WEBVTT 1 00:05:27.390 --> 00:05:29.200 Bobbi Muscara: Good morning, everybody. 2 00:05:31.120 --> 00:05:33.770 Gianluca Capuzzi: Good morning. 3 00:05:34.910 --> 00:05:39.829 Bobbi Muscara: I just wanted to start off by saying, You guys did a fabulous job. 4 00:05:39.860 --> 00:05:47.759 Bobbi Muscara: presenting to the Tsc. They were very impressed, and they're looking so forward to what we have come up with some of the comments through 5 00:05:47.970 --> 00:06:00.109 Bobbi Muscara: just about the presentation that it was just so well performed, and and that everybody stepping up like they did as a team was awesome. And then they just 6 00:06:00.350 --> 00:06:07.980 Bobbi Muscara: I think that everybody in the community has been looking for what we're about to deliver for a really long time. 7 00:06:08.210 --> 00:06:32.829 Bobbi Muscara: and everybody's really hopeful that this will kind of you know, I feel I always have. The education and documentation are like the community that holds or the thread that holds the community together. Because if people don't know what we're doing, and you can't read about it. They're nobody's going to understand what we're doing. So I think that that this is something that's going to really help grow the community. So ha! That's off to you guys. 8 00:06:34.380 --> 00:06:36.370 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. So the coffee here we go. 9 00:06:36.400 --> 00:06:42.300 Bobbi Muscara: Let me share my screen. And I am not really going to be doing anything today until 10 00:06:42.310 --> 00:06:44.590 Bobbi Muscara: I'm called upon 11 00:06:44.650 --> 00:06:46.479 Bobbi Muscara: other than run the 12 00:06:46.810 --> 00:07:01.370 Bobbi Muscara: the Wiki page. I'm going to turn the meeting over to She set the agenda, and we'll talk through it, and I will. interject when needed. But saw you a 13 00:07:01.770 --> 00:07:22.340 Arunima Chaudhuri: thank you so much, Bobby. So. Hello, everyone. Good morning. Good evening. Depending on which you were region you are from. So Hello, everyone! And starting with the meeting, I think everyone can go with. Go through the anti trust policy and the code of conduct. If anyone is not family of it it, then they can go through it 14 00:07:22.630 --> 00:07:29.520 Arunima Chaudhuri: other than that. Let's start with the introductions. So. starting with Gobi 15 00:07:30.010 --> 00:07:33.580 Arunima Chaudhuri: you can. introduce yourself. 16 00:07:34.820 --> 00:07:51.090 Bobbi Muscara: Everybody pretty much on the call already knows each other. Just say, you know, I'm here today to work on. we have those those. I always call them buckets of of chores to do And so now we have to kind of set up. 17 00:07:51.190 --> 00:08:03.660 Bobbi Muscara: not timelines, but almost like what what we want to take off in the next few weeks. So I'm here to help decide what each one of those is and step up. We're needed. So can we to see where we get? So 18 00:08:03.850 --> 00:08:04.750 Bobbi Muscara: thanks. 19 00:08:05.370 --> 00:08:14.520 Arunima Chaudhuri: thanks a lot, Bobby. So yeah, the next we have kian, Luca, you can just introduce yourself and see. Hello to everyone. 20 00:08:16.590 --> 00:08:22.739 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay? Hello to everyone. I'm Jaluka. I'm a software engineer from from Italy. 21 00:08:22.880 --> 00:08:26.060 Gianluca Capuzzi: I lucky I'm 22 00:08:26.160 --> 00:08:35.599 Gianluca Capuzzi: very happy about the last meeting with Dioc, and I'd like to contribute to this this project. 23 00:08:35.659 --> 00:08:38.590 Gianluca Capuzzi: And and also I'd like to 24 00:08:38.720 --> 00:08:48.989 Gianluca Capuzzi: to become the the chair of the github tablet. subtopic I would like to go to the project 25 00:08:49.260 --> 00:09:00.959 Gianluca Capuzzi: by writing, starting, writing the guideline to that topic, and to and have a feedback about about that. 26 00:09:01.230 --> 00:09:02.600 Gianluca Capuzzi: And thank you. 27 00:09:03.120 --> 00:09:08.980 Arunima Chaudhuri: thanks a lot. Tianluka. Next, we have kajun casual. Are you there in the call? 28 00:09:09.770 --> 00:09:27.840 Kajal Kumari: Hello, everyone. Hello! I'm I'm cudgel, and I'm the Committee Chair of Templates. So like I had the conversation with the unknown Credits Maintainer. I guess he's current. 29 00:09:28.050 --> 00:09:35.870 Kajal Kumari: So I talk to him like what he needs as like, what assistant assistant he needs. 30 00:09:36.090 --> 00:09:43.460 Kajal Kumari: So he told, like they want medd documentation website, like Aries have. 31 00:09:43.680 --> 00:09:53.370 Kajal Kumari: So like, they have only initial idea. They are only thinking about it, and also they don't know what content they want to put there 32 00:09:54.000 --> 00:10:05.799 Kajal Kumari: so like he asks me to like, make a structure of holders like what what holders they are going to add in the Mac Macdog website. 33 00:10:05.930 --> 00:10:17.880 Kajal Kumari: And then we'll proceed further also like our talking about the content he was saying. He said, like they have regular workshops at and on crops 34 00:10:17.960 --> 00:10:37.559 Kajal Kumari: so like I didn't understand like what workshops he was talking about. He shared some do links to like C. And then I like a research. And then like I didn't understand like what this is about and how this is 35 00:10:37.580 --> 00:10:40.440 Kajal Kumari: link to the documentation thing. 36 00:10:40.710 --> 00:10:51.249 Kajal Kumari: So I have asked asked to him about this. So. For now, he said, that we have to like they have to create a network documentation and also like 37 00:10:51.290 --> 00:10:56.540 Kajal Kumari: they want one thing like, they want a editorial, it will be work, correction. 38 00:10:56.790 --> 00:11:01.239 Kajal Kumari: like, or in their like github or repository. 39 00:11:01.440 --> 00:11:04.509 Kajal Kumari: So 2 things they want from us, and 40 00:11:04.580 --> 00:11:15.239 Kajal Kumari: about the content they said. Like I should look the workshop content. From there they will get the what content they have to write in 41 00:11:15.400 --> 00:11:25.180 Kajal Kumari: log documentation. So like it's on the big net level, and they are just collecting what they have to write and all. 42 00:11:25.700 --> 00:11:26.810 Kajal Kumari: So 43 00:11:26.960 --> 00:11:33.220 Kajal Kumari: this is about it. And also I have talked to the helicopter maintenance. 44 00:11:33.260 --> 00:11:51.539 Kajal Kumari: and you also shared some like what I have to do and all. But I'm still not clear like what I have to contribute to. So I will talk to him, and like I'll share this in the next meeting. So that's what I have done in the past week. 45 00:11:52.330 --> 00:11:53.070 Kajal Kumari: Thank you. 46 00:11:56.130 --> 00:12:05.750 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, thank you. So much. Casual for keeping us sharing us that information next. We have account shop accounts. You can go ahead and 47 00:12:05.820 --> 00:12:13.049 Arunima Chaudhuri: introduce yourself, and, you know, like, share us with anything that you have been doing or any doubts that you have. 48 00:12:18.950 --> 00:12:35.059 Akanksha: So. Yeah, surely. So. Thank you, Renema. firstly, myself, accountsa. And I am analytics menting for on boarding this year. And I'm also contributing as a contributing in the documentation as the on boarding Chair. 49 00:12:35.060 --> 00:13:02.829 Akanksha: So I've been working since last week I had on a call with John. We have meetings on Wednesdays with John. So we are working on the the redevelopment of the site and creating a navigation based persona. I am working with the like. A few more people who are contributing to on boarding. They are not in the call right now. But yeah, they like some of them. One or 2 of them are active, and they're helping me out. And 50 00:13:02.830 --> 00:13:25.930 Akanksha: other than that, since I required a lot of stuff as well. I had asked Ben about it. But whatever I can make, I have made some designs and some you know, some. There are a few architecture layouts, and also I made that, and Ben had reviewed it, and when had they then told me to make some changes? So 51 00:13:26.390 --> 00:13:41.240 Akanksha: I'll be just, you know right now with the Ben's feedback, I'll be improving it more and other than that. I have been, you know, doing the work 52 00:13:42.020 --> 00:13:50.079 Akanksha: did her try. I I I had asked him to, you know, had me do the contributors list list in the Github. 53 00:13:50.110 --> 00:14:16.330 Akanksha: so I'm there, and I require some of the things I I want to ask to Bobby since I had contacted a runner for that. But since you know, she's also new to Hyper Ledger, she won't be doing much about that. So I wanted to ask you, Bobby, like right John told me that we need, you know, stuff for People like the 3 person as we are, divided it it in with business personas or contributors or maintainers. 54 00:14:16.330 --> 00:14:29.910 Akanksha: We need some content about them. documentation type of thing for preparing our start here. Guide like I am making the post on our design on the main homepage. Once the user comes, and you know, click on that 55 00:14:30.360 --> 00:14:55.279 Akanksha: persona design like like like wherever like, if he's a developer or a maintainer, for example. So once he clicks on that he should like that he should be directly directly to the page. So I am working on that. But the page that we'll create, we are creating. So we need a start head guide, or, you know, a proper documentation how to get chat and everything. So we need some. no, we need to know the needs like, whatever is need. 56 00:14:55.460 --> 00:15:10.659 Akanksha: So I want to. I wanted to ask Bobby, like, how you know, how can I? prepare the documentation for that. So that's in need of on boarding right now is when and yeah, I I. Some of the people are joining right now from the on boarding contributors. 