WEBVTT 1 00:07:23.760 --> 00:07:25.289 Bobbi Muscara: Good morning, everybody. 2 00:07:27.060 --> 00:07:28.909 Arunima Chaudhuri: Hey, Bobby! Good morning. 3 00:07:29.410 --> 00:07:30.680 Akanksha Rani: Good morning, Bobby. 4 00:07:32.050 --> 00:07:37.230 Bobbi Muscara: If everybody time to get in, let me share my screen. 5 00:07:38.170 --> 00:07:39.950 Niku Singh: Hi! Welcome! 6 00:07:47.300 --> 00:07:55.989 Bobbi Muscara: I only have one screen today, because it's kind of like a holiday weekend here. So bear with me. Well, I try to figure this out. 7 00:07:58.440 --> 00:08:03.489 Bobbi Muscara: My laptop screens are in my way. So hold on just a second. 8 00:08:08.980 --> 00:08:11.540 Bobbi Muscara: This is going to be challenging. 9 00:08:21.570 --> 00:08:23.179 Bobbi Muscara: So does everybody see my screen? 10 00:08:26.120 --> 00:08:27.140 Gianluca Capuzzi: Yes. 11 00:08:27.160 --> 00:08:40.220 Bobbi Muscara: okay, good. That's the antitrust policy. This is the Linux Foundation, sponsored call. It is being recorded, and we have a code of conduct and an antitrust policy. They're displayed on the screen. Please take a moment to review them 12 00:08:50.700 --> 00:09:00.039 Bobbi Muscara: again. Everybody who's on the call has seen all this before. So we're just gonna get right into it. So the Toc meeting was canceled this week. So I'm not 13 00:09:00.710 --> 00:09:10.779 Bobbi Muscara: specifically on the schedule. So whatever this group conscious, comes up with the for the presentation, if you want it to be this Thursday 14 00:09:10.790 --> 00:09:21.130 Bobbi Muscara: or next Thursday. I would shoot for next Thursday, since we're not even on the agenda, but they would take us this Thursday. for the presentation. 15 00:09:21.160 --> 00:09:25.300 Bobbi Muscara: Again, the presentation is going to be 16 00:09:26.740 --> 00:09:35.500 Bobbi Muscara: a slide for every one of the initiatives we're working on this summer we will speak to, or you guys are going to speak to 17 00:09:35.650 --> 00:09:53.649 Bobbi Muscara: what the goals are for each one of those initiatives. what our plans are to get us there. And then we'll be off on our summer journey to accomplish those things that we said And along the way we're going to do other presentations and help out the Mentees. 18 00:09:53.650 --> 00:10:10.749 Bobbi Muscara: so with that, said I'm going to have everybody introduce. And now again, I'm working on only one screen. Usually I have like 5. So if it takes me a little longer today to move from screen to screen, that's cause I'm 19 00:10:11.300 --> 00:10:15.069 Bobbi Muscara: only on one. So let me see if I can edit this. 20 00:10:17.250 --> 00:10:18.210 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, good. 21 00:10:23.120 --> 00:10:33.250 Bobbi Muscara: Now, everybody's basically been on the call and know what's going on. And we're kind of familiar with each other. So if you just want to introduce yourself and 22 00:10:33.580 --> 00:10:38.560 Bobbi Muscara: just say what you want to work on today, that would be great. And I'm going to start with the 23 00:10:41.630 --> 00:10:57.900 Arunima Chaudhuri: yeah, sure. So hello, everyone I'm ily much, Audrey. I will be. I'm a for this summer. It's had to led you. And I'm also meeting the Hyper Ledger Documentation Task force and helping out everyone as much as I can. 24 00:10:58.120 --> 00:11:18.649 Arunima Chaudhuri: And as of now, I think we will have a presentation on sexualize. So I've prepared a basic template and uploaded it right in the top of the page. So maybe you can have a look at it. And I will also get you give the right access so that everyone can start editing and perform the tasks on their respective features. 25 00:11:20.600 --> 00:11:24.710 Bobbi Muscara: Awesome. Thank you. I'll load that as soon as I finish typing everybody's name in 26 00:11:24.720 --> 00:11:32.229 Bobbi Muscara: and then on Kasha. You want to go next. Let me update this. 27 00:11:34.250 --> 00:11:37.519 Akanksha Rani: surely. Yeah. am I audible enough? 28 00:11:38.390 --> 00:11:39.400 Bobbi Muscara: Yes. 29 00:11:39.500 --> 00:11:50.749 Akanksha Rani: okay, cool. So Hi, everyone my name is, and I am Lfx Mentee for on boarding project this year, and I'm also working on documentation 30 00:11:50.800 --> 00:11:53.369 Akanksha Rani: as the On on boarding lead. 31 00:11:53.430 --> 00:12:03.880 Akanksha Rani: I am like handing on boarding on the documentation and project as well. So right now. Talking with regard to on boarding we have, you know we have discussed 32 00:12:04.310 --> 00:12:13.820 Akanksha Rani: certain things with the old contributors, and like my mentor is here. Nico is here. So we had a an a meet 33 00:12:13.820 --> 00:12:35.720 Akanksha Rani: last last week. We had a meet with old contributor like our own, and we had discussed a lot of things, and he gave feedback on the onboarding thing like, How can we proceed with the project this year, and then like a lot of things happened. I made a project plan for the onboarding one, and you can even say that 34 00:12:35.830 --> 00:12:41.299 Akanksha Rani: what? Exactly the how the flow of on boarding will be going on. It's a rough 35 00:12:41.350 --> 00:12:53.249 Akanksha Rani: It's a rough project for rough plan for now, but like it's it gives the idea of what exactly will be working on. I can even share the link. If you guys want to check how the on boarding will go on 36 00:12:53.590 --> 00:13:09.599 Akanksha Rani: So that's what we did last week, and we have, we have scheduled one more need for the boarding one separately, because on boarding names a lot of things, you know, we need to work on it. So on Wednesday we have another call for that. 37 00:13:09.850 --> 00:13:22.230 Akanksha Rani: but right now talking about on boarding, if there is any more update, I'll definitely update in the documentation project. And yeah, that's all the all, everything about this. 38 00:13:23.820 --> 00:13:45.140 Bobbi Muscara: That's great. Thank you. And yeah, we will go to that and open that project plan up when we get to on boarding. we're gonna do the introductions and then just go through this slide. That's on the screen. for everyone to speak to their part on it. So thank you so much for all the work, and for, you know, coordinating with us, it's really, really, really appreciated. 