WEBVTT 22 00:17:46.350 --> 00:17:53.300 Bobbi Muscara: hey? Everybody. sorry. I was a little late having computer issues again. 23 00:17:53.950 --> 00:17:57.070 Bobbi Muscara: welcome. Hey, everybody. Hi. 24 00:17:57.160 --> 00:18:00.789 Bobbi Muscara: here, my screen. So we can get started. 25 00:18:04.720 --> 00:18:06.120 Gianluca Capuzzi: Hi, everybody. 26 00:18:08.170 --> 00:18:16.460 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. So it's already a little after the hours. So I have on the screen the anti-trust policy. 27 00:18:16.510 --> 00:18:28.709 Bobbi Muscara: so please read that over. There's also a link to the code of conduct which is, if you're curious on how to act and behave properly, that'll give you some guidelines. I'm sure everybody here knows how to 28 00:18:28.800 --> 00:18:33.170 Bobbi Muscara: act and behave properly. 29 00:18:33.450 --> 00:18:36.250 Bobbi Muscara: so just take a moment to read that over. 30 00:18:42.640 --> 00:19:11.900 Bobbi Muscara: and then I wanted to take a moment to congratulate a runemen for being the mentee. She is going to be the project manager for all of the individual committees. We have and you know, support everyone with meeting times and whatever else they need. and me especially hopefully, she will learn and become a great leader from this. and we'll see. So if you want to say a few words are in them in. Now's your chance. 31 00:19:12.310 --> 00:19:28.389 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, yeah, sure. So thank you so much, Bobby, for giving me this opportunity, and I'm very excited. This is something new, and I'm I'm really glad that I will be able to help so many people, and contribute in some way to the community, and 32 00:19:28.400 --> 00:19:34.510 Arunima Chaudhuri: hope I will help everyone contribute more to Hyper Ledger and make some meaningful contributions. 33 00:19:34.600 --> 00:19:42.799 Arunima Chaudhuri: and really excited that I will be managing so many things, and I hope I will learn a lot from this journey and also help others. 34 00:19:44.160 --> 00:19:45.729 Arunima Chaudhuri: Thank you so much. 35 00:19:45.810 --> 00:19:52.349 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yes, thank you for coming on board. It's going to be a a fun ride. You learn a lot. 36 00:19:53.200 --> 00:20:13.099 Bobbi Muscara: So before we get into the introductions, because I want the introductions to have a purpose today. I just wanted to go over just a few things. So I went over some of the pages that were here. And there's a lot of great information. So when you're introducing yourself, and if you put anything in here, please 37 00:20:13.130 --> 00:20:34.969 Arunima Chaudhuri: take time and tell me to click on your page, and we'll go over what you have. I know a runa, and you put in there that you're gonna teach us about that one course. But I think that that needs to go a few weeks down the road only because of the urgency of some of the other announcements. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. Also, it will take a bit time. So I think it's better. We keep it for the later meetings. 38 00:20:35.230 --> 00:20:42.470 Arunima Chaudhuri: 10 to 15 min of the time. So it's better that we do the more important stuff. Now. 39 00:20:42.650 --> 00:20:47.080 Bobbi Muscara: yeah, because we have that deliverable this week which we'll get into in a second 40 00:20:47.190 --> 00:21:09.540 Bobbi Muscara: what I was thinking of doing again. So last week we discussed attaching people to projects, and I see through some of the pages people actually went in the community and listen to calls and got information which you know. If your turn to talk, please mention that and and discuss that, and we'll update the committees and stuff. So here's where we're headed. So if you're interested in sharing a committee 41 00:21:09.540 --> 00:21:39.050 Bobbi Muscara: to break this out and and to keep a rum in from going crazy this summer. we're gonna all Form this into as if she is the chair, and there are subcommittees, and each subcommittee will have a chair. So if you step up for that responsibility you'll be able to put. I was a chair of the task force. in hyper Ledger on your resume, and you can talk about it. You can set up a meet up and talk about your experience, and people will come because people are very curious. 42 00:21:39.050 --> 00:21:48.609 Bobbi Muscara: So this is a great way to get exposure in the community as well as something to advance your career. If you want to leadership role. So again, we're gonna have 43 00:21:49.670 --> 00:21:51.800 Bobbi Muscara: subcommittees for the different 44 00:21:52.330 --> 00:22:05.919 Bobbi Muscara: buckets that we've been talking about. Also, I think we need another committee, which is something we can discuss for developing the personas and and kind of working on that 45 00:22:06.000 --> 00:22:14.719 Bobbi Muscara: which I that that's not really clear in my head what that looks like yet, but I think that there's going to be some kind of need for that. But we'll talk about that in a minute. 46 00:22:15.000 --> 00:22:35.590 Bobbi Muscara: So if, while we're making the introductions, if you want to step up and share one of these, and I know someone's been working in the Github repository with Tracy. I've seen the emails going by, and I'm not sure if there's a lot of people doing that or just one. Because I really, I I've been bogged down with other works to to go through the threads. But if that was you please present what you've been doing with Tracy. 47 00:22:35.590 --> 00:22:49.170 Bobbi Muscara: again, if you have any of these areas I've seen some people were working on what should be in templates which should be in here which should be there. That's great. Step up to, and if you don't want to chair it, just put yourself in for now as a committee member, because that's what you want to be working on. 48 00:22:49.170 --> 00:23:09.700 Bobbi Muscara: because it will be so much easier if when we do these meetings, if we could just overall report and then have each committee report on to what what they're up to so other than that. And then we do have a presentation coming up. So the way the presentation is is, it is for the mentorship program. 49 00:23:09.920 --> 00:23:22.579 Bobbi Muscara: We're only going to get a chance to do one or 2 slides. But if you are a person who is attached to a project at this point, meaning that you've gone to a meeting for say, Basu 50 00:23:22.580 --> 00:23:48.540 Bobbi Muscara: And you can go to the mentorship tab that you the portal, that and everybody who's still on these calls and wants to step up and has a leadership role will be in that ambassador program that Min was talking about last week. So I'm gonna run that section, too, so that it will be official and stuff. But you can go see all of the programs that have been accepted somewhere, somehow. 