57 00:15:10.710 --> 00:15:15.319 Akanksha: yes, but yeah, one is already there. But we it is there. 58 00:15:15.560 --> 00:15:22.119 and I guess other hasn't. I haven't joined yet. So yeah, that's all about on boarding. And Bobby Ken, if you fear the doubt I asked. 59 00:15:22.720 --> 00:15:27.609 Bobbi Muscara: So so I'm just gonna reframe your question to make sure that I have it correctly. 60 00:15:27.930 --> 00:15:35.230 Bobbi Muscara: So you you've been dealing with Ben about the personas and with John, and and you're getting the user guides. And and 61 00:15:36.870 --> 00:15:44.680 Bobbi Muscara: what exactly do you need from me? In so far as like, when a user, a brand new user comes in, are there user guides? 62 00:15:48.380 --> 00:15:54.629 Akanksha: Yeah, it's it. We basically need the user guides. A basic start, not basic, but a started by 63 00:15:54.630 --> 00:16:19.629 Akanksha: it would come under user that it's only for the person us that we are creating. Keep us on us right now. John said that to, you know, divide them into people's on us, because last year there were 5 to 6, so the easier the person as our developer maintainer is, comes under one person on us, then it's I totally agree with that. 3 is better, and those are the 3. So good job on that, because this 4 was a little flaky in my side. 64 00:16:19.630 --> 00:16:35.790 Akanksha: we're out of control. So exactly so. So these 3 person us. So once you know, the user clicks on it, he should be directed to the main. You know, as a start here that it should be there. So basically, it would be kind of come under user guide. Only. So we need, you know, some documentation help in that. 65 00:16:37.710 --> 00:16:51.589 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, so 2 things before we we move on. with the introductions is, yes, I have the old user guide and one of the things. If we had time today I had taken a class last week in 66 00:16:51.720 --> 00:17:02.069 Bobbi Muscara: the AI stuff. And I wanted to show, or at least try to show a flow for you guys for user guides that might help you. 67 00:17:02.070 --> 00:17:22.999 Bobbi Muscara: so I will do that. after the introductions are over. But yes, I do have some old in the learn old learning materials, working group. a lot of different guides and stuff. I'm not sure if they're relevant or updated. But that's a great place for us to start when we get to that section. in the call today, I will show you all that stuff. So yeah, I do. I I have your back. 68 00:17:24.349 --> 00:17:41.230 Akanksha: Oh, thank you. Thank you, Bobby. Like, yeah. In this meeting you can share that. That that would be of great help. And you know there are other people working on user guide already, I guess, on on boarding, and I randomize already there. So I can work with it, you know, collaborating. And I can 69 00:17:47.240 --> 00:17:52.379 Arunima Chaudhuri: sure accounts all. Let me know whenever you need any help with the task. 70 00:17:52.580 --> 00:18:03.280 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, so coming next, we have 3. Put 3, you can, you know, introduce yourself and let us know if you need any help in any of the areas that you are working with. 71 00:18:04.810 --> 00:18:34.179 Tripur Joshi: Hi, everyone I'm the chair of the the dogs. And I'm currently working on the Standard User Guide Guide. And we'll be completing it this week, and so so there will be many nutritions, I know, but the first job will be completed this week, and in the next meeting I will be able to share with all of you so that you can also make suggestions. And if there is something missing. 72 00:18:34.840 --> 00:18:49.549 Tripur Joshi: yeah, that's what I'm going to do, and soon I will concentrate on having a meeting with Solan community. I hadn't had time this week I was 6, so I was not able to do much, but and this week I recovered. 73 00:18:52.250 --> 00:18:56.309 Arunima Chaudhuri: That's great report, and take care. I hope you recover soon. 74 00:18:56.770 --> 00:18:59.159 Arunima Chaudhuri: I don't. 75 00:18:59.470 --> 00:19:09.300 Arunima Chaudhuri: Next we have Victoria Victoria, you can go ahead, and, you know, introduce yourself and let us know if you need any help in any of the areas that you're working with 76 00:19:11.390 --> 00:19:24.739 Victoria Johnson: and everyone. Okay, I'm Victoria. lead of the best practices. subcommittee. So last week I began doing some research on. I was trying to understand. 77 00:19:24.920 --> 00:19:34.679 Victoria Johnson: What's exactly is the spectators of this? so so on my V key, I need some updates. 78 00:19:34.850 --> 00:19:37.980 Victoria Johnson: So Bobby, can you? please do there. 79 00:19:43.900 --> 00:19:46.330 Victoria Johnson: Okay, so 80 00:19:46.460 --> 00:19:55.289 Victoria Johnson: so the thing is, I want to know if I'll like, I'll be able to work with and then also work with zoom 81 00:19:55.320 --> 00:20:10.580 Victoria Johnson: community members like to get a brief overview of something just basically. yeah. So from the action, this is what I think I will do for it to be corrected. 82 00:20:10.740 --> 00:20:25.480 Victoria Johnson: Yeah. So what if you said the The second one collaborates with Keys tech quotas included developers. Maintenance. Is that so? I don't know if this is actually possible, or if you have to walk through, or something like that. So yeah. 83 00:20:30.460 --> 00:20:53.399 Bobbi Muscara: again. that's a great question. And in an interesting situation in this community. the way that I found that it works is that all of these developers and maintainers are available during the times that their calls are They don't really like to. They have other jobs and other things going on. So it's hard for them to 84 00:20:53.560 --> 00:21:01.189 Bobbi Muscara: meet other than that. So if you need to get information or give information, I would go to their calls. 85 00:21:03.200 --> 00:21:10.549 Bobbi Muscara: But that's a lot of work in that, and we don't anticipate you having to do all of that. So there's probably an easier way which we'll figure out as we go. 86 00:21:12.810 --> 00:21:14.140 Victoria Johnson: Okay. 87 00:21:15.740 --> 00:21:20.910 Arunima Chaudhuri: maybe we can communicate with them over to Scott like I don't know 88 00:21:21.280 --> 00:21:23.630 Arunima Chaudhuri: if that's a it of you or not. 89 00:21:25.450 --> 00:21:27.390 Victoria Johnson: I didn't get that was that for me. 90 00:21:29.140 --> 00:21:30.220 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay. 91 00:21:34.500 --> 00:21:55.220 Arunima Chaudhuri: So, Bobby, I think. you are done with the introductions and getting the updates. And so coming to the next, I think you know as you mentioned that creating a timeline for each of the subcommittees, so can you please like, tell me what? exactly. I'm supposed to do there, so that maybe I can start working on that 92 00:21:55.230 --> 00:22:17.079 Arunima Chaudhuri: and also throw some light on the management tools But of the management tools that came in my mind was notion. I don't know. Like if that will work, or maybe you can. you know. Tell me about. Tell us about any other management tools that will work us. That with that we can, you know, manage all the 6 subcommittees. 93 00:22:19.650 --> 00:22:33.699 Bobbi Muscara: okay. So first and foremost, thank you for all the hard work again. This is great having your direction. I think. just give me one moment. I have to open the door. Very well, excuse me. 94 00:22:42.070 --> 00:22:46.769 Bobbi Muscara: if I didn't do that we'd have lots of parking So 95 00:22:47.590 --> 00:22:51.250 Bobbi Muscara: what I see moving forward and how this is moving forward is 96 00:22:51.260 --> 00:22:56.040 Bobbi Muscara: for management. I had thought of 97 00:22:56.230 --> 00:23:10.390 Bobbi Muscara: possibly using trello. And but that's just too hard when we have this Wiki page that we can use as a great management tool, and we've already used it by having our own workspace. So again, I, we have these 98 00:23:10.580 --> 00:23:23.350 Bobbi Muscara: 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 different areas where I think right now, we should go into each one and determine what needs to be done or where to start. I mean, we're not 99 00:23:23.500 --> 00:23:36.500 Bobbi Muscara: again. This is, we're not asking you for hours and hours and hours and hours of work. when you you signed up for this, we're just, you know. asking for your ideas that the work gets done eventually. 100 00:23:36.530 --> 00:23:44.910 Bobbi Muscara: So if we start with using these as like, so, for instance, whatever is going on with best practices. 101 00:23:45.180 --> 00:23:47.830 Bobbi Muscara: This is where the notes would be for that 102 00:23:48.140 --> 00:23:56.590 Bobbi Muscara: and the timeline. So I had put down. I had just modified this about a half hour ago, putting down some government documents that 103 00:23:57.400 --> 00:24:16.379 Bobbi Muscara: help guide the community with best practices, and we'll talk about that in a minute. But in that sense. So anyone working on best practices, or anyone who is working in the community. And here's a link or gets a a a page from the community that has to do with best practices. You should just come right to this Wiki page. 104 00:24:16.640 --> 00:24:32.649 Bobbi Muscara: edit it and drop it in for discussion. again. We don't want you to have to analyze it, or it's just for discussion. So when we get to best practices in a little bit, we'll click on these links and see how they can. How I thought that they could help this particular committee. 