WEBVTT 1 00:08:24.430 --> 00:08:25.920 Bobbi Muscara: Hello, everybody! 2 00:08:30.320 --> 00:08:34.389 Arunima Chaudhuri: Hello, Bobby! How are you? I'm correct. I'm good. 3 00:08:35.860 --> 00:08:44.859 Bobbi Muscara: I'm gonna share my screen. I think we're expecting at least one more person. I don't know if this is going to be it. I hope not. 4 00:08:46.330 --> 00:08:48.789 Bobbi Muscara: Let me get this up here. 5 00:09:00.130 --> 00:09:01.539 Bobbi Muscara: up there he is. 6 00:09:04.410 --> 00:09:05.600 Alfonso Govela: Morning. 7 00:09:05.970 --> 00:09:08.760 Bobbi Muscara: Hello, Alfonso! How are you? 8 00:09:09.100 --> 00:09:11.210 Alfonso Govela: Very fine, and you 9 00:09:11.320 --> 00:09:17.299 Bobbi Muscara: I am. Well, I am. Well, it's Monday morning kind of a holiday here. 10 00:09:17.560 --> 00:09:26.289 Alfonso Govela: So it's it's a slow day for us. 11 00:09:26.450 --> 00:09:37.900 Bobbi Muscara: Yes, thank you for joining us. On the call right now is a runa. Who is my mentee, who is going to be again in charge of coordinating all of 12 00:09:38.740 --> 00:09:50.430 Bobbi Muscara: basically, one of the main things that we're doing as the documentation task force is supporting all the mentorship programs. And for those of you. Paul 13 00:09:50.430 --> 00:10:10.009 Bobbi Muscara: Alfonso has one of the mentorship programs, the learning tokens. So he is going to tell us a little bit about that so we can see how we can assist and also possibly be a test case for him. through what some of the things that we're trying to do But for 14 00:10:11.590 --> 00:10:36.070 Bobbi Muscara: I was that great first, I just wanted to just mention that the answer trust policies on the screen. it is how we conduct the meetings, and there's a code of conduct. If you need to read about how to behave on the calls. so we'll get into it in just a minute. People are still filtering in. So I'll also. How is your mentorship going? How is your Mentee? Tell us a little bit about just the 15 00:10:36.090 --> 00:10:37.350 Bobbi Muscara: overall. 16 00:10:37.510 --> 00:10:42.720 Alfonso Govela: Well, this is the second year of of learning to 17 00:10:42.950 --> 00:10:47.210 Alfonso Govela: and my third year as a as a Linux foundation mentor 18 00:10:47.290 --> 00:10:53.819 Alfonso Govela: The first year. You remember Bobby, as part of the learning and material Center 19 00:10:54.400 --> 00:10:58.489 Alfonso Govela: Development Special interest group, we have the global directory. 20 00:10:58.950 --> 00:11:03.270 Alfonso Govela: And that went quite well, and we got related with 21 00:11:03.410 --> 00:11:10.239 Alfonso Govela: Gbbc, which is a global blockchain business council, and they were doing a mapping initiative 22 00:11:10.670 --> 00:11:13.530 Alfonso Govela: in which we collaborated, and that 23 00:11:13.590 --> 00:11:22.570 Alfonso Govela: end up with a crowdsource list of about 800 places in the world where you can learn about blockchain and the ot 24 00:11:23.170 --> 00:11:26.410 Alfonso Govela: The learning tokens basically 25 00:11:27.230 --> 00:11:28.679 is a 26 00:11:29.130 --> 00:11:35.680 Alfonso Govela: an idea that complements an old, very good approach 27 00:11:35.730 --> 00:11:37.670 Alfonso Govela: of certifying 28 00:11:37.690 --> 00:11:43.330 Alfonso Govela: degrees and and courses. and with block shirts. And 29 00:11:43.600 --> 00:11:44.439 Alfonso Govela: in the blockchain. 30 00:11:45.210 --> 00:11:49.820 Alfonso Govela: why is it a compliment? Because we go before 31 00:11:50.000 --> 00:11:52.990 Alfonso Govela: the final certification, of course. 32 00:11:53.190 --> 00:11:58.640 Alfonso Govela: we go in the granular way to 33 00:11:59.010 --> 00:12:08.749 Alfonso Govela: register the transmission of skills. Learning tokens is a way to register transmission of skills 34 00:12:09.350 --> 00:12:15.260 Alfonso Govela: between levers teaching. The skill and whomever is learning the the skill. 35 00:12:15.790 --> 00:12:21.909 Alfonso Govela: The idea is that this tokens can be given automatically 36 00:12:23.810 --> 00:12:29.190 Alfonso Govela: for 3 purposes. one. The teacher kind of sign 37 00:12:29.870 --> 00:12:32.859 Alfonso Govela: tokens for each of the 38 00:12:33.130 --> 00:12:37.429 Alfonso Govela: steps, for she or he evaluates 39 00:12:37.610 --> 00:12:40.500 Alfonso Govela: the acquisition of the script at the scale. 40 00:12:41.310 --> 00:12:42.869 Alfonso Govela: A second one 41 00:12:43.300 --> 00:12:47.760 Alfonso Govela: is a token that is given among the learners. 42 00:12:48.060 --> 00:12:51.090 Alfonso Govela: so that if someone helps someone else 43 00:12:51.510 --> 00:12:54.860 Alfonso Govela: in the process of of learning a scale. 44 00:12:54.930 --> 00:12:58.039 Alfonso Govela: then he receives the to where she receives the. 45 00:12:58.770 --> 00:13:06.170 Alfonso Govela: And the third kind of token is the token that students receive. Learners receive 46 00:13:06.210 --> 00:13:09.000 Alfonso Govela: to great the instructor. 47 00:13:09.690 --> 00:13:14.380 Alfonso Govela: So it's a way of registering within a community 48 00:13:14.390 --> 00:13:18.549 Alfonso Govela: the transmission and acquisition of of skills. 49 00:13:18.880 --> 00:13:22.229 Alfonso Govela: as a result, learners 50 00:13:22.680 --> 00:13:27.739 Alfonso Govela: have a an E wallet that it's a profile of skills. 51 00:13:28.090 --> 00:13:31.949 Alfonso Govela: a new wallet that they can use. 52 00:13:32.260 --> 00:13:34.020 Alfonso Govela: with all the the 53 00:13:34.510 --> 00:13:38.020 Alfonso Govela: the privacy issues that that 54 00:13:38.040 --> 00:13:53.570 Alfonso Govela: we can have with verifiable potentials and all those those issues to show the skills that acquire doing during the life. This is important, not for for the person, but it's important for 55 00:13:53.710 --> 00:13:58.799 Alfonso Govela: whoever is going to hire them, or whoever is going to partner with them. 56 00:13:59.140 --> 00:14:01.470 Alfonso Govela: and for the institutions to 57 00:14:01.510 --> 00:14:05.890 Alfonso Govela: to measure in the granular way to have data 58 00:14:06.220 --> 00:14:08.680 Alfonso Govela: of the learning process. 59 00:14:09.300 --> 00:14:12.499 Alfonso Govela: Block search is and batches, or 60 00:14:12.570 --> 00:14:13.690 Alfonso Govela: very good 61 00:14:13.700 --> 00:14:18.400 Alfonso Govela: for the completion of the process. Learning tokens. It's 62 00:14:19.590 --> 00:14:25.920 Alfonso Govela: when you look registry. Oh. process last year. We 63 00:14:26.780 --> 00:14:30.560 Alfonso Govela: use the token taxonomy framework 64 00:14:30.780 --> 00:14:33.230 Alfonso Govela: of the Inter Work Alliance. 65 00:14:33.470 --> 00:14:38.370 Alfonso Govela: which is hosted by global blockchain business Council 66 00:14:38.880 --> 00:14:43.560 Alfonso Govela: to define what the previous Mentee define a 67 00:14:43.910 --> 00:14:45.320 Alfonso Govela: the artifacts 68 00:14:45.730 --> 00:14:48.760 Alfonso Govela: for for those 3 to 69 00:14:48.850 --> 00:14:57.680 Alfonso Govela: this year. What we're going to do is we're going to work in 3 faces. First space and a very quick one. We are going to 70 00:14:58.060 --> 00:15:02.289 Alfonso Govela: the right and deploy in Hyper ledger bathroom. 71 00:15:02.910 --> 00:15:08.380 Alfonso Govela: These smart contracts that correspond to the artifacts to find Alexia. 72 00:15:08.760 --> 00:15:15.969 Alfonso Govela: Second, we're going to look into the structure of massive online opencourseware 73 00:15:16.380 --> 00:15:19.479 Alfonso Govela: to find an easy way for 74 00:15:19.500 --> 00:15:22.530 Alfonso Govela: the instructors that create those courses 75 00:15:22.620 --> 00:15:26.399 Alfonso Govela: to give tokens automatically. 76 00:15:26.790 --> 00:15:31.050 Alfonso Govela: And the third face, that's what I say. Oh, when you suggested it 77 00:15:31.320 --> 00:15:35.050 Alfonso Govela: is, we are going to have a a pilot project. 78 00:15:35.540 --> 00:15:44.129 Alfonso Govela: Okay, the pilot project would would be with within type of lecture. That's why I appreciate what what you suggest. 79 00:15:44.910 --> 00:15:47.770 Alfonso Govela: but also could be locally 80 00:15:47.830 --> 00:15:51.349 Alfonso Govela: The mentee of this year is from Bangladesh 81 00:15:51.810 --> 00:15:53.250 Alfonso Govela: we have 32 82 00:15:53.290 --> 00:15:56.589 Alfonso Govela: applications. I interviewed 17. 83 00:15:56.960 --> 00:16:01.060 Alfonso Govela: All of them were outstandingly qualified. 84 00:16:01.600 --> 00:16:08.399 Alfonso Govela: And the good thing is, we have a hyper ledger app where we can receive 85 00:16:08.580 --> 00:16:14.079 Alfonso Govela: all those interested that we're not unfortunately selected as as one mentioned. 