 00:49:05.370 Arunima Chaudhuri: Streamline, the documentation process for better efficiency and productivity and also to import the users through user friendly and comprehensive documentation. 263 00:49:05.550 --> 00:49:16.109 Arunima Chaudhuri: So I look forward to working closely with all of you in the coming months, in shaping the refining and standardizing the documentation process within the hyper Ledger 264 00:49:16.140 --> 00:49:27.840 Arunima Chaudhuri: and Now I would like to introduce the cheers of each of the subgroups, or who will be contributing to the documentation task force in the upcoming months. 265 00:49:28.800 --> 00:49:35.740 Arunima Chaudhuri: starting with the Github Templates group Tian loop. are you there on the call? 266 00:49:44.430 --> 00:49:48.579 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay? So we currently don't have in the call. 267 00:49:48.820 --> 00:49:52.119 Arunima Chaudhuri: So moving on to the next slide. 268 00:49:52.410 --> 00:50:03.790 Arunima Chaudhuri: Github read the talks 3 people. You can go ahead and give us a brief idea of the subgroup. And what are the work you have been doing since the last few months? 269 00:50:04.890 --> 00:50:15.390 Tripur Joshi: Hi! Everyone! My name is Tripod Joshi, and I am a technical writer and researcher and I will be contributing to the 270 00:50:15.490 --> 00:50:26.760 Tripur Joshi: user guide and like making a standard user documentation guideline for everyone who wants to update their existing user guides. 271 00:50:26.770 --> 00:50:35.479 Tripur Joshi: And I'm also working on so long. And that is the first project we are working on. And then after that we will move, move 272 00:50:35.540 --> 00:50:37.140 Tripur Joshi: towards other projects 273 00:50:37.390 --> 00:50:48.569 Tripur Joshi: so that they can also get help from us. And as much as we can improve their user guides and their the experiences of the users 274 00:50:48.710 --> 00:51:03.439 Tripur Joshi: and at the same time, how we are improve like aiming to support the community is making that standard template for everyone to use, and so that they don't have to go around and 275 00:51:03.590 --> 00:51:18.420 Tripur Joshi: take any like, read other documents to know how to update their user guides, and that's all we are doing, and we hope that it will be more useful for everyone, and we can all contribute to it. Yeah. 276 00:51:20.200 --> 00:51:27.589 Arunima Chaudhuri: thank you so much stupid for introducing the get up the the talks to all of us. So next 277 00:51:29.440 --> 00:51:41.760 Arunima Chaudhuri: next we have the templates through and cards will let us know. I'll give us a brief idea of the what the Tempest Group is doing, and also what she has been doing for the past few months 278 00:51:42.090 --> 00:51:43.910 Arunima Chaudhuri: schedule. You can go ahead. 279 00:51:44.740 --> 00:52:01.800 Kajal Kumari: Hello, everyone. I'm Kajal Kumari, and I'm a finally a student. So I I am Android developer and a technical network. I have contributed in various open source programs in development and documentations. 280 00:52:01.840 --> 00:52:08.930 Kajal Kumari: And I have also done a ui relax or design. So like, I have. 281 00:52:08.960 --> 00:52:14.849 Kajal Kumari: I have talked to some of the projects of Hyper Ledger where we can 282 00:52:14.980 --> 00:52:32.620 Kajal Kumari: so often as a documentation where they need any documentation help. So I have talked to the calendar and a better maintainer. But I have also identified Hecta. And and then, Chris, where they 283 00:52:32.650 --> 00:52:41.800 Kajal Kumari: need a documentation help. So I would be like helping them in that. And talking about my 284 00:52:42.000 --> 00:52:44.919 Kajal Kumari: project in 285 00:52:44.970 --> 00:52:50.030 Kajal Kumari: Documentation task force. So I'm the chair member of templates. 286 00:52:50.090 --> 00:52:59.249 Kajal Kumari: We will be providing a suitable template for all the needs like. for the graphics or 287 00:52:59.380 --> 00:53:07.290 Kajal Kumari: for like Github or any need documentation needed. 288 00:53:07.530 --> 00:53:12.639 Kajal Kumari: So like the templates will be standard and consist 289 00:53:12.860 --> 00:53:21.529 Kajal Kumari: the approach to documentation across various hyper ledger projects at the various stage of the project life cycle. 290 00:53:21.770 --> 00:53:41.639 Kajal Kumari: and, like we, a noted all the need of all the projects. It will be. you need to specify. So the template, there being June can specify. Like we have a white paper template. We have graphic or template, and we have a user, a case to do templates. 291 00:53:41.980 --> 00:53:46.720 Kajal Kumari: So we will be developing a customized template for every group. 292 00:53:46.860 --> 00:53:59.930 Kajal Kumari: And by offering these well, this design templates, we strive to streamline the documentation process and enable project team to focus more on when the building and sharing 293 00:53:59.960 --> 00:54:13.069 Kajal Kumari: vital information that is documented documented effectively. And this thing will smooth the onboarding process for the newbie, or those people who are not in our tech. 294 00:54:13.520 --> 00:54:14.889 Kajal Kumari: So thank you. 295 00:54:17.940 --> 00:54:25.909 Arunima Chaudhuri: Thank you so much. Cudgel, for giving us a brief idea of what the Templates group is all about, and how it will assist the Mentees. 296 00:54:25.930 --> 00:54:38.189 Arunima Chaudhuri: In the upcoming months. Oh. next we have the best practices group, which is led by Victoria. Currently. we don't have her in the call 297 00:54:38.680 --> 00:54:47.449 Arunima Chaudhuri: She joined the call, but she left. It was some instance. but yeah, so she will be introducing the best practices group 298 00:54:48.070 --> 00:55:00.650 Arunima Chaudhuri: Next we have the onboarding group, which is led by accounts, Sharon. So accounts you can go ahead and give us a free party of what the on boarding through is all about. 299 00:55:01.770 --> 00:55:16.189 Akanksha Rani: Oh, sure. So hello! Everyone myself a Kansas and I am Alexander for hyper legend on boarding project also, and I am also contributing here as chair of the on boarding team 300 00:55:16.310 --> 00:55:19.010 Akanksha Rani: a as a 301 00:55:19.250 --> 00:55:33.599 Akanksha Rani: technical student time and aiml, and that the enthusiasm web developer and also an open source contributor and talking about on boarding. So on boarding is basically a project which is which focuses on 302 00:55:33.600 --> 00:55:58.270 Akanksha Rani: 6 7 different aspects as which I have you know, consized into. And first, first is, it focuses on the search and analysis for all the you know, for all the ways in which the user engages on the hyp ledger platform. Then we have to plan and scope that how and how the process from 303 00:55:58.270 --> 00:56:03.029 Akanksha Rani: the user to the hyper leisure site. So we basically is the 304 00:56:03.030 --> 00:56:11.530 Akanksha Rani: distance and the bridge, the gap that is there between the users or the people who approach or 305 00:56:11.530 --> 00:56:36.530 Akanksha Rani: check out the hypologist sites. So we work on that. Next, we work on design and development, which is basically the web, the the the face into a web page interface. And the website remodulation. then we're talking about the 4 thing we work on the testing and feedback. So once we, you know, we make a design, or via same ready? We asked to. We asked the mentor 306 00:56:36.530 --> 00:57:03.910 Akanksha Rani: for the feedback, and we work on that. Then talking about collaboration and communication. So since I'm an Alex, I've I'm a elephant. So I have also a team under me the in which there are different people who who are collaborating with me and helping me with the project, and they'll be helping me in that coming weeks also. So the it's about that also. And lastly, it's basically we work on the refinement of 307 00:57:03.910 --> 00:57:08.880 Akanksha Rani: of the hyperbolic community and the website. So that's how the on boarding works off. 308 00:57:12.860 --> 00:57:27.220 Arunima Chaudhuri: Thank you. So much account for giving us a detailed idea of what the onboarding group is all about and how it will assist The hyper ledger projects in in the previous documentation needs. 