105 00:24:32.710 --> 00:24:52.360 Bobbi Muscara: again. Same thing with Github. Github has 2 committees it underneath this, I think and it it has to do with what we talked about it. The Toc is that the Maintainers, when they come in they need. And again, this deals with best practices as well. 106 00:24:52.410 --> 00:25:10.660 Bobbi Muscara: Obama Github Maintainer. So I actually, I could be. So I'm going to just use it as a story for an example. So one I was working in 2,019 on the giving chain. We wanted to make it a Github Repository, a lab so that other folks could come in 107 00:25:10.660 --> 00:25:23.859 Bobbi Muscara: and help us, especially the Firefly people. Help us build what we had in line for this decentralized charity chain, so somebody would donate it would be tracked in the supply chain to the recipient. 108 00:25:23.860 --> 00:25:28.120 Bobbi Muscara: Therefore it's like a giving chain. so we wanted 109 00:25:28.630 --> 00:25:40.040 Bobbi Muscara: to set up a lab. So we had a look. Really, it took us a pretty long time to figure out where that in the Toc recommendations 110 00:25:40.330 --> 00:25:58.260 Bobbi Muscara: the stuff for Maintainers creating a lab. And yeah, there was an awesome Github Repository that all I needed to do was copy and and put my information in and again, there is no user guide for that at this particular moment, which is something that we're going to talk about in a minute 111 00:25:58.650 --> 00:26:21.450 Bobbi Muscara: So that was one of the things. And then when it's a lab, we work on it, everybody does what's supposed to be done, you know. And we have again we looked at our best practices. Or we looked at our yeah, our best practices. And we've decided that we're ready to go to the Poc and make this project incubation. So we go to best practices. We see all the documentation needs 112 00:26:21.450 --> 00:26:48.049 Bobbi Muscara: as a Maintainer. I'm looking at a lot of other things as well. Security needs all these other best practices needs. But our piece is only documentation. So what documentation do I need to move my project from a lab to a incubated project. And what does it need to look like? Because right now, it just said it. It basically says, user documentation, it has really no guidelines for what to do with user documentation. so so that would be something that would be helpful 113 00:26:48.130 --> 00:27:15.380 Bobbi Muscara: as well as once. That project is an incubation, and it's been working in incubation for a really long time. It's got a a vibrant community. Lots of other people have come and stepped up as Maintainer. It's got all the requirements for security blah of all the things it needs to move into a graduated project and to move into a graduated project. There's a serious documentation needs that are also reflected in the best practices task force documentation that they've made. 114 00:27:15.380 --> 00:27:25.670 Bobbi Muscara: So again, we would need to be able to supply some user guides to help the Maintainers figure out what they need from documentations 115 00:27:26.140 --> 00:27:27.490 Bobbi Muscara: moving forward. 116 00:27:27.550 --> 00:27:40.029 Bobbi Muscara: so for Github, that's just the Maintainer's user guides. And I'm gonna call that. And that's kind of where I think Jim Lucas, working as to figure out what 117 00:27:40.350 --> 00:27:41.730 Bobbi Muscara: how to help 118 00:27:41.740 --> 00:27:58.750 Bobbi Muscara: get a project from lab incubation graduated and maintain. I mean, you have to. If there's versions, you know, they have to be documented correctly. So that's basically the one Github which we have to work on those user guides and templates. 119 00:27:58.920 --> 00:28:17.730 Bobbi Muscara: the second part of the github is what the old task force was working on which is, we analyzed what everybody in the in the community was using, whether it's now this part is taking those Maintainer's Github Repositories 120 00:28:17.930 --> 00:28:20.940 Bobbi Muscara: and rendering them 121 00:28:21.580 --> 00:28:42.490 Bobbi Muscara: using some software program. Whether it's read the docs makes the documents. There's a lot of options in the communities using probably all of them. what one do we suggest is Hyper Ledger, which David Boswell has helped us out. With, that we have some paid tooling policies, but which ones do we suggest you use and how to use them. 122 00:28:42.490 --> 00:29:00.320 Bobbi Muscara: to get your Github repositories that have already passed their best best practices. Get those repositories into user docs for people like me, an entrepreneur who doesn't know anything about whether my pro, my, my business case, would need this solution. 123 00:29:00.580 --> 00:29:12.919 Bobbi Muscara: So that's like kind of what those user docs are for. And again, any maintainer contributor who wants to know about the product would be those user docs and get where they need to be as well. So those are the 2 Github 124 00:29:12.980 --> 00:29:42.719 Bobbi Muscara: the templates themselves. Again, we talked about those those are, you know, like, I need to make a user user guide. What what are we using? Make the docs? Are we using? Read the docs? I need to do a white paper. I need to do a used case, I need to make a presentation. I need to start a meet up. I need a, a, a slide for the meet up promotion screens. All of those templates need to be housed in a library somewhere easy for the community to get at, and again going back to 125 00:29:42.900 --> 00:29:44.739 Bobbi Muscara: the onboarding group. 126 00:29:44.950 --> 00:30:01.920 Bobbi Muscara: you know, that has to be done per level. You know, you can't have a business entrepreneur reading something that a Maintainer, you know, needs. So there's different levels to those 10 templates as well. So they have to be, you know, geared towards who would be using them. 127 00:30:02.000 --> 00:30:15.680 Bobbi Muscara: And then the onboarding again is just helping out with the user guides and and and the flow for people to be 2 clicks away from information at all times. 128 00:30:15.710 --> 00:30:18.029 Bobbi Muscara: on and in 129 00:30:18.930 --> 00:30:23.000 Bobbi Muscara: the user guides. What I want to talk about in a minute. 130 00:30:23.160 --> 00:30:34.960 Bobbi Muscara: presentations. that's just where we're storing what we're doing. So I should put a copy of right in there. I will make sure at the end of the week that the mentorship presentation recording is in there and the 131 00:30:35.540 --> 00:30:54.639 Bobbi Muscara: Task Force presentation. You can always use them, edit them and make them your Youtube library because you guys did present it. If you did present. you should have that as part of your living. Resume whether you store it in a Google drive a Google Doc. But everything you do that is 132 00:30:55.370 --> 00:30:58.510 Bobbi Muscara: video or 133 00:30:58.700 --> 00:31:15.830 Bobbi Muscara: graphic, or whatever you should store as as a a personal portfolio. and and grow it daily. I wish that I did that when I had started out so many years ago, because it would be very robust. I just started doing it 8 years ago, when I started teaching a class on 134 00:31:16.870 --> 00:31:29.439 Bobbi Muscara: finding jobs. so again, you will forget what you do. So make sure if you did this presentation, or if you spoke at them, take the recording and put it in your personal folder. 135 00:31:29.450 --> 00:31:33.679 Bobbi Muscara: anyway. So presentations we want to again 136 00:31:33.740 --> 00:31:57.070 Bobbi Muscara: do meet up with workshops. Once we develop these guidelines towards the end of this summer project in the full, we want to start presenting these things to the community, so they know where to find these templates. so again, that's a team project the presentations. But that's where all the information for the presentations as a management to should be stored. 137 00:31:57.070 --> 00:32:18.890 Bobbi Muscara: And then, again, anyone working on the mentorship projects any information on the mentorship project. So, for instance, if you're working with the Solelyn community. And the mentors like, I need this, this, this you might want to just take a note and put it on that page. So we know when we're doing a presentation to make a side note to to address those needs for the mentors. 138 00:32:19.130 --> 00:32:31.650 Bobbi Muscara: so basically, that's the management. I don't know if everybody agrees with doing it that way. Anybody have any comments about keeping our work moving forward in these 139 00:32:31.780 --> 00:32:35.030 Bobbi Muscara: buckets here 140 00:32:35.480 --> 00:32:36.929 Bobbi Muscara: thoughts, comments. 141 00:32:38.770 --> 00:32:46.309 Arunima Chaudhuri: I think. No, Bobby, it was very clear for me. I and I guess it was real for others as well. 142 00:32:47.460 --> 00:32:51.440 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, good. So now what I want to talk about again. I don't. 143 00:32:51.880 --> 00:32:58.690 Bobbi Muscara: If we go to each one of these we'll see. For instance, let's do best practices first. 144 00:33:02.470 --> 00:33:08.709 Bobbi Muscara: Okay? So I mentioned when I was talking about best practices again. I'm just brainstorming 145 00:33:09.710 --> 00:33:12.940 Bobbi Muscara: best practices. 146 00:33:13.740 --> 00:33:15.060 Bobbi Muscara: 4 147 00:33:19.400 --> 00:33:21.200 Bobbi Muscara: maintainers. 