86 00:16:14.830 --> 00:16:21.479 Alfonso Govela: but the the probably look branch it could be from a local university. 87 00:16:21.670 --> 00:16:25.309 Alfonso Govela: or we can reach because 88 00:16:25.420 --> 00:16:28.610 Alfonso Govela: Hyper Ledger now has, as a form of 89 00:16:28.630 --> 00:16:32.810 Alfonso Govela: agreement with Gbbc. For this mentorship project 90 00:16:33.300 --> 00:16:34.480 Alfonso Govela: to 91 00:16:34.980 --> 00:16:38.179 Alfonso Govela: announced in the 800 universities 92 00:16:38.290 --> 00:16:41.609 Alfonso Govela: that Gpbc has in 93 00:16:41.770 --> 00:16:50.459 Alfonso Govela: the global standards. So that's that's but it is. And 94 00:16:51.260 --> 00:16:55.050 Alfonso Govela: we are beginning tomorrow with our first working day 95 00:16:55.210 --> 00:16:56.630 Alfonso Govela: with time. Gene 96 00:16:57.790 --> 00:17:04.230 Alfonso Govela: first, Mentee was from India, second, Mentee was from in Central America. 97 00:17:04.460 --> 00:17:07.500 Alfonso Govela: and third, Mentee is from Bangladesh. 98 00:17:07.930 --> 00:17:19.190 Alfonso Govela: So it seems like, you know we cross the Pacific every year. so maybe next year would be 10 back in Latin America. and that's what it is. And I'm open to questions. 99 00:17:20.869 --> 00:17:41.239 Bobbi Muscara: Well, first off on. So thank you so much for coming and presenting this. I feel that the synergies between what we're going to be doing. towards the end one of our buckets of work, and I can explain quickly our buckets. But one of our buckets, our user guides for things, and we would love to supply user guides for people who are 100 00:17:41.240 --> 00:17:56.140 Bobbi Muscara: actively looking into learning tokens through the library. I mean, we're going to be working on. If you go to the wiki and hit that button or go to the website and hit the button libraries? there's gonna be learning materials in there, and it would be great if they could earn 101 00:17:56.190 --> 00:17:58.850 Bobbi Muscara: the learning tokens, taking 102 00:17:58.860 --> 00:18:22.809 Bobbi Muscara: little videos or whatever like you said, it's very gradual. So as they, you know, do something. They get a token in their wallet, and they learn about that first. And that would be awesome if we could somehow create that user guide through the Hyper Ledger Library, which is something that when we do user guides, we will definitely work together to get that done whatever you need. 103 00:18:23.390 --> 00:18:27.830 Alfonso Govela: that that would be incredible. I thank you. 104 00:18:27.860 --> 00:18:32.770 Alfonso Govela: for the suggestion. I thank you for the support. No, and 105 00:18:33.440 --> 00:18:38.720 Bobbi Muscara: Just another quick question from from me before I turn it over to people. So 106 00:18:39.170 --> 00:19:06.969 Bobbi Muscara: how are you using basically, where? So you have the learning tokens lab. So if I wanted to try to do this for, say, a course like. I just finished writing the Hyper Ledger into a hyper ledger. Mooc for edx, and and it's not my course it's their course. I wrote it for them, so I can't do it to that. But, for instance, for my example, let's take that course. So it's a brand new course, not even out yet. It's coming out in 2 days. 107 00:19:06.980 --> 00:19:27.110 Bobbi Muscara: So if I were to enact learning tokens for that course, What would be this steps like, would I for your lab, and then customize the artifact like, how does the process work for someone to grab the information and and use it as a test case. 108 00:19:27.210 --> 00:19:35.589 Alfonso Govela: Okay, the way to do it is one of the main issues with block search and with certifications in the blockchain 109 00:19:35.730 --> 00:19:41.460 Alfonso Govela: is not only the issue of the Blockchain registry, which that is quite well solved. 110 00:19:41.470 --> 00:19:47.120 Alfonso Govela: but it's the issue of the institutions, the all the 111 00:19:47.450 --> 00:19:48.880 Alfonso Govela: administrative 112 00:19:49.030 --> 00:19:56.740 Alfonso Govela: registry of institutions for the courses given. or the instructors for the the 113 00:19:56.810 --> 00:20:02.679 Alfonso Govela: That is a private information that universities edx. 114 00:20:02.750 --> 00:20:06.660 Alfonso Govela: or whoever wants to keep in in a private way. 115 00:20:06.860 --> 00:20:14.680 Alfonso Govela: so that they can have a central registry or decentralize whatever they want to do. But that's a private 116 00:20:15.130 --> 00:20:17.920 Alfonso Govela: for it. And, on the other hand. 117 00:20:18.490 --> 00:20:23.259 Alfonso Govela: the wallets and the tokens we want them to be in the public. 118 00:20:23.540 --> 00:20:27.100 Alfonso Govela: Oh, what so? What 119 00:20:29.440 --> 00:20:32.249 Alfonso Govela: we are going to do at the end of this 120 00:20:34.300 --> 00:20:38.840 Alfonso Govela: mentorship is, we'll have these smart contracts in this 121 00:20:39.300 --> 00:20:47.439 Alfonso Govela: for the minting, the transmission, the wallets of the token stem cells. 122 00:20:47.780 --> 00:20:51.960 Alfonso Govela: and we will give a general idea 123 00:20:52.220 --> 00:20:55.390 Alfonso Govela: of how an institution that wants to use it 124 00:20:55.470 --> 00:20:58.500 Alfonso Govela: in this case yourself at Edx. 125 00:20:58.610 --> 00:21:04.079 Alfonso Govela: no register within their administrative processes. We're not 126 00:21:04.100 --> 00:21:05.729 Alfonso Govela: touching upon those. 127 00:21:05.990 --> 00:21:09.399 Alfonso Govela: but they would have a way of connecting 128 00:21:09.870 --> 00:21:21.169 Alfonso Govela: with the minting and distribution of tokens, and you would have in your chorus, and this is the most important point you could have in your course. If you want to 129 00:21:21.910 --> 00:21:24.210 Alfonso Govela: a way to automatically 130 00:21:24.870 --> 00:21:29.579 Alfonso Govela: give the tokens on each assignment, on each assessment 131 00:21:29.880 --> 00:21:32.810 Alfonso Govela: or on each step, whatever you want to. The 132 00:21:33.080 --> 00:21:35.790 Alfonso Govela: you define the granularity. 133 00:21:36.130 --> 00:21:39.050 Alfonso Govela: and you define how many tokens you give 134 00:21:40.060 --> 00:21:44.109 Alfonso Govela: for the students. We are suggesting, just as a suggestion 135 00:21:44.150 --> 00:21:48.140 Alfonso Govela: that there would be a hundred tokens we're still 136 00:21:48.210 --> 00:21:54.949 Alfonso Govela: like in most of the greats in different parts of the world that go on on the decimal system. 137 00:21:55.360 --> 00:22:01.330 Alfonso Govela: So the tokens would be there deployed as smart contracts. 138 00:22:01.480 --> 00:22:05.810 Alfonso Govela: and an outline from the second phase of of our work project 139 00:22:05.990 --> 00:22:10.179 Alfonso Govela: would be for the institutions to 140 00:22:11.650 --> 00:22:16.940 Alfonso Govela: decide how to include the assignment and 141 00:22:18.930 --> 00:22:21.239 Alfonso Govela: distribution of tokens as 142 00:22:21.300 --> 00:22:23.500 Alfonso Govela: as they. 143 00:22:26.420 --> 00:22:37.920 Bobbi Muscara: So you would kind of meet the user guides for project managers on the university level to tell them how to register the events. the course being the event. and the wallet 144 00:22:38.490 --> 00:22:45.120 Bobbi Muscara: they get before they start learning with a hundred tokens in it to get classes. And then 145 00:22:45.420 --> 00:23:03.160 Bobbi Muscara: Yup. And then, as they mature in the system, they're earning more tokens for more classes or more incentives game based ideas. 146 00:23:03.340 --> 00:23:10.590 Alfonso Govela: Every institution continue working the way they do. Okay, we're just adding something. 147 00:23:10.820 --> 00:23:13.570 Alfonso Govela: and we are adding the token, and a woman. 148 00:23:13.810 --> 00:23:18.400 Alfonso Govela: and a way to assign those tokens, as 149 00:23:18.550 --> 00:23:19.530 Alfonso Govela: you wish. 150 00:23:21.340 --> 00:23:23.020 Bobbi Muscara: I call it. Tokenomics. 151 00:23:23.570 --> 00:23:24.510 Alfonso Govela: It is. 152 00:23:24.700 --> 00:23:41.020 Alfonso Govela: it is, and also We are linking with the skill based learning approach, which is, it's a new. well, it has been around for for a while, but it's been a promoted recently by the 153 00:23:41.430 --> 00:23:47.109 Alfonso Govela: the the World Economic Forum. and they have a taxonomy of skills. So the idea is 154 00:23:47.580 --> 00:23:56.849 Alfonso Govela: to use the taxonomy of skills so that everyone knows what kind of token they're getting, why, they get it on what course, line structure. 