39 00:13:45.250 --> 00:13:46.530 Bobbi Muscara: John Luca. 40 00:13:48.950 --> 00:14:10.170 Gianluca Capuzzi: Yes, Hi, for everyone. I'm Joeluka from Italy. I'm a software engineer, and I'd like to contribute to to Github and template subtopics as chair is, if is it possible, and also and to the other topics as a Mentee. 41 00:14:10.380 --> 00:14:22.809 Gianluca Capuzzi: and also I joined to a call in past about the climate change, and I'm waiting for some some 42 00:14:23.270 --> 00:14:37.820 Gianluca Capuzzi: condition from from from them. And I'm here so I can can participate to to the next meeting and also to to the the presentation. 43 00:14:38.060 --> 00:14:41.649 Gianluca Capuzzi: And so I I can thank you. 44 00:14:41.930 --> 00:14:58.299 Bobbi Muscara: I have a couple of questions off topic real quick, just because you said you were in the climate. Call what part of the climate call, because I know they have, like different sub sections, one's working on this. What call did you? go on? And what are they working on? 45 00:14:58.680 --> 00:15:04.430 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay, a. S. I, G is the name of the the the team. 46 00:15:04.650 --> 00:15:10.299 Gianluca Capuzzi: And I, I written an email to. 47 00:15:10.400 --> 00:15:14.790 Gianluca Capuzzi: sorry one second, a. 48 00:15:16.520 --> 00:15:26.079 Gianluca Capuzzi: my name is a yeah, he does a lot of good work for the country for the world. Actually. 49 00:15:26.260 --> 00:15:45.819 Gianluca Capuzzi: yeah, it basically asked, if we have a a list of people who want to 100 boots to that project, and also with the the skills. And they can send us information about how can we contribute to to the project. 50 00:15:46.280 --> 00:15:48.280 Bobbi Muscara: I would like to use them 51 00:15:48.400 --> 00:16:03.059 Bobbi Muscara: as the Guinea pig to try out our new templates when we're finished, so I know they've always been for the past 2 years asking for help, with documentation whether it's creating a presentation people can 52 00:16:03.140 --> 00:16:10.559 Bobbi Muscara: give out to like meet ups and and other hyper ledger groups, so that this word about this special interest group can get out there. 53 00:16:10.790 --> 00:16:26.429 Bobbi Muscara: so thank you for going to that meeting. And and I hope I find them when I can finally attend them, I I find them so compelling that I wind up volunteering, so I try to stay away from them because I have too much on my plate right now. 54 00:16:26.750 --> 00:16:30.370 Gianluca Capuzzi: anyway. But thank you for that 55 00:16:30.760 --> 00:16:32.050 Bobbi Muscara: at Kajal. 56 00:16:33.870 --> 00:16:45.230 Kajal Kumari: Hello, everyone. I am casual, and I am the subcommittee chair of our templates. So like I am mentioned earlier that I 57 00:16:45.490 --> 00:16:50.889 Kajal Kumari: wanted to help the bevel a mentee. So I didn't 58 00:16:50.970 --> 00:17:10.779 Kajal Kumari: here from him anytime soon, like I texted him. I guess he's busy in contributing. He didn't see my discord message, and also about the Cape. I I join their their programming session like it's the 59 00:17:10.800 --> 00:17:23.850 Kajal Kumari: where the the mentees share what they have done. So the maintenance asked me to join the next meet, which is today only to discuss about the project and what 60 00:17:23.910 --> 00:17:27.049 Kajal Kumari: help they need in the documentation side. 61 00:17:27.930 --> 00:17:55.570 Bobbi Muscara: Excellent! Thank you. And I also let me just go back real quick. When I come across information in the community that I find relevant for this task force, I just jot it down on our page. So the other day I got this information. so I put it this just in So the special interest groups, all of them, whether it's the climate Sig or the telecom Sig. 62 00:17:55.570 --> 00:18:13.969 Bobbi Muscara: They have a quarterly call obviously once a quarter to discuss topics relevant to the special interest groups. overall, and Ben Thomas is giving up that presentation now. He did give it to us a long time ago, but I think they fine tuned it since then. 63 00:18:14.670 --> 00:18:28.229 Bobbi Muscara: So he's giving that presentation. But just for you could all for the templates. The new logo is out. So let me see if I can. Again, I'm multitasking on this little computer here. I don't know how long it's gonna work, but 64 00:18:28.450 --> 00:18:38.190 Bobbi Muscara: so this is a template for that presentation which gives you access to the rebranding. So where is it? That's right there? 65 00:18:40.440 --> 00:18:46.100 Bobbi Muscara: So these are the new colors, the new looks, the new feel for hyper Ledger. So 66 00:18:46.830 --> 00:18:57.609 Bobbi Muscara: if you're working on templates and you're getting any of them out there, that's don't use the old one. Use the new one. And I guess this is the new color scheme. I 67 00:18:58.010 --> 00:18:59.180 Bobbi Muscara: Hello! 68 00:18:59.490 --> 00:19:00.480 Kajal Kumari: Okay. 69 00:19:01.530 --> 00:19:18.989 Bobbi Muscara: where it's more instead of the the different shades of the blues. It's the greens. But you, before you use that for any template, you're really gonna have to get the exact color numbers for the colors so that they're exact. But again, this presentation is, if you want to sit in on it. 70 00:19:21.140 --> 00:19:23.880 Bobbi Muscara: let me see if I can get back there. Oh, good 71 00:19:26.300 --> 00:19:40.619 Bobbi Muscara: is July tenth at 10 am. So that is just information for you. So if that helps you out. I hope it does. Nikki and go next. 72 00:19:42.320 --> 00:19:47.039 Niku Singh: Yeah. So by everyone, I'm from India. I'm 73 00:19:47.060 --> 00:19:53.440 Niku Singh: mentor for ongoing internal meeting. 74 00:19:53.760 --> 00:20:01.169 Niku Singh: we don't. I guess you last I don't need to be, John and It is based on the delivery for the projects. 75 00:20:01.240 --> 00:20:10.179 Niku Singh: and we were supposed to meet Ben. I had a meeting with Bench regarding the branding and other stuff, so that we can proceed with the designs and other server. 