148 00:33:23.410 --> 00:33:25.350 Bobbi Muscara: contributors. 149 00:33:26.860 --> 00:33:39.730 Bobbi Muscara: and I don't believe the third bucket. What do you think cons about having enterprise. People aren't really going to be concerned about best practices. They're just getting information. What do you think? Do they need to be in here? 150 00:33:40.440 --> 00:34:03.339 Akanksha Rani: the the enterprises. I I like. John didn't tell me exactly, but he just told me that we can have the like if a organization heads of organization or different enterprises. They come to Hyper Ledger. So maybe it's for that. But I have to, you know. Ask more about it from John, I'll let you know. 151 00:34:03.610 --> 00:34:13.590 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah. So I'm gonna leave them out for best practices because they don't need to know really internal community best practices, like maintainers or contributors would 152 00:34:13.639 --> 00:34:23.779 Bobbi Muscara: So these best practice what we come up with our guidelines for the Maintainer is going to be a lot with 153 00:34:25.030 --> 00:34:26.989 Bobbi Muscara: Github guidelines 154 00:34:27.969 --> 00:34:30.469 Bobbi Muscara: for both for setting up 155 00:34:32.250 --> 00:34:35.230 Bobbi Muscara: and using user got or rendering 156 00:34:40.469 --> 00:34:42.939 Bobbi Muscara: user guides, contributors. 157 00:34:45.350 --> 00:34:49.879 Bobbi Muscara: contributors have to more deal with that section. That 158 00:34:50.560 --> 00:34:53.630 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I forget the gentleman's name. He's a 159 00:34:54.080 --> 00:35:02.369 Bobbi Muscara: A room is the Technical Steering Committee point. But I forget the gentleman he's working with his name. But for the contributors it's the start 160 00:35:03.010 --> 00:35:30.460 Bobbi Muscara: here, which is a place they go to learn about picking up a code that they need fixing, or whatever So these 2 things need to understand what the best practices are. So again, we have all summer to figure this out. I I I'm waiting for, you know, the chair to step up, and or anyone in the group to step up and and come up with ideas for this over the next couple of weeks. This is one 161 00:35:31.240 --> 00:35:37.630 Bobbi Muscara: project. I'm not sure why I copied these links, but I thought that they would be very helpful. 162 00:35:42.140 --> 00:35:52.380 Bobbi Muscara: So This is the project incubation exit criteria. So the hi we decided that this is what the requirements are for leaving. 163 00:35:53.090 --> 00:35:55.680 Bobbi Muscara: And where is documentation? 164 00:35:56.610 --> 00:36:02.770 Bobbi Muscara: This is a little bit of the best practices. best practices 165 00:36:08.180 --> 00:36:10.540 Bobbi Muscara: doesn't say anything about documentation. 166 00:36:10.580 --> 00:36:12.990 Bobbi Muscara: what the documentation needs are 167 00:36:13.000 --> 00:36:18.070 Bobbi Muscara: But also we need again to document this. 168 00:36:18.350 --> 00:36:26.719 Bobbi Muscara: So if I'm coming in to to exit incubation. How am I going, you know. 169 00:36:26.890 --> 00:36:44.540 Bobbi Muscara: Do I want to? Okay, let me start all over again, like my brain is moving too fast. Is this Github Repository? The best way to help the Maintainers move their projects out of incubation? That's a question we have to answer. 170 00:36:44.710 --> 00:36:52.179 Bobbi Muscara: so that I thought would be helpful for our research. This is also 171 00:36:52.310 --> 00:37:08.319 Bobbi Muscara: something that's always discussed in the Toc meetings, always changing. This is a living diagram. but these are the 6 possible states of a project in Hyper Ledger, and what you need to 172 00:37:08.440 --> 00:37:27.950 Bobbi Muscara: in each proposal. So again, the question I asked before, is this Github Repository the best way to teach people for show people how to do what they need to do? Or is there maybe an easier way to create something? for them, that's, you know, to help them out? 173 00:37:27.980 --> 00:37:32.070 Bobbi Muscara: And then the last thing was this issue. 44. 174 00:37:39.560 --> 00:37:40.700 Bobbi Muscara: What's this? 175 00:37:43.480 --> 00:37:48.620 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, this is this is something else. Never mind. 176 00:37:49.290 --> 00:37:58.299 Bobbi Muscara: So again, if you want. If if everyone in the group who's working on best practices wants to take a a 177 00:37:59.150 --> 00:38:07.429 Bobbi Muscara: chance of the timeline. This is how I do timelines. So I would go to 178 00:38:11.610 --> 00:38:13.640 Bobbi Muscara: Macros. 179 00:38:15.390 --> 00:38:20.499 Bobbi Muscara: and I clicked under visual and images, the roadmap planner. 180 00:38:21.520 --> 00:38:25.630 Bobbi Muscara: and it is wonderful to you. So for Lane one. 181 00:38:26.060 --> 00:38:30.110 Bobbi Muscara: you would edit it and say, 182 00:38:37.970 --> 00:38:44.780 Bobbi Muscara: So for the Maintainer you want to set up a lab. We're going to set up a tutorial. It's gonna take us. 183 00:38:45.780 --> 00:38:51.589 Bobbi Muscara: We're gonna call step one brainstorming. So we have to brainstorm on what that looks like 184 00:38:52.770 --> 00:38:54.910 Bobbi Muscara: that's going to be. Step one. And I'm just. 185 00:38:56.080 --> 00:39:03.530 Bobbi Muscara: oh, sorry. And again, you can edit these dates. We don't need this to 24. We're just gonna go to the end of the summer 186 00:39:05.660 --> 00:39:15.789 Bobbi Muscara: and you can move these as you see fit. And so if the chairs want to take a whack at this, and then you just hit, insert, and it will show up here. 187 00:39:16.080 --> 00:39:26.140 Bobbi Muscara: So if anybody wants to take a look at that as a chair of a group. After we discuss what's going on with them today. 188 00:39:26.190 --> 00:39:37.530 Bobbi Muscara: Talk to a runa, and she can, you know, help you out with. You know what might be on each one of these. but that was just an idea. And again, 189 00:39:37.600 --> 00:39:50.999 Bobbi Muscara: if you want to use Google drives and Google Docs. All you have to do is put a link to the page. here in this Wiki page. So this Wiki page we're not like, I'm not saying you have to work here. You can work anywhere you want just as long as you put a link to it on this 190 00:39:51.090 --> 00:39:54.559 Bobbi Muscara: this page so that we can all keep track of our work together. 191 00:39:54.640 --> 00:40:09.469 Bobbi Muscara: so for Github again, this has to be broken out into 2 different ones, and a timeline. So Dan Luca, whoever's working as a chair on these. If you want to try, take a whack at that timeline. 192 00:40:10.170 --> 00:40:23.950 Bobbi Muscara: again. A rumor would be there. Same thing for templates and on boarding. Why, I want to talk about user guides. I just before I I I'm gonna see if a runa has anything she needs to discuss. 193 00:40:23.950 --> 00:40:47.160 Bobbi Muscara: But we're going to be doing a lot of user guides. And I again was in a class before I actually, I'm going to turn it back over to a root over to see if she has anything to talk to the teams about other than you know, helping them out with their timelines for the week and then I want to show you something that I learned in that class. So but you have any comments 194 00:40:47.600 --> 00:41:09.880 Arunima Chaudhuri: for now. No, I don't have any comments. But yeah, if any of you will need help in, you know, feeling the timelines, just, you know. Let me know through email or Linkedin and I will be more than happy to help you out, and if required, maybe we can plan a one on one meet and help you out with that as well. So yeah, feel free to shoot on email. Or you know, text me all linked it if you didn't need any help. 195 00:41:10.150 --> 00:41:17.769 Arunima Chaudhuri: That's it. That's from my side, Bobby. You can now, just share with us what you have been learning about. 196 00:41:45.110 --> 00:41:46.869 Bobbi Muscara: Sorry if you want to connect. 197 00:42:13.710 --> 00:42:16.230 Bobbi Muscara: Sorry about that. When I went into the 198 00:42:16.930 --> 00:42:37.530 Bobbi Muscara: dashboard it made it being a ding, and my dogs, but my doorbell rang so they went crazy, so I had to calm them down. So I took this class, and I've checked out and share the information in it. Over the weekend. There's this women's group in Miami, or just a group of empowered women who started this company called mia 199 00:42:37.690 --> 00:42:41.950 Bobbi Muscara: and I suggest everyone join it. It's great. They do great classes. 200 00:42:41.970 --> 00:42:56.790 Bobbi Muscara: But they had this class this week, and one of the workflows that they talked about had really interested me. So let me see if I can do this. So let's see. So basically, there's a lot of other 201 00:42:57.890 --> 00:43:08.690 Bobbi Muscara: programs and information in this that wasn't necessary, but one of the flows, and I'm going to pull this over now so that I can work in the Wiki page 202 00:43:09.260 --> 00:43:20.060 Bobbi Muscara: So the first flow is and let's I don't know if it works again. I just had time to sit in the class, but the first flow would be 203 00:43:20.690 --> 00:43:28.500 Bobbi Muscara: I'm going to type and turn my mute off because of the dogs from. 204 00:44:36.810 --> 00:44:41.339 Bobbi Muscara: Sorry about that. So Let me see if I can do this 205 00:44:41.440 --> 00:44:45.150 Bobbi Muscara: below, right? So I'm just gonna put an example. 206 00:44:48.260 --> 00:44:50.069 Bobbi Muscara: Example. 