155 00:23:56.940 --> 00:24:04.050 Alfonso Govela: what institution. But given freedom to everyone to continue working the way they do. 156 00:24:04.350 --> 00:24:08.810 Alfonso Govela: they don't have to go to a special registry. We just provide a support 157 00:24:09.350 --> 00:24:15.489 Alfonso Govela: and the support from Hyper Ledger. No. And also it's it's a joint effort with the 158 00:24:16.300 --> 00:24:22.169 Bobbi Muscara: and and and you're using bas su, so that it's public and private. That's awesome, too. 159 00:24:22.290 --> 00:24:31.280 Alfonso Govela: That's the idea. The idea is, if they want to use a private part and and do some of the registry. They want to find 160 00:24:31.450 --> 00:24:34.569 Alfonso Govela: if if they don't, they just register saying 161 00:24:34.620 --> 00:24:38.350 Alfonso Govela: we are taking tokens for this course 162 00:24:38.810 --> 00:24:44.709 Alfonso Govela: given by Bobby were created by Bobby. No, and given by Edx 163 00:24:45.070 --> 00:24:57.470 Bobbi Muscara: it's incredible. It is really quite incredible feature of learning. so i'm gonna open it up to everybody on the call, please ask Alfonso as many questions as it popped into your head. 164 00:24:58.160 --> 00:25:03.500 Alfonso Govela: and I'll try to answer as many as I push the up out of my head. 165 00:25:05.600 --> 00:25:08.950 Bobbi Muscara: so I'm not going to call on you. So there you go. Val comes first. 166 00:25:09.760 --> 00:25:24.010 Malcolm Connor: hey? Good morning yeah. Great, great presentation. I I did come in a little late, so hopefully, I'm not asking something repetitive. But I was wondering. I I see that this is really 167 00:25:24.210 --> 00:25:43.639 Malcolm Connor: for moocs, the the open open courses. is there also a plan to do this like in a let's say a college, maybe like you, you go to the college and it. You know you get different tokens for each class or each year, and you can transfer that to to to another college. is that also in the plan for this project. 168 00:25:44.320 --> 00:25:49.850 Alfonso Govela: not for the project as such. You're talking about an application. 169 00:25:50.100 --> 00:26:03.689 Alfonso Govela: And that would be a very interesting application to complement, a skill based registry of learning to the university or college registry of degrees and certificate. 170 00:26:04.930 --> 00:26:07.860 Alfonso Govela: we are not going to do the marketing. 171 00:26:08.040 --> 00:26:12.450 Alfonso Govela: Okay? As such of applications. We're a basic tool. 172 00:26:12.600 --> 00:26:19.700 Alfonso Govela: We provide a tool. or whoever wants to you, sir. and that then 173 00:26:19.800 --> 00:26:27.940 Alfonso Govela: that is why it's very important. What Bobby suggested at the beginning that we can do together. 174 00:26:28.010 --> 00:26:31.099 Alfonso Govela: A in the library, a guide 175 00:26:31.320 --> 00:26:36.809 Alfonso Govela: on how to use this to but what you're saying would be of the very good application. 176 00:26:38.870 --> 00:26:41.419 Alfonso Govela: complimentary to what that you already did. 177 00:26:45.300 --> 00:27:09.510 Alfonso Govela: Yeah. And to add on that I would love to try to just use a test case of ledger Academy and see if Ledger Academy can, as soon as the student registers, give them a hundred tokens and see what classes they can come in the minute versus take that would be awesome. So you've got me even thinking of it on my own personal professional level. Now I'm I'm I'm glad you you want to do it. 178 00:27:09.560 --> 00:27:14.210 Alfonso Govela: The the the token would be at the end. Okay, of this mentorship 179 00:27:14.380 --> 00:27:21.410 Alfonso Govela: no with your support for the guide. but yes 180 00:27:22.440 --> 00:27:24.800 Bobbi Muscara: it's for you? 181 00:27:25.200 --> 00:27:30.010 Bobbi Muscara: thank you. Malcolm, do you have any more questions? Welcome 182 00:27:31.040 --> 00:27:33.099 Malcolm Connor: no, that was it, I appreciate it. 183 00:27:33.410 --> 00:27:36.110 Bobbi Muscara: thank you, does anybody else have any questions. 184 00:27:45.330 --> 00:27:57.279 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, I'm not seeing anybody raise their hand or to go off me. So El Paso, thank you for joining us. And I might be sending people to your calls. Do you have them set up at a time yet? for your mentor? 185 00:27:57.860 --> 00:28:02.629 Alfonso Govela: yes, I I will have them Tuesday morning. 186 00:28:02.840 --> 00:28:04.979 Alfonso Govela: because we are 12 h apart. 187 00:28:05.120 --> 00:28:08.270 Alfonso Govela: Okay, but it would be private 188 00:28:08.980 --> 00:28:12.719 Alfonso Govela: all the time. And then every 2 weeks 189 00:28:12.810 --> 00:28:19.129 Alfonso Govela: we're going to open up and have a and open up. Mentor Mentee lost whoever wants to come 190 00:28:19.390 --> 00:28:22.800 Alfonso Govela: so Tuesday, Tuesday. Yes. 191 00:28:23.950 --> 00:28:31.379 Alfonso Govela: Tuesdays, at 100'clock Am. Mexico Stein, which is mountain time in the Us. 192 00:28:31.550 --> 00:28:32.690 Alfonso Govela: No 193 00:28:32.880 --> 00:28:38.000 Bobbi Muscara: perfect. Well again. Thank you so much for joining us. 194 00:28:38.370 --> 00:28:55.980 Alfonso Govela: No thanks to you for that. You're welcome to stay for our meeting. I, as I told you. I apologize. I have another meeting. No, a previous meeting. So I'm going back to that. Okay, okay, thank you so much, thanks to you. Bye, bye, bye, bye, thank you. 195 00:28:58.320 --> 00:29:14.119 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, so let's get back to our meeting and welcome everyone. I hope you enjoyed that. We only had a little bit of time for us. so I didn't realize I had worked with him 3 years ago on the registry to register 196 00:29:14.510 --> 00:29:17.879 Bobbi Muscara: blockchain institutions that would 197 00:29:19.700 --> 00:29:45.710 Bobbi Muscara: legit, let's say, instead of like some of the ones that were fly by night like I could tell you some stories. I'll tell you this one story. About 5 years ago I was at the Miami Blockchain Convention, and I was there for Ledger Academy. I was just starting, or 6 years ago. I think it was starting out, and it was when Bitcoin was at its highest. And so this is the convention in Miami. 198 00:29:45.980 --> 00:29:57.409 Bobbi Muscara: and the Talis return was there, and 2 years before that was when he had announced a theorem at that very convention, and he was walking around like big man on campus. It was great to see, even though he was like 199 00:29:57.640 --> 00:30:00.149 Bobbi Muscara: 20 at the time. 200 00:30:00.240 --> 00:30:11.930 Bobbi Muscara: But there was this company there that I wanted to either join work with learn from, and they were called Academy of blockchain. 201 00:30:12.080 --> 00:30:24.420 Bobbi Muscara: and they were international company, and they were raising money, and the the gentleman's name was Jason King, who was running this Academy token thing, and they raised 202 00:30:24.830 --> 00:30:41.359 Bobbi Muscara: so much money at that convention like I don't know how to raise money, but they had all their their investors there. They had all their angel investors, their their, you know, whatever And they raised over like. I don't even know how many millions of dollars they raised. 203 00:30:41.510 --> 00:30:50.069 Bobbi Muscara: I can't find them online anymore. I don't think they ever taught a class. So I I again I was 204 00:30:50.610 --> 00:30:53.709 Bobbi Muscara: shocked and appalled that that they could 205 00:30:54.940 --> 00:31:22.089 Bobbi Muscara: say that they were going to do something, actually raise money, and then just not do it at all. when even hmm! Someone like myself was just a regular teach computer teacher, technology teacher could muster up a class or 2 once every quarter, you know, like they couldn't even do that. And I could like. And they had millions of dollars behind them. So like the motivation for a lot of people. And that was 6 years ago. A lot of those types of companies have been waiting out. I could tell you at least 206 00:31:22.610 --> 00:31:35.609 Bobbi Muscara: 1010 different stories from that convention of companies that look like they have the best plan, and that are completely gone with their Icos and their it. It was just incredible time. But what what it? What it 207 00:31:35.700 --> 00:31:47.780 Bobbi Muscara: gonna curse! What a shit show, anyway! I apologize for the curse word but it's the most appropriate one. So we're going to go back to 208 00:31:48.120 --> 00:31:49.270 Bobbi Muscara: our meeting. 