309 00:57:27.340 --> 00:57:28.360 Arunima Chaudhuri: So 310 00:57:28.730 --> 00:57:33.399 Arunima Chaudhuri: next, we have the user guides through which is led by Agnes. 311 00:57:33.550 --> 00:57:35.939 Arunima Chaudhuri: Agnes, are you there on the call? 312 00:57:42.040 --> 00:57:49.859 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay? She. So she is currently not here in the call. But she will be giving us a free party of the user Kyle's group. 313 00:57:54.220 --> 00:58:03.879 Arunima Chaudhuri: And this is on the last side. So this was the presentation all about So in this meet we couldn't have Chanluka 314 00:58:03.890 --> 00:58:09.439 Arunima Chaudhuri: Victoria and madness. I will be talking with each of them over Linkedin. And 315 00:58:09.560 --> 00:58:16.040 Arunima Chaudhuri: are you sure that you know they are present in the first team meet? So that was all about the presentation. 316 00:58:16.570 --> 00:58:22.180 Arunima Chaudhuri: Bobby, do you have anything to see or any multiplication? 317 00:58:22.720 --> 00:58:34.620 Bobbi Muscara: 2 suggestions. First, suggestion is an ending slide that just says questions or thank you and questions, and when you're finished it's it's a nice 318 00:58:35.070 --> 00:58:54.129 Bobbi Muscara: for a presentation. It's a nice way to flow to the end to show that socks that last slide. So everybody knows like it's done. And you know, like it's, it's a it's a nice ending. And just the second suggestion is to everyone on the call. The Maintainers at the Toc are very 319 00:58:54.270 --> 00:59:08.230 Bobbi Muscara: allergic to people asking them to do work. So it has to be their idea. So just be very careful when we're talking about templates and new suggestions that you're not 320 00:59:08.250 --> 00:59:41.760 Bobbi Muscara: in any way suggesting that they go back and fix documentation. Our suggestions are just moving forward. so just always make sure you your your are. They know that our suggestions are for their future work, that we want no one to go back and correct anything. this is just suggestions moving forward because they get like, really like that would be the only thing they'll get out of the presentation is you're asking me to do something. So just just be mindful of how you word 321 00:59:41.880 --> 00:59:49.350 Bobbi Muscara: our suggestions to them that you're not asking them to go back and fix you're looking forward to when they're doing new stuff. 322 00:59:49.480 --> 00:59:57.180 Bobbi Muscara: Other than that. It was fabulous, fabulous presentation. I applaud And again, if anyone doesn't show up 323 00:59:57.590 --> 01:00:18.519 Bobbi Muscara: and anyone on the call wants to sub for them. That's great, or you can throw me in a runima anywhere if there's no one there, and the slide is blank. I will step in or you can step in doesn't matter If the people don't, or do or do not show up. We can, you know, just work through that. But everything looked great. I can't wait. 324 01:00:19.190 --> 01:00:34.110 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, that's great. So the main thing is that we should make. Keep in mind that, you know. Yes, giving suggestions for future work, something that we can build on, not that asking them to go ahead and make the changes right? Something. 325 01:00:34.410 --> 01:00:51.089 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, they don't want to do work. They want to just have, like, if they're they want this task force to support what they're doing, moving forward. They don't want to feel punitive, and that they have to go back and fix. So everything is perfect the way it is. But going forward here you go. 326 01:00:51.720 --> 01:00:52.810 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay. 327 01:00:52.960 --> 01:00:57.390 Arunima Chaudhuri: I suggested politely. I got it. 328 01:00:57.800 --> 01:01:06.310 Bobbi Muscara: but they all like when we did the survey. Every maintainer wants suggestions moving forward. But nobody wants to go back and fix their work. 329 01:01:07.090 --> 01:01:08.330 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, called it. 330 01:01:09.250 --> 01:01:16.880 Bobbi Muscara: That's it, and that they' it. It's gonna be well received the Toc. Has canceled 2 meetings in a row, so we haven't met like 331 01:01:17.160 --> 01:01:25.959 Bobbi Muscara: 3 weeks. So this will be a nice nice way to get back into the flow. after summer break. So I'm very excited. 332 01:01:26.430 --> 01:01:31.570 Bobbi Muscara: and I hope everyone, if you're not presenting, comes on the call for support, and it'll be great. 333 01:01:32.640 --> 01:01:41.360 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, thank you so much, Bobby. I got it, and I will just look into the wordings of each of the slides and make sure that everything is polite and 334 01:01:41.440 --> 01:01:53.730 Bobbi Muscara: no, no, no! The word! It was fine. I think it just at 1 point somebody said the word fix when they were talking, and I'm like, Oh, no, no, no, no, no fix moving forward, no fix. 335 01:01:53.750 --> 01:02:02.140 Bobbi Muscara: Okay? And and again, it's just the verbiage. And I think everybody here understands. You know, it's just you're very particular about when you assign them jobs. They're like. 336 01:02:02.790 --> 01:02:11.740 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, I got it. Thank you so much for for the suggestions. Thank you for all this work. You've done a great job, and I look forward to see you present on Thursday. 337 01:02:12.080 --> 01:02:13.500 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, sure. 338 01:02:16.940 --> 01:02:21.429 Bobbi Muscara: all right, I will see you Thursday. Have a great day evening. Have a great sleep. 339 01:02:21.650 --> 01:02:33.630 Akanksha Rani: Oh, thank you, Bobby. And also I just want to talk to the onboarding people, since some of them are here, so can I just take up after you know I'm just leaving now. You can take the call for as long as you want. 340 01:02:33.880 --> 01:02:43.979 Arunima Chaudhuri: So yeah, sure account. You can go ahead. And if you have anything else you can discuss with the people from documentation. Then after that I can talk 341 01:02:44.690 --> 01:03:02.749 Arunima Chaudhuri: no, nothing more to discuss. We will have the presentation on Thursday. And You all did a great job like talking about each of the subjects, so nothing more to say. All the best for the presentation on Thursday, and account for the call is yours, and go ahead and have your discussion. Thank you 342 01:03:07.850 --> 01:03:19.579 Akanksha Rani: Hello, everyone am I audible enough? I think so. But we I've been sugarman and casual had filled up for the on boarding part. 343 01:03:19.870 --> 01:03:20.870 Kajal Kumari: Yes. 344 01:03:21.030 --> 01:03:22.220 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: it's nice. 345 01:03:22.590 --> 01:03:28.819 Akanksha Rani: all of you are here on call. Can you just just give me a heads up your Ivr there so that we can. I can. 346 01:03:31.530 --> 01:03:34.460 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: Okay. so how are you there? 