51 00:23:53.000 --> 00:24:08.750 Bobbi Muscara: for hyper ledger. So if you're in basso and you decide to step, you know, want to do something for this. This project you should, you know, be a little familiar with. Oh, we'd have to do it for Hyper Ledger, but you can search it out. Get get the idea? 52 00:24:08.990 --> 00:24:15.450 Bobbi Muscara: so say so. For instance, you were the basso, and we go through. Oh, I think I have it on my page. Here 53 00:24:16.360 --> 00:24:22.160 Bobbi Muscara: we see who needs support in the mentorship program. 54 00:24:25.180 --> 00:24:52.999 Bobbi Muscara: Here it is. So if you see a bevel and you are in a Bevel. Or, you see, Basu here, you see, you know, just the onboarding Mentee task force all these, you know. There's they're going to be a Mentee at that meeting on Wednesday from on boarding that may not know you know how much help we're going to offer them. so again, if you've gone to any of these meetings. maybe you want to say something on a slide So we're gonna have going back to our slides. 55 00:24:53.000 --> 00:24:59.830 Bobbi Muscara: We're gonna have 2 slides at the mentorship thing. one will be 56 00:25:00.350 --> 00:25:25.020 Bobbi Muscara: an introduction to the Documentation Task force which your rumin will do. They'll say we are the documentation task force. I am here to support. I'll be a contact person for anyone. in the ventureship program needs help with documentation. We've seen a lot of projects that have asked for documentation or have a documentation piece, and then the next slide will be our assistant, saying that we'll you know 57 00:25:25.020 --> 00:25:43.689 Bobbi Muscara: maybe someone else want to step up and do that slide and say, you know, we're here to offer templates. We're here to offer you, you know. Show you how to set up your Github Repository, and if anyone wants to step up for that slide and give information to the Mentees and a contact again, when we do the introductions in a minute, please step up. 58 00:25:43.960 --> 00:25:48.809 Arunima Chaudhuri: Bobby, can you please? repeat that part of the on voting task force 59 00:25:48.830 --> 00:25:56.479 Arunima Chaudhuri: what you just said just now, yeah, about introduction to document standards, stocks. What do you say about that? 60 00:25:57.130 --> 00:26:06.320 Bobbi Muscara: okay. So I have again been really super busy, so I haven't checked in with the do you? onboarding task force. Is that what you were talking about? 61 00:26:06.320 --> 00:26:31.320 Bobbi Muscara: I was just asking you to repeat what you said just now, because my Internet just went off. So okay, I was okay. So I was talking about the presentation that we have for Wednesday how the first slide would be from you. And again, I ask you, I give you a heads up that you have to create this little 2 slide program. So it should look like a hyper ledger slide. Because, you know, you're just gonna either send them to men in advance 62 00:26:31.320 --> 00:26:33.059 or share your screen. 63 00:26:33.060 --> 00:26:51.400 Bobbi Muscara: during the Wednesday presentation to all the Mentees. which everybody is. Everybody is invited to. You don't have to be a a paid Mentee to go to this. It's great to understand the program, because again, you're in that other section of the program. You get all the benefits the Mentees get 64 00:26:51.900 --> 00:27:03.139 Bobbi Muscara: from that secondary level program. I don't want to call it secondary from that down, whatever we'll figure it out, anyway. So we're going to do a 2 slide presentation. One is going to be introducing 65 00:27:03.140 --> 00:27:25.010 Bobbi Muscara: what we're doing for the community. So you're gonna do that a room like, maybe. Say, we're working on Github repositories. If you're writing a white white paper, we have templates coming out. if you're on the best practices, or if you need to know how to get your project through best practices. This is the T. You know, this is the subcommittee you want to reach out to. 66 00:27:25.010 --> 00:27:51.850 Bobbi Muscara: or if you have user guide needs. You know, you want to reach out to this subcommittee on that onboarding is the same. So again, I haven't been in touch with John Carpenter. So I don't know who his mentee is or why they haven't been showing up at this meeting. But I'm going to figure that out this week. Okay, so I will just give an introduction of how the structure is going to be like. There will be a chair, and there will be subcommittees, and if any of the projects have any needs, then they can reach out to that subcommittee. 67 00:27:51.880 --> 00:28:21.240 Bobbi Muscara: Yes, except for etc. I don't think we need to go into our task force structure. Just say, you know, here, here, because we want to kind of keep it real simple for them, because they they've got enough on their plate. They're getting a lot of information from this one meeting. So we're there just to kind of say, we're the documentation task force. If you don't introduce the committees, or whatever to say, if you have any needs, we're here because that's what we're working on this summer. And then the next slide would be for the people who are 68 00:28:21.250 --> 00:28:33.329 Bobbi Muscara: When we do, the introductions might want to step up and speak. You know the more people who, you know, we have one slide. We could have 3 people speaking on that one slide just to get an introduction and get you used to doing a presentation. 69 00:28:33.870 --> 00:28:39.159 Bobbi Muscara: So all my, yeah, so you're gonna go, you're gonna do. And we'll again. We'll make a 70 00:28:40.300 --> 00:28:41.740 Bobbi Muscara: I can do that right now. 71 00:28:42.450 --> 00:28:45.930 Bobbi Muscara: Can't I guess I can. Where are we? Documentation 72 00:28:47.850 --> 00:28:49.370 Bobbi Muscara: should go there 73 00:28:57.830 --> 00:29:00.899 Bobbi Muscara: again. I always apologize for hustle my computer. 74 00:29:01.520 --> 00:29:07.689 Bobbi Muscara: So we're going to put the information for the next 2 days for the mentorship presentation 75 00:29:17.270 --> 00:29:20.930 Bobbi Muscara: patient here. That should be capitalized. 76 00:29:23.340 --> 00:29:24.020 Okay. 77 00:29:31.060 --> 00:29:33.380 Bobbi Muscara: I. 78 00:29:36.170 --> 00:29:38.520 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. So the first slide is going to be. 79 00:30:00.580 --> 00:30:01.870 Bobbi Muscara: why that? 80 00:30:06.920 --> 00:30:09.120 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I 81 00:30:16.630 --> 00:30:31.150 Bobbi Muscara: okay. So we'll get back to this in a minute when we have more information. So again, this page is where we'll keep the presentation. If people, the 2 slides that we're gonna do while we work on it. Get the people's names. 82 00:30:32.050 --> 00:30:42.319 Bobbi Muscara: But in the meantime let's go through the introductions and see if anybody wants to step up to speak on that second slide. So again, the first slide, I think I did write it down somewhere 83 00:30:44.990 --> 00:30:56.079 Bobbi Muscara: to slide presentation. this presentation will be shared with other Mentees during the program. Wednesday. Here the details so slide one for us will be a title slide of the Documentation standard task force. 