209 00:31:51.960 --> 00:31:59.289 Bobbi Muscara: So again, that was what the first year of that project was to try to weed out people who were actually not doing what they 210 00:31:59.410 --> 00:32:11.109 Bobbi Muscara: said that they were going to do and actually teaching courses. And again, the the Gbbc, which we he's partnered with is an excellent resource for learning 211 00:32:11.550 --> 00:32:12.980 Bobbi Muscara: blockchain. 212 00:32:13.160 --> 00:32:39.659 Bobbi Muscara: So housekeeping again. This is our weekly meeting. Welcome, everybody. we're gonna go through the roll call in a minute and talk about what everybody's been working on. But just to give you an overview of what we're doing today. It's kind of a light meeting because of the presentation first and foremost, welcome and housekeeping. I want to say thank you for everybody who was on the Tosc meeting on Thursday and presented, you guys did an excellent job. They were very impressed. 213 00:32:39.660 --> 00:33:05.859 Bobbi Muscara: Min was so appreciative. And I'm hoping that a lot of connections were made. so that we can work together with some of these mentorships. I will get involved in the summer if we need to connect with any specific ones, just like the learning token. that if anybody has gone through the list of mentorship programs and think if their synergies like with the learning token, please raise your hand, invite them to present. Do whatever these are your meetings. I'm just here to make sure they happen. 214 00:33:06.030 --> 00:33:14.690 Bobbi Muscara: so that is thank you again for everybody, and I mean you did an excellent job organizing that setting it up. I was very, very impressed. 215 00:33:14.900 --> 00:33:28.369 Bobbi Muscara: so we have the presentation of the tokens. We're gonna go through the roll call and talk just wanted you to keep in mind when we go through everybody. What we're working on in the next 2 to 3 weeks. 216 00:33:28.400 --> 00:33:32.710 Bobbi Muscara: is the presentation for the Toc 217 00:33:32.880 --> 00:33:55.270 Bobbi Muscara: about the task force, and through that presentation we will organize our committees and our thoughts and our goals. so that by the time we do this presentation we will know what we're working on in the summer, because we will tell the Technical Oversight committee. This is what we're working on this summer, and in order to do that, we have to organize ourselves in the next 2 weeks. 218 00:33:55.390 --> 00:34:23.459 Bobbi Muscara: So that's the that's what we're working on is that presentation? it is. The point of the presentation is to tell the Toc that we're not going to be presenting, or I'm not going to be talking about the task force every week for the summer. We're just going to be working, and we'll let them know if we need time. during their calls. and we want to tell them specifically what we're working on. And again, it's those 5 5 sections. 219 00:34:23.489 --> 00:34:26.120 Bobbi Muscara: and we want to, you know. 220 00:34:26.850 --> 00:34:59.399 Bobbi Muscara: specify the goals that we want to achieve by the end of the summer in that presentation. So we're going to break out into subsections for those 5. and we're going to pick hey? Or you know anyone who wants. If no one doesn't a room and gets the job. I remember my gets the job. Unfortunately, she's going to get most of the jobs in different texts. The problem, I'm really enjoying this. And you know, learning so much. And I actually made some amazing friends also through this call. So it's it's awesome. 221 00:34:59.500 --> 00:35:08.100 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, good! I'm so glad you get a good experience. I hope everybody by the end of the summer thinks this was a great way to expand your horizons. 222 00:35:08.250 --> 00:35:35.099 Bobbi Muscara: so we'll be selecting the subcommittee chair. So if you're introducing yourself and you see yourself in one of the roles, I'll go over the 5 topics again briefly. before we start introducing everybody, and then I'm gonna leave the call and leave the room open for you to. If you have subcommittees, you want to talk about If you need time on zoom calls during the week, just let me know I can give you my personal zoom room, or we can grab one from the 223 00:35:35.250 --> 00:35:47.770 Bobbi Muscara: hyper ledger phones. so again, the the 5 things we're working on are the Github repository, and I know someone has been working with Tracy on that the templates for the community 224 00:35:48.230 --> 00:35:56.640 Bobbi Muscara: best practices which, after the Toc meeting, is going to morph into best practices. Slash badging. 225 00:35:56.640 --> 00:36:20.290 Bobbi Muscara: They want to offer badges. Kind of, I guess, like the learning token idea. for when projects have everything they need in their labs to move to incubation, have everything in their incubation, to move, to, graduated and then maintain their graduated version, controls, user guides and security measures throughout the life span of the project. 226 00:36:20.560 --> 00:36:37.080 Bobbi Muscara: so that badging thing is just getting started. So that's it. That's it. Like best practices. they want to put the best practices task force into a badging thing on boarding. We're going to be working heavily with a lot of the 227 00:36:37.260 --> 00:36:53.809 Bobbi Muscara: website and Wiki Page and other places that the community on board. But we'll be working with that Mentee on that more so than just working on our own but we will be supplying the onboarding guides and direction. 228 00:36:54.040 --> 00:37:05.519 Arunima Chaudhuri: And then the user guys again, there is going to be so many of those. And this is probably Bobby. Sorry to interrupt. But you know, Akansha, She wanted to ask for a long time about what's 229 00:37:05.520 --> 00:37:24.750 Akanksha Rani: so, Kongshire, you can go ahead, and it's like we're interrupting you in with, no, no, no worries, please. It run me at all whenever you have an yeah. I was just waiting like you will finish. Then I'll let you start talking about it. So actually, I have been selected as the second boarding 90 for this year's 230 00:37:25.620 --> 00:37:42.470 Akanksha Rani: so so, and then I've been selected as a a Mentee, and I'm working under them. But also I'm working under you as a person who is leading the boarding on boarding task force for documentation also. 231 00:37:42.560 --> 00:37:45.120 Akanksha Rani: So thank you so much. 232 00:37:45.220 --> 00:38:12.879 Akanksha Rani: Yeah, I had asked you earlier. So to like, if we can work on both inside. Yeah, it won't give off much of you, because usually documentation. And and on boarding all side by side, they are like, yeah. And then, definitely, you can feed this group whatever on boarding needs from us definitely so, for the problem is that I have been not much contact with John said, I have contacted that. Then, my dog. 233 00:38:12.930 --> 00:38:18.800 Akanksha Rani: Peter said, is also like not responsible enough, because I guess he's busy. He he's needing a lot of projects. 234 00:38:18.830 --> 00:38:41.440 Akanksha Rani: but I I have contacted you both the mentors, and like I'm not able to contact them. So John says. Sorry the other mentor has like responded to me. But he said, like, we'll be starting soon and in today's need also, they are not there. So I'm not really clear about what exactly. How should I start on boarding work? So can you just give me the or guide me like, what should I? 235 00:38:43.230 --> 00:39:12.780 Bobbi Muscara: Sure, of course. Okay. So I know John is on vacation, or he mentioned in a meeting 2 weeks ago that he had family commitments at the start of the mentorship program and would not be around for this call for 2 weeks, and this is the second week. So I do apologize for the timing of the mentorship program and his vacation. but I know that he will be back on this call next week to completely guide you. Just to take a a a thousand foot view. 236 00:39:13.330 --> 00:39:15.869 Bobbi Muscara: What am I going? 237 00:39:16.430 --> 00:39:17.220 Bobbi Muscara: No. 238 00:39:19.300 --> 00:39:24.049 Bobbi Muscara: yes. So each each Mentorship 239 00:39:24.070 --> 00:39:49.420 Bobbi Muscara: group has a page for men, so on mine. I keep what we do for and what her tasks are on this page, and I'm sure there's one for onboarding, and that's where John and the other mentor will communicate with you. As to what the tasks are for the onboarding task force, which again has its own 240 00:39:49.420 --> 00:40:00.869 Bobbi Muscara: information and page so I hope that answers your questions about to where he's been, and the guidance that hasn't been coming, but will be Did that cover it? 241 00:40:07.830 --> 00:40:11.790 Bobbi Muscara: I guess it did or didn't. I'm not sure if that helped answer your question. 