76 00:20:10.330 --> 00:20:14.150 Niku Singh: I haven't really heard from him, so they are hoping that he will be responding to this. 77 00:20:14.390 --> 00:20:21.260 Niku Singh: and so that we continue to for what we can design some of the thoughts and start working on that once it will be starting your site. 78 00:20:21.540 --> 00:20:22.250 That's it. 79 00:20:22.740 --> 00:20:24.450 Bobbi Muscara: That's awesome. Thank you 80 00:20:24.820 --> 00:20:29.820 Bobbi Muscara: again. I know that the onboarding has the 81 00:20:30.260 --> 00:20:32.450 Bobbi Muscara: different places that 82 00:20:32.860 --> 00:20:40.950 Bobbi Muscara: folks can come on, and you have the different people that can come on. But please, as soon as you know, a user guide need or 83 00:20:40.960 --> 00:20:42.920 Bobbi Muscara: a possible 84 00:20:43.700 --> 00:20:50.929 Bobbi Muscara: something that this team can help. Right? throw our new templates. Please let us know when we get glad to get on that 85 00:20:54.240 --> 00:20:55.170 Niku Singh: for sure. 86 00:20:55.360 --> 00:20:56.780 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, tripore. 87 00:20:57.950 --> 00:21:00.750 Tripur Joshi: Hi, Bobby, Hi, everyone. 88 00:21:01.470 --> 00:21:08.409 Tripur Joshi: So I am working on right now on the sole and documentation as mentioned before. 89 00:21:08.410 --> 00:21:33.400 Tripur Joshi: And I'm also making a standard, you know, so that standard reports so that we can tell you when we are looking at other documentation, and we can like, see if something is missing and we can add into it. And I'm going deep into this whole thing projects with the solutions. So that's why it's taking so long right now, and I will share both the standard report 90 00:21:33.400 --> 00:21:40.199 Tripur Joshi: that we can use for like other projects. And like, if anyone else wants to take up any 91 00:21:40.200 --> 00:21:55.900 Tripur Joshi: like other documentation, and they can use that and like. See if something is missing or not in the user documentation, so that we can improve the existing documentation first and then move to other tutorials and all that stuff for for the starting. 92 00:21:56.350 --> 00:22:02.080 Tripur Joshi: That's awesome next week. Do you want to do a little presentation at this call to show us what you've done? 93 00:22:02.170 --> 00:22:04.570 Tripur Joshi: Yeah, sure, that would be great. 94 00:22:04.740 --> 00:22:05.480 Tripur Joshi: Yeah. 95 00:22:07.040 --> 00:22:16.410 Bobbi Muscara: that would be wonderful. Thank you so much for doing that. And so so do you like the solelying project. Is it fun. I know it's one of the newer ones. I know really nothing about it. 96 00:22:16.650 --> 00:22:36.640 Tripur Joshi: It's it's really fun. And actually, I'm very interested in Sulana, As like I always started like when I was starting with blockchain I got into by, and then I like oh, I started to discover everything about what is blockchain, how we work with it. So yeah, I'm I'm really interested in that thing. 97 00:22:36.710 --> 00:22:41.580 Bobbi Muscara: That's awesome. That's great. Thank you. In Victoria. 98 00:22:45.220 --> 00:22:56.130 Victoria Johnson: I will be Hi, everyone. okay. So I was appointed the best practices lead. So if we have been 99 00:22:56.260 --> 00:23:21.939 Victoria Johnson: I've been trying to get like to understand what is expected of the sock committee, and I would love to get some more resources on insight on like everything expected cause. I I had to use such, but into set with best practices, and I saw about 5 links to different. 100 00:23:21.940 --> 00:23:35.339 Victoria Johnson: I think quite gets the whole. It was a lot of different things, so I would love to get more like inside resources on how to communicate to what's suspected of us. Thank you. 101 00:23:36.530 --> 00:23:41.589 Bobbi Muscara: I'm still trying to, for there it is. Okay. Hold on. Let me see if I can 102 00:23:45.020 --> 00:23:47.259 Bobbi Muscara: get to where I need to be here. 103 00:23:53.710 --> 00:23:56.260 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. So I know the 104 00:23:57.830 --> 00:24:09.820 Bobbi Muscara: I didn't know this was for automated pipelines. I just thought it was best practices for other things. So this is a different task force. It's like I said, that other one close. Let me just see if I can. 105 00:24:18.010 --> 00:24:23.429 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I'll stop sharing and find it in a minute. Let me. Just go here for a second, though. 106 00:24:40.370 --> 00:24:42.639 Bobbi Muscara: No, not having any look. 107 00:24:43.820 --> 00:24:56.849 Bobbi Muscara: I will find that I think it might have moved into task force, badging life cycle. But I will get information for you, Victoria, on exactly what the best practices task force 108 00:24:57.090 --> 00:24:58.520 Bobbi Muscara: concluded. 109 00:24:58.580 --> 00:25:23.579 Bobbi Muscara: Every project should use as a best practice, and I I'll get you a copy of that documentation piece for that, because that's basically tells you everything. but I'll look for that in a moment. So thank you everybody for coming to the call. we're gonna work on the presentation again. I don't know if we should get on the calendar for this week a lot of people are on vacation, and and and I don't think that 110 00:25:25.820 --> 00:25:41.750 Bobbi Muscara: we would. it's up to. It's again all up to a runa. If she wants to do it this week or next week, just let me know, and I'll I'll shoot Tracy an email and get on the schedule for this week, or we could do it next week. It completely depends, you know, they cancel the call last week. So we're a week off. 111 00:25:41.750 --> 00:25:57.409 Bobbi Muscara: So I'm going to mute myself and turn it over to a runa who hopefully will be working on with the committee heads to committee chairs to figure out what's going on each one of the slides. And I just wanted to mention 112 00:25:57.670 --> 00:26:23.859 Bobbi Muscara: that in this presentation it really doesn't speak at all to our relationship with the other mentees, and how we're going to help them. So as the leader run them. If you want to just say that or add a slide for that. That's up to you. But I notice that that we don't tell the Toc that we're helping the Mentees with their project. So it's all you now. and I'll stop sharing. So you can. 113 00:26:24.650 --> 00:26:33.520 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay? So I think then at the we can add a slide describing how we as a team are helping the maintains. Right? 