347 01:03:36.670 --> 01:03:51.280 Akanksha Rani: Yeah, cool. So, yeah. Firstly, since we didn't have any military now. So I just wanted to ask that all 4 of you. You all are interested in contributing. And also, since Kajel is already contributing to documentation, will it be okay with you? 348 01:03:53.170 --> 01:03:54.910 Kajal Kumari: Yeah, it's 349 01:03:55.500 --> 01:04:24.930 Akanksha Rani: cool. So as I had discussed with the John regarding the project, since I have not invited you to the meeting call, because it could be a bit difficult for you to understand, since you were in that from the scratch, so soon you'll be joining the call with John as well, so I'll just share my screen and share some few things that will may. Would we embed that? That would be it easier for you to understand the flow of on boarding. Just give me a second. 350 01:04:25.140 --> 01:04:28.330 Akanksha Rani: I'm just sharing my screen. Okay. 351 01:04:29.070 --> 01:04:31.849 Akanksha Rani: so is my screen visible guys. 352 01:04:32.930 --> 01:04:34.380 Kajal Kumari: Yes. 353 01:04:34.600 --> 01:04:35.350 Akanksha Rani: okay. 354 01:04:35.540 --> 01:05:00.540 Akanksha Rani: so this is the there are different aspects to onboarding and talking about the things that we I will be working on right now would be 3 of them which I had discussed with Ben and the last meet first, you know. First would be the analyzing, the traffic flow. So what exactly it is that there are certain pages first and third are very integrated. There are certain pages. 355 01:05:00.540 --> 01:05:08.859 It's on Hyper Ledger, where the engagement is more like, for example, if someone is working on bevels a bevel page back there is a project. 356 01:05:08.860 --> 01:05:30.380 Akanksha Rani: So we know that people go to that page a lot, and there is. they they approach more to those pages. So we'll be focusing on that with that aspect. And you we we won't be working on it right now, because we need to talk to Ben regarding it. So the main thing we'll be working on is the second point. If you guys can see the design changes so 357 01:05:30.470 --> 01:05:40.139 Akanksha Rani: well, I guess. some of you had raise your hands for working on p with them earlier. Who who was there? Are both of you there on call. 358 01:05:40.980 --> 01:05:42.400 Kajal Kumari: for I was 359 01:05:42.580 --> 01:06:03.599 Akanksha Rani: okay. And there was one more person who has told that they have worked in Sigma and designed before. So anyhow. So what? Exactly if you haven't worked on it. So I'll recommend that you should, you know, start exporting Sigma. If any one of you has never worked. It's a very amazing place for making via things or designs 360 01:06:03.600 --> 01:06:15.940 Akanksha Rani: may basically for when never we make a site. So pig, my is basically to make layout. For how exactly the website looks like, if any one of you is not aware of what exactly Sigma is. 361 01:06:15.940 --> 01:06:40.260 Akanksha Rani: So this is we about we have to do is as do just a second. I'll just open up a link. It would be easier for you to understand. So the hyper Ledger website. It is already there. But we basically have to ease the access of people so that people can just click it over and go to the page that they're looking for. They don't need to go. We have to make it easier to understand that. 362 01:06:40.260 --> 01:06:48.440 Akanksha Rani: you know, the site is very E user in Trendy. We have to make that. So the right now, if you can see the Hyper Ledger website 363 01:06:48.670 --> 01:06:51.380 Akanksha Rani: just a second, I'll just show you. 364 01:06:53.700 --> 01:06:54.860 Akanksha Rani: Hmm. 365 01:06:54.920 --> 01:07:03.170 Akanksha Rani: I have received a design template by Bobby. If you can see the documentation task task force. So this is the canva design 366 01:07:03.480 --> 01:07:23.709 Akanksha Rani: shared by Ben. So keeping this theme in reference. We have to make different designs based on person us. So what are these put on us? I'll just tell you over. So this is the new hyper Ledger, icon and Hyperlink. This, this is the initial theme of our website. 367 01:07:23.710 --> 01:07:35.910 Akanksha Rani: If you guys can see, we have to work along with this and make a start here. User guide. What exactly is started user light is whenever it's a a a person goes to the hypologist site. 368 01:07:36.140 --> 01:07:38.640 Akanksha Rani: I'll just open the hyper ledger side and 369 01:07:40.920 --> 01:07:43.469 Akanksha Rani: make it easy for you to understand. Yeah. 370 01:07:43.820 --> 01:07:44.850 Akanksha Rani: just a second. 371 01:07:48.620 --> 01:07:51.960 Akanksha Rani: This is the site right now. Okay, so 372 01:07:52.420 --> 01:08:21.820 Akanksha Rani: if you can see, this is a very basic minimal side. So we basically have to like, if someone has to know need we, if you open it for the first time. You won't understand what exactly it is. This is how to get started. So what are the changes that we can see that we couldn't. We can have a start here button here, or something like that. So I just want the views from you all. And you know, if you guys can work up on a design that you feel that would be better 373 01:08:21.859 --> 01:08:30.999 Akanksha Rani: for understanding how exactly we can put up different changes. So it is easier for the users to engage with, so there are different person on us. 374 01:08:31.010 --> 01:08:36.360 Akanksha Rani: I'll open up that, so that it is easier for you to understand which perfect person as we need to work on 375 01:08:36.640 --> 01:08:39.009 Akanksha Rani: just a second. 376 01:08:43.399 --> 01:08:52.500 Akanksha Rani: I'll take a doubts after this. I know it's a bit difficult to understand it first. But I'm just, you know, just saying everything for once, so that there is a 377 01:08:52.620 --> 01:08:53.779 Akanksha Rani: drop. It 378 01:08:54.819 --> 01:09:02.699 Akanksha Rani: flow. At least you can understand the flow, that what exactly. We are working on in on boarding just a second. Where is that? 379 01:09:07.180 --> 01:09:20.779 Akanksha Rani: this is the Github repo, basically for start here, guide. So if you guys? of course, I guess you have been open source contributor. That's why you are interested in here, or even a a bigner. Can you know. 380 01:09:20.890 --> 01:09:36.149 Akanksha Rani: a contribute. So this is the basic start here, page of Hyper Ledger. There we will be working on the website, just introducing everything to you. And don't worry about the links. I can share that over to you after words. Also. 381 01:09:36.990 --> 01:09:58.870 Akanksha Rani: this is the hyperbolic side. I don't want this just a second, I'll explain the person, as I even share the link for you. So that if you guys are interested and start on making some, you just have to make a you have to take reference and make a navigation, a navigation page, where it is easier for the person on us to 382 01:09:59.010 --> 01:10:03.419 Akanksha Rani: go over and just be there on the right page with a single click. 383 01:10:03.830 --> 01:10:05.040 Akanksha Rani: So 384 01:10:05.200 --> 01:10:08.889 Akanksha Rani: what exactly, was the page name on boarding, I guess. 385 01:10:09.710 --> 01:10:10.800 Akanksha Rani: Hmm. 386 01:10:17.750 --> 01:10:24.659 Akanksha Rani: yeah. Firstly, I'll just give you the project plan, and I'll also share the link with you here 387 01:10:25.710 --> 01:10:33.319 Akanksha Rani: on the chat, and also I'll share it on the group as well to watch a group. So this is the. This is the project plan 388 01:10:33.350 --> 01:10:36.829 Akanksha Rani: of how we'll be working on for the next 2 months. 