242 00:40:12.460 --> 00:40:24.269 Akanksha Rani: yeah. I checked this page also, as also like I have 2 more pages, one which was created by you. I guess you have created that in which you have mentioned that as 243 00:40:24.510 --> 00:40:25.959 Akanksha Rani: or on boarding. 244 00:40:26.050 --> 00:40:29.189 Akanksha Rani: Yes, let me see if I can find it. 245 00:40:29.590 --> 00:40:35.490 Akanksha Rani: yeah, I have like graduate, and in the meeting to like the to see meeting on her, they last. 246 00:40:35.630 --> 00:40:44.960 Akanksha Rani: I speak spoke about that everything you wrote there, and I just explained that you from there I heard the references. Thank you for making that. 247 00:40:45.440 --> 00:40:46.600 Bobbi Muscara: Yep. 248 00:40:46.710 --> 00:41:02.879 Bobbi Muscara: yeah. So this is the onboarding stuff. And again, it hasn't had a formal meeting in a long time. And I was the task force for the liaison for this task force to the Toc. But John was kind of running it, and he put the mentorship project up so 249 00:41:04.270 --> 00:41:18.439 Bobbi Muscara: again. I I'm sure that we're we're still waiting a lot on onboarding, and I apologize for the the lack of information or continuity, but it's so hard to do anything with onboarding until we get the new branding 250 00:41:18.560 --> 00:41:38.700 Akanksha Rani: and then you look and feel. And the new website, because you can't really design around something. You don't know what it looks like. Yeah, I understand that it's like, I'm just you. What? I have got an idea since I've talked to you that yeah, I'll be working on everything properly. Vice. John said it back. So that's why I want. 251 00:41:39.730 --> 00:42:04.050 Bobbi Muscara: And and I think the first thing that John will do, or if he's, I'll I'll send him an email this week to make sure he'll be on next week is we need to get Ben involved. We need to have his cooperation. As to, you know, in acting the things that you're suggesting, or, you know, putting them on the website and working with him. so we really need to get him involved in these calls. so I will put that down as an action item for me. 252 00:42:04.190 --> 00:42:08.690 Akanksha Rani: Thank you so much. Now I'm I'm with you, and 253 00:42:10.640 --> 00:42:12.929 Bobbi Muscara: I'm I'm sorry I didn't. I didn't hear that? 254 00:42:13.280 --> 00:42:16.699 Akanksha Rani: I said, No, thank you so much. I am a bit clear now. 255 00:42:17.610 --> 00:42:18.540 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. 256 00:42:23.360 --> 00:42:40.620 Bobbi Muscara: okay. So now I'm gonna go back and we're gonna start introductions and again, keep in mind the 5 committees. If you want to work on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 doesn't matter just as long as if you commit to something you do do it. So let's start with. 257 00:42:45.430 --> 00:42:47.169 Bobbi Muscara: come on, computer. 258 00:42:53.720 --> 00:42:55.839 Bobbi Muscara: I apologize for my computer. 259 00:43:11.090 --> 00:43:19.439 Bobbi Muscara: Okay? So I've already introduced myself and gone first. So we'll go down the list. And Agnes is on my list first. 260 00:43:22.930 --> 00:43:25.089 Alright, Hi, everyone. 261 00:43:25.430 --> 00:43:41.770 Agnes Nduta: I think I'd be interested in joining the user guides and best practices committees. Yeah, I think that would be something I'd be interested in. yeah. As for the other projects, I'll be joining 262 00:43:41.810 --> 00:43:53.050 Agnes Nduta: last week, I and someone else joined the indie and all these calls. So I've just been reading through their weakies just to understand what they were about. 263 00:43:53.250 --> 00:44:03.279 Agnes Nduta: So I'll join the other course this week, as someone mentioned one of the deeds mentioned that we probably need to have a meeting, so that we know exactly what 264 00:44:03.290 --> 00:44:09.430 Agnes Nduta: to do with regard to the documentation. So I'll probably have an update on the next meeting. 265 00:44:09.610 --> 00:44:10.500 Agnes Nduta: Thank you. 266 00:44:10.810 --> 00:44:12.769 Bobbi Muscara: Thank you very much. 267 00:44:13.850 --> 00:44:16.759 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. Next is Ankasha. 268 00:44:18.360 --> 00:44:19.320 Bobbi Muscara: I'm good. 269 00:44:21.090 --> 00:44:24.440 Akanksha Rani: Oh, hello, now. So yeah. 270 00:44:24.570 --> 00:44:48.320 Akanksha Rani: introduce yourself to everybody as like overall. Okay? So Hi, everyone. So I'm a, and I'm from India, New Delhi. And I've been working and the contributing to Hyper Ledger since past. I guess it's more than a month, because I was there before selling the application. And I've been in dock with John Johnson and Bobby. Man says then. 271 00:44:48.520 --> 00:44:51.900 Akanksha Rani: so it's been a long time that I'm part of this community around. 272 00:44:51.940 --> 00:45:10.229 Akanksha Rani: So that's why I. I'm so like interested in working with Mom that I'm looking to projects right now. One is on boarding for which I'm actually selected, Wendy, and one is documentation, and the Bobby man. So on boarding is the project that I'd like to read on, because it would be convenient for me as well. 273 00:45:10.420 --> 00:45:14.009 Akanksha Rani: So that's about me. And I would like to work with you all. 274 00:45:14.180 --> 00:45:15.920 Akanksha Rani: Thank you. 275 00:45:16.190 --> 00:45:18.310 Bobbi Muscara: Thank you so much and ruined about 276 00:45:20.380 --> 00:45:32.429 Arunima Chaudhuri: yeah. So Hello, everyone my name is, and much Audrey and I will be. I am also one of the eleventh 90 selected, and I will be leading the documentation standards, task force 277 00:45:32.460 --> 00:45:38.739 Arunima Chaudhuri: and helping you all, and I hope at the end we all can make this project success 278 00:45:39.240 --> 00:45:46.670 Arunima Chaudhuri: and help the other projects as well to provide a and to help them reach their gaps in documentation and 279 00:45:46.880 --> 00:45:50.799 Arunima Chaudhuri: as much as we can. So yeah, that's about me. 280 00:45:51.120 --> 00:45:53.030 Arunima Chaudhuri: And I'm also from India. 281 00:45:53.560 --> 00:45:54.970 Arunima Chaudhuri: So if 282 00:45:57.060 --> 00:46:15.419 Bobbi Muscara: thank you so much. And again you did a great job on the presentation. They were really impressed. They got a a fl flavor for what we're doing, and it was short to the point. So thank you so much for arranging all that. 283 00:46:18.420 --> 00:46:33.080 Kajal Kumari: just as India like my colleagues and I'm from up. So I want to work working on our Github template and our best practices 284 00:46:33.500 --> 00:46:43.590 Kajal Kumari: like I have already. talk to the government team. Bobby. You had said that he will be joining our mate so. 285 00:46:46.510 --> 00:46:49.289 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I'm sorry. Did you join any any calls? 286 00:46:51.500 --> 00:46:54.709 Kajal Kumari: I guess he didn't get to meet him. 287 00:46:55.180 --> 00:47:01.410 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, okay, so you're interested in? these 3 areas? 288 00:47:01.480 --> 00:47:03.270 Kajal Kumari: Yes, yes. 289 00:47:06.100 --> 00:47:18.560 Kajal Kumari: And about the project. I have talked to the bevel one. And also I have texted in a keactile project group, but I have not received any reply from there. 290 00:47:18.760 --> 00:47:22.060 Kajal Kumari: so which one I'll get that 291 00:47:24.330 --> 00:47:26.100 Kajal Kumari: I'm sorry. 292 00:47:27.230 --> 00:47:32.189 Akanksha Rani: Just type it in the chat for me 293 00:47:32.700 --> 00:47:34.010 like the 294 00:47:34.370 --> 00:47:35.410 Kajal Kumari: get the 295 00:47:40.810 --> 00:47:54.130 Bobbi Muscara: oh cacti. 296 00:47:54.310 --> 00:47:59.780 Kajal Kumari: I didn't get any response from them, so I would be joining their next meeting. 297 00:48:00.300 --> 00:48:16.099 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, Peter is awesome, and if you introduce yourself to Peter, he's in charge of cacti. He will help you out and and get you where you everything you need. He is really really a good guy. but cactus was born out of it. Was the bath 298 00:48:16.140 --> 00:48:23.260 Bobbi Muscara: blockchain. No automation framework. No, I think it was. Be the inner. Oh, so it was the interactive framework. 