114 00:26:36.400 --> 00:26:45.930 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah. Or if you just want to mention that when you're you know doing your introduction? you know, say, all these different 115 00:26:46.760 --> 00:26:48.830 Bobbi Muscara: initiatives we have. 116 00:26:48.960 --> 00:26:54.510 Bobbi Muscara: We're all gonna introduce these to the mentees to support their efforts. 117 00:26:55.360 --> 00:26:56.730 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay? Sure. 118 00:27:05.500 --> 00:27:08.950 Arunima Chaudhuri: should I share my screen and show the presentation. 119 00:27:09.090 --> 00:27:11.939 Bobbi Muscara: Yes, whatever. However, you want to go. Go ahead. 120 00:27:12.050 --> 00:27:13.380 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah. Sure. 121 00:27:19.310 --> 00:27:23.690 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay. So sorry for this. 122 00:27:24.760 --> 00:27:42.899 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah. So this is the slide. And this is how this slide starts. First, we will be introducing ourselves and the subcommittees, and in this slide only, I will add, at, or I will talk about how we are going to support the Mentees and the records in various parts of the documentation. 123 00:27:43.970 --> 00:28:02.470 Arunima Chaudhuri: next we have. the get. Then we are describing each of the subjects one by one. So this is one of the templates that I prepared for describing each of the subgroups. The first comes Github templates and the committee chair for that is 124 00:28:02.470 --> 00:28:20.969 Arunima Chaudhuri: Jan Lucas. So he will. maybe you know, mention his contact email and a brief into about him. And here we will have a brief introduction about the Github Template subgroup and its goals. And that's how I have prepared presentations for each of each of them. 125 00:28:21.580 --> 00:28:41.679 Arunima Chaudhuri: is it not for you? Yeah. So this is This is where you know, casual will be writing a brief about herself, and a small brief about how the templates what are the goals of the templates sub group, and how it is supposed to like help the other mentees. And similarly, we have 126 00:28:41.730 --> 00:28:55.919 Arunima Chaudhuri: one for the best practices sub to which is led by Victoria. Then we have for the onboarding, which is led by accounts. And then we have 40 user guides which is led by address. 127 00:28:56.810 --> 00:29:02.829 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah. So that's That's about the presentation and the 6 subgroups that 128 00:29:02.940 --> 00:29:04.890 Arunima Chaudhuri: that we will be talking about. 129 00:29:06.620 --> 00:29:10.029 Arunima Chaudhuri: And let me just share the link to this presentation. 130 00:29:10.040 --> 00:29:30.540 Arunima Chaudhuri: and I have enabled edit access for for everyone. So each of you can just go to the respective pages and edit these parts. So in state of like, you just remove the about user, try user guides and write a few points about the goal of the user guide subgroup. And so so each of you can edit it that we just 131 00:29:30.540 --> 00:29:52.219 Arunima Chaudhuri: it' be 2 to 3 lines about the goals of the subgroups. And here, you can mention your contact email. And about you, you can mention, you know, what? what are the project. like, what bodies are you interested in, and a brief about yourself? Why, you are here, and what are you looking for here? So that's how let me share the link to the presentation in the that. 132 00:29:57.060 --> 00:30:06.020 Bobbi Muscara: And I think it's also on the document task force page. 133 00:30:06.420 --> 00:30:21.419 Arunima Chaudhuri: So yeah, here it is so from here also you can access the link link. And I have, enables edit access for everyone. So each of you can go to the respective pages and edit them like as as as you think. 134 00:30:21.730 --> 00:30:25.460 Arunima Chaudhuri: As for the goals of the group, and write a brief about yourself. 135 00:30:26.080 --> 00:30:38.029 Arunima Chaudhuri: So that was about the presentation and about the date I don't have problem with it is held on this week or the next week. So whatever works best for the I think, community, and 136 00:30:38.070 --> 00:30:47.230 Arunima Chaudhuri: I think that would work for me. So if everyone is present in the next week, we can have it in the next week, or or if it works better this week, we can. We can have it this week. Only 137 00:30:47.850 --> 00:30:49.890 Arunima Chaudhuri: what do you think about in Bobby. 138 00:30:54.760 --> 00:30:56.030 Gianluca Capuzzi: I have a question. 139 00:30:56.350 --> 00:30:57.500 Arunima Chaudhuri: Sorry. 140 00:30:58.070 --> 00:30:59.460 Gianluca Capuzzi: And 141 00:30:59.670 --> 00:31:06.279 Gianluca Capuzzi: could you give us an example? I don't know if you if you 142 00:31:06.560 --> 00:31:10.880 Gianluca Capuzzi: do. one slide for you a. 143 00:31:10.920 --> 00:31:13.000 Gianluca Capuzzi: and feel it 144 00:31:13.060 --> 00:31:18.500 Gianluca Capuzzi: you. You can have an example to how to 145 00:31:18.570 --> 00:31:24.309 Gianluca Capuzzi: how to do our slides. I don't know if it is possible. 146 00:31:24.500 --> 00:31:27.519 Gianluca Capuzzi: Yeah, yeah, sure, I'm doing that. Thank you. Thank you. 147 00:31:28.310 --> 00:31:30.520 Arunima Chaudhuri: If you share this screen again. 148 00:31:32.370 --> 00:31:52.380 Bobbi Muscara: it took me that long to find my mute. But so yeah, that's great. It looks. It looks awesome. I think that maybe we should meet next week and just practice it one time, and then go on the schedule for next Thursday. again, because I don't think there's going to be a lot of people at the call this week. 149 00:31:52.720 --> 00:31:56.460 Bobbi Muscara: But the template looks great. What great work? 150 00:31:56.860 --> 00:32:21.439 Bobbi Muscara: I do unfortunately have to leave at the half hour. So I'm gonna let you guys continue to to work on this. I did want to mention to Victoria that I did put some links to the best practices. information again. I never found the Github Repository that they they came up with. But I'm sure if you start following the links on the documentation Wiki page 151 00:32:21.440 --> 00:32:31.000 Bobbi Muscara: that I put there, and I added one for John Luca because it also has speaks to what's the best practices for the Github Repository. 