207 00:45:11.370 --> 00:45:21.589 Bobbi Muscara: okay, so this is basically again, the more information you give the better. You're going to get results from these chat bots and from these 208 00:45:22.310 --> 00:45:26.270 Bobbi Muscara: AI things. So if I take this 209 00:45:30.590 --> 00:45:35.630 Bobbi Muscara: again, have patience with me, and I'm going to go to 210 00:45:54.380 --> 00:45:56.109 Bobbi Muscara: just fix one thing. 211 00:46:01.260 --> 00:46:02.370 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. 212 00:46:03.590 --> 00:46:07.299 Bobbi Muscara: so this is a chat Bot. 213 00:46:09.660 --> 00:46:11.619 Bobbi Muscara: and I'm going to 214 00:46:12.810 --> 00:46:14.140 Bobbi Muscara: put in. 215 00:46:17.910 --> 00:46:18.950 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, mom. 216 00:46:19.990 --> 00:46:22.230 Bobbi Muscara: my computers being such a brat. 217 00:47:00.760 --> 00:47:05.950 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, I'm going to take that. I will go back to our. 218 00:47:10.260 --> 00:47:12.569 Bobbi Muscara: And this is the result of that. 219 00:47:16.180 --> 00:47:21.470 Bobbi Muscara: So now I'm gonna take that and let me go back to 220 00:47:23.930 --> 00:47:40.430 Bobbi Muscara: So the first step was to put it in. The the next day was image creation, and I am not a graphics designer. So stable diffusion is a free program that generates graphics. It was beyond my capability. I could not 221 00:47:40.490 --> 00:47:45.359 Bobbi Muscara: possibly get anything that I would use in it in a 222 00:47:46.370 --> 00:47:54.559 Bobbi Muscara: course, or a textbook or a user guide. It was more funky. And and I maybe my prompts were wrong. 223 00:47:55.350 --> 00:48:23.980 Bobbi Muscara: But again and and with that chat. But there's I'm I'm gonna be teaching a class on that coming up in a month. There's way more ways to use that like you could now take that outline and say, What am I missing? And it would redo it for you. compare it to other ones. What do I, you know, like. So there's ways that you can really fine tune that. But I'm just more showing you more the flow. So again, the images that we'll be using for user guides will be coming from Ben and David Boswell as the 224 00:48:24.150 --> 00:48:27.389 Bobbi Muscara: library of images or or 225 00:48:27.440 --> 00:48:45.070 Bobbi Muscara: graphics that are with the new brand so we won't have to worry about like the day. 2 challenge. Oh, and by the way, I what I mentioned with the chat, but I think that that is interesting as far as the questions for the chat bot and how to create an effective, prompt 226 00:48:45.120 --> 00:48:48.079 Bobbi Muscara: I'll put this on there as well. 227 00:48:49.140 --> 00:48:52.159 Bobbi Muscara: So these will help you. 228 00:48:52.290 --> 00:48:57.930 Bobbi Muscara: create this material. So so they get hard, far. Okay. 229 00:48:58.230 --> 00:48:59.490 check on 230 00:49:09.800 --> 00:49:23.589 Bobbi Muscara: So if you use these in the in the thing that I pasted in the chat. B. it will help with your results. But again, I'm just showing you the flow. So then, if we go back to where is mia. 231 00:49:26.670 --> 00:49:27.470 Bobbi Muscara: well. 232 00:49:32.750 --> 00:49:35.150 Bobbi Muscara: and creating videos? 233 00:49:36.200 --> 00:49:37.710 Bobbi Muscara: Is this the one? 234 00:49:38.320 --> 00:49:49.840 Bobbi Muscara: Yes. So this I find amazing. I have, purchased a subscription to it, because I'm going to use it all the time in in what I do. 235 00:49:50.470 --> 00:49:54.580 Bobbi Muscara: because of how well it is. so let me just log in. 236 00:50:01.220 --> 00:50:03.119 Bobbi Muscara: And again for us. 237 00:50:03.130 --> 00:50:05.460 Bobbi Muscara: We're not 238 00:50:05.940 --> 00:50:23.650 Bobbi Muscara: here to create massive spend, massive amounts of time creating massive user guides. We are here to get them to the community. So it is okay to use all these tools from that, everybody's using them. So don't be afraid to use them. so we want script to video. 239 00:50:41.260 --> 00:50:42.160 Bobbi Muscara: No. 240 00:50:44.530 --> 00:50:47.239 Bobbi Muscara: I didn't have the right thing in my 241 00:50:49.170 --> 00:50:51.720 Bobbi Muscara: Where do we go? Okay, hold on a second. 242 00:51:10.110 --> 00:51:12.349 Bobbi Muscara: I'm sorry this is taking me so long 243 00:51:15.730 --> 00:51:17.450 Bobbi Muscara: I keep hitting their own buttons. 244 00:51:37.410 --> 00:51:39.999 Bobbi Muscara: Again I apologize for my computer. I'm getting there. 245 00:51:50.600 --> 00:51:51.720 There it is. 246 00:51:58.280 --> 00:52:03.060 Bobbi Muscara: So I'm gonna copy the results from our outline in the Chatbot. 247 00:52:11.010 --> 00:52:13.680 Bobbi Muscara: And then I'm going to go to that picture. 248 00:52:19.160 --> 00:52:21.179 Bobbi Muscara: Don't know where it is. 249 00:52:30.120 --> 00:52:33.440 Bobbi Muscara: I'm gonna stop sharing my screen for a second. I apologize for this. 250 00:52:37.000 --> 00:52:42.140 Bobbi Muscara: I can't even stop sharing my screen. My computer is so backwards. Okay, just give me 1 s. 251 00:52:47.080 --> 00:52:48.949 Bobbi Muscara: There it is. Okay. Sorry. 252 00:52:54.100 --> 00:52:56.209 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, so I'm just going to 253 00:52:56.300 --> 00:52:58.490 Bobbi Muscara: haste in. 254 00:52:59.540 --> 00:53:03.909 Bobbi Muscara: I get it. Yeah, and paste in the information that the chat box gave us 255 00:53:04.310 --> 00:53:25.390 Bobbi Muscara: and hit proceed. And it's gonna ask me for a tenthly. Now, what I'm envisioning is that the Template plate group will be working with David and we will have a my template, which is the Hyper Ledger template. So right now, I mean none of these screen hyper ledger to me. So I'm just gonna pick this one 256 00:53:25.420 --> 00:53:33.950 Bobbi Muscara: And then I just go one to one ratio because I haven't done the research on it, so I don't know which one's best for my needs, so that one looks good. 257 00:53:35.230 --> 00:53:39.280 Bobbi Muscara: and then it creates a storyboard for you which 258 00:53:40.710 --> 00:53:50.150 Bobbi Muscara: to me is pretty incredible on, because it creates this great video. And again, I don't like the graphics that it shows 259 00:53:50.410 --> 00:53:56.239 Bobbi Muscara: But if you have a template it would be your graphics. So there wouldn't be any question about what would be 260 00:53:56.290 --> 00:54:02.709 Bobbi Muscara: showing up in there, and then there's another. Well, that's building. Let me go back to me here. 261 00:54:03.180 --> 00:54:08.609 Bobbi Muscara: And then what you do is you take this video 262 00:54:12.070 --> 00:54:14.420 Bobbi Muscara: and you go to this gamma app. 263 00:54:15.490 --> 00:54:22.920 Bobbi Muscara: and Gamma will create a presentation for you. With a voice. 264 00:54:22.930 --> 00:54:39.199 Bobbi Muscara: So you could either have the words there, or you could have it an AI voice, and you get to pick. If it's male female, there's like 100 different voices you can pick from which will do the speaking for your presentation. And again, if we do that, I mean, this takes like, no time. 265 00:54:42.970 --> 00:54:43.850 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. 266 00:54:46.360 --> 00:54:56.379 Bobbi Muscara: that that's gonna create the scenes. And if we want to do that for the user guards, if we all are using the same thing in the same templates, this could be amazing. 267 00:55:00.490 --> 00:55:06.620 Bobbi Muscara: So I just take so long. See if we can get Gamma started. So we can put this into gamma. 268 00:55:17.850 --> 00:55:24.100 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, Cajal, isn't this cool. This is just incredible for educators. 269 00:55:24.460 --> 00:55:29.160 Bobbi Muscara: I mean, you could really focus on your content, not the creation part. 270 00:55:33.330 --> 00:55:37.560 Bobbi Muscara: So this is gamma. and you can import 271 00:55:37.720 --> 00:55:46.109 Bobbi Muscara: what we just made, or you can create it new. You can upload all. These are some of the ones that I've been working on. 272 00:55:46.440 --> 00:55:48.330 Bobbi Muscara: so it is 273 00:55:49.000 --> 00:55:59.610 Bobbi Muscara: it it? It's pretty incredible. So again, I'm trying to find a theme for my company, because I want to put these up in my metaphor school so that I'm current. 274 00:55:59.820 --> 00:56:03.130 Bobbi Muscara: let's see if picture or I came up with our video yet. 275 00:56:03.830 --> 00:56:04.790 Bobbi Muscara: Not yet. 276 00:56:06.000 --> 00:56:17.950 Bobbi Muscara: So again, that's the flow that I think I'm going to try to use when I use these tools would be to put my outline in the chat Bot, take that outline and put it into 277 00:56:18.300 --> 00:56:30.520 Bobbi Muscara: Victoria AI, which hopefully has a templated hyper ledger outline and then create a video storyboard 29 out of 29. Let's go. 278 00:56:41.600 --> 00:56:43.940 Bobbi Muscara: And then here you go. Let's preview it 279 00:56:47.010 --> 00:56:52.310 Bobbi Muscara: again. I don't like the graphics. That's my weakest point is is 280 00:56:52.420 --> 00:56:53.620 Bobbi Muscara: graphics 281 00:57:15.470 --> 00:57:19.190 Bobbi Muscara: didn't understand labs. 282 00:57:38.450 --> 00:57:41.280 Akanksha Rani: I have the pictures they are using. 283 00:57:42.950 --> 00:57:44.270 Bobbi Muscara: I'm sorry. What 284 00:57:46.260 --> 00:57:50.939 Akanksha Rani: I'm I'm just saying that I love the picture that you do and is using. 