84 00:30:56.260 --> 00:31:05.660 Bobbi Muscara: enhancing mentorship project quality. So that's what we're here to do is we're here to like. This is what you'll say. We're here to support you and all your needs and all your documentation. 85 00:31:05.960 --> 00:31:27.390 Bobbi Muscara: and 2 would be the purpose where we have, like the different subcommittees, or whoever wants to say, you know I'm here. I can help with this. I can help with, you know, whatever. If you have any ideas for that, you know again. Just presenting doesn't mean that you you're committed for life, or that you have to do anything. It's just trying to give these mentees 86 00:31:28.450 --> 00:31:40.389 Bobbi Muscara: parish you to land on when they're looking for documentation and get some names and contacts and connections going so that they know who to reach out to Okay. So without further ado, let's start 87 00:31:40.520 --> 00:31:41.940 Bobbi Muscara: with 88 00:31:42.000 --> 00:31:50.919 Bobbi Muscara: introductions. And I'm just gonna have a room and then go next just because she is alphabetically in the top, and she 89 00:31:51.600 --> 00:31:53.360 Bobbi Muscara: is the new mentee. So 90 00:31:55.220 --> 00:32:12.050 Arunima Chaudhuri: yeah, sure. Thank you, Bobby. So Hello, everyone. And my name is Sandwich Audrey. And this summer I will. I will be in turning with highlight as the Olympics 20, and will be managing all the all the committees. And I'm really excited for this. 91 00:32:12.200 --> 00:32:16.210 Arunima Chaudhuri: recently, I also completed the the 92 00:32:16.290 --> 00:32:30.279 Arunima Chaudhuri: technical documentation codes by Google, which maybe in a few weeks I will be sharing whatever I learned with everyone. And yeah, that's about me. I hope this. throughout the summer we will all make some good contributions and 93 00:32:30.520 --> 00:32:35.179 Arunima Chaudhuri: and make this project a success. So thank you so much, Poppy? 94 00:32:35.410 --> 00:32:41.459 Bobbi Muscara: No, thank you. Yeah. And I'm looking forward to that. I saw on your page that you had written a little bit about it. So that was, 95 00:32:41.630 --> 00:32:44.910 Arunima Chaudhuri: I just uploaded the presentation on that page. 96 00:32:45.950 --> 00:32:52.959 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, yeah, I saw that, too. Yeah, I want to keep it there. That's why I said. I just thought it'd be easier for the group if it was in it like a mutual 97 00:32:53.210 --> 00:32:57.849 Bobbi Muscara: easy spot. Let me just do this. 98 00:32:57.960 --> 00:33:00.229 Bobbi Muscara: and then I think Agnes 99 00:33:01.380 --> 00:33:02.670 Bobbi Muscara: is next. 100 00:33:04.510 --> 00:33:08.990 Agnes: Hi, everyone! My name is Agnes. 101 00:33:09.290 --> 00:33:17.910 Agnes: this is the first time I'll be doing. this big of a project. So I'm looking forward to lots of learning. 102 00:33:18.570 --> 00:33:24.130 Agnes: Yeah. So I attended some of the calls last week. 103 00:33:24.760 --> 00:33:34.179 Agnes: I I think I have written a summary at, but the gist of it was I attended the the Indie Aries and Basu calls 104 00:33:34.510 --> 00:33:42.740 Agnes: for the indie team. They felt like there wasn't enough contributions, so they were looking to try and help 105 00:33:42.990 --> 00:33:47.100 Agnes: people contribute by maybe revamping their documentation. 106 00:33:47.630 --> 00:33:50.319 Agnes: the Arizona! 107 00:33:50.370 --> 00:34:02.320 Agnes: I was not very clear or not. They weren't yet. and the Bezu team had already some things they were. They wanted to up on documentation rise, but they wanted the 108 00:34:02.440 --> 00:34:10.180 Agnes: engineers to take the lead, so they said the communicate father on what kind of help they'd be looking for. 109 00:34:10.719 --> 00:34:13.710 Agnes: So I think, yeah, I also 110 00:34:13.840 --> 00:34:20.560 Agnes: just got some shared, some links to some Linux Foundation courses that maybe 111 00:34:20.790 --> 00:34:25.099 Agnes: one might want to look at, especially if you're doing this for the first time. 112 00:34:25.320 --> 00:34:29.759 Agnes: Yeah. So I hope to learn and contribute lots more. Thank you. 113 00:34:30.210 --> 00:34:35.150 Bobbi Muscara: Awesome. Thank you I am. Did you put those links in the chat? 114 00:34:37.260 --> 00:34:40.509 Agnes: They are on the on the page, on my page? 115 00:34:42.020 --> 00:34:47.040 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, you're pay. Okay. I see your page. Sorry your page, for some reason, was not alphabetical. 116 00:34:47.590 --> 00:34:55.109 Bobbi Muscara: Everybody else is alphabetically bottom. I'll have to move you up when I get a chance. So, just for anyone who's interested in those links. 117 00:35:01.530 --> 00:35:12.309 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I wrote this course. I just finished writing this course. It's going to be published today or tomorrow, and I'm I've never taken these. So I'm so interested in learning about these. 118 00:35:12.710 --> 00:35:20.470 Bobbi Muscara: but thank you for doing that. That's awesome. So let's see who's next on the call for introduction. 119 00:35:20.770 --> 00:35:24.000 Bobbi Muscara: Daniel. 120 00:35:29.220 --> 00:35:41.930 Daniel Olagunju: Hi, everyone! I'm Daniel and It's a pleasure to be part of this program irrespective. let me use the opportunity to say congratulations to our runners. And 121 00:35:42.230 --> 00:35:44.990 Daniel Olagunju: I think I'll be 122 00:35:45.190 --> 00:35:49.450 Daniel Olagunju: out even those talks to us, and we'll see how we can walk together to 123 00:35:49.770 --> 00:35:58.570 Daniel Olagunju: make some impact. So as regards what last week we're given some task, I think I was able to join to 124 00:35:59.070 --> 00:36:10.520 Daniel Olagunju: to of the shall I say? Tax loss of the programs respectively? I think one of them, I think, the last, speak already mentioned what 125 00:36:10.850 --> 00:36:19.099 Daniel Olagunju: you required. I think that's best I joined by so, too. But I think let me speak to the other one. which is the carbon accounting climate, Sig. 126 00:36:19.370 --> 00:36:23.570 Daniel Olagunju: I was part of the meeting on Tuesday precisely last week. 127 00:36:23.690 --> 00:36:27.069 Daniel Olagunju: And yeah, they needed some documentation. 