299 00:48:23.420 --> 00:48:45.510 Bobbi Muscara: So it was dealing with interoperability. And how Hyper Ledger saw the definite need that we need to be able to have some kind of area blockchains can go to talk to each other so like a playground where all the other blockchains can go and play And so that was a lab for like 2 years. And then at the 300 00:48:45.660 --> 00:48:48.610 Bobbi Muscara: Global Forum in Arizona 301 00:48:48.910 --> 00:49:06.370 Bobbi Muscara: the lab presented and became a project called cactus, because we were in Arizona, and they were cactuses. And then they realized, about a year later, which was like just a few months ago, that cactus is plural. 302 00:49:06.480 --> 00:49:08.439 Bobbi Muscara: and the project is singular. 303 00:49:08.480 --> 00:49:12.899 Bobbi Muscara: so they've changed the name from cactus to cacti. 304 00:49:13.100 --> 00:49:27.329 Bobbi Muscara: which I personally think a project that is about interoperability should have nothing to do with cactuses, because cactuses take away. I never agreed to the name on that. 305 00:49:30.350 --> 00:50:04.779 Bobbi Muscara: anyway. so thank you very much. And when we break out into the When has the breakouts to start the presentation work? that'd be great to keep that in mind that you've done those things. the presentation. We're not on the agenda yet, so there's no panicking about getting it done. Next week I will tell them when we're gonna present or this week, and it won't be for at least 2 to 3 weeks. So we have plenty of time to work on getting our thoughts straight. So we know what each group 306 00:50:04.830 --> 00:50:12.649 Bobbi Muscara: goals are, and we have plenty of time to make the presentation awesome. So no worries about that. and thank you so much. 307 00:50:13.140 --> 00:50:15.270 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. 308 00:50:17.510 --> 00:50:27.179 Malcolm Connor: hey? Yes. Good morning, everybody. I'm Malcolm. I am, currently a a programmer for data governance for an insurance company. 309 00:50:27.230 --> 00:50:33.450 Malcolm Connor: I'm interested in the application of blockchain technology for enterprise use. 310 00:50:33.620 --> 00:50:41.839 Malcolm Connor: I just finished the intro to hyper ledger course this morning. so ready to to jump into more learning. 311 00:50:41.880 --> 00:51:08.809 Malcolm Connor: one thing I noticed was the the of the special interest groups in the last section thought that was pretty interesting. and I'm looking at not only this group for documentation, which I think will definitely help with my own skills. And and I love to help other people, you know, be able to to get started and using the technology. But 312 00:51:09.010 --> 00:51:25.479 Malcolm Connor: I'll be joining a bunch of calls this week. I think the learning token we would base. It was interesting as well. I would love to see like a way, for where you can get a token, you know, Mooc, or in a university, and then transfer it to 313 00:51:25.480 --> 00:51:47.669 Malcolm Connor: slightly. Let's say you get a token from university, and it's you can use it in an online course, or vice versa. I think that would be pretty cool. But as far as the you know, the group I definitely want to help with user guys. I think Agnes also mentioned but that that's why I think I think I will fit in pretty pretty well with the the user guide help. 314 00:51:48.990 --> 00:51:54.520 Bobbi Muscara: Awesome. Thank you. Yeah. The special interest groups are are to me 315 00:51:55.540 --> 00:52:11.529 Bobbi Muscara: the purpose of Hyper Ledger, because you have all these consortium based groups not worried about proprietary software for the first time. because open to other open source projects still come with the stigma of. 316 00:52:11.790 --> 00:52:24.320 Bobbi Muscara: I'm gonna say, my mind mind mind mind mind my mind where Hyper Ledger is trying to be the Open source project that's yours. Yours, yours. 317 00:52:24.380 --> 00:52:27.980 Bobbi Muscara: and hopefully, 318 00:52:28.200 --> 00:52:32.390 Bobbi Muscara: you know, that will. with the special interest groups 319 00:52:32.690 --> 00:52:50.440 Bobbi Muscara: create solutions like we've never seen before. Like with telecom, that one white paper that they wrote. That has to do with how they settle the calls at night, because you bounce off all the towers, and every night they have to settle, and now they just do it on a blockchain, on hyper Ledger. And it it's amazing how quickly 320 00:52:50.440 --> 00:53:05.760 Bobbi Muscara: they can work together. So again, the the special interest groups, the climate, action and trade finance. they're all doing. I I I guess it's capital. capital markets. again. Just amazing things. They just put out a paper. I'm not sure if I 321 00:53:05.970 --> 00:53:14.429 Bobbi Muscara: and grab it right away, but I'll put the link in the chat if I can. I think I put it on my desktop. It just came out with a paper 322 00:53:14.710 --> 00:53:17.949 Malcolm Connor: on Cbdc's Hyper Ledger. It was a 323 00:53:18.230 --> 00:53:20.150 Bobbi Muscara: oh, no, I put it. I know where it is. 324 00:53:20.370 --> 00:53:25.150 Bobbi Muscara: Hold on! Let me just get it in the chat. this is well worth reading. 325 00:53:26.410 --> 00:53:28.850 Malcolm Connor: Which group did you say this was the 326 00:53:29.720 --> 00:53:32.320 Bobbi Muscara: this is the trade capital markets. 327 00:53:32.390 --> 00:53:40.930 Bobbi Muscara: So this is on. it it just gives you an overview. Oh, I found it a. It gives you an overview of 328 00:53:42.290 --> 00:53:49.260 Bobbi Muscara: the current status of every Cbcd in the on the globe. So let me just drop that in the link for people to read. 329 00:53:49.860 --> 00:53:52.770 Bobbi Muscara: And it just came out copy. 330 00:53:55.080 --> 00:53:57.230 Bobbi Muscara: If this link works for everybody. 331 00:54:00.430 --> 00:54:05.299 Malcolm Connor: So you have been. Have you had any? 332 00:54:05.430 --> 00:54:07.450 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I know what to do. All done. 333 00:54:32.860 --> 00:54:35.069 Bobbi Muscara: Sorry you're seeing the inside of my 334 00:54:36.180 --> 00:54:37.380 Bobbi Muscara: machine. 335 00:54:42.870 --> 00:54:44.950 Bobbi Muscara: Okay? So the the 336 00:54:45.030 --> 00:55:13.539 Bobbi Muscara: special interest group capital markets put out this for the Hyper Ledger community. it's very interesting. I just put it up there the easiest way for you guys to get at it. So enjoy reading that. And definitely the special interest groups, every single one of them. I'm sorry. Social impact went away. That was my favorite but there was nobody really there to keep it up. but again, some of these are fascinating places to be 337 00:55:13.840 --> 00:55:23.489 Bobbi Muscara: so back to. for I know you have done a lot. So if you could catch us up on all your awesome work, that would be great. 338 00:55:23.840 --> 00:55:26.190 Tripur Joshi: Hi, Bobby! Hi! Everyone! 339 00:55:26.270 --> 00:55:35.469 Tripur Joshi: So Bobby, would you mind to go back to my Wiki page that I you wanted to associate and like, post everything? 340 00:55:35.920 --> 00:55:36.840 Tripur Joshi: Yeah. 341 00:55:37.610 --> 00:55:48.449 Tripur Joshi: So I joined the meeting of so long before. and I've just attended that. And as well we selected suggested that we should go around and like 342 00:55:49.090 --> 00:56:07.330 Tripur Joshi: just barge into the meetings and say that she like send us. And so I did that. And when I was in the call they were like struggling with the documentation, and the last time that I joined their meeting that was last Friday I joined them. 343 00:56:07.400 --> 00:56:29.519 Tripur Joshi: and and I told them that if they need any help, we can help them. So they were like, yeah, we need a lot of help, because because we are all double. Of course, we don't know how to do anything about documentation, and it would be amazing if you can make tutorials like for the big nurse. And if you can help us in like user guides. 344 00:56:30.000 --> 00:56:34.800 Tripur Joshi: So I guess I will be under the subsections of User guide. 345 00:56:34.810 --> 00:56:51.240 Tripur Joshi: And so here I can. you can see that they are the tutorials that they wanted to work on like what is so long and how we can set up in different operating systems like Mac, OS, Linux. 346 00:56:51.240 --> 00:57:09.030 Tripur Joshi: Microsoft, and that all. And they want us to give them a user guide on how to set up stolen, and if you don't even know about anything about coding, then we have to like it should be very big. No friendly. We have to introduce. What is Solana? What is 347 00:57:09.150 --> 00:57:15.979 Tripur Joshi: like how to make contracts? And if you want to make contact, and it's already, how can you upload it on So lang. 348 00:57:15.990 --> 00:57:23.909 Tripur Joshi: So yeah, they, that's what they are looking for. And so I came up with, all these like headings for the tutorials. 