285 00:58:12.490 --> 00:58:22.079 Bobbi Muscara: Well, we get the idea. You know me to walk through the entire making up, but you see how easy that can be. And then again, let me see, I don't know. 286 00:58:22.290 --> 00:58:29.690 Bobbi Muscara: I don't know if I know how to take this right away and put it into gamma. But then Gamma will take this presentation 287 00:58:29.850 --> 00:58:42.450 Bobbi Muscara: and add the voice over. Get rid of the words like, so you can choose to get rid of these words and have the avatar talk again. So these are, I want everybody again. We're running out of time here. So let's 288 00:58:43.240 --> 00:59:05.179 Bobbi Muscara: so if everybody wants to work on their timeline a little bit, that would be great. If you're a chair, and if not, if you want to try to just play around with the flow that we just did over. So go to chat jet check Gpt put in an outline of one of the user guides one of the whatever you're working on. for this group and 289 00:59:05.200 --> 00:59:23.560 Bobbi Muscara: See if you can do it all the way through. Victoria, and to gamma, and see if you you know, just play around with it, and and then if you if you want let us know on the page. Here, let's go back to where we were. Hey? 290 00:59:31.050 --> 00:59:34.150 Bobbi Muscara: You can go back to let me see if I have it here 291 00:59:38.710 --> 00:59:40.400 Bobbi Muscara: this page. 292 00:59:41.610 --> 00:59:45.210 Bobbi Muscara: and just put the date that you come to the page 293 00:59:45.540 --> 01:00:12.780 Bobbi Muscara: and a link, or just I played around with the workflow, and I have a user guide to show you whatever. So just put the date, you know. Edit this page. Put the date and let us know for the next meeting. because the room of my I look at this page where we start the agenda. Look at this page, you know, and put down, if you did anything. so that we know to 294 01:00:13.040 --> 01:00:16.380 Akanksha Rani: that's your screen. 295 01:00:16.550 --> 01:00:22.600 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, hold on just a moment, then. I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry. It's just our regular screen. The 296 01:00:25.260 --> 01:00:27.090 Bobbi Muscara: it's just the 297 01:00:28.360 --> 01:00:33.340 Bobbi Muscara: Let me put the link in the chat to. You know, everybody should have this one. 298 01:00:38.620 --> 01:00:48.659 Bobbi Muscara: And I put that stuff here under user guide. So if you do play around with it and want to present, make sure you put it on the documentation page. 299 01:00:49.180 --> 01:01:03.869 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I guess I didn't save where I will. I'll go back. The information will be on user guides about the Workflow Chat Gbt pictionary, and then and then gamma and if anybody wants to use the existing 300 01:01:03.960 --> 01:01:13.109 Bobbi Muscara: hyper ledger themes and try to create a template in Pictoria that would be great. I don't know. Just play around with it and see what you come up with. 301 01:01:13.430 --> 01:01:23.760 Bobbi Muscara: but I will put this before I leave for a break. I will make sure this user guide has what we just discussed. 302 01:01:23.790 --> 01:01:29.440 Bobbi Muscara: and I will save the one I was working on. So does anybody have any questions for me. 303 01:01:33.880 --> 01:01:41.129 Kajal Kumari: Bobby, can you share the link where we can get the existing templates or the old templates? 304 01:01:42.310 --> 01:01:49.189 Bobbi Muscara: Sure. Okay. So how I get to those is if you go up to the search bar in the 305 01:01:49.840 --> 01:02:00.270 Bobbi Muscara: And type learning materials, development working group or just the initials and go to. 306 01:02:00.940 --> 01:02:02.719 Bobbi Muscara: I like to go to 307 01:02:03.540 --> 01:02:06.720 Bobbi Muscara: meeting notes, because then I know I'm in the old page. 308 01:02:07.910 --> 01:02:14.829 Akanksha Rani: No, I'm not sharing my screen again. Sorry! Hold on, I keep stop sharing. 309 01:02:15.170 --> 01:02:33.129 Bobbi Muscara: Okay? So I just typed in the search engine here, learning materials, development working group. And I went to one of the meeting notes. and then, if you are in the learning materials, the Archive learning Materials, Development Working group, you will see here under templates. 310 01:02:35.330 --> 01:02:44.679 Bobbi Muscara: You have all of those. And then here, for if anybody wants to take a whack at the Graphics for the template for the Victoria, here is a graphic standard set 311 01:02:48.450 --> 01:03:02.159 Bobbi Muscara: with Google drives full of a ton. But again, this is all going to be outdated as soon as Ben. I have to request the access again. I mean whatever, and you can request access. It's just David Boswell. He'll send it right over to you. 312 01:03:03.260 --> 01:03:05.390 Bobbi Muscara: But there's all these 313 01:03:05.640 --> 01:03:15.880 Bobbi Muscara: branding guidelines. projects a presentation guidelines. So these are a lot of. And again, some of them we might not need. This is like 314 01:03:15.950 --> 01:03:31.459 Bobbi Muscara: years of clogged information. It needs to be streamlined so like when you go to the templates and you want to do a used case. Down with template boom. You're ready to go white paper, boom, project proposal. Boom, you know, like everything's right there. 315 01:03:32.670 --> 01:03:34.550 Bobbi Muscara: your all of these are gone. 316 01:03:34.960 --> 01:03:37.360 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, I think they're redoing them all. 317 01:03:40.050 --> 01:03:48.689 Bobbi Muscara: No, it's a shame. I think I have them somewhere. So if you need more graphics, you can just steal them from any presentation that's out there again. 318 01:03:49.010 --> 01:03:52.510 Bobbi Muscara: I would. I don't know. No, I wouldn't. 319 01:03:53.720 --> 01:04:08.280 Bobbi Muscara: I was going to say I would go to the presentation that Ben gave us, because he gave us a slide with the new logo, but that's neither here or there. so this is the. It's the learning materials development working group that has that best practices in template. 320 01:04:08.690 --> 01:04:15.930 Bobbi Muscara: guide and we were talking about the user guides. This is also right here. So here are the old 321 01:04:16.610 --> 01:04:39.349 Bobbi Muscara: welcome guides. So if you click becoming a community member on the homepage of the learning Materials working group, you will get to again. This is where these videos that we just went through would be awesome. because get a Linux login. Edit a Wiki page. Join the calls and how to get involved. This is getting involved with open source. 322 01:04:39.350 --> 01:04:52.890 Bobbi Muscara: so it and it says, community roles. If you are involved in the hyper ledger community, we are urging you to put these on your business cards, your Linkedin Page, and your resumes. And this is, if you want wording on how to do that. Here's 323 01:04:53.310 --> 01:05:04.000 Bobbi Muscara: wording for that. So This needs to be looked at and Redone to. So again, there's so many things, and hopefully, that stuff that I showed you will help us 324 01:05:04.030 --> 01:05:06.420 Bobbi Muscara: get that done much quicker. 325 01:05:07.540 --> 01:05:13.959 Akanksha Rani: That's it for me. We're over a minute. Anybody have any comments yeah, Bobby, I just wanted to ask one more thing. 326 01:05:14.210 --> 01:05:25.270 Akanksha Rani: So like, you talk last last meeting told about that to talk to me. So is there any update or any information about the collaborative? 327 01:05:25.680 --> 01:05:30.160 Bobbi Muscara: Nothing. But I will reach out to him again. When do you guys have your meeting 328 01:05:30.680 --> 01:05:48.180 Akanksha Rani: with John? You're talking about? Yes, yes, the onboarding. Yeah. Okay. So Jovan has scheduled the meet on on on Wednesday, 12 pm. To one via that is, 930 E. I. D. The Indians at Isd. 329 01:05:48.360 --> 01:05:54.120 Akanksha Rani: and according to its 12 mountain time. I guess. Md. 12 Am. 330 01:05:54.310 --> 01:05:56.439 Akanksha Rani: 12 pm. Long day time. 331 01:05:58.250 --> 01:06:06.540 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, I I'll try to make that. I'm on the road Wednesday, but I will try to sit in on that and see what's going on with on boarding? If not, I'll just listen to the recording. 332 01:06:06.960 --> 01:06:25.290 Akanksha Rani: Okay? So actually, the, it's, it happens on Google meet. But I shall send you an invite link after the meet. This meet. I'll send share to the link with of that need. If you can join it would be really great or otherwise. Also, like, I'll record the need for you. 333 01:06:26.000 --> 01:06:32.390 Bobbi Muscara: And then they're automatically recorded and the Hyper ledger community will put it on your page. 334 01:06:33.230 --> 01:06:40.539 Akanksha Rani: Oh, but like like right now, because it happens not that it does not happen in Zoom. It happens on me. 335 01:06:40.570 --> 01:06:47.320 Akanksha Rani: The meet like will meet that Jordan has. 336 01:06:49.450 --> 01:06:52.459 Akanksha Rani: Okay. It's not a community zoom call. I get it. 337 01:06:53.120 --> 01:06:57.269 Akanksha Rani: I'll share the link with you with the mail after the meeting. 338 01:06:59.360 --> 01:07:02.619 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, thank you. Anybody else have any questions. 339 01:07:04.870 --> 01:07:09.790 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, well, then, I'll talk to you next week, or email me if you have anything or reach out in Linkedin. 340 01:07:11.420 --> 01:07:12.940 Akanksha Rani: All right. Thank you, Bobby. 