389 01:10:37.040 --> 01:11:05.689 Akanksha Rani: So firstly, this is an initial one we'll be, you know, changing it according to what exactly will be needing. So this is the project plan that I had made, and so sorry that I couldn't be much active, because I was busy making this and discuss discussing with John. So, firstly we will have to the the 12 June to 16 zone sales has been over. And you guys have joined me in the next week or 5 project, which is basically, we'll be working on the user experience that you 390 01:11:05.690 --> 01:11:24.730 Akanksha Rani: and us. And the you know, the ink is, start start here, page. This is what we'll be working on this week after this week we'll be starting with the dashboard thing, the main we have to. We'll be working on the user engagement parts. But this week we have to make a certain 391 01:11:24.730 --> 01:11:47.650 Akanksha Rani: a a sigma, basically. in in symbol language, we basically have to take reference from the earlier. I'll also share you the earlier designs. I have a Sigma link of what my mentor right now our mentor was Niku, who he has already made, and I am not able to find that link. I've asked for it, so you will get an initial design of that that he had made at last year. 392 01:11:47.650 --> 01:12:11.300 Akanksha Rani: So it would, it would help you to understand. But you don't have to make the same as him, because, there are new def, a new that website designs that I had shared you the canvas. I just showed it to you, and I'll be sharing all those links with you with reference to those links with reference to what Niko had worked earlier. You have to basically give me different 393 01:12:11.300 --> 01:12:18.709 Akanksha Rani: like each one of you, even if you develop a page, just one Sigma page, and give me your pay design. Then I'll just 394 01:12:18.710 --> 01:12:39.300 Akanksha Rani: see over that. What fits this. Then I will be working on that properly. So I just need suggestions from each one of you. with a design that you can work on in next 2 to 3 days, if possible before Wednesday, because in one Wednesday I can, you know, get it reviewed from the mentors that you guys have given different views, and the one that fits best. 395 01:12:39.300 --> 01:12:50.409 Akanksha Rani: We can work on that for this week. So if possible, just you guys can start working on it from after the call. And for I'll like to tomorrow, our day after tomorrow. 396 01:12:50.550 --> 01:13:04.370 Akanksha Rani: Just share the design with me that you think it's well. And so yeah, so so sorry. Just getting over to this a project plan So so the third thing that we will be working on is from July 11 to 20. Fourth 397 01:13:04.380 --> 01:13:32.410 Akanksha Rani: that would be our dashboard and landing page of Hyper Ledger. So regarding it regarding this will be discussed more, because right now we are focused on starting here right, the navigation page. After this, the afterwards week, we have this, that this enhancement implement, and then we'll be working on some search for functionalities. And I know it's a bit, you know, out of blue that what exactly it is to understand. But 398 01:13:32.410 --> 01:13:57.410 Akanksha Rani: as we go on, because I don't want to put everything at once that we have to do. This does this with Weeks, because we have a lot of time. It's not like we have to submit something tomorrow. So like right now, since I just introduced to the start, here is the navigation page. That is the only work that we have to work on this week we have to. If you guys have work on Sigma, it would be a bit easier for you to understand, and you can just give one or 2 calls and this 399 01:13:57.410 --> 01:14:22.209 Akanksha Rani: data design. So it's not a big deal. But once the one who have not worked on fig my, it so it would also help you to learn about web development, since if a web for a web developer, it's very useful to make a fig my design earlier. So if you guys want to start with the web development, who has not, not, you know, had a head experience with the have Gs. Or Sdms. Or these languages. They can start over by learning Sigma 400 01:14:22.210 --> 01:14:46.470 Akanksha Rani: a bit at even. I can help you with that. If you need any help, you can dig me over any time. So that is what we'll be working on till August, the the web page. After that we'll be working on the user engagement mode, and we have to create a Su friendly framework. So what exactly is Su planned friendly framework? It's basically inspired from Google analytics. I know you guys have not must have not 401 01:14:46.640 --> 01:15:05.669 Akanksha Rani: here here head of it. And even if you have, so Google analytics is a platform where we manage a website or everything. So John has told me all this. So that's where I learned it from, and I'm sharing with you all for your knowledge as well. So we'll be working on high colleges as your friendly framework. After A in August 402 01:15:05.860 --> 01:15:30.820 Akanksha Rani: there will be incorporating multiple banners. And you know, Hyper Ledge, we'll be improving the Hyper Ledger Calendar, because I know many of you even didn't have Link like. For example, I had shared link with you all I you have to attend the meet. But if you go to a hyper ledger it's very difficult difficult for the users to find the meeting link. So that is what we'll be book we will work on. Then we'll do work on hyper ledger blogs 403 01:15:31.050 --> 01:15:55.450 Akanksha Rani: and even then, after that blogs is a very, you know. It's easy to understand. We just have to create different links that people can click over and read the blogs on the trending topics by Hyper Ledger. Even in or in any technology. So that's what we do from August and September. Then in September, basically, it will work on on our library. We, we, we basically have to create 404 01:15:55.450 --> 01:16:20.450 Akanksha Rani: how we like, for example, you visit some website for example, some food health website. So there, there are, you know, chances that you'll get a section of recommended videos that you should watch. So that's what we'll be doing in Hyper Ledger, so that it's it's very attractive and user. Find it very useful who come over the hypologist side and who Who? Just 405 01:16:20.450 --> 01:16:43.480 Akanksha Rani: let's have to click over and learn about Hyper Ledger. How will we get started? Because, as you all, some of you are already introduced to Hyper Ledger. But those of you who haven't, you know, went to the website. Then it's not very easy to understand how to get the tutorials one. But there are, or there are already, a lot of videos which users are not aware of. So that's what we'll be working on creating a Youtube library 406 01:16:43.700 --> 01:16:45.859 Akanksha Rani: of Hyper Ledger on the website. 407 01:16:46.170 --> 01:16:54.489 Akanksha Rani: Then, after that will be working from September to October. there will be there. There are different sizes and working groups 408 01:16:54.490 --> 01:17:18.240 Akanksha Rani: so we will be. That would be a bit easier work, because as time you'll understand the workflow right now, I'm not even I myself. I'm not very, you know, good with understanding things that I have to do later on. But right now what I can understand is with flow, with with the time we will understand the workflow better. I'll also learn up along with you, only 409 01:17:18.240 --> 01:17:39.129 Akanksha Rani: so that's what we'll be doing in September and October. Then, after that October, like the the work would be. You know there is that there is not much load of work you on you. Also, you just have to give you like one or 2 h of in 2 days, basically because we have the team meeting. So we are. We all almost have a week for working on. So 410 01:17:39.130 --> 01:17:47.470 Akanksha Rani: after that we'll be working on the deliverables, basically. And then there's a presentation, that which in which I would love to have you all 411 01:17:47.470 --> 01:18:11.219 Akanksha Rani: you know. since if you guys contribute for the next few months it would be really great that you can give. because this presentation is a, it happens in the Global Forum of of hyper legend. So if you guys really work well, and you know, contribute to the project, then you with the John, I'll mentor you all can, you know. Help me out, and you can present and try and get along with me 412 01:18:11.560 --> 01:18:37.160 Akanksha Rani: like whatever whatever work that we have to do on. So this is a small just of what exactly our project task is for next few months. and I hope I am a bit clear. But right now I would love to take some doubts from you all, because I know I've said a lot. So guys, yeah, just tell me what ever is in your mind after what I had explained it. 413 01:18:38.370 --> 01:18:41.490 Kajal Kumari: accounts, I have a 414 01:18:41.520 --> 01:18:48.760 Kajal Kumari: you said like she will be working. We have 4% us, we will be working on each person us individually. 