349 00:57:24.050 --> 00:57:32.679 Tripur Joshi: If we can work on any of them, and I want you to take guidance from Bobby. How we should be proceeding, and what should I 350 00:57:32.800 --> 00:57:34.309 Tripur Joshi: convey to them? 351 00:57:35.420 --> 00:57:49.779 Bobbi Muscara: Well, here's the thing. So so the usual or what Hyper Ledger wants the documentation task force in the Github section to do is it wants these projects to be able to take their current. 352 00:57:50.050 --> 00:58:02.949 Bobbi Muscara: Github repositories use either. Read the docs, make the Docs Sphinx, which is what we have to come up with. With. You know what that template is. Get repository. Looks like 353 00:58:03.200 --> 00:58:06.230 Bobbi Muscara: and take their 354 00:58:06.790 --> 00:58:25.330 Bobbi Muscara: current working repositories and make them user guides. That's what I always thought the user guides came from. So insofar as you sitting down and trying to create user guides for them. I think it's more modifying the Github Repository into user guys. 355 00:58:25.480 --> 00:58:28.070 Bobbi Muscara: since anyone can correct me if I'm wrong. 356 00:58:32.980 --> 00:58:48.039 Bobbi Muscara: So yeah, I don't think you'll be doing these from scratch, but more assisting with taking their get cover pause because their Github repositories in order for them to move through the life cycle need to have certain things in them. And that's the ability to create 357 00:58:48.070 --> 00:58:56.990 Bobbi Muscara: user docs from them. but this other stuff like getting started with soling a Beginner's guide, we can definitely definitely do that one. 358 00:58:57.250 --> 00:58:59.569 Bobbi Muscara: But again, building the projects 359 00:58:59.790 --> 00:59:23.600 Bobbi Muscara: a comprehensive like, I don't think you have the bandwidth to be able to create. I mean, this is a massive undertaking. All these user guides. This is massive. This is the mooc. If you did all this, you'd create a move. so again, we're there to help them any way we can. And whatever bandwidth you have. But I don't want you to think that that because you're on this 360 00:59:23.600 --> 00:59:34.340 Bobbi Muscara: So laying user Guide task force that you have to create all of these documents. It's like you to do. 361 00:59:34.340 --> 00:59:50.600 Tripur Joshi: That's what I was like. So I was. I wanted to know that what is the way to proceed. And how should I get started? And what should I tell them in the next meeting that what I will be like providing them, or what the team has, and what we can do for them like 362 00:59:51.290 --> 00:59:58.239 Bobbi Muscara: I would. Let me see if I can found our old Documentation Task Force Page. 363 01:00:07.600 --> 01:00:09.690 Bobbi Muscara: I can't stand when I can't find stuff. 364 01:00:11.440 --> 01:00:13.029 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, I just go to search. 365 01:00:26.200 --> 01:00:33.420 Bobbi Muscara: So one of the things we did a few years ago in the learning materials working group. 366 01:00:36.680 --> 01:00:45.630 Bobbi Muscara: I'm going to find this. We go over with the document. Standards were for the 367 01:00:46.070 --> 01:01:06.409 Bobbi Muscara: community as it stands, and the gentleman, Ben, who was working with us had done all of this amazing work as to what each one of the projects uses. And then he did did a little tutorial on comparing the 2. So what I would suggest you play with this week is 368 01:01:06.410 --> 01:01:21.819 Bobbi Muscara: the Github Repository for so long, and see if you can run it through. I think this one is read the docs. This one might be make the docs, and he kind of then goes into how to do these. 369 01:01:21.890 --> 01:01:29.609 Bobbi Muscara: how to take the ours, you know, had it had a kind of 370 01:01:29.710 --> 01:01:44.370 Bobbi Muscara: take the github repository and make it into user guide. So we either with read the dots or make the docs. I guess he gives you the read, the Docs tutorial here, so I'll drop this link 371 01:01:44.590 --> 01:01:46.369 Bobbi Muscara: in the chat for you. 372 01:01:47.710 --> 01:02:10.379 Bobbi Muscara: and if you want to see if you can take, I mean, that would be your first thing. So go to them and say, I looked at your Github Repository. there's some paid tooling that that hyper ledger offers us. One of them is read the docs. We can make your github into user guides. By doing this they probably don't know that that they can just take your repository and make the user. Not 373 01:02:10.380 --> 01:02:35.509 Tripur Joshi: actually, I have an existing one. I have also like Linkedin in my Vicki, where I've mentioned all the names of the tutorials. So yeah, they have an existing zoling. They just want it to be very, very user, friendly, like, if someone who does not know even a bit of coding, they should understand what we are talking about, and how Sol and get me useful if they use it 374 01:02:35.750 --> 01:02:38.020 Tripur Joshi: in their projects or anything. 375 01:02:38.300 --> 01:02:40.210 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, exactly. 376 01:02:43.270 --> 01:02:47.829 Arunima Chaudhuri: Also 3. That's a lot of work that you have done so if you need help. 377 01:02:47.930 --> 01:03:04.230 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, and a big clap for that. So if you need any help in, you know doing the task or any kind of assistance, and you know, let me know. Just bring me on, Linkedin, and I will start helping you out with with any of the tasks that you are currently taking. Okay? So 378 01:03:04.320 --> 01:03:08.189 Arunima Chaudhuri: don't take too much pressure. 379 01:03:08.240 --> 01:03:09.809 Tripur Joshi: Yeah, thanks. 380 01:03:09.930 --> 01:03:26.850 Bobbi Muscara: Yes, that was a lot of work. Thank you. So we're moving out. We're running out of time, and I'll leave the room open, for if she wants to talk to the subgroups and start, you know, doing things for the presentation. I don't know. I have an edit button there is So we're gonna move on with Nyan. 381 01:03:31.750 --> 01:03:39.540 Naian: Hi, I'm just lurking here. I'm from the Aries Gcx team. I just wanted to see what documentation does. 382 01:03:40.640 --> 01:04:02.969 Bobbi Muscara: Awesome. we're just to to cover it. We are working on getting standards in these areas for the community. So the Hyper ledger community is getting a rebranding soon, and we want to make sure that all of these things and all the community members, such as the Aries group, have access to everything Hyper Ledger has to offer. So thank you for coming. And 383 01:04:03.000 --> 01:04:08.579 Bobbi Muscara: again, we appreciate you're here, and Agnes will be in touch with you. 384 01:04:11.060 --> 01:04:12.750 Naian: Yes, okay, thank you. 385 01:04:13.320 --> 01:04:19.560 Bobbi Muscara: And then, last, but not least, Victoria, I'm going to start at the bottom of next week. 386 01:04:19.750 --> 01:04:23.120 Victoria Johnson: Hello, everyone so nice to meet you all again. 387 01:04:23.330 --> 01:04:27.629 Victoria Johnson: Okay, so I chat it up. Nicole. 388 01:04:27.670 --> 01:04:31.830 Victoria Johnson: Not directly on the firefly 389 01:04:31.920 --> 01:04:41.110 Victoria Johnson: discord server of if they need any documentation, right assistance. And they just as you access to. So nico He! 390 01:04:41.150 --> 01:04:56.389 Victoria Johnson: He responded, so fast that was shocked. I was always awesome. Yeah. So we scheduled a meeting for today. Well, he had to get a rescheduled to tomorrow, so I'll be in touch. So I'm interested in the user guides. So yeah. 391 01:04:57.450 --> 01:05:00.979 Bobbi Muscara: awesome, awesome. Thank you so much. 392 01:05:01.980 --> 01:05:04.100 Bobbi Muscara: And let me just write this. 393 01:05:07.180 --> 01:05:08.230 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. 394 01:05:08.830 --> 01:05:26.370 Bobbi Muscara: So again, we have time for our next deliverable, which isn't for at least 2 weeks. I'm going to leave the room open, and I'm going to leave because I have to be somewhere. and if you want to start working on the presentation for the 395 01:05:27.070 --> 01:05:38.420 Bobbi Muscara: to Oc. It will help you get organized. As to figuring out what each of these sections deliverables are. So does anybody have any more questions for me before I head out? 396 01:05:41.960 --> 01:05:47.089 Bobbi Muscara: No, okay. I'm going to turn the meeting over to Rona and thank you, everyone for all your hard work. 397 01:05:47.180 --> 01:05:51.849 Bobbi Muscara: I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. and have a great day. 398 01:05:52.410 --> 01:05:54.660 Arunima Chaudhuri: Sure. Thank you so much, Bobby. 