341 01:07:12.970 --> 01:07:17.199 Gianluca Capuzzi: Thank you. Bobby, bye. 342 01:07:21.830 --> 01:07:27.279 Akanksha Rani: is so like I have, I I guess. on boarding people are also here 343 01:07:27.410 --> 01:07:38.110 Akanksha Rani: some of them just wanted to ask like, what's going on. But, Charlie, why is contributing then on boarding? Well, we I know he's helping me in the navigation part. 344 01:07:38.820 --> 01:07:41.010 Akanksha Rani: The navigation 345 01:07:41.120 --> 01:07:46.690 Akanksha Rani: other than that others can just tell me, like, what are they, you know, planning to do. 346 01:07:46.950 --> 01:07:57.290 Akanksha Rani: and also like. At this, I just saw that you are also part of this, you know, documentation. So just a recommendation, if you can work on that. 347 01:07:57.540 --> 01:08:09.120 Akanksha Rani: for on boarding as well, because then you will have to. Just a simple one task would be there that you have to create, that those user guide, so it would help in on boarding as well. So that is the thing that you can take up on 348 01:08:18.149 --> 01:08:20.569 Agnes Nduta: story. Come again. 349 01:08:22.500 --> 01:08:23.849 Akanksha Rani: Am I audible now. 350 01:08:24.450 --> 01:08:33.439 Akanksha Rani: Yes, yes, okay. So I was just like watching out. So your name was there in the user guides or best practices 351 01:08:34.040 --> 01:08:37.690 Akanksha Rani: in documentation, is it there, right? It is there as a vertical. 352 01:08:38.640 --> 01:08:53.259 Akanksha Rani: Okay? So I was just saying that you can just work on that for now, if you know I I guess I guess you missed the last bit. So that's what you can work on. You can work on the user guides for the 3 person us that the onboarding team is focused on 353 01:08:53.300 --> 01:09:03.840 Akanksha Rani: the Developer Maintainer's business users and enterprise. You can work on preparing a template and use the guide for that so that we can, you know, have a start here. Value for the 354 01:09:03.979 --> 01:09:08.670 Akanksha Rani: people who are on boarding. That was what I was saying. 355 01:09:10.010 --> 01:09:11.250 Agnes Nduta: Okay, okay. 356 01:09:12.630 --> 01:09:25.970 Akanksha Rani: you said something about navigation. Yeah. The navigation thing that we are working on so well, we is contributing in that, if like. Do you have experience in Sigma Agnes. 357 01:09:26.470 --> 01:09:39.909 Akanksha Rani: No, no, no, I'm not talking to. Okay, yeah. That's why I recommended that you can work on the user guides, but it like it. It would be better because you can work on research and creating the templates and everything. 358 01:09:39.960 --> 01:09:53.689 Akanksha Rani: So while we is contributing in that right now with me. And Karl is also there, I guess. But she she hasn't. I don't know if she's she has started contributing. Can you just tell me 359 01:09:54.630 --> 01:10:07.069 Kajal Kumari: I was sorry, like I was a busy last week. I had some tests so like I went through the chats, and you are told to create some icons. 360 01:10:07.080 --> 01:10:10.679 Akanksha Rani: 3 items for the 361 01:10:11.050 --> 01:10:14.169 Kajal Kumari: like. What is it about 362 01:10:14.890 --> 01:10:20.440 Akanksha Rani: like on the navigation? 363 01:10:20.890 --> 01:10:36.920 Akanksha Rani: I had to send architecture enough design that I made on to other diocese. I'll just share my screen. Better so that you can read. I can just show you what exactly is going on. But yeah, I'll just. I'll just share it. 364 01:10:37.830 --> 01:10:39.710 Akanksha Rani: Just a second 365 01:10:41.050 --> 01:10:42.190 Akanksha Rani: of 366 01:10:45.250 --> 01:10:46.590 Akanksha Rani: so 367 01:10:47.020 --> 01:10:48.880 Akanksha Rani: just leave me as I can. Nice. 368 01:10:53.720 --> 01:10:57.069 Akanksha Rani: So I had made this design on to 369 01:10:57.900 --> 01:11:08.329 Akanksha Rani: for like, since where we was doing so. This is a, you know, rough design of exactly. How are we changing the sideline? So this is hyper edges. Present site? 370 01:11:09.080 --> 01:11:11.160 Akanksha Rani: yes. 371 01:11:11.400 --> 01:11:14.469 Akanksha Rani: So this is the present site of Hyper Ledger. 372 01:11:15.380 --> 01:11:17.540 Akanksha Rani: Just a second floating. 373 01:11:23.060 --> 01:11:35.109 Akanksha Rani: Yeah. So this is the present type. So we have to, you know, revamp the website so that it becomes more user Ted. And you know, we are creating basically, our project is based on creating a 374 01:11:35.170 --> 01:11:47.770 Akanksha Rani: a more user friendly website for the new users for the people who will be meant on boarding the time. So this is the present side, and this is just a second. 375 01:11:49.960 --> 01:11:52.070 Akanksha Rani: but it is 376 01:11:54.470 --> 01:12:07.640 Akanksha Rani: So this is what I created since Valera as me like, what should he work on? So I guess, bullied, you are working on it, or you haven't started yet. You have started working on it 377 01:12:08.200 --> 01:12:16.250 Balveer Singh Rao: last day. I didn't get time, but surely I'll start in 4 days. 378 01:12:16.390 --> 01:12:24.530 Akanksha Rani: No, no problem like it would be really good if you you know, you can. like, complete it by day by day after tomorrow. 379 01:12:24.790 --> 01:12:40.540 Akanksha Rani: if possible. I would like, my college is reopening. So I need to travel there. That's why. Okay, cool. Okay, never mind. Never mind. So it's okay. Just let me know by then can you do it? Or else, you know, I'll just take up 380 01:12:40.560 --> 01:13:03.560 Akanksha Rani: if the E it like I did in urgent work. So this guys just see like this is what we are. We'll be transforming right now. This is my suggestions. right now we'll be having a review from the mentors is that on Wednesday we have a meet. I have I? I have a meet with John, so, if possible, I'll I'll ask if I can, you know. invite you guys also there. So but 381 01:13:03.560 --> 01:13:13.750 Akanksha Rani: that doesn't matter. So this is the thing that we are planning for now. And we have to make. So this site right now, I, 382 01:13:13.880 --> 01:13:19.109 Akanksha Rani: you know, we becoming like this. That's what we have to focus on, right 383 01:13:19.880 --> 01:13:27.740 Akanksha Rani: that we have to create. your navigation-based personas. That's what I was talking about at this. Did you understand? Now. 384 01:13:29.370 --> 01:13:31.230 Agnes Nduta: yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm okay. 385 01:13:32.530 --> 01:13:44.960 Akanksha Rani: Yeah. So this is the end part. We are, you know, working on right now, and doesn't matter if you you are not very much used to that. And if you want to learn, Sigma, that's a great thing. But 386 01:13:44.960 --> 01:14:07.559 Akanksha Rani: if you go to work on the research part, that is always well, and you can create a template for that. So that's what. Because we really need the started as soon as we complete making the navigation bar and everything here, we'll video requiring the start head guides for for the 3 person us. That would be our hosting. So it would be great if we completed by, you know, this week or next week. 387 01:14:07.700 --> 01:14:19.380 Akanksha Rani: and other than that. yeah. So it was casual. So currently, it'll be working on the Friend and Guido cartoon right on the 388 01:14:19.440 --> 01:14:27.040 Kajal Kumari: I can help Agnes and creating templates also, because in our documentation task force, I am 389 01:14:27.130 --> 01:14:30.330 Kajal Kumari: doing the temporal thing. So I can help them. 390 01:14:30.480 --> 01:14:34.660 Akanksha Rani: Okay, right? Okay, yeah. So they were. 391 01:14:35.430 --> 01:14:36.230 Akanksha Rani: yeah. 392 01:14:36.360 --> 01:14:52.169 Agnes Nduta: yeah, so Do we have what we want to go on the site in terms of content. So when we have the navigation bar, for example, or the personas. Do you have the specific things we are going to put on the website? 393 01:14:55.650 --> 01:15:21.119 Akanksha Rani: Just as I mean, yeah. So yeah, I'll just show you an example of that. What exactly we are having in. You know. this is the start here, guide existing one. So this is not much user, friendly, and no one can really understand how to get started, can, if you just read you, you you tell me like, if you think like, this is something that you know our users should will understand. At first 394 01:15:21.700 --> 01:15:27.130 Akanksha Rani: a new user comes to the side. So this is what the start here existing right guide is. 395 01:15:27.170 --> 01:15:53.759 Akanksha Rani: But we need to completely, you know, transform this and make it a proper like, what you will be creating or other user people who are working on user guide would be creating would be here instead of this, so that the new contributors can, you know, understand the workflow easily, that how the thing the Bobby explained it. How to get started for the contributors as so just like this, there would be 3 start here, guides 396 01:15:53.760 --> 01:16:02.690 Akanksha Rani: first for this, and here in this section, you will be having resources. So what will come under the resources would be the different sides of hyper legend. 397 01:16:02.690 --> 01:16:24.300 Akanksha Rani: Who I like? There is one more thing that we are working on. It is known as high traffic agent pages. So I have asked for the information because it's still under process, because until, unless we receive the information from hyper, we can, you know, cannot work on that. So here in the resources, we'll be having a section of resources, and there would be 398 01:16:24.300 --> 01:16:31.240 Akanksha Rani: the pages which are related to the contributor. the. You know the thing. The contributor is required. 