128 00:36:27.380 --> 00:36:35.169 Daniel Olagunju: I'm basically actually weeds one to did a location on something to call ontology and taxonomy. So 129 00:36:35.460 --> 00:36:39.980 Daniel Olagunju: hopefully, I'll be able to work with them, going forward and be able to help them. 130 00:36:41.000 --> 00:36:46.510 Daniel Olagunju: Yeah, I think I saw that on your page, too. let's see. Yes, I updated that on my page. 131 00:36:53.820 --> 00:37:08.170 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, right there they that is a great group. and they could use all the help that they could get So anyone who's interested in helping them because they're one of the only, in my opinion, 132 00:37:09.020 --> 00:37:26.300 Bobbi Muscara: special interest groups that have an overall appeal to the entire globe, like, whereas you have trade, finance, or telecom. That's only interesting to the people who are in telecom or trade finance, whereas everybody breathes. So this is a really vital 133 00:37:26.300 --> 00:37:40.909 Bobbi Muscara: effort, and if they do great work, but can't communicate it, it's not great work. So if we can help them do that, that would be fabulous. They want to see if I can find something real quick. I had started years ago trying to help them 134 00:37:41.160 --> 00:37:48.989 Bobbi Muscara: with some external presentations and meetups to get people interested in 135 00:37:49.410 --> 00:37:53.639 Bobbi Muscara: their task force. And I have a I got a nft. 136 00:37:53.910 --> 00:37:57.170 Bobbi Muscara: I should be doing this, but 137 00:37:57.850 --> 00:38:00.219 Bobbi Muscara: that represented to me 138 00:38:00.300 --> 00:38:14.000 Bobbi Muscara: their efforts. Oh, here it is, and I'll share it with you. So if anybody wants to do documentation, and they need a logo for their efforts. They can use this one. I release it to you. 139 00:38:15.800 --> 00:38:17.200 Bobbi Muscara: It's not adorable. 140 00:38:18.370 --> 00:38:19.400 Bobbi Muscara: anyway. 141 00:38:21.990 --> 00:38:25.250 Bobbi Muscara: So back to the real world. 142 00:38:26.600 --> 00:38:30.049 Bobbi Muscara: Sorry about that. I often go off on tangents. 143 00:38:30.140 --> 00:38:40.750 Bobbi Muscara: so thank you, Daniel, for presenting that. And if when we're working on the presentation if you want to. you know. Say that you're there for any assistance 144 00:38:40.840 --> 00:38:49.559 Bobbi Muscara: to the special interest groups. If anyone if the special interest groups. And I think there are some projects in the labs from the special interest groups that would be awesome. 145 00:38:51.480 --> 00:38:55.789 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, let's get back. I hope I keep getting back to the one that I'm editing. 146 00:39:03.980 --> 00:39:09.150 Bobbi Muscara: There. It is. Okay. so thank you. And Jean Luca. 147 00:39:10.970 --> 00:39:20.400 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay, So I am interested in Iber larger fabric. And in Iowa. 148 00:39:20.490 --> 00:39:44.059 Gianluca Capuzzi: because I have skills in a develop software development and also in cibus. Because last time. you told that C is needed for Iowa project. Also field some something about your last request. 149 00:39:44.180 --> 00:39:47.349 Gianluca Capuzzi: in page. If you scroll down. 150 00:39:47.380 --> 00:39:50.669 Gianluca Capuzzi: You see the the table. 151 00:39:51.120 --> 00:39:58.960 Gianluca Capuzzi: the table, I a my in the seed, the last, the the second role. 152 00:40:00.450 --> 00:40:02.570 Bobbi Muscara: Man. Am I missing this? This table? 153 00:40:02.940 --> 00:40:07.790 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay, I see the 154 00:40:08.960 --> 00:40:10.880 Gianluca Capuzzi: the first table. You. 155 00:40:10.900 --> 00:40:18.140 Gianluca Capuzzi: You see, it's it's calling. Yes, yeah, that one, I added my interced. 156 00:40:18.410 --> 00:40:19.910 Gianluca Capuzzi: And also. 157 00:40:20.280 --> 00:40:30.030 Gianluca Capuzzi: I wrote something about the interest. And so I I got in Github 158 00:40:30.200 --> 00:40:34.179 Gianluca Capuzzi: and a template. contribution. 159 00:40:36.610 --> 00:40:38.959 Bobbi Muscara: Well, thank you. Yeah. I'm looking at 160 00:40:39.510 --> 00:41:01.619 Bobbi Muscara: again. I'm trying to do 2 things at one time here with this computer. So just bear with me for a second. yeah, I'm on your pages. If you're interested in the Aroha projects. I just want to scroll down to see if they have any in the mentorship that I was aware of. 161 00:41:02.520 --> 00:41:05.459 Bobbi Muscara: that you could offer assistance to. 162 00:41:06.710 --> 00:41:08.450 Bobbi Muscara: No, that's surprising. 163 00:41:09.680 --> 00:41:19.020 Bobbi Muscara: They might use. I think, the we should better off. This might not be a comprehensive list. but that if we go to 164 00:41:19.420 --> 00:41:22.039 Bobbi Muscara: the mentorship main page 165 00:41:22.250 --> 00:41:35.959 Bobbi Muscara: you might see if there's any cause I really think that they they are having. There is in a row. Hot project But again, there might not be this mentorship program, but they still need might need documentation. Needs. 166 00:41:36.220 --> 00:41:44.359 Bobbi Muscara: so interesting, anyway. Okay, so thank you very much for that. And we were definitely going to 167 00:41:44.540 --> 00:42:13.669 Bobbi Muscara: happened to your resources. okay, I I I will update my my page. Okay, there is also my page. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. And that's that's key. Because that's a I feel a. It's been in the community since I have, which is like 6 or 7 years, and it really never shines or gets gets the coverage it needs. And maybe that is because the documentation isn't easy to read, or I don't know. We'll we'll have to figure that out as we go. 168 00:42:13.850 --> 00:42:15.360 Bobbi Muscara: so thank you for. 169 00:42:15.700 --> 00:42:24.859 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay, just a question, could could I? could I? I will join to Iraq meeting if needed. 170 00:42:24.980 --> 00:42:30.280 Gianluca Capuzzi: And I will update about the request. 171 00:42:31.140 --> 00:42:59.079 Bobbi Muscara: Perfect. Yeah, we're gonna at the end of the call. Anyone who's interested in presenting is gonna stay on for a few minutes so that we can just get the slides, and we'll probably meet one more time, either tomorrow or right before the meeting to send over the slides to it. We should have them to, or the night before. So if we could meet some time tomorrow for anyone who's interested, we can meet the same time tomorrow, I guess. Bobby. Sorry to interrupt. I had 2 questions. Can I ask it right now? 172 00:42:59.220 --> 00:43:09.189 Bobbi Muscara: Of course. Yes, I just wanted to know that. What is your preferred way of communication, like, if I have any dows, and how can rich I reach out to you like through email or Linkedin? 