415 01:18:49.240 --> 01:19:02.250 Kajal Kumari: So will you merge the design for like for the because we have one website only, and we have to take care that for each of these personas 416 01:19:02.430 --> 01:19:20.690 Akanksha Rani: I'll explain. I'll explain. So I talked about different personas. So I just can. You just give me a second. I'll open up something that would be easier for you to understand. I'll just open up something regarding the person as thing. 417 01:19:22.060 --> 01:19:23.450 Akanksha Rani: Just a second. 418 01:19:24.280 --> 01:19:27.899 Akanksha Rani: Till then anyone else has any question or can, just, you know. 419 01:19:27.970 --> 01:19:31.499 Akanksha Rani: ask me over. I try if I can answer 420 01:19:31.690 --> 01:19:40.409 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: So on, Sigma. Do we need to create the design of whole website or just the navigation bar and the hero section. 421 01:19:40.520 --> 01:20:09.190 Akanksha Rani: Okay, so I'll share a design with you. And the earlier design. So it would be easier for you to, you know. Just you can make it, you know. There's a you can make a with the whole web page. You don't have to make. Basically, you can just take the reference from what Ben had created. I have showed you the canviling right. So it is easier to understand what exactly the theme is. The color is. You can use the color palette. If you have to use the sigma, you know you must be knowing there's a color palette. 422 01:20:09.190 --> 01:20:33.970 Akanksha Rani: and we can take those. You can take the reference from there. So it would be easier for you to for making the web page. So you just have to basically take the colors and take the design that Ben had created and made the navigation changes on that. So you will be focusing on the navigation part only on different, based on different personas. But you can take a reference from the earlier designs. 423 01:20:34.780 --> 01:20:35.850 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: Okay. 424 01:20:35.880 --> 01:20:38.400 Akanksha Rani: okay, just give me a second 425 01:20:38.920 --> 01:20:42.880 Akanksha Rani: anyone else. Oh, has any more questions. 426 01:20:48.870 --> 01:20:55.399 Akanksha Rani: And even if you don't understand anything like what exactly is going on. You can just talk to me casually. I'm not. You know. 427 01:20:55.520 --> 01:20:59.639 Akanksha Rani: someone that you have to take care while talking. 428 01:21:00.360 --> 01:21:07.789 Akanksha Rani: because I know Bulvi and the Kaiser had already been part but ashamed. And Shimm has joined 429 01:21:07.890 --> 01:21:16.530 Akanksha Rani: later on. So, you guys, you know you can talk about it if anything else is on the on your mind, you can talk about it. 430 01:21:33.730 --> 01:21:36.010 Shubham Vyavhare: Hello. 431 01:21:37.190 --> 01:21:40.420 Akanksha Rani: I could. Yes. 432 01:21:41.490 --> 01:21:50.639 Shubham Vyavhare: yeah. is this gonna be separate? So just? Or we gonna make changes in existing. Hypervisor website means we are, gonna make it come stretch or 433 01:21:53.590 --> 01:22:03.880 Akanksha Rani: so. We don't have to make everything from scratch. Of course, because we have the side already. If you search up pipeline, you can see the site. We basically have to 434 01:22:03.920 --> 01:22:33.599 Akanksha Rani: contribute to that. Only we don't have to create something out of scratch. What we have to create is we have to create a design that you know, that would be implemented in the main site. So everything is there. I showed you the Github link, right? So that Github Link is basically the link for that web page, that website of Hyper Ledger. So whatever changes we are doing right now would be implemented on the existing site. So nothing had to me had to made from the scratch. 435 01:22:41.460 --> 01:22:45.250 Akanksha Rani: Let me clear. Am I clear right to bum? Are you cleared your question? 436 01:22:45.280 --> 01:22:52.389 Shubham Vyavhare: yes. I I have doubt. What is that? Github repo for? 437 01:22:53.130 --> 01:22:54.590 Akanksha Rani: which one 438 01:22:54.760 --> 01:23:00.170 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: get to start here, I think 439 01:23:00.470 --> 01:23:04.380 Akanksha Rani: so. We have this start here, Page. I'll 440 01:23:04.470 --> 01:23:09.119 Akanksha Rani: just show you just a second. I'm not able to find certain things. Then 441 01:23:10.030 --> 01:23:23.300 Akanksha Rani: I'll show you so the start here. Page that it is basically the web, the Github link for the start head guide page. There is a page which is not developed properly and will be working on that also. So 442 01:23:23.410 --> 01:23:47.179 Akanksha Rani: it basically involves the things you know. that. if someone enters like just accesses the Hyper ledger site. So there is no start head guide. So we have to contribute to that, because last year the onboarding project was there I was, but with different name. So they created the initial designs on Sigma, I guess, because that's what my mentor did. 443 01:23:47.180 --> 01:23:56.019 Akanksha Rani: But they did not. actually, you know, implemented in the main site. So we have to implement the start head guide in the main site. That is our work. 444 01:23:59.680 --> 01:24:08.869 Akanksha Rani: Okay, I guess I found something. Yeah, sorry. Continue. 445 01:24:09.940 --> 01:24:16.200 Akanksha Rani: just a second. I'm not sure about that. But what I know 446 01:24:16.350 --> 01:24:32.740 Akanksha Rani: is, yeah, it's Hyper Ledger website. I guess the tooling one is just focused on different, you know, aspects of the web page. But for the whole site I can just share you the link of that also. Just give me a second 447 01:24:33.620 --> 01:24:36.719 Akanksha Rani: tooling. One focuses on the Hyper Ledger. 448 01:24:37.390 --> 01:24:42.420 Akanksha Rani: On boarding part the project we will be working on. Just give me a second. 449 01:24:43.440 --> 01:24:46.039 yeah, I found that features for me. 450 01:24:49.380 --> 01:24:52.419 Akanksha Rani: So yeah, this is the report that we'll be working on. 451 01:24:53.120 --> 01:25:03.890 Akanksha Rani: and we'll be contributing the for the the website part. But right now we won't be working on that, because we have to first make a design first, right? 452 01:25:03.960 --> 01:25:15.190 Akanksha Rani: If you guys are web developers. Then you will know that we have to create a design first for anything. So this week we have to create that. And I'm just. I'll just share my screen as well. Just a second. 453 01:25:18.830 --> 01:25:27.579 Akanksha Rani: So this, these are the different personas casual. Had us that out about. Just give me a second, it's opening up. 454 01:25:27.900 --> 01:25:46.300 Akanksha Rani: See? Schedule. So these are the different personas. Sid cheers, comedy contributors, maintainers. You see, members, you could contribute to the solution providers. Right? So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, home, half. Okay. 6 of them are. So what exactly they have to do is we go on this hyper ledger site? 455 01:25:46.890 --> 01:25:56.580 Akanksha Rani: and these are 6 personas. Right? So we have to create a 456 01:25:56.650 --> 01:26:09.590 Akanksha Rani: design, basically, so that you know, I come to this side. Do you see any option for these people from the contributors, or signing chairs, or what were the person as oh, just a second. 