WEBVTT 1 00:05:54.550 --> 00:05:56.590 Tripur joshi: Oh, hello, everyone! So 2 00:05:56.840 --> 00:06:01.050 Arunima Chaudhuri: I think it's already 3 min, and we can start the meeting 3 00:06:01.440 --> 00:06:14.709 Arunima Chaudhuri: let me share this screen. So starting with Bobby won't be able to join today, Smith, because he she just had her first grandson, and she is at Boston with her family. 4 00:06:14.810 --> 00:06:21.890 Arunima Chaudhuri: So we will just covid today's meet and start with the introduction. So let me share the screen. 5 00:06:29.490 --> 00:06:31.640 Arunima Chaudhuri: can you all see my screen? 6 00:06:33.350 --> 00:06:34.770 Gianluca Capuzzi: Yes, yes. 7 00:06:34.950 --> 00:06:43.440 Arunima Chaudhuri: okay. So starting with the introductions. oh. you can go first. 8 00:06:43.760 --> 00:06:45.930 Arunima Chaudhuri: And yeah. 9 00:06:46.160 --> 00:06:47.080 Arunima Chaudhuri: So 10 00:06:53.300 --> 00:06:59.829 Gianluca Capuzzi: okay, in this action. Just about 11 00:07:01.630 --> 00:07:03.150 Gianluca Capuzzi: Sorry I don't remember. 12 00:07:03.610 --> 00:07:05.040 Arunima Chaudhuri: can you hear me? 13 00:07:05.480 --> 00:07:08.329 Gianluca Capuzzi: Yes, yes, I. 14 00:07:08.390 --> 00:07:14.310 Gianluca Capuzzi: So yeah, you can start with the introductions and any updates on your group. 15 00:07:14.930 --> 00:07:20.420 Gianluca Capuzzi: okay, yeah. So as I am 16 00:07:20.720 --> 00:07:50.570 Gianluca Capuzzi: mentioned last Monday meeting. I started who's on git and a github in order to diving those that topic. And so I also, I'm I'm also taking a note about important concept in, in course. And I need, I I think one week 17 00:07:50.570 --> 00:08:08.570 Gianluca Capuzzi: for a couple of day more to to finish, and when I finished I I'd like to share with you this document, this word document with the the notes about the the user use of the data and and git up one. 18 00:08:09.990 --> 00:08:20.040 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, that's great. Maybe you know, you can list down it all of your learning. So on your V key page. And when you are telling us about you, you can just share your screen and your key page, and we can go through it. 19 00:08:21.330 --> 00:08:28.290 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay, do you want to see? current current? Status of the notes? 20 00:08:28.700 --> 00:08:38.749 Arunima Chaudhuri: no, that's not required but once you are done. with the course, you can share us a short summary of the course so that we all can gain some insight from that 21 00:08:39.230 --> 00:08:41.720 Gianluca Capuzzi: okay, so 22 00:08:42.530 --> 00:08:45.690 Arunima Chaudhuri: next time. yes, please. 23 00:08:46.420 --> 00:08:50.310 Gianluca Capuzzi: okay, sorry. Yeah. I, I can. 24 00:08:50.370 --> 00:08:56.509 Gianluca Capuzzi: do you want that, I share now on one that, I write note on my page. 25 00:08:56.900 --> 00:09:06.130 Arunima Chaudhuri: it's like your wish, whatever you want to do. But if you want to write notes and share with all of us, you can do it once you are done completing the course. 26 00:09:06.680 --> 00:09:18.229 Gianluca Capuzzi: Yeah, it just just I tried to. To. Sure. Yeah, it's It's sorry sorry you can go ahead and share. No. 27 00:09:18.320 --> 00:09:19.370 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay. 28 00:09:19.390 --> 00:09:22.390 Arunima Chaudhuri: it's 29 00:09:22.580 --> 00:09:26.839 Gianluca Capuzzi: a new to be course. And yeah. 30 00:09:27.500 --> 00:09:28.520 Gianluca Capuzzi: And 31 00:09:29.540 --> 00:09:31.430 Gianluca Capuzzi: do you see my screen? 32 00:09:36.110 --> 00:09:37.120 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay? 33 00:09:37.330 --> 00:09:40.489 Gianluca Capuzzi: that's the the of section. 34 00:09:40.770 --> 00:09:44.950 Gianluca Capuzzi: There are an introduction to git. 35 00:09:45.750 --> 00:10:03.099 Gianluca Capuzzi: Until the I think. Section 5 number 5 and obviously is an English course. And then there are, I think. 10 sections about Github. 36 00:10:03.910 --> 00:10:05.580 Gianluca Capuzzi: So now I'm 37 00:10:05.820 --> 00:10:15.110 Gianluca Capuzzi: I'm finishing the gate. part and start with the the detail, and I sing it tomorrow. 