173 00:43:10.250 --> 00:43:34.130 Bobbi Muscara: That's a really good question for me. The best way is probably through a linkedin message because it get, I get a notice on my phone. Where's my email just filing up and piling up. And I usually check it all at once. So will connect me. But again, I'd like this group to communicate whatever the group conscious decides whether it's discord. We chat 174 00:43:34.620 --> 00:43:57.640 Bobbi Muscara: whatever is out there for us. That makes it easier. I like to just use the Wiki pages. not for instant communication, but to put work down, because if you put it in a discord, or whatever you got to scroll and try to find it here, it's right where it should be. so again communicate your work on discord, and I and we still have to talk about the trello board. I think we're going a little bit too 175 00:43:58.040 --> 00:44:10.550 Bobbi Muscara: far we might be taking on more on the Trello board unless somebody else wants to to to run that. Then it's worth. But we'll get to that. That's a topic in our 176 00:44:11.010 --> 00:44:12.410 Bobbi Muscara: Okay? Sure. 177 00:44:12.650 --> 00:44:27.429 Arunima Chaudhuri: yeah. And I had another question. But in one of the meals that I received was It contained a calendar invite for the mentees. But the invite is not working, so how can I ask, whom should I reach out to send another invite? 178 00:44:28.420 --> 00:44:31.660 Bobbi Muscara: Let me just see something here for a second. You might not need one. 179 00:44:31.830 --> 00:44:50.470 Bobbi Muscara: I'm going right now. I'll show you everybody what I'm doing. When for that, how to answer that question. So what I'm doing is I open another window. They're going to the calendar of public meetings and see if it's in there, since it's a big enough meeting, and a lot of people are coming. It most likely is 180 00:44:50.520 --> 00:44:55.120 Bobbi Muscara: in the meeting list. again, my computer will take forever. 181 00:44:55.720 --> 00:44:57.859 Bobbi Muscara: So the meeting is Wednesday. 182 00:45:01.420 --> 00:45:04.189 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, so I I I, 183 00:45:04.860 --> 00:45:28.210 Arunima Chaudhuri: okay, so I I I can see the speech but also, like, I received an email and the email had a title as calendar events for maintenance to 2,023 at the Red lease lists dot hyperlate or and it had a message called Hello, attached to the calendar, invites for all the upcoming events in this group. 184 00:45:28.360 --> 00:45:39.689 Arunima Chaudhuri: and but it, the invite dot Ics file when I'm trying to download it, it's showing me that it is corrupted. So how? Whom should I reach out to send me a 185 00:45:39.830 --> 00:45:43.540 Arunima Chaudhuri: another version of the file so that I can add it. 186 00:45:43.900 --> 00:45:54.839 Bobbi Muscara: Okay? Okay? Sure. 187 00:45:55.370 --> 00:45:56.540 Arunima Chaudhuri: Sure. 188 00:46:01.630 --> 00:46:07.569 Bobbi Muscara: Well, that's going to take a while. I can take up too much time. on that 189 00:46:08.570 --> 00:46:18.839 Bobbi Muscara: introductions to go through and and trying to get people to sign up for that. The yeah. Sure. Yeah. Sure. Okay, I will reach out to me. And regarding that. 190 00:46:19.150 --> 00:46:22.719 Bobbi Muscara: that would be great. I think I really have too many of these open. Now. 191 00:46:24.140 --> 00:46:25.530 Bobbi Muscara: yeah, that's the I want. 192 00:46:26.710 --> 00:46:29.940 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, so next on our lists. 193 00:46:30.880 --> 00:46:32.769 Gianluca Capuzzi: I. 194 00:46:32.880 --> 00:46:47.259 Gianluca Capuzzi: So I have a question. Sorry for the for the the option, the recorded video. There is. Is there a a page where? you load a recorded video after our meeting? 195 00:46:47.620 --> 00:47:09.509 Bobbi Muscara: it's right on this documentation home page, and I don't load it. That's done through hyper, ledger, corporate, or whatever foundation. So this meeting is automatically recorded because it's on their zoom, and then they post it to whoever the the page that it is on. So right after our meeting notes he comes back and he posts the meeting recordings. So they're just 196 00:47:09.730 --> 00:47:12.969 Bobbi Muscara: each one has somewhere down there recording. 197 00:47:13.240 --> 00:47:19.159 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay, is there a a page where automatically is loaded. No. 198 00:47:19.780 --> 00:47:31.209 Bobbi Muscara: no, no, that's that's something. Foundation has those dashboards for? Not us. 199 00:47:31.770 --> 00:47:33.030 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay, perfect. 200 00:47:34.680 --> 00:47:36.210 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, Joe. 201 00:47:40.370 --> 00:47:43.069 Kajal Kumari: Oh. and now the bill? 202 00:47:43.550 --> 00:47:44.530 Bobbi Muscara: Yes. 203 00:47:45.090 --> 00:47:51.210 Kajal Kumari: okay. Also, I talked to the Maintainer of Beville Project. 204 00:47:51.240 --> 00:48:03.339 Kajal Kumari: and they do have like documentation mentorship program already. So I don't think so they need any documentation as from our site. 205 00:48:03.530 --> 00:48:05.190 Kajal Kumari: Oh, yes, we do. 206 00:48:06.130 --> 00:48:26.329 Bobbi Muscara: That's that's the whole purpose of the task force. And I appreciate you bringing that up. they they're they're saying we're going to develop our own documentation. But Hyper Ledger Foundation wants them to use the tools available to them. And so we need to 207 00:48:26.560 --> 00:48:30.800 Bobbi Muscara: inform them of what tools are available because they probably don't know. 208 00:48:32.010 --> 00:48:43.379 Kajal Kumari: Okay, so like, we have to only help them in developing their documentation, or we have to contribute. They. I have a though. 209 00:48:44.690 --> 00:48:52.689 Bobbi Muscara: So I'm confused. So there, they said to you, when you went to the meeting that they're okay with documentation, because that's what the mentee is doing. 210 00:48:53.110 --> 00:49:03.479 Kajal Kumari: because they have already a commentorship project or available, he design or documentation. So they are working on that only. 211 00:49:03.710 --> 00:49:06.120 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, okay, that's perfect. 212 00:49:07.230 --> 00:49:08.140 Kajal Kumari: Yes. 213 00:49:11.050 --> 00:49:18.299 Bobbi Muscara: Well, then, one of the things. If you would like to present on Wednesday. 214 00:49:18.360 --> 00:49:32.440 Bobbi Muscara: on that second slide, you can, you know, come in and say, and for Bevel I went to the Bevel meeting, and I know that you have a documentation Mentee, but we invite he or her to come to our Paul to see what we offer. 215 00:49:32.900 --> 00:49:33.940 Kajal Kumari: Okay. 216 00:49:34.120 --> 00:49:46.210 Bobbi Muscara: because that might help. And then that way you'll be the liaison between the bevel people and us. because their documentation needs should be in line with what this task force is putting out. 217 00:49:46.870 --> 00:49:50.739 Kajal Kumari: Okay, thank you for going to that meeting. 218 00:49:51.300 --> 00:49:52.310 Thank you. 219 00:49:52.790 --> 00:49:55.050 Bobbi Muscara: Did you enjoy it? Do you like Bevel? 220 00:49:55.520 --> 00:49:58.300 Kajal Kumari: yes, I actually like. 221 00:49:58.360 --> 00:50:02.109 Kajal Kumari: I'm a very new to a blockchain and python. 222 00:50:02.360 --> 00:50:04.400 Kajal Kumari: So like 223 00:50:04.720 --> 00:50:14.669 Kajal Kumari: I really enjoyed. And also I saw that the documentation, like they, have already worked on the documentation thing, and that is very organized. 