457 01:26:10.370 --> 01:26:20.930 Akanksha Rani: What exactly is this happening? I'm not able to click over there. 458 01:26:21.510 --> 01:26:45.079 Akanksha Rani: so what exactly I was talking about is this is the initial site of hyper ledger, so we don't see any option for a person, you know, who just enters we don't know who he's a contributor, or he's a S. He's an he's a Sid chair, or he is. what are the 6 person us and myself, you know? 459 01:26:48.040 --> 01:27:11.280 Akanksha Rani: Yeah, so yeah, so these are the 6 personas. Right? So the person doesn't know we do already the side we the side handlers don't know who is approaching the site. So, for example, a person is a Coc. Member, it is same for him. It is same for the new code contributor. It's a it's in the maintenance, and it is very difficult to get over a guide, you know. So 460 01:27:11.540 --> 01:27:16.010 we basically have to include all these things people 461 01:27:16.340 --> 01:27:18.450 Akanksha Rani: into the navigation bar 462 01:27:19.790 --> 01:27:44.140 Akanksha Rani: or or or I would like to love. You know, I would love to get some input from you like, what do you think like if, there are 6 members, 6 different personas, and any one of them enters the site. So how can we improve the accessibility that he is not confused? That like, if you see the site right now, you won't be able to get exactly like how exactly we'll understand that 463 01:27:44.140 --> 01:27:59.309 Akanksha Rani: what is for what like? We don't, we will be confused. So what do you think? I because John had, and John and I had discussed that navigation bar would be the best option. So that's what I told you guys that we have a section for that 464 01:27:59.310 --> 01:28:04.380 and for different personas. We can just create like these 6 personas, and 465 01:28:04.380 --> 01:28:20.540 Akanksha Rani: that will send them to a page where they there's a guide for that them they will understand the project. So do you think the navigation one is a good idea? Or do you guys have any other opinion from your side that we have a different button here in somewhere in the site. What do you guys think 466 01:28:20.830 --> 01:28:26.129 Kajal Kumari: are we going to make the changes at the homepage? Right? 467 01:28:26.270 --> 01:28:27.800 Kajal Kumari: Yeah, we can. 468 01:28:28.010 --> 01:28:41.999 Kajal Kumari: We can ask for like, what are they like? Are they? Uc, member, or what? Then? We can navigate? Because I see. when we be adding more 6 options in the home page, then 469 01:28:42.140 --> 01:28:50.910 Kajal Kumari: are we going to remove this non use? Participate events like that? No, no, yeah. So just a second. 470 01:28:51.070 --> 01:29:11.359 Akanksha Rani: just like, for example, we have this participation this column, right? So the we we have collaboration to will contribute to coding. But there is no option that you know. for a person, for for the person on us it's it's a general thing join the community group if we take on that. 471 01:29:11.530 --> 01:29:15.649 Akanksha Rani: So where it takes up is just a second. 472 01:29:16.260 --> 01:29:32.650 Akanksha Rani: So yeah, so it's not, you know, focused on different persona. It's just a general view of where people can understand. So we have to work on. You know, we have to create a different we have to create a navigation part 473 01:29:32.660 --> 01:29:59.449 Akanksha Rani: that would be that can be in a way of different button, and I'm not sure about replacing or removing something. But there can be a addition. Right? There is space. You can even add that, like, whatever you guys feel is better. Because then you, when you create a design. It you you understand, then, only that it looks good or bad. I add one more part here, and it would be look, I don't know right now. I'm just saying that, you know, we can just add this, but I don't know until the I see the design. 474 01:29:59.450 --> 01:30:22.170 Akanksha Rani: That's why I'm telling you like, if you can, guys can work on different. This is not the idea to work on. You have to work on the team that I'll be sharing you in the after the meeting I'll show you the link of the that canva link, and also the previous design so based on that. understand, you understand? From that. And based on that team, you can make changes to the navigation portion, and 475 01:30:22.340 --> 01:30:36.689 Akanksha Rani: you can just create a different you know portion here where? you guys can even work on one fig mailing. Only if you all can collaborate or you guys want to participate separately. What do you guys recommend 476 01:30:37.270 --> 01:30:53.840 Akanksha Rani: they can walk on single. Okay, that would be cool, like someone can, you know. take up the charge of for that. making the that page and someone can pay. They call that would be better. Right? What do you guys? What do you buzz? Do you think? 477 01:30:54.000 --> 01:30:57.400 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: Okay? And that would be fine. 478 01:30:57.560 --> 01:31:09.479 Akanksha Rani: Okay, good. So what I'll do is I'll create a pig, my link. And you guys can join in over there someone has a few like pigma premium or through. Someone has that also. 479 01:31:10.570 --> 01:31:28.839 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: No, I don't think. Okay. I guess I'll have. I have that, or I'll just see that if I have, because I had that good github back, and they gave it with that, and I'm sure with the Github, the student, then I can also available for that 480 01:31:29.140 --> 01:31:30.060 Akanksha Rani: 30. 481 01:31:30.440 --> 01:31:37.350 Kajal Kumari: My premium comes with a student Github student pick. Then I can also available for it. 482 01:31:37.470 --> 01:32:02.000 Akanksha Rani: Okay, cool. Just check it over there. It was their last. I guess I'm not sure about it right now, because they even removed canva from it. Canva was also there, so that is a very big, sadden, saddening thing. But never mind if through, is there? No, it's it's a bit easier. But we can work on the normal ones as well. But go with. We have this feature. We can make different pages, you know. We can avail different 483 01:32:02.160 --> 01:32:05.160 Akanksha Rani: option that it's a good good, but never mind. 484 01:32:05.390 --> 01:32:27.560 Akanksha Rani: I'll share the link with there, and we can work on that. I was studying. Yeah. So I'll just continue. So what I was thinking so like, this is the navigation page. So you guys can. Even, you know, it's not because I'm saying that we can create a navigation part and make different facilities. It just my view, if you guys think like this is a site as a person who is a new. 485 01:32:27.560 --> 01:32:39.250 Akanksha Rani: you can try it like that. You know, you are a contributor like, for example. No, you are a contributor. So you come to the site. So what do you guys think that would be easier for you to go here and find 486 01:32:39.250 --> 01:32:41.389 Akanksha Rani: or have a button here. 487 01:32:41.390 --> 01:33:07.079 Akanksha Rani: So you guys can try that out by making that first, because you won't understand it until you make it so. That's a thing. And also like this is the page. And we. You will be working on this also. But mainly this this week we have to focus on navigation persona. And that's all right, I guess, for the website thing. And this is the canva design. Just a second 488 01:33:08.570 --> 01:33:16.300 Akanksha Rani: documentation standards. Yeah. Bobby is of great help. By. 489 01:33:16.720 --> 01:33:19.050 Akanksha Rani: There was one more link 490 01:33:19.130 --> 01:33:27.180 Akanksha Rani: which I want to share with you all. I am not able to find that there was one more task force of on boarding 491 01:33:27.560 --> 01:33:29.070 Hmm. 492 01:33:30.550 --> 01:33:31.560 it is it 493 01:33:36.700 --> 01:33:40.159 Akanksha Rani: since the side no, I don't want this 494 01:33:41.430 --> 01:33:48.650 Akanksha Rani: okay. So here, I'll share. I'll just copy this link because I myself get lost. 495 01:33:48.810 --> 01:33:52.130 Akanksha Rani: I'll just copy this link as well on the chart. 