38 00:10:15.670 --> 00:10:17.070 Gianluca Capuzzi: So 39 00:10:17.260 --> 00:10:24.929 Gianluca Capuzzi: that's the the boost. If you are curious, you can. I can also share 40 00:10:25.470 --> 00:10:27.819 Gianluca Capuzzi: my the the link 41 00:10:28.400 --> 00:10:31.320 Gianluca Capuzzi: reports on on chat. 42 00:10:34.000 --> 00:10:36.489 Gianluca Capuzzi: Oh, thank you for sharing the link. 43 00:10:36.940 --> 00:10:37.960 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay. 44 00:10:38.060 --> 00:10:45.579 Arunima Chaudhuri: no problem. Yeah. So yeah, thanks. John, John, look up for the updates to put 45 00:10:45.800 --> 00:10:50.060 Arunima Chaudhuri: you have anything updates or anything to ask from your site. 46 00:10:50.960 --> 00:11:02.230 Tripur joshi: Yeah, actually, I was I. I wanted to ask, where we are moving towards like that AI task, or was it? Or should we just focus on the things that we are doing 47 00:11:02.710 --> 00:11:05.050 Tripur joshi: in deck? 48 00:11:05.270 --> 00:11:09.269 Tripur joshi: Github read me that. 49 00:11:09.830 --> 00:11:22.859 Arunima Chaudhuri: okay, okay, let me share my screen. So since Bobby couldn't join. Today's meet she updated this part with this week's task that August one to August seventh. 50 00:11:22.860 --> 00:11:42.569 Arunima Chaudhuri: So what we are supposed to do is start for each subcommittee. we can map out the workflows and the possible tools and templates. So basically, this means that for each of the subcommittees. What you have to do is that whatever we are doing every week, just write down everything in the form of a table so that we can stay updated. 51 00:11:42.580 --> 00:12:00.190 Arunima Chaudhuri: And also, I think last few days we have been excluding a lot of AI tools. So you know you can just list out all the AI tools and documentation to that will be useful for your your particular subcommittee. So these are the 2 tas that you have been given this week. That 52 00:12:00.740 --> 00:12:14.769 Arunima Chaudhuri: first is to create a simple table and list down whatever we are doing every week. And another thing is that this stuff explode the AI tools and this town the whatever tools that we will be using in each of the subcommittees. 53 00:12:15.560 --> 00:12:16.580 Tripur joshi: Okay. 54 00:12:16.710 --> 00:12:42.110 Arunima Chaudhuri: that makes sense. Yeah. So let me share the link to this challenge also. So this is the 5 day AI challenge that you know. Bobby took Bobby took this course and shared the tools with all of us. Even I took this course, and this group also has a lot of other amazing courses like AI resource library, and not for other courses regarding the AI to. So let me share the link for this page 55 00:12:42.120 --> 00:12:47.670 Arunima Chaudhuri: without looking so that you can. just to go ahead and explore this course. 56 00:12:52.360 --> 00:12:53.830 Tripur joshi: That will be great. 57 00:12:54.390 --> 00:12:56.849 Arunima Chaudhuri: Oh. yeah. So 58 00:12:59.950 --> 00:13:12.249 Arunima Chaudhuri: yeah, so this is the post. This is the 5, the AI challenge, and it is a very short course. I think we can complete it in one day and explore some of the very useful AI teams. And figure out what what means are 59 00:13:12.400 --> 00:13:37.950 Arunima Chaudhuri: next year, or will be useful for our particular subcommittee. We can just list them down, because, that's what the bob is said like, developing the list of recommended documentation for. So yeah. So we can just list down the tools that will be helpful for each of the subcommittees, and this course is a very compact and short person, will help us so like explore some of the tools for each particular users of documentation. 60 00:13:40.170 --> 00:13:41.080 Tripur joshi: Okay? 61 00:13:41.570 --> 00:13:42.700 Arunima Chaudhuri: Oh, yeah. 62 00:13:45.400 --> 00:13:51.619 Arunima Chaudhuri: cachel. you can go ahead and introduce your cell phone. Give us an update on your subgroup. 