399 01:16:31.250 --> 01:16:37.349 Akanksha Rani: So, according to the needs of the contributor or the Maintainer will be having this thing 400 01:16:37.650 --> 01:17:07.390 Akanksha Rani: resources section and the contributor, a user can directly go to that page like, for example, there, well, or Aes, or these projects and all. So we'll see that which are the most traveled pages. So we'll be getting the data about that. So so we'll be putting them here. So for now that is the later part. But for now this part, this would be what that you guys be creating a proper user guide. Would we get in place of this? You know this basic that which 401 01:17:07.470 --> 01:17:11.050 Akanksha Rani: right address, if you are getting what I'm saying. 402 01:17:12.560 --> 01:17:13.730 Agnes Nduta: yeah, yeah. 403 01:17:15.450 --> 01:17:28.179 Akanksha Rani: so this is the start head. I think. Now, other than those 2 team things are there and casual. So just wanted to ask. So you want to work only on this thing or on the with my design as well. 404 01:17:28.870 --> 01:17:34.480 Kajal Kumari: I want to work on both of these things. I have worked on Sigma. 405 01:17:34.590 --> 01:17:41.530 Kajal Kumari: And I have also done some research for so and oh, okay, with these things. 406 01:17:41.650 --> 01:17:47.219 Akanksha Rani: Okay, right? So regarding the that, I think I'll just open the K, my design as well. 407 01:17:48.230 --> 01:17:53.059 Kajal Kumari: I have a question like for the start there website. 408 01:17:53.070 --> 01:17:56.169 Kajal Kumari: how we are going to use the templates 409 01:17:56.500 --> 01:18:08.749 Kajal Kumari: I like you said, we have to create template. and also like we will be providing 3 options like 3 410 01:18:08.950 --> 01:18:16.439 Kajal Kumari: for the same people like the developer. One will click and then navigate to this section. 411 01:18:16.630 --> 01:18:20.799 Kajal Kumari: like this. Only one thing. 412 01:18:21.950 --> 01:18:34.890 Akanksha Rani: Okay? Like, I mean, I completely understand your question properly. Can you, just, you know, repay it and see. So I am. saying that you said we have to a great template. 413 01:18:35.130 --> 01:18:46.419 Kajal Kumari: So like we just, Saudi. That's it. We have make a simple website. And it's for everyone we contribute this contributor to develop develop or our maintenance. 414 01:18:46.820 --> 01:18:52.839 Kajal Kumari: So this, do we have to like? Personalize this? start there for? 415 01:18:52.930 --> 01:19:13.019 Akanksha Rani: Okay? So regarding templates, but can play that a template. I'm just saying, you know, in the aspect of of you, a user guide. Only not exactly, you know. A proper template comes under. There are different types of templates that we talk about. And in Hyper Ledger. 416 01:19:13.100 --> 01:19:35.529 Akanksha Rani: you already know, because we had this discussion in last week as well. Well, we cleared it out that one is for Github thing, and one is for that. So the template I am talking about is the one that I just showed you who the side has died. Only so you are right that we'll be customizing it according to the person us. So that is what we have to do. 3 different start, hey? Right? What we different was on us. 417 01:19:36.960 --> 01:19:42.800 Kajal Kumari: Oh, okay, so we we will be merging it in a single website. 418 01:19:43.110 --> 01:19:49.649 Akanksha Rani: Oh, no, no, no! I'll just explain that again. What exactly will be doing. So 419 01:19:49.970 --> 01:19:57.510 Kajal Kumari: when the user will look like that. That's it. It will just redirect to what he has chosen. 420 01:19:57.730 --> 01:20:14.179 Akanksha Rani: Okay, yeah. So these are the 3 pages. Huh? Okay, you did. other than that, I'll just, you know, just explain it again. So I am a new user. I'll just so that everyone can understand it. Right? So I'm a you user. And this is my hyper ledger side. 421 01:20:14.360 --> 01:20:40.469 Akanksha Rani: What I mean by happily inside the one that I just showed you. So just imagine that this is that I have a hyper ledger side. This is a bad navigation, but and this is right now we only see this building better together. Thing and there is no this section. But we do creating this section for the front-end part. And here, like something. It's not exactly how we'll be laying it off. It's it's just a rough design. So there will be this question. 422 01:20:40.470 --> 01:21:04.630 Akanksha Rani: or, you know, a a line type of thing that will ask, which rule describes you as the best, or you know what address you do, hyperlink, and everything. There would be a simple line, and this these 3 sections would be there very small ones not, you know, very big ones. So be I. I am. But we are working on this and if anyone else is also interested, like Cartel said, so you can help me out on this. 423 01:21:04.630 --> 01:21:28.610 Akanksha Rani: So once the user clicks that there there would be a travel, a button here, or arrow or a button, something like the one I have created like this one. So once the user clicks on that. For example, this is for the business in there, as he or she goes here. He'll directly be redirected to this start headline, right? That you will. You guys would be creating like the. 424 01:21:28.710 --> 01:21:31.340 Akanksha Rani: So he like, he will be directly, you know. 425 01:21:31.400 --> 01:21:38.089 Akanksha Rani: Yeah, it would be easier for the person to directly go to the page, this of his or her best winning. 426 01:21:38.140 --> 01:22:05.669 Akanksha Rani: Right now, if you go to the hibernated website, everything is so complicated you cannot understand what to go, where to go. So once the contributor, or, for example, I am a new user and I am a contributor. I come to this stage, I'll see a proper Github template the Github campaign that you know the user is working on or like update, our template is a different thing. But the template I am talking about we talk more about. Is this one like a proper page template? So 427 01:22:05.870 --> 01:22:24.540 Akanksha Rani: this is what our project is that we have to make it easier for the new user to find. And this section, the left hand side section would be having different columns. I'm not sure about what those columns would be. I'll be asking you to join, but definitely, there would be a problem for resources 428 01:22:24.540 --> 01:22:39.740 Akanksha Rani: where the pages that are, you know, of the like most relatable pages for a contributor or a Maintainer is, would be here so directly the contributor can click on that, and, you know, go to that project or that page and get the the. 429 01:22:39.760 --> 01:22:53.399 Akanksha Rani: you know, guidance without. my, of much. You know problems that we are facing right now. So this is all about the thing that they're working on on boarding right now, and other than that, if anyone has any question, just you know. 430 01:23:04.890 --> 01:23:07.970 Akanksha Rani: oh, no one has any question 431 01:23:09.200 --> 01:23:11.330 Akanksha Rani: yeah. So 432 01:23:12.490 --> 01:23:15.080 Akanksha Rani: Hello, am I? Alderman? 433 01:23:16.150 --> 01:23:17.100 Kajal Kumari: Yes. 434 01:23:17.470 --> 01:23:30.969 Akanksha Rani: yeah. Okay. So this all was all about. And if you guys understood it, that's well and good. And regarding, I think, the website, yeah, I was talking about the icons. So if any one of you is forward in making it. 435 01:23:31.830 --> 01:23:37.909 Agnes Nduta: Yeah. Sorry. One clarification. You said. The meeting is on Wednesday, not Thursday. 436 01:23:39.720 --> 01:23:42.400 Akanksha Rani: I couldn't hear you. Can you please come on. 437 01:23:43.350 --> 01:23:47.879 Agnes Nduta: When did you say the meetings are on Wednesdays or on Thursday? 438 01:23:48.210 --> 01:24:10.230 Akanksha Rani: Yeah. So there is one more me that is not and a community me, but I will be requesting John to make it through to a community meet so that everyone can join in. But in that need, basically, the work that we do to John? Verify and use that. And I just Tell whatever he said in the group, and you know, inform it to you guys. 439 01:24:10.230 --> 01:24:32.329 Akanksha Rani: So that's not only that, you know we miss, or something the we we have right now on every Monday. It's what's recorded in hyper legend. So this is where this you have to get ready to attend. But I'll definitely ask John once that if you guys can attend the meeting on Wednesday. It's 9 30 pm. In Indian standard time, and 12 pm. In 440 01:24:32.400 --> 01:24:39.420 Akanksha Rani: mountain standard. If you know, if possible, I will share the link with you all as well. 441 01:24:40.490 --> 01:24:41.350 Agnes Nduta: Okay. 442 01:24:43.420 --> 01:24:53.930 Akanksha Rani: so other than that, any more questions. And by we will please inform me if you have any problem, I can work start working on it for you. If you 443 01:24:54.650 --> 01:24:59.150 Akanksha Rani: work for this week or for a few days, just let me. 444 01:25:07.810 --> 01:25:12.330 Akanksha Rani: Well, I guess I am moving with everything. What I wanted to say, and 445 01:25:12.370 --> 01:25:14.630 Akanksha Rani: any 446 01:25:18.160 --> 01:25:22.599 Akanksha Rani: extremely sorry. Sorry. So yeah, can you get me the app 447 01:25:22.840 --> 01:25:25.860 Akanksha Rani: guys? If you will say, I will just trap a call today. 448 01:25:27.400 --> 01:25:28.680 Balveer Singh Rao: Yeah. 449 01:25:28.990 --> 01:25:30.940 Kajal Kumari: take on track of. 450 01:25:31.730 --> 01:25:49.480 Akanksha Rani: okay, cool. Thank you guys. And if you guys have any problem, please, you know, you can ping me every any there we have. What's a group for the on boarding people other than that? You can. Just you guys, by 451 01:25:50.190 --> 01:25:51.390 Kajal Kumari: Hi.