496 01:34:02.010 --> 01:34:07.629 Akanksha Rani: Okay, so this is the place where you can learn more about on boarding 497 01:34:08.040 --> 01:34:27.440 Akanksha Rani: see? So personal sector overdue. So these are different sectors offers on us, for whenever when you're making the navigation part, you can, just, you know, take care of these, I guess. Oh, sorry there is a mistake. I did, I guess. 498 01:34:28.260 --> 01:34:39.299 Akanksha Rani: I'm not sure about one thing, that these are the 6. First on all, all you have to focus on these 4, because that's what I had asked Zone as well. I'm a bit confused about that. But never mind. 499 01:34:39.430 --> 01:34:51.000 Akanksha Rani: I guess. these are the different personas you have to work on. Just smoke on these 6 person, us, because these are the main personas that that are working with hyper Ledger right now. And these are the different sectors. 500 01:34:51.080 --> 01:35:04.089 Akanksha Rani: that's where these guys come from right? So the developer community, these people are there. And we, we have to open this as well. But we will. We will be working on it after this. Not right now. 501 01:35:04.540 --> 01:35:29.000 Akanksha Rani: after once we have created, you know, easy, easy access to those 6 was on us. Then we can work on different sectors, because and, for example, you know, these people are also there. We have to take care of each and every person that visits hyper ledger sites. So that's at work that if that person comes over here and he doesn't have to, you know. Shut down the side, you know. Go back just because he didn't find the right option there to go to. 502 01:35:29.000 --> 01:35:39.569 Akanksha Rani: So these people like this, this, this sector, and the people involved in these sectors, we have to work on that also. But right now we're working on this one. The 6 was on us. 503 01:35:39.570 --> 01:35:45.160 Akanksha Rani: And right these are the 1, 2, 3, yeah, these are the. 504 01:35:45.190 --> 01:35:58.139 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: can we get to some information like, how the Si G, ch, would interact with the website? And what are they need like maintenance. What are their needs 505 01:35:58.190 --> 01:36:13.950 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: like? who want to contribute to project? We can get it like we also have been the first time contributor. But about maintenance and other. We don't know the air requirements. 506 01:36:14.130 --> 01:36:37.729 Akanksha Rani: Okay, so very like you, you days the best one right now. And that is what is the work of of documentation people. So right now, you guys can give me whatever you said just, you know, give me a written part of this like we need this and this and this I'll just, you know I have to send it to the documentation one, because I'm also there. 507 01:36:37.730 --> 01:36:51.339 Akanksha Rani: So they have. They will be, you know, preparing the that thing that user guide thing. So they will be making these different guides like whatever they'll be reaching out different groups. 508 01:36:51.340 --> 01:36:54.510 Akanksha Rani: like, for example, casual. Which project are you working on? 509 01:36:55.180 --> 01:36:56.939 Kajal Kumari: Mine is template. 510 01:36:57.320 --> 01:36:58.930 Akanksha Rani: No, I 511 01:36:59.110 --> 01:37:04.370 Akanksha Rani: I guess you are working on some project right now. 512 01:37:04.460 --> 01:37:29.379 Akanksha Rani: Yeah, be bevel. And Kathy. So she's working on that right? So what? Exactly since she is in both of them. So when I'll tell them that you know we need details about these people, they'll be the so I don't know like the project head. So either she or the people from the documentation they'll reach out to these people. And they'll give. Give us the information about them. 513 01:37:29.380 --> 01:37:53.100 Akanksha Rani: these people. So yeah, definitely, we will get the information about Sid shares Sig members to Oc. Members maintainers. And as a contributors we have of ours. But still, like she'll reach out to more contributors who have been the past contributor and all. So these. This is a work of documentation, and that is why that project is made. So our work is to, you know, create a link of 514 01:37:53.100 --> 01:38:05.259 Akanksha Rani: reach basically create something that makes it for the user to reach those user guides right? If I'm not able to like, I guess I am able to explain it to you. 515 01:38:07.690 --> 01:38:21.190 Akanksha Rani: Yeah. So just you know what everything is required. We have the Whatsapp group, or even, I'll recommend. Like, if you guys are active on this call, I can even check over there. But 516 01:38:21.190 --> 01:38:48.570 there is a thread there like for the Hyper Ledger community I share shared the link with you. You can discuss it over there also, and on Whatsapp. Also that doesn't like. There's no issue in that. I'll recommend whatever is of your convenience. Just share everything with me so that I can, you know, work on that, and I can reach out to the project a Maintainer of all different people. Sorry I don't have to reach out to them. I don't know. We'll do that, and I'll get the information, whatever is required 517 01:38:48.700 --> 01:38:55.350 Akanksha Rani: for the website. So this is how it went. Just give me a second. So that side. Peter. 518 01:38:55.430 --> 01:38:59.690 Akanksha Rani: I'll just, I have to share something with you. 519 01:39:00.500 --> 01:39:11.160 Akanksha Rani: there was one more task force. 520 01:39:12.280 --> 01:39:42.990 Akanksha Rani: see, like whatever I was saying, it is there. So the the this, this is, these are the different navigation option. So you have to make something. That is that alliance with the design that Ben has shared, and it involves it, and it involves the thing that the navy we can do in the navigation bar 521 01:39:43.100 --> 01:40:04.750 Akanksha Rani: for E's access of the person on us and regarding the focus on us, I'll still clear it out that these those are their signages. I guess that is what we have to work on. These are the different persona. And yeah, we'll be working on that only. And just a second. Yeah, these are the different task forces. No, I am not 522 01:40:05.290 --> 01:40:08.849 Akanksha Rani: that. I just want that one more link. 523 01:40:09.380 --> 01:40:11.610 Akanksha Rani: just a second. 524 01:40:18.010 --> 01:40:19.270 Akanksha Rani: Oh. 525 01:40:21.330 --> 01:40:34.599 Akanksha Rani: it's a bit difficult for me as well, you know. I have to be in contact with these people who are not responding then. And they would. And I'm really trying that they contact. Yeah, there it is got it? 526 01:40:35.530 --> 01:40:39.790 Akanksha Rani: Just a second Nik who had both on this. 527 01:40:40.980 --> 01:40:56.450 Akanksha Rani: okay. So see you guys, so like, who is now a mentor. So he 528 01:40:56.480 --> 01:41:01.770 Akanksha Rani: he created these stigma designs zoom, if I 529 01:41:02.050 --> 01:41:08.529 Akanksha Rani: which these were not implemented last year because the project ended. But we have to do that. 530 01:41:08.830 --> 01:41:18.840 Akanksha Rani: So what he did I? I'll just show you his work because he did a did an amazing job creating the Sigma design. I loved his designs. 