63 00:13:53.530 --> 00:13:54.210 Kajal Kumari: Okay? 64 00:14:05.990 --> 00:14:07.150 Kajal Kumari: Okay? 65 00:14:12.080 --> 00:14:13.000 Kajal Kumari: So 66 00:14:19.320 --> 00:14:22.360 Arunima Chaudhuri: can you hear me? 67 00:14:22.690 --> 00:14:23.570 Kajal Kumari: Yes. 68 00:14:23.830 --> 00:14:25.639 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, yeah. Now, I can hear. 69 00:14:40.230 --> 00:14:42.169 Arunima Chaudhuri: you just casual your audible 70 00:14:44.070 --> 00:14:44.870 Kajal Kumari: okay. 71 00:15:19.770 --> 00:15:22.580 Arunima Chaudhuri: are you speaking anything? 72 00:15:28.020 --> 00:15:31.980 Arunima Chaudhuri: Can others here with or in it, a problem from my side 73 00:15:34.370 --> 00:15:36.059 Tripur joshi: I'm not able to hear. 74 00:15:36.450 --> 00:15:39.869 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yes, I think it's a general problem. 75 00:15:40.700 --> 00:15:51.489 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay? So maybe, Karl, you can speak a little louder, or try to rejoin the meet the voice is not taking. We are not able to hear anything. 76 00:16:33.070 --> 00:16:38.750 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, so let's wait to, she rejoin. So let me sum the things up for 77 00:16:38.760 --> 00:16:54.880 Arunima Chaudhuri: everyone. So just 2 tasks. Just create a table for whatever we are doing every day, so that we can stay updated on each of the respective Wiki page of each of the clips. And Another thing is that list down all the AI tools 78 00:16:54.880 --> 00:17:09.940 Arunima Chaudhuri: that will be helpful for each of the subcommittees. And you can go through this course. it has a list of various AI tools that we can use so, or maybe any tools that you find useful. Just list down the pro that we will be using for each of the subcommittees. 79 00:17:10.310 --> 00:17:13.190 Arunima Chaudhuri: you can go ahead and speak now. 80 00:17:24.710 --> 00:17:28.369 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, I guess she is having on some Internet issues 81 00:18:04.370 --> 00:18:06.539 Arunima Chaudhuri: accounts. So can you hear me 82 00:18:26.200 --> 00:18:27.490 Kajal Kumari: for different now? 83 00:18:28.710 --> 00:18:30.720 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yes, contrib your audible now. 84 00:18:33.130 --> 00:19:01.400 Kajal Kumari: So Lindo, everyone and our committee chair of our temptates to regarding the of work I have done. I have explored various C. I. Tools like in English meetings we have discussed about them. So I is this a like a AI to which can help us and main templates for different user, right? Or user guide, or by for opinion, or those who are using the website. 85 00:19:01.400 --> 00:19:15.000 Kajal Kumari: So for on boarding to task force. I will like me and Edness, for given the task to create a template for these started right. So I am working on that only. 86 00:19:15.000 --> 00:19:32.640 Kajal Kumari: And regarding the project. And I I got to an ingrid and Maintainer. So he asked me to let him share the update, like what I'm doing. But I did receive this text 87 00:19:32.700 --> 00:19:47.229 Kajal Kumari: since the week of from last to one week, like he's not replying, so I don't know where he is. But I'm working on the mail the dog 88 00:19:47.390 --> 00:19:52.409 Kajal Kumari: our template for the in on cards project. 89 00:19:52.620 --> 00:20:05.010 Kajal Kumari: So this is all about me, and also that it could. I had to ask something to you for me zoom in. She not appear in the meeting 90 00:20:08.310 --> 00:20:13.209 Kajal Kumari: casual? Your voice is freaking. What did you want to ask? 91 00:20:13.790 --> 00:20:21.300 Kajal Kumari: I had a question to ask you a copy. So once you join me meet or no. 92 00:20:26.330 --> 00:20:32.100 Arunima Chaudhuri: I don't know if it is just for me or can anyone else hear it? 93 00:20:33.550 --> 00:21:03.040 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah. Actually, she is asking if a boy will be able to join the meeting today or not, she is there some questions? Well, okay. So Bobby just had her grandson and she's in. She's so with her family currently in Boston, so she won't be able to join if you want to ask for anything you can send her a message on Linkedin, or you can sign her over me, because she said me that she will frequently check in her meals other than that. that. 94 00:21:03.400 --> 00:21:16.059 Arunima Chaudhuri: I think you asked me so I will get back to you regarding that. But honestly, I don't have any idea about that. Only Bobby can help you regarding that. So maybe you can just ask Rover Linkedin or mail 95 00:21:16.510 --> 00:21:17.940 Arunima Chaudhuri: if that helps 96 00:21:39.410 --> 00:21:56.750 Arunima Chaudhuri: casual. No problem maybe you know, once she she's back we can also, or you know, I will ask the I will also ask her on Lincoln and see if she replies back. I will send you the reply and accounts, you know Bobby won't be joining today. 