224 00:50:14.960 --> 00:50:17.519 Kajal Kumari: So like I 225 00:50:17.680 --> 00:50:20.009 Bobbi Muscara: best practices back to us. 226 00:50:20.110 --> 00:50:21.430 Kajal Kumari: Yes. 227 00:50:21.610 --> 00:50:26.860 Kajal Kumari: like, I wanted to contribute in the documentation. So I just 228 00:50:27.200 --> 00:50:28.650 Kajal Kumari: our text with them. 229 00:50:28.920 --> 00:50:38.490 Bobbi Muscara: Excellent. Thank you. And again. That's a great project to attach to, because it just it just got out of labs. And it's just getting started. So that's 230 00:50:38.810 --> 00:50:40.070 Bobbi Muscara: that's awesome. 231 00:50:41.180 --> 00:50:49.070 Bobbi Muscara: Okay? So then next, and thank you very much for the for the work. Malcolm. 232 00:50:51.250 --> 00:51:04.970 Malcolm Connor: Hey? Hello, everyone! My name is Malcolm Connor. a little bit about me. Just you know, in in the past I've worked on some personal projects, including web development projects. 233 00:51:05.050 --> 00:51:11.910 Malcolm Connor: I've done some python programming. And also, I've got into a machine learning and artificial intelligence. 234 00:51:12.060 --> 00:51:19.389 Malcolm Connor: and then also did some work with some computer networking with Linux operating systems 235 00:51:19.420 --> 00:51:22.629 Malcolm Connor: and doing a little bit of cyber security work as well. 236 00:51:22.730 --> 00:51:30.889 Malcolm Connor: I currently work in data science, I work for a data governance team for a health insurance company. 237 00:51:30.950 --> 00:51:46.079 Malcolm Connor: And I basically write scripts using python and SQL to help organize data for programmers in the company. as far as blockchain goes. I've done a couple of ethereum test net deployments on Polygon. 238 00:51:46.190 --> 00:51:57.239 Malcolm Connor: also completed a a couple of hyper ledger courses on Linkedin learning. now, I'm currently working on the edx course, which I believe Bobby is, 239 00:51:57.320 --> 00:52:00.850 Malcolm Connor: you know has put together. 240 00:52:00.900 --> 00:52:15.269 Malcolm Connor: so I'm I'm almost done with that. And my goal for this program is to contribute to the development of enterprise blockchain technology and and really push that forward because something I really believe in 241 00:52:15.380 --> 00:52:25.569 Malcolm Connor: So I'm excited to gain experience in building blockchain systems for companies. And then also, I want to also gain experience and contributing to open source projects. 242 00:52:25.650 --> 00:52:32.970 Malcolm Connor: so One thing I'm interested in in this program is, I think creating user guides might be 243 00:52:33.020 --> 00:52:41.769 Malcolm Connor: a good fit for me. I I don't have any real experience with it, but I did add a template on my 244 00:52:42.060 --> 00:52:47.930 Malcolm Connor: on my What do you call it? The page. So 245 00:52:48.040 --> 00:52:59.800 Malcolm Connor: yeah, we wanted to check that out. I basically just kinda went around looking at a bunch of user guides and taking the little bit that I did know about hyper leisure. I put together a 246 00:52:59.840 --> 00:53:04.929 Malcolm Connor: table of contents and then just kind of a description for each category for the user guide. 247 00:53:07.850 --> 00:53:13.070 Bobbi Muscara: I'm trying to get it up. Hold on just a second. 248 00:53:16.980 --> 00:53:18.950 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, that's incredible. 249 00:53:19.950 --> 00:53:28.199 Malcolm Connor: Yeah. So it just. And it's like I I I was totally open for any critiques, because this is not something that I've done before. But 250 00:53:28.260 --> 00:53:30.850 Malcolm Connor: I did look at some examples and 251 00:53:31.290 --> 00:53:42.380 Malcolm Connor: kind of just put down what I thought would be relevant for hyper ledger projects. And this is the the goal is for this to be for any project under the hyper ledger. Umbrella can use this 252 00:53:42.580 --> 00:53:43.790 Malcolm Connor: user guide 253 00:53:43.820 --> 00:53:46.980 Malcolm Connor: so definitely open to critiques. 254 00:53:47.530 --> 00:53:58.410 Bobbi Muscara: So this is so let me get this straight to this user guide that that you've put together is kind of like a white label for hyper ledger people without dealing with a project. 255 00:53:59.150 --> 00:54:09.740 Malcolm Connor: Basically. Yes, yeah, cool. So like any, any any project can use this as a template to say, Okay, here's the introduction here, the the system requirements for the installation 256 00:54:09.860 --> 00:54:21.720 Malcolm Connor: and blah blah blah, you know, you might have to run this next to the best practices suggestions for these things, and see if there's anything synergies or any discrepancies. 257 00:54:22.310 --> 00:54:27.020 Malcolm Connor: Okay? And I think there's a link for that 258 00:54:28.990 --> 00:54:32.440 Bobbi Muscara: on our page somewhere. I dropped it in. 259 00:54:34.700 --> 00:54:40.499 Bobbi Muscara: So they're almost done with their best practices. 260 00:54:43.330 --> 00:54:44.290 Bobbi Muscara: Not in 261 00:54:45.920 --> 00:54:53.719 Bobbi Muscara: I think these are our templates. Best practice there is. 262 00:54:53.740 --> 00:54:55.030 Bobbi Muscara: That might be it. 263 00:54:55.400 --> 00:55:05.119 Malcolm Connor: Okay. Do they have a meeting coming up any time soon? 264 00:55:05.710 --> 00:55:10.140 Bobbi Muscara: This is not what I wanted. 265 00:55:14.580 --> 00:55:19.070 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, this might get you. I think this is what I wanted. 266 00:55:24.440 --> 00:55:39.380 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, I would just go through this Github Repository, because that's what they've been working on for the past several months to get this, and I think that the to we're ready to approve it. So everything that they want, in so far as that information would be in that document. 267 00:55:39.610 --> 00:55:44.110 Bobbi Muscara: So it's the best practices. in the Github Repository into the 268 00:55:45.250 --> 00:55:46.479 Malcolm Connor: okay? Perfect. 269 00:55:46.910 --> 00:55:49.229 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, that would be 270 00:55:50.890 --> 00:55:57.259 Malcolm Connor: cool under you. She is under the 271 00:55:57.760 --> 00:56:05.319 Bobbi Muscara: yeah. If you just drop this down you can get right to the Hyper Ledger Github, and it's your Tsc. The first 272 00:56:05.470 --> 00:56:08.599 Bobbi Muscara: thing in the reading me, and then you'll see our task forces 273 00:56:09.110 --> 00:56:09.960 Malcolm Connor: perfect. 274 00:56:10.790 --> 00:56:18.149 Bobbi Muscara: Awesome. Thank you. That's great. Thank you. Best practices wrong. 275 00:56:19.580 --> 00:56:22.429 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, so that's good. That's awesome. Thank you? 276 00:56:22.620 --> 00:56:26.900 Bobbi Muscara: okay? So next we have seal. 277 00:56:28.160 --> 00:56:33.100 sahil prasad: Yes. Hello, everyone So help us at this side. So 278 00:56:34.210 --> 00:56:35.270 basically. 