531 01:41:21.670 --> 01:41:28.900 Akanksha Rani: So why is the quality. So bad man. okay, I zoom did that. So never mind. So 532 01:41:28.940 --> 01:41:51.520 Akanksha Rani: yeah, see, I guess you guys can just get the idea what he did. So these are the This is the actual side of hyperbolic. This was the actual side of hyper legend right now. It's not like that. See? It's a similar one. But earlier. So this is what people made carousers if you have like, you know. So he made this. He made the all these things. And 533 01:41:51.520 --> 01:42:02.540 Akanksha Rani: he made the user guides for these different dep, for developers, for contributors, for different one. So we basically have to open that similar thing. But since 534 01:42:02.540 --> 01:42:20.379 Akanksha Rani: he did not, they did specifically focus on the different persona. So we have to do that. And yeah, so he had focused on developers, new community members, business and learning resources. Okay, so right. 535 01:42:20.540 --> 01:42:47.269 Akanksha Rani: guys, I am a bit confused myself that you have to work on the different sectors or on the personas. So I'll have. I'll just clear it out with the John after this call also. Till then, you can, just, you know, start making on the website but regarding that, unveil him and ask him that. what should I focus on? Whether the different sectors like with big who had did developers, new community members, business or the different 536 01:42:47.610 --> 01:42:52.530 Akanksha Rani: on us. So I'll ask about that. But I just wanted to show you this is what he did. 537 01:42:52.590 --> 01:42:56.570 Akanksha Rani: And you guys can also work like this and 538 01:42:56.690 --> 01:43:14.280 Akanksha Rani: make some, you know, initial design so that we can work on that. And our goal this year is that not that this will be do. This should be implemented on the main side. That is why why this project is still going on, because the designs have not been incorporated yet, and we'll have to do that. 539 01:43:14.630 --> 01:43:19.559 Akanksha Rani: So This is the. These are the screenshots of what I showed you already 540 01:43:19.630 --> 01:43:24.719 Akanksha Rani: the we had I had recommended my changes. These are the same things. 541 01:43:25.080 --> 01:43:40.689 Akanksha Rani: Hmm, trending community equity. Yeah, everything is just what I just explained to you, the Youtube videos. And they think so will work. Yeah, good time. I guess it would be easier for you and me as well, because I am also very new to Hyper Ledger. 542 01:43:40.710 --> 01:44:08.790 Akanksha Rani: I don't. I am. I'm into webinars, but I'm not much used to hyp editor, so I'll understand it along with you more, and whatever I understand. I'll just explain it to you. And I guess, yeah, I'm done for today. I'll share all the resources and all the links after the meeting with you all. So it is easier for you to understand, and in case there is anything else that you know, there is any problem or anything you can just ping me over. 543 01:44:08.900 --> 01:44:13.190 Akanksha Rani: I'll just pop this thing. 544 01:45:13.040 --> 01:45:13.900 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: Hello! 545 01:45:22.010 --> 01:45:24.160 Kajal Kumari: I guess she is disconnected. 546 01:45:24.520 --> 01:45:28.180 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: I 547 01:45:29.880 --> 01:45:30.600 yeah. 548 01:45:34.920 --> 01:45:48.699 Akanksha Rani: yeah, I'm extremely sorry, you guys, I just had to. You know, there was a network problem. So yeah, I guess I was clear with it. And any more thing that you guys, you know have doubt on. You can just ask me over and we can talk to you after that. 549 01:45:53.640 --> 01:45:58.370 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: How can she? Can you explain what? Exactly this onboarding project is 550 01:45:59.250 --> 01:46:10.350 Akanksha Rani: okay, yeah, I'll do that. So yeah, I I I, as I had already said before. But yeah, I just to, you know, speak up in a simpler language. 551 01:46:10.700 --> 01:46:29.139 Akanksha Rani: that. You know, this on bosing product project is basically last year, what happened they wanted the hyperlinker site is not as user friendly as it should be. So. that is why they made this so that it's easier for anyone from any project, whether it's be able, whether it's a 552 01:46:29.140 --> 01:46:45.250 Akanksha Rani: there are different projects under hyper legend. If you guys applied, then you already, you must be already knowing that there are different projects. It's and all. So what happened that our work exactly is that you know someone who is from that project, or someone who will want to apply the to at project. 553 01:46:45.250 --> 01:46:46.459 Akanksha Rani: or someone 554 01:46:46.650 --> 01:47:04.730 Akanksha Rani: who is already contributing, or the mentor or the Doc member, or anyone else, you know, involved with this specific project, it it is easier for them to reach to that page. Then they open up the Hyper Ledger side. So last year there were different designs 555 01:47:04.830 --> 01:47:20.979 Akanksha Rani: that were created on Sigma, but they, though they both could not be incorporated because some or other reasons, and this year that that project is continued, and since the this year the theme is also being changed. So that is a big 556 01:47:20.980 --> 01:47:49.589 Akanksha Rani: the thing that has happened last year. The theme was same, only so the designs that we have received from Ben will be using that team. There would be a new theme. So we have to create a create a design based on that team right? And we have to. Or may we have to redesign the Hyper Ledger website like that? So that is one thing we have to work on. And other than that we have to create via frames right now. 557 01:47:49.590 --> 01:48:12.180 Akanksha Rani: so these files will be converted to the the web pages that will be creating. Then those web pages the web pages. The designs would be coded. And you know, we will be actually working on the website. So we basically when we are, we are basically working on the redevelopment or the of the Hyper Ledger website 558 01:48:12.500 --> 01:48:23.569 Akanksha Rani: for a better user engagement on a better user design. So that is what exactly I would like if I'm clear right now, you can just tell me. 559 01:48:23.940 --> 01:48:26.170 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: yeah, yeah, understood. 560 01:48:30.190 --> 01:48:32.779 Akanksha Rani: Okay, cool. Anyone else has any more doubt. 561 01:48:35.240 --> 01:48:36.999 Akanksha Rani: or we can just tap up. 562 01:48:41.170 --> 01:48:43.740 Akanksha Rani: I guess. 563 01:48:43.890 --> 01:48:47.509 Akanksha Rani: Oh, the good! So anyhow. 564 01:48:47.590 --> 01:48:53.909 Akanksha Rani: while they are on the call. I just note them shing you also they're shinji. Hello! 565 01:48:55.210 --> 01:48:56.680 Akanksha Rani: It's you are there? 566 01:48:57.770 --> 01:48:58.740 Akanksha Rani: Hi! 567 01:48:59.030 --> 01:49:04.150 Akanksha Rani: I guess he has, or she has just joined. Never mind. So 568 01:49:07.400 --> 01:49:17.930 Akanksha Rani: you guys are already there on the project, and I guess you are interested in working as what I can infer from now. So any. If there is any problem or anything, just bring me over 569 01:49:17.930 --> 01:49:39.140 Akanksha Rani: on any communication platform, I'll try to be active as much I can. And yeah, let's work on it. After the call I'll be showing you to your ring. And you all can collaborate and work. And you know, if there are, the resid designs are really good. And Ben, I'm sorry the John approves them. 570 01:49:39.140 --> 01:49:57.069 Akanksha Rani: Then you can. We can start on the final, you know, working on the just the What is that? It's the landing page we can work. We can. We can start working on a lining page as well. If they're design, search that the design fits, then. So if there is any problem, just ping me over. And I guess, yeah. 571 01:49:57.140 --> 01:50:01.710 Akanksha Rani: they have a good night, guys. See you all in the next call. 572 01:50:02.030 --> 01:50:02.780 Akanksha Rani: Bye 573 01:50:06.200 --> 01:50:08.330 Balveer Singh Rao 5-Year IDD Electrical Engineering: I it's all good now.