152 00:32:31.200 --> 00:32:42.189 Bobbi Muscara: So there's some links on that page. so if like, we can show if anyone is objecting to having the presentation out this week. But nis next week. 153 00:32:42.200 --> 00:32:53.729 Bobbi Muscara: please raise your hand right now. If not, we'll all. Let Tracy know that we're going to be doing it on the that's the exact date of that 154 00:32:53.840 --> 00:32:55.240 thirteenth. 155 00:32:57.500 --> 00:33:01.240 Bobbi Muscara: Is that right? Thirteenth? Yes, the thirteenth. 156 00:33:01.380 --> 00:33:29.009 Bobbi Muscara: so again. thank you, Ronimo, for all your hard work, and Nikku and Kantra, I'm glad that we're moving forward with the onboarding and again next week. Hopefully, we'll be able to hear a little bit about what Victoria and Tripur is working on. And Jean, John, Luca, and everyone else. when we do the presentation run through. 157 00:33:29.430 --> 00:33:32.690 Bobbi Muscara: Does anybody have any questions for me before I have to hop off? 158 00:33:33.160 --> 00:33:37.720 Akanksha Rani: yeah, I just had to ask one thing like 159 00:33:37.940 --> 00:34:00.509 Akanksha Rani: we need to work with Ben for this. But, like John, John has tried, you know he has nailed twice, but we haven't received any response, because until we get in contact with him if we don't discuss like what exactly they are planning, and it does not align with what 10 is designing. So it would be, you know, not really good for the project. 160 00:34:01.040 --> 00:34:22.650 Bobbi Muscara: I was thinking, yeah, I was thinking about that. I always have a problem getting in touch with with Ben and getting him to respond quickly to it, to to our needs. I would more focus the onboarding, forget the website, for now I would more. I would more focus on the places that you have ability to change, which is the 161 00:34:23.790 --> 00:34:42.260 Akanksha Rani: the the Linkedin page that kind of stuff. and then, once you define the personas through those entry points, it'll just follow through to the website I could use. Just steal the color schemes and the logo from the new presentation. 162 00:34:42.260 --> 00:34:58.409 Akanksha Rani: Okay, yeah, you are right. Actually, yes, even the feedback. They said, like we could start, we like we are John, Nico and Peter were also there in the last me, and we had like a really good discussion. So we come up with a lot of points like 163 00:34:58.410 --> 00:35:13.279 Akanksha Rani: John suggested about the Start guide thing on the Wiki page. Then we had this Then we had this feedback from Aaron, who is also in to see. I guess that will be including Youtube videos and some tutorials type of thing. 164 00:35:13.860 --> 00:35:27.290 Akanksha Rani: So that would be really beneficial. And it was really attract. A lot of it's like we have 2 different aspects of on boarding right now. One is the like the pages you mentioned 165 00:35:27.480 --> 00:35:41.780 Akanksha Rani: the key page, the this call channels and what everything. And the second one is website. So like, as soon as Ben Response will start with the website. And right now, as you said, we'll continue with, you know, the things that we can change. 166 00:35:41.900 --> 00:35:53.170 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, yeah, definitely, I know, like on the even if you don't have control over the website, I know there. I would to get my head around it. 167 00:35:54.080 --> 00:36:04.500 Akanksha Rani: face it from the persona. So you're gonna have 4 personas, no matter where they're coming on. And he gave us I had 5. He had 4, 168 00:36:04.600 --> 00:36:10.400 Bobbi Muscara: so I would start getting on my head around, no matter where they come in. What are they going to need? 169 00:36:10.440 --> 00:36:28.580 Bobbi Muscara: What buttons are they gonna need cause. It's gotta be like no more writing, no more reading. Everybody just wants to click on a button. So what button will get them to the video? They need the user guide. They need the Wiki page they need, so that I would more focus on 170 00:36:28.740 --> 00:36:40.939 Bobbi Muscara: not so much the end product. on onboarding, you know, to the different Wiki discord, Linkedin, whatever more when they get there, what do they need? 171 00:36:41.400 --> 00:37:07.299 Akanksha Rani: Yeah, okay. And also just wanted to tell you one more thing like what I did last week is because, you know, it would be really good even John said that you should expand that hyper ledger community and you should try including a good team. So I like invited people who are interested in joining the on boarding team, and I got pretty good responses of 9 people who are really 172 00:37:07.450 --> 00:37:37.439 Akanksha Rani: interested in joining our hyp, the Hyper Ledger on boarding team, and I'll I will be today contacting all of them since I got it. Got in talk with John and Nico regarding it like if we can have a good team. So we, I have the people and one's like project. Everything. This is, I've decided, and since the plan is also there. So now I'll be also, you know, guiding all of them. And that's also one more thing that we did in our morning. 173 00:37:37.810 --> 00:37:55.469 Bobbi Muscara: That's awesome. Yeah, the more people. And again, especially new people in the community, because they're the ones who have the fresh eyes can look at all these landing pages and see, you know that's confusing. I don't know what you what they meant, where I'm supposed to go for that. So that's excellent. 