279 00:56:35.740 --> 00:56:45.439 sahil prasad: I want you to join up and want to understand more about Hypervisor. So contributing in it in using documentation would be very 280 00:56:45.480 --> 00:56:53.190 sahil prasad: useful for me. So I understand that Hyper Ledger is making enterprise level tools. For in the blockchain technology and 281 00:56:53.280 --> 00:57:09.200 sahil prasad: blockchain use use case of blockchain worldwide. So so this is my way of contributing and understanding about what hypothesis is doing, but by the use of contributing in its documentation 282 00:57:09.210 --> 00:57:14.790 sahil prasad: would be helpful to me as well. So yeah, if you have, if you open that 283 00:57:15.810 --> 00:57:17.940 sahil prasad: my page for 284 00:57:20.510 --> 00:57:22.979 I I was. I have written something. 285 00:57:23.210 --> 00:57:33.099 sahil prasad: so my ideas will are straight that any enterprise tools needs to be scalable, so that made more and more people use it. Right? 286 00:57:34.180 --> 00:57:50.750 sahil prasad: So If selected, a project is using python and documentation for that documentation we need springs, actually spings, is a framework or a tool which makes a which 287 00:57:50.870 --> 00:57:56.100 sahil prasad: understands the python projects, or python code itself and make sense of 288 00:57:56.110 --> 00:58:06.279 sahil prasad: it, makes sense of it by just by using make sense of it and documents it. in the English language. Okay, so 289 00:58:06.560 --> 00:58:11.349 sahil prasad: we're using pings. I I can. Maybe I can. 290 00:58:11.590 --> 00:58:17.769 sahil prasad: to announce it. I am not pronouncing it well, but it's sp, H. I, 291 00:58:17.990 --> 00:58:35.429 sahil prasad: that's correct. So so yeah, using with python is effective and well and always well structured table that includes relevant links is important. So what I was thinking here was. 292 00:58:35.890 --> 00:58:44.879 sahil prasad: if if a user was going through a project. He he might be lost because of different terms used in that project, so 293 00:58:44.910 --> 00:58:54.630 sahil prasad: that link should be always available with the user or the one who is going through that project. Right? So again. she 294 00:58:55.060 --> 00:59:08.170 sahil prasad: feedback for that documentation feedback is important. Because if let's say, a user is going through it. And a user does not understand a particular line or a particular 295 00:59:08.500 --> 00:59:15.780 sahil prasad: thing that he he wants to. He or she wants to install. So it's easier for the 296 00:59:15.830 --> 00:59:18.610 one who has made the documentation to 297 00:59:18.630 --> 00:59:20.379 sahil prasad: figure it out like, 298 00:59:21.460 --> 00:59:24.689 sahil prasad: so that they make for the changes properly. 299 00:59:24.700 --> 00:59:27.530 sahil prasad: We are that those are my ideas, and 300 00:59:27.660 --> 00:59:35.149 sahil prasad: I I would love to contribute and help. In the this summer 301 00:59:37.630 --> 00:59:55.270 Bobbi Muscara: I know. So so the the way you're approaching this, which is awesome is you're coming in from a developer's perspective. So I've gone to college, and I know python. I've gone to school, and I know C. Now I'm looking at Hyper Ledger. And where do I go? 302 00:59:55.660 --> 01:00:07.660 Bobbi Muscara: Is that kind of sum it up? Mmm, that's right perfect. That's awesome. So that that would be the personas which let me, just if I can jump on real quick this other. 303 01:00:07.900 --> 01:00:10.230 Bobbi Muscara: So this was a 304 01:00:13.280 --> 01:00:30.870 Bobbi Muscara: so it's back here, so I don't know if you can see this. But this is what the Hyper Ledger Foundation Director said, or marketing director sent me as the personas they're working on. So you would focus on this. 305 01:00:31.070 --> 01:00:33.809 sahil prasad: the developer commute that sorry. 306 01:00:34.250 --> 01:00:57.909 Bobbi Muscara: the developer community? and I never real I never. It opened up my eyes because I always I never realized that they each be coming in from a different speciality, like a different programming language that just never dawned on me, because I just thought they'd be coming in, and you know know everything that's very interesting. Thank you for that. well done. 307 01:00:58.220 --> 01:00:59.380 Bobbi Muscara: awesome. 308 01:00:59.810 --> 01:01:05.250 sahil prasad: I am also like Daniel is interested in, as I'm also interested in. Aside, he is making 309 01:01:06.520 --> 01:01:09.609 different documentation for special interest 310 01:01:10.600 --> 01:01:13.779 Bobbi Muscara: perfect. That would be awesome. 311 01:01:14.220 --> 01:01:19.329 sahil prasad: So yeah, if A is looking for any help, or some sort of 312 01:01:19.540 --> 01:01:22.989 sahil prasad: making assistance or something. I'm I'm 313 01:01:23.160 --> 01:01:25.059 available this summer. 314 01:01:25.520 --> 01:01:30.649 Bobbi Muscara: perfect. Well, hopefully, you'll be the one on one of the committee chairs. That would be great. 315 01:01:31.940 --> 01:01:36.270 sahil prasad: Yeah, and thank you so much for being so helpful. 316 01:01:37.520 --> 01:01:45.729 Arunima Chaudhuri: And I'm sure you will make some really impactful and create contributions this summer. I really like your enthusiasm, and we are all the best. 317 01:01:46.170 --> 01:01:52.620 sahil prasad: This is. Thank you very much. Let's get in touch. If I need to ask any questions. How can I ask you 318 01:01:52.930 --> 01:02:11.060 sahil prasad: for sure? You can ask me a message. You can send me a message on Linkedin. I am always taking my Linkedin messages, or you can send me an email. I also check my emails. Okay, I'm dropping my meal and Linkedin on on the chat, so that if any of you need any help you can just ask me, and I will try my best to help you. 319 01:02:14.450 --> 01:02:20.609 So Bobby, I wanted to ask that. If are there any other open position for Mendes? 320 01:02:23.030 --> 01:02:41.709 Bobbi Muscara: The Mentee program is closed. What we're doing? again, a runa man is going to be the one who leads this. But there is this academic program which they just opened, which is for the other mentees. And we're gonna have definitely a a big presence there. 321 01:02:42.060 --> 01:02:42.760 Okay. 322 01:02:43.040 --> 01:02:47.340 Bobbi Muscara: so you would be there. And then again, you'd get exposure to 323 01:02:47.890 --> 01:02:56.269 sahil prasad: the Toc doing presentations there at a lot of meetups. And again, the global form in the fall, is a huge. 324 01:02:56.830 --> 01:03:05.229 Bobbi Muscara: They're always looking for presenters and people to run workshops. So that would be, you know. Great if you could help out with that, too. 325 01:03:05.710 --> 01:03:10.150 Yes, yes. thank you. Thank you, that's all from my side. 326 01:03:10.610 --> 01:03:14.570 Bobbi Muscara: Thank you so much. And now we're going to go to Victoria. 