399 01:05:55.260 --> 01:05:56.589 Victoria Johnson: Thank you, Bobby. 400 01:05:59.470 --> 01:06:03.079 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay. So I think, Bobby, ma'am has left the meeting. 401 01:06:03.100 --> 01:06:27.759 Arunima Chaudhuri: So for all of you all, thank you so much for joining. And I think most of you all are joining The project calls currently and also getting to know that what are the documentation requirements. So, as you know, throughput has done an amazing job. So if any of you find any, you know shortcomings or any gaps that they are facing the documentation. Make sure to note it down in the Wiki page, because, 402 01:06:29.050 --> 01:06:31.759 Arunima Chaudhuri: yeah, sure, you can stick around no problem. 403 01:06:32.230 --> 01:06:45.400 Arunima Chaudhuri: So because we often listen things, and then we forget that what was the gap? So make sure that you note everything down on the Wiki page, and in that way we all can know that. What what are the calls that you all are joining. Also. 404 01:06:45.800 --> 01:06:53.279 Arunima Chaudhuri: I think all of you are managing college or school, and with that you are doing all these things. So a big lab for that. 405 01:06:53.630 --> 01:07:04.519 Arunima Chaudhuri: I know it gets very difficult and hectic, especially during the exam time. So if any of you face any problems that you have your exams going on. You have too much pressure from college. Feel free to let me know. 406 01:07:04.680 --> 01:07:15.839 Arunima Chaudhuri: Also, as a report has also listed down a lot of task. So if you need help with any of the tasks, also, let me know like I'm I'm more than happy to help all of you. 407 01:07:16.200 --> 01:07:18.029 Arunima Chaudhuri: So on my side. 408 01:07:18.080 --> 01:07:22.609 Arunima Chaudhuri: yeah. And I hope all your questions are answered. Today 409 01:07:23.320 --> 01:07:41.690 Akanksha Rani: I am much more here now. I again, I would expect those to be there in the meet today, because he said one of them, too. But he wasn't there. But I'll ask him again, but at least I haven't talked with one of my mentors. That's a good thing. He has even created a is called Channel, for, you know, on boarding one. 410 01:07:41.760 --> 01:07:44.149 Akanksha Rani: So I'm I'm in a better place now. 411 01:07:44.360 --> 01:08:01.220 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, so that's great. I think one thing that you can do for now is that you know in your Wiki Page. You can list on whatever you are doing, like joining the calls to give a a great presentation the last week, so you can note that down as well. So whatever you are doing can just keep a track of that. 412 01:08:01.510 --> 01:08:18.479 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, the that we did with our names. Right? Yeah. We time names where where we are just noting out whatever we are doing. So I think you can just do that for now, because, then the mentors will tell you what you have to do for a specific project. 413 01:08:19.080 --> 01:08:20.129 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, yeah. 414 01:08:20.310 --> 01:08:28.269 Arunima Chaudhuri: that's not compulsory. But in case you know, someone else at what you have been doing for the past few weeks. You can just see a few lines on that. So 415 01:08:28.840 --> 01:08:29.720 Arunima Chaudhuri: yeah. 416 01:08:30.939 --> 01:08:41.990 Arunima Chaudhuri: So if So, if the if any of you have any questions feel free to ask me on, either on Linkedin or you can, you know, send me through my email. And 417 01:08:42.240 --> 01:08:47.430 Arunima Chaudhuri: if any of you, if any of you don't have any questions, and maybe we can end the meet 418 01:08:48.270 --> 01:08:50.399 Arunima Chaudhuri: report. Do you want to ask anything? 419 01:08:50.580 --> 01:08:59.170 Tripur Joshi: Yeah, actually, I was not present in the last meeting, so I don't know about the subsection and what like. Bobby has mentioned about 420 01:08:59.310 --> 01:09:06.050 Tripur Joshi: About subsection, and like sub leads. I don't know what she was talking about. Can you brief me on that part? 421 01:09:06.149 --> 01:09:25.810 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, sure. So we are working on via as a part of the documentation task force. Each project has some documentation gaps that they need to fill up right every project has, and making documentation is an ongoing thought process. So we have mainly divided the task into 5 parts. 422 01:09:25.899 --> 01:09:48.770 Arunima Chaudhuri: One is best practices. One is Github, another one is templates, and the other one is on boarding another. One is user guides. So these are the 5 areas of documentation that we will be working on. So the areas that you mentioned in the meeting were more related to the user guides part. So that's why, you know, Bobby, ma'am, a lot user guides there. 423 01:09:48.779 --> 01:10:14.319 Arunima Chaudhuri: So if you are interested in in being a chair of. So the chair is the person who will lead the lead everyone in that group. So for the best practices subgroup, there will be one share for the Github subgroup. There will be one here for the template subgroup. There will be one shared for the onboarding, I think a Kang Sha is already selected as the Lfx. Ment. She will be leading that. And for the user guides we will be having one jail. 424 01:10:14.400 --> 01:10:19.939 Arunima Chaudhuri: So each of the chair will be managing all the activities for that particular documentation group. 425 01:10:19.980 --> 01:10:21.500 Arunima Chaudhuri: Does that make clear? 426 01:10:22.220 --> 01:10:50.090 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah. And how do we get into the like? who will be selected as well. like a chair. How will we decide? For now? We have not, meet any concrete decision on how we, how we will be selecting just that, you know, whoever is interested is letting us know in the meets that they are interested in being a chair for this committee and that committee. Maybe in the next week or meet I have to ask that, can there be 2 chures that they should be only one? Sure. 427 01:10:50.090 --> 01:10:56.089 Arunima Chaudhuri: So yeah, depending on that. we will be assigning. For now, just you know, whoever is interested in 428 01:10:56.240 --> 01:11:19.950 Arunima Chaudhuri: contributing to a particular group or being a chair of any group. It's just letting us know and starting to find out. Like, let's say, if you are interested in, you know, leading the user guides group. So maybe you know, for now you can find out what that is. The documentation gaps in a user in the user guides in the project which you have already done. So that's what is going on for now. We have not selected the cheers yet. 429 01:11:20.440 --> 01:11:30.310 Tripur Joshi: I hope that answers your question 430 01:11:31.820 --> 01:11:37.790 Akanksha Rani: also. I think, like there are some you know the activity that is not for like ready. 431 01:11:37.950 --> 01:11:39.489 Akanksha Rani: hey? That will be my night 432 01:11:39.560 --> 01:11:45.669 Akanksha Rani: in some of the 433 01:11:45.750 --> 01:11:46.850 Akanksha Rani: yeah. 434 01:11:47.250 --> 01:11:50.220 Arunima Chaudhuri: I cannot understand what you are saying. 435 01:11:50.260 --> 01:11:56.889 Akanksha Rani: I I just subscribe to it, for all the categories on 436 01:11:57.110 --> 01:12:24.569 Arunima Chaudhuri: no subjects are not selected for any other categories, since you are already selected as an Lfx. 90 for the onboarding. So, and you are interested in in here also, so you can lead lead. Lead that, and that's off your lifestyle like Zipur wanted to, you know, volunteer, you can volunteer for any of the roles. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we will consider you for the user guides. 437 01:12:24.570 --> 01:12:27.440 Arunima Chaudhuri: So let's see, in the next next meet 438 01:12:27.440 --> 01:12:37.150 Arunima Chaudhuri: like, let's see who who are interested. Let us know. And maybe then, you know, we can have 3 put for the user guides. If she is interested in that. Yeah, totally. And 439 01:12:37.290 --> 01:12:39.079 Arunima Chaudhuri: okay, okay, sure 440 01:12:43.110 --> 01:12:45.010 Arunima Chaudhuri: any more questions. 441 01:12:45.550 --> 01:12:48.220 Tripur Joshi: Now, that's all from my side. Okay. 442 01:12:48.430 --> 01:12:59.399 Arunima Chaudhuri: no problem. If any of you have any questions you can. You know. Text me any time all day, and I keep on checking the messages. So yeah. that's it from my side. Have a great day, everyone. 443 01:12:59.680 --> 01:13:00.869 Arunima Chaudhuri: Bye, bye. 444 01:13:01.070 --> 01:13:05.880 Tripur Joshi: bye, guys, bye, you do have a good week. Bye, bye.