174 00:37:55.980 --> 00:37:56.990 Akanksha Rani: Thank you. 175 00:37:57.120 --> 00:37:58.689 Akanksha Rani: That's all from me. 176 00:37:59.670 --> 00:38:14.650 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, anybody else have any more questions. I do have to run And I'm gonna leave the meeting open for you to talk about the slides. And hopefully, next week you guys are gonna do a great slide run through the slideshow. So and again onboarding 177 00:38:15.090 --> 00:38:26.960 Bobbi Muscara: task force for the Toc. I'm chair of both of those. So the onboarding, if they want. If you guys want to add a couple more slides to speak to what you're working on for this. 178 00:38:27.090 --> 00:38:36.330 Bobbi Muscara: I would like the same thing, Nikki, to happen with onboarding. That's happening with documentation, meaning that I'm not going to 179 00:38:36.570 --> 00:38:53.659 Bobbi Muscara: be presenting to the Ta. Toc every third week what you guys are working on. We're gonna say, you know, we're gonna work through the summer. And at the end of the summer we're gonna have results for you. If that is okay with you guys, we'll just do it together. Victoria, you have your hand up. 180 00:38:55.850 --> 00:39:01.899 Victoria Johnson: Okay. I wanted to ask you said you dropped a link to some resources. I can't find them on 181 00:39:03.220 --> 00:39:11.770 Bobbi Muscara: I put it on the documentation page. Hold on! Let me again. I'm only working on one screen. So for me to do anything today. 182 00:39:11.980 --> 00:39:18.400 Bobbi Muscara: let me just make sure I did it and saved it. 183 00:39:25.540 --> 00:39:26.900 Niku Singh: We've all been here. 184 00:39:27.010 --> 00:39:28.590 Niku Singh: That is one question 185 00:39:28.880 --> 00:39:36.310 Niku Singh: we need to report to the 186 00:39:36.930 --> 00:39:50.860 Bobbi Muscara: okay. So just a little history. The Toc had created these tasks for 6 months ago. One was onboarding, and one was documentation, and I was the lead on both of them. 187 00:39:50.990 --> 00:40:13.549 Bobbi Muscara: Then, when the mentorship program happened and each one got a mentee, I did not put on boarding up for a mentee. John did so. Then he's kind of in charge of that men team and that project running forward. I put up a a Mentee ship for documentation. And obviously, that's this group here and the onboarding group as well 188 00:40:13.670 --> 00:40:28.570 Bobbi Muscara: as the task force lead. I have to report back to the Toc like every third week on what's going on and I'd like to stop doing that for the summer and 189 00:40:29.570 --> 00:40:48.840 Bobbi Muscara: work, and then go back at the end of the summer and show them what we've done as a team, and as you know, both our groups. so I want to end my constant presentations on these 2 task forces next Thursday with one good, really 190 00:40:48.890 --> 00:41:02.109 Bobbi Muscara: not the bowl out of the park presentation to the Toc. That shows them what we're going to be working on this summer, and then at the end of the summer, another presentation to the Poc. Saying that we met our goals. 191 00:41:02.190 --> 00:41:04.070 Bobbi Muscara: Did that answer your question. 192 00:41:04.360 --> 00:41:06.260 Niku Singh: That's not 193 00:41:07.570 --> 00:41:15.470 Bobbi Muscara: so. Next week. We're yeah. Next week we're going to run through the presentation that you guys are going to work on. And then we'll 194 00:41:16.310 --> 00:41:19.620 Bobbi Muscara: presented to the to that. Thursday, the thirteenth. 195 00:41:20.790 --> 00:41:32.249 Niku Singh: I am appointed, and asked about the ask the ex help from John. Absolutely. Yeah. I would love John to be, you know there for that, and and do the 196 00:41:33.140 --> 00:41:43.090 Bobbi Muscara: you know. Speak to the onboarding part, and make sure it's what he has in mind. I do have that link, if I can only find the zoom room window now. Oh, I found it 197 00:41:45.420 --> 00:41:53.490 Bobbi Muscara: so let me get it in the chat. So I put it on the Documentation Task Force page. I put it. 198 00:41:59.970 --> 00:42:06.850 Bobbi Muscara: a rudiment. Could you go to the document task force Page just so that I could show everybody where it is. I just put the link in the chat. Thank you. Scroll down a little. 199 00:42:09.760 --> 00:42:19.040 Bobbi Muscara: I'm almost down. So right there in that presentation for 7, 6. It's gonna be 713. Now, I put those links right there. Do you see them, Victoria? 200 00:42:21.370 --> 00:42:30.310 Bobbi Muscara: It's mo back. I'll see you. Thank you perfect. All right. You guys have a good rest of your meeting, and I will talk to you next Monday if anybody has any questions. Please. Email me. 201 00:42:33.310 --> 00:42:34.870 Victoria Johnson: Thank you. 202 00:42:39.280 --> 00:42:40.800 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay, thank you. 203 00:42:52.740 --> 00:43:10.929 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay. So now, coming to the presentation, I'm talking about the pars that you have to edit 3 days knowing to edit this, but this is just the name of the subject, and who is the who is reading the subject? And here also we have the name of the subcommittee. What you have to edit is this part. So here you can just add your contact in New 204 00:43:17.290 --> 00:43:33.320 Arunima Chaudhuri: so you can write, you contact me. And here in the, you know, 2 to 3 3 points. What you can do is that a brief introduction about your background? What you are doing and whatever it is. And then you can talk about the projects that you are interested in by coming like this. 205 00:43:37.530 --> 00:43:39.970 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, so we have to meet it left the line. 206 00:43:41.030 --> 00:43:44.910 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay. thank you. Interested in. 207 00:43:46.560 --> 00:43:56.059 Arunima Chaudhuri: I'm interested in. And if you if you, if you have joined any of the meetings like then you can give details about that as well. 208 00:43:56.680 --> 00:43:57.910 Arunima Chaudhuri: It's joined. 