327 01:03:18.560 --> 01:03:19.600 Victoria Johnson: Hello. 328 01:03:19.700 --> 01:03:22.340 Victoria Johnson: Hi! How are you? 329 01:03:22.910 --> 01:03:27.920 Victoria Johnson: Nice speaking here again? Oh, congrats to 330 01:03:28.050 --> 01:03:43.710 Victoria Johnson: okay. So From the last meeting. we asked to through the different projects and select one interested in contributing documentations to. So I'm trying to. you know. understand what Hyper Ledger is doing. 331 01:03:43.710 --> 01:04:04.709 Victoria Johnson: So and Let's let's say I'm new to blockchain. So I I sent a link to message to you would be. I was asking for the document to shed because on the last meeting, like when you're trying to give us about a few of the different projects. Yeah. So I was looking for for a project that is close to. 332 01:04:04.920 --> 01:04:10.500 Victoria Johnson: because I'm I'm looking for a project that is close to the language. 333 01:04:10.570 --> 01:04:37.800 Victoria Johnson: Let's see, I'm familiar with. So I'm I'm you know, we doing Javascript now. And so I was like we find it difficult to choose projects. So I use I signed up for an Ets course introduction to blockchain and then have a ledger, and I. I send up for one course, and I've been taking the courses, but I I finally and choose Kati, Kalipa and Firefly. So I was trying to 334 01:04:37.800 --> 01:04:48.310 Victoria Johnson: And now we down to just one choice. So I finally came up with Firefly. But before I could make my decision, yeah. So I will join the meeting on Wednesday. 335 01:04:49.290 --> 01:04:52.579 Bobbi Muscara: Tell Nico I sent you 336 01:04:53.290 --> 01:05:15.390 Bobbi Muscara: so again. Firefly holds a special place in my heart, because they were so helpful. When we were doing the giving chain one of the iterations of the giving chain. They gave up so much time, and we'd ask for something, and they would cod it for us as we were asking for it. They are amazing people, and they would love would love any help. So good job. 337 01:05:15.820 --> 01:05:17.660 Bobbi Muscara: hey? What did I just do here? 338 01:05:19.530 --> 01:05:20.480 Bobbi Muscara: Sorry. 339 01:05:22.760 --> 01:05:24.510 Bobbi Muscara: There we go. Okay. 340 01:05:24.620 --> 01:05:27.109 Bobbi Muscara: you know. 341 01:05:27.630 --> 01:05:31.030 Bobbi Muscara: so everybody thank you for that. 342 01:05:31.420 --> 01:05:43.749 Bobbi Muscara: to just answer your question, Victoria. Where? I got that information from is that new course. It's the free course from edx. It is Hyper Ledger 171 343 01:05:43.750 --> 01:06:03.339 Bobbi Muscara: and I did say, I would go over the tools pretty quickly if we could today. And then, if anyone wants to stay on, I know Rudiment and I are going to stay on to just work on that one slide for Wednesday. And then we'll meet again tomorrow. Same time. Let me see if I can use the same link. I'll let you know in a minute. 344 01:06:03.350 --> 01:06:06.620 Bobbi Muscara: Let me see here. 345 01:06:10.980 --> 01:06:18.299 Bobbi Muscara: so we can always meet on discord if or I have a zoom link. But it's so much easier just to use the hyper ledger ones? 346 01:06:18.460 --> 01:06:23.260 Bobbi Muscara: so let's see if anybody is using our link tomorrow 347 01:06:25.750 --> 01:06:29.290 Bobbi Muscara: at this time. So this was 348 01:06:32.430 --> 01:06:33.360 Bobbi Muscara: on. 349 01:06:35.960 --> 01:06:56.940 Bobbi Muscara: So it looks like nobody has a call tomorrow at 9 am. so just go here and use this link, and we'll meet in in the same spot same time tomorrow for the presentation finals to get the final touches on the presentation. But, as I said, I went over the Dls in that course. 350 01:06:57.230 --> 01:07:06.320 Bobbi Muscara: so let me now go over the tools real quick for everyone. Let me see if I can open that chapter. 351 01:07:10.770 --> 01:07:11.680 Bobbi Muscara: But 352 01:07:16.200 --> 01:07:21.790 Bobbi Muscara: every time I do this my Zoom bar gets in the way of the button I need to select so 353 01:07:21.930 --> 01:07:24.380 Bobbi Muscara: constantly moving that tail. 354 01:07:38.120 --> 01:07:39.269 Bobbi Muscara: Here we go. 355 01:07:55.650 --> 01:07:59.259 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, give me just a second. I apologize for the delay. 356 01:08:12.950 --> 01:08:15.659 Bobbi Muscara: There it is. Sorry. 357 01:08:17.270 --> 01:08:28.090 Bobbi Muscara: Okay. So we went over last time the Dls. Which are all the blockchains and how they each specialize in different things. Now, this is the wrong chapter. 358 01:08:29.149 --> 01:08:31.899 Bobbi Muscara: the wrong chapter. Hold on just a second. 359 01:08:40.359 --> 01:08:41.540 Bobbi Muscara: Here we go. 360 01:08:46.689 --> 01:08:53.620 Bobbi Muscara: This is the right chapter. Now it won't just go very quickly. So again, we have 361 01:08:53.740 --> 01:09:13.459 Bobbi Muscara: a lot of projects in the labs. I think there's 30 projects in the labs, and a lot of them don't come out as enormous dlt projects. We basically have the 5. A lot of them come out as tools and libraries to help those. 362 01:09:13.500 --> 01:09:16.890 Bobbi Muscara: So we have the first 363 01:09:17.180 --> 01:09:33.680 Bobbi Muscara: tool that we'll talk about real quick or library. there's 2 libraries in the tech stack. They come into that data level. So it's Aries and a on credits. which used to be the. 364 01:09:34.670 --> 01:09:36.310 Bobbi Muscara: There's a piece. 365 01:09:36.710 --> 01:09:44.259 Bobbi Muscara: I believe so. Aries is the wallet that lets you do the token chain. The token exchanges. 366 01:09:45.410 --> 01:10:12.449 Bobbi Muscara: it's written in Python Javascript. Here is the breakdown. Go of the code based languages. That areas written is contributed mostly by Ibm ever in in the British Columbia. It is the backbone of the I Tripoli identity solution. They are completely compatible with all of the trust triangle information and the information that comes from them. 367 01:10:13.220 --> 01:10:35.340 Bobbi Muscara: it works with it that again, that concept of decentralized identifiers where you own your own assetations, and you can supply your college degree proof of residency proof of age? and only that to the people who need it as opposed to what we do now, giving out every piece of our data to everyone who asks. 368 01:10:35.640 --> 01:10:44.459 Bobbi Muscara: okay, so that's Aries. It's has a lot to do with the verifiable credentials. it has to do with that. 369 01:10:45.340 --> 01:10:50.679 Bobbi Muscara: indie blockchain. because it works with the Indie blockchain. And again 370 01:10:50.980 --> 01:11:04.589 Bobbi Muscara: it. But let that's more to talks about the sovereign foundation, and how they view the Aries wallet and the protocols that go with Ares. The next library is a non credits. 371 01:11:04.620 --> 01:11:24.419 Bobbi Muscara: and again, that was the anonymous, anonymous credentials piece, and they're working on the 0 knowledge proofs a lot