97 00:21:56.800 --> 00:22:02.849 Arunima Chaudhuri: because she just had her grandson. And she is in Boston with her family. 98 00:22:03.100 --> 00:22:25.280 Arunima Chaudhuri: So yeah. And for this week we have only just a few deliverables. One is to create a table for all the tasks that we are doing just and go for each of the subcommittee. And another thing is to, you know, list down all the AI tools that we can use for each of the subcommittees. So for each of the subcommittees you can list down all all the AI tools that you will be using. 99 00:22:26.350 --> 00:22:28.620 Arunima Chaudhuri: Also let me send the link of the 100 00:22:28.870 --> 00:22:32.910 Arunima Chaudhuri: So this what you can do is you can 101 00:22:32.970 --> 00:22:37.969 Arunima Chaudhuri: join this group. I just send the link. It is me, all learning network. 102 00:22:38.010 --> 00:23:03.819 Arunima Chaudhuri: And this this. once you join this 2, it has a AI course called 5 Day AI challenge which has a lot of amazing tools tutorials on using AI tools. So you can go through that course and figure out if you can use any of those tools in each of the subcommittees. And also this group has some other amazing AI tools forces as well. So you can just go through that 103 00:23:03.950 --> 00:23:08.109 Arunima Chaudhuri: and no other updates for today. So that's it. 104 00:23:08.320 --> 00:23:20.619 Arunima Chaudhuri: and, Carl, I will. I will try asking Bobby regarding the issue. I will try if she she replies. Fine. Otherwise, you know, I think the next Monday she will be here. So you can ask her. 105 00:23:21.130 --> 00:23:22.460 Arunima Chaudhuri: is that okay? 106 00:23:24.640 --> 00:23:25.920 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay? Yeah. 107 00:23:27.650 --> 00:23:33.359 Arunima Chaudhuri: So that's it for today. No other updates. If you have any other like doubts. You can ask me 108 00:23:33.540 --> 00:23:39.659 Arunima Chaudhuri: on Linkedin or over the message. so yeah, that's it. Have a great day. Everyone. 109 00:23:43.620 --> 00:23:49.160 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay. I don't know just a question a very quick question. 110 00:23:49.400 --> 00:23:59.559 Gianluca Capuzzi: So the the next, the next step, for for this week is each subcommittee is to map out the workflow 111 00:23:59.640 --> 00:24:06.320 Gianluca Capuzzi: using, and possible to rotate in a table. 112 00:24:06.380 --> 00:24:07.420 Gianluca Capuzzi: Right? 113 00:24:07.670 --> 00:24:33.880 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah. Just make a simple stable for what are the deliverables of each week. So let's say, for this week from August one to August seventh. What is the thing that you are working on, or for that committee? You can just write out that figure out which AI tools you can you used, or you can write that to you. You may host to understand Git and Github, or whatever at the deliverables you are doing for that sub loop. You just list the deliverables in a table so that we can go through it. 114 00:24:34.440 --> 00:24:36.680 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay, okay. 115 00:24:37.430 --> 00:24:38.419 Gianluca Capuzzi: okay, thank you. 116 00:24:38.610 --> 00:24:42.699 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, not too much. Just having a list of what we are doing. 117 00:24:44.400 --> 00:24:46.239 Gianluca Capuzzi: Yes, okay. 118 00:24:49.780 --> 00:24:56.879 Arunima Chaudhuri: So that's it for today. if you have, if you don't have any other questions we can. And this meet. 119 00:25:01.670 --> 00:25:04.399 Arunima Chaudhuri: okay, so bye, bye, everyone have a great day. 120 00:25:05.080 --> 00:25:09.819 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay, you you to bye, bye. Thank you.