209 00:43:58.060 --> 00:44:25.189 Arunima Chaudhuri: So this, this is what this part will consist of. And maybe, you know, we have a line plan so that it fits me. Security will be mentioning your email, address, your complete introduction about your background. But you're enjoying about your studies. Or if you're working or your students anything like that? Then you can talk about the products you are interested in, and then you can tell a brief about the meetings. I'm joined the kind of documentation gaps that you have figured out, and you're willing to work on. 210 00:44:25.820 --> 00:44:34.230 Arunima Chaudhuri: So we can talk about that. And this another part that you have to edit is this far? So here also, like what you can do is you? You can write the fools of the subgroup 211 00:44:34.370 --> 00:44:35.290 Arunima Chaudhuri: cool 212 00:44:36.160 --> 00:44:50.240 Arunima Chaudhuri: in points. You can write that part of the course. It was just a right 2 to 3 points about the phones, and how as a group we are planning to assist the memories So what the kick of can place is doing? And 213 00:44:50.950 --> 00:44:57.390 Arunima Chaudhuri: what's the sub? What's hard to hello of this up to 214 00:45:00.180 --> 00:45:01.220 Arunima Chaudhuri: how will it? 215 00:45:02.540 --> 00:45:06.080 Arunima Chaudhuri: It's a the nineteenth 216 00:45:06.090 --> 00:45:08.400 Arunima Chaudhuri: 90 is this summer 217 00:45:09.350 --> 00:45:33.739 Arunima Chaudhuri: to try to cover a brief description of the subgroup. It's go. And how it's planning to assist and maintain the summary total. 3 points. So this is These are the 2 calls that you have to edit in this presentation, and each of you for each of your get this service like this is for Jan Luca, and the next slides. is for 3, 4, and same we we have for charges. 218 00:45:34.510 --> 00:45:42.639 Arunima Chaudhuri: Then we have for Victoria, and then for account shop and for admin. So this way we have 6 slides for each of the sub groups. 219 00:45:42.660 --> 00:46:10.609 Arunima Chaudhuri: and in the first side I will be briefly introduce the subcommittees, and tell about what what are the like? How are you planning to assist and support the mainly, and pull up the capsule in in, in, in, in subgroup? So in the Philippines of the projects by having 5 different 6 different subjects, I will be, do a brief introduction, and in these types you, each of you, will be talking about the respective committees. 220 00:46:10.700 --> 00:46:13.469 Arunima Chaudhuri: So is that clear for everyone? 221 00:46:14.780 --> 00:46:16.089 Arunima Chaudhuri: He said me more. 222 00:46:19.860 --> 00:46:21.600 Victoria Johnson: Hello, I can hear you. 223 00:46:21.760 --> 00:46:23.260 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, yeah, I can tell you. 224 00:46:23.510 --> 00:46:34.279 Victoria Johnson: Okay? So it's clear. Well, I don't quite understand how we can if it's the second point about the so group like the one you mentioned for 225 00:46:34.330 --> 00:46:40.979 Victoria Johnson: Okay. 226 00:46:41.280 --> 00:47:11.189 Arunima Chaudhuri: so for how are we planning to assist them? I think so. That is the thing that even I didn't know that in this meet. Only they probably, Nan said. Us that you know, if possible, we can write that always the full semester. So as a goal. What are you supposed to do so. Let's say someone is working someone who's working more of traffic and our buildings to like, we love the gaps and the documentation in a product. So when you are filling up the gaps and making the documentation more readable, more understandable, move to the point clear and concise. 227 00:47:11.190 --> 00:47:27.940 Arunima Chaudhuri: so we are helping the Memphis in that we right? So that if anyone who is new coming to the project and the documentation is here, cons with understand? And you know we we are assisting them in getting a better understanding of the project. Right? So I think in that way we have to explain each of our subjects. 228 00:47:27.940 --> 00:47:41.660 Arunima Chaudhuri: and you can just type in that way, and if we have like any like, we will be doing a walk through the presentation next Monday. So it's popping up Fee that's to make any of the cease to make any changes any small changes, then we can do it. There. 229 00:47:41.850 --> 00:47:43.509 Arunima Chaudhuri: Is it clear in Victoria. 230 00:47:45.160 --> 00:47:49.380 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yes, it is. Thank you. 231 00:47:49.690 --> 00:47:53.009 Akanksha Rani: So I'm going to. 232 00:47:53.150 --> 00:48:04.630 Akanksha Rani: Yeah. I just wanted to tell, like, right now, is there anything in on like? There is nothing like, I can tell you, for on boarding thing. So I really need to leave right now. So is it okay? 233 00:48:05.030 --> 00:48:06.290 Arunima Chaudhuri: No problem 234 00:48:06.330 --> 00:48:20.209 Arunima Chaudhuri: like no problem. Just edit the slides. I have made the sites available for everyone. So just go to a respective pages and do the anything just to see points about yourself and 2 to 3 points about the you. you are leading. Right? 235 00:48:20.250 --> 00:48:35.730 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, cool, cool. I welcome to do that by next call. It will be done. Yeah, sure, you have a lot of time for the next Monday. So we have a lot of time. So it's nothing to take much stress about it? Surely. Thank you. 236 00:48:35.880 --> 00:48:40.049 Arunima Chaudhuri: Thank you. Also, any of you have any questions. 237 00:48:46.950 --> 00:49:04.430 Tripur Joshi: So yeah, a few versions like Bobby mentioned earlier that we will be getting some credits about that. We can transfer to a college and like our schools. could you talk to her about that part and what all the updation on like about the chair thing. And 238 00:49:04.430 --> 00:49:21.099 Arunima Chaudhuri: how can we show you? So there is one program, I think, going on, which is like an unpaid version of this, but you will get an elephant badge, for, like a Lfx. Mentor should badge for that. I think she was talking about. That only is not very clear about this program. 239 00:49:21.110 --> 00:49:36.069 Arunima Chaudhuri: But I think you have to. like, just like the normal Lfx membership group. Now we apply for it. You have to just apply for that. And with something like that, I'm not very sure about it. It's better to ask, you know, for me about it. 240 00:49:36.510 --> 00:49:40.279 Tripur Joshi: But yeah, sure, I really don't know much about that. 241 00:49:40.300 --> 00:49:51.500 Tripur Joshi: Thank you. Thank you. Maybe you can email her. That's the best way to get in contact with it. But right? Okay, thank you all. you can join the meet on the upcoming Thursday. 242 00:49:51.610 --> 00:49:58.950 Arunima Chaudhuri: So and ask it right here. She is currently the first to me out of good to see. 243 00:49:59.200 --> 00:50:02.420 Tripur Joshi: Okay. thank you. 244 00:50:05.210 --> 00:50:06.210 Arunima Chaudhuri: Hi. 245 00:50:06.560 --> 00:50:12.269 Kajal Kumari: so like, could you please tell me what I have to do in the templates 246 00:50:12.340 --> 00:50:28.699 Kajal Kumari: like, I guess someone is working on the Github template. And someone is working on the user doc, so is that not similar to like, we have to create a template so that the new user or the existing user can 247 00:50:28.770 --> 00:50:33.879 Kajal Kumari: interact best with the documentation or our website, right? 248 00:50:34.290 --> 00:50:44.930 Kajal Kumari: So I'm confused like what we have to provide. There are many template option on the Hyper Ledger website. I saw it. And like. 249 00:50:45.070 --> 00:50:47.109 Kajal Kumari: I was confused. 250 00:50:47.280 --> 00:50:51.719 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, so casual. What you can do is that you can like 251 00:50:51.760 --> 00:51:08.120 Arunima Chaudhuri: you get an idea of what the various template respondents. And how can you do that? So you can just get an idea, and if you are not able to understand the goal of the keep and what you see in the meeting, let me know that I will do a research on your part and help you out with that. Okay? 252 00:51:08.320 --> 00:51:20.509 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, sure. So first of all, what you can do is just you can go to the library and see all the existing templates and what are the like? It's getting the description of the templates through for something like that. 253 00:51:20.640 --> 00:51:39.589 Arunima Chaudhuri: You can not do it on your path. Then by to your to model, you can just bring your linkedin or you can shoot me an email. I will. I will like see the port of the tools that the Temp is to fully work more and fill up the slide, and then you can have a loop on it, and then we can collaborate and 254 00:51:39.680 --> 00:51:42.939 Arunima Chaudhuri: to decide what you can see on the presentation on on that. But 255 00:51:43.010 --> 00:51:53.889 Kajal Kumari: oh, yeah, so so yeah, a template as in the document, template, right? Or 256 00:51:54.910 --> 00:51:56.830 Kajal Kumari: you are not notable. 257 00:51:58.520 --> 00:52:02.829 Kajal Kumari: Okay? So like, you are working on the temporary part. Right? 258 00:52:03.320 --> 00:52:06.090 Arunima Chaudhuri: So what are you not clear about? 259 00:52:06.330 --> 00:52:19.659 Kajal Kumari: Yeah. So like, there is a Github template, and there is a normal template. So how is this different, like your top template is the or read me section of Github like that. Okay? 260 00:52:19.670 --> 00:52:27.320 Kajal Kumari: And the other template is like the documentation template. or like what 261 00:52:27.480 --> 00:52:29.560 Kajal Kumari: I'm confused in that. 262 00:52:29.660 --> 00:52:41.670 Kajal Kumari: because, yeah. So when so on the website, there is a plain, a text template also. And like many types of there are images and graphics and all. 263 00:52:42.080 --> 00:52:45.370 Kajal Kumari: So I guess this is for documentation one. 264 00:52:46.690 --> 00:52:47.960 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, so 265 00:52:49.420 --> 00:53:00.540 Arunima Chaudhuri: okay, so I would say that again, like, if you are confused about that part. I would say that you can. Just if any of you have any confusion regarding the subgroups that you are working with. 266 00:53:00.540 --> 00:53:23.759 Arunima Chaudhuri: I'm doing. I'm doing a research trying to, you know, figure things out and read more about the Hyper Ledger from the existing Wiki pages. But if you could not figure out, I would say, you know join the Thursday is meet when Bobby also joins and ask her what are the you know, goals and goals, and what exactly you have to do in the respective sub this because I feel she is the best person who can 267 00:53:23.760 --> 00:53:28.160 Arunima Chaudhuri: give you the best information about it. Right? 268 00:53:28.250 --> 00:53:33.299 Kajal Kumari: Okay, okay. So join the third series. Call and get your doubts cleared there. Okay. 269 00:53:33.510 --> 00:53:36.340 Arunima Chaudhuri: because even I am confused about that part. 270 00:53:37.330 --> 00:53:38.800 Kajal Kumari: Okay, cool. 271 00:53:39.340 --> 00:53:41.979 Arunima Chaudhuri: Victoria, do you have any questions? 272 00:53:42.420 --> 00:53:45.790 Victoria Johnson: Okay? So you mentioned your call, is it this Thursday? 273 00:53:46.860 --> 00:53:51.680 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, so let me share the calendar thing. 274 00:53:52.990 --> 00:53:55.560 Arunima Chaudhuri: It it should be that it's hosting. 275 00:53:57.200 --> 00:53:59.390 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah. So the Sixth July. 276 00:54:00.970 --> 00:54:19.380 Arunima Chaudhuri: the Toc Weekly meeting Hyper Ledger to, you see, weekly meeting, which is that? 2 Pm. GMT, let me share the calendar link here, all of you here. so you can go to this part and you can find that in sixth July we have. every Thursday we have a Tooc 277 00:54:20.090 --> 00:54:24.250 Arunima Chaudhuri: Hyper ledger to the weekly meeting, starting from 2 Pm. GMT, 278 00:54:24.260 --> 00:54:31.299 Arunima Chaudhuri: so this is a call. You can join. And Bobby M also joins that call. So you can get your doubts cleared there. 279 00:54:35.400 --> 00:54:37.299 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, no problem. 280 00:54:37.500 --> 00:54:38.649 Victoria Johnson: Thank you. 281 00:54:38.900 --> 00:54:40.710 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, Victoria, welcome 282 00:54:41.880 --> 00:54:43.349 Arunima Chaudhuri: any more dolls. 283 00:54:46.530 --> 00:54:47.420 Kajal Kumari: No? 284 00:54:47.680 --> 00:55:00.809 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay. So then I think we can end this meeting here. And you all can, you know, start moving more of the subgroups that you will be leading, and start for working on the slides. We have one week to do that. 285 00:55:00.830 --> 00:55:08.920 Arunima Chaudhuri: but the sooner you complete the list pressure you will have on the towards the end. So make sure that you complete them as soon as you can. 286 00:55:09.100 --> 00:55:13.779 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah. So that's about it have a create. You everyone, bye, bye. 287 00:55:15.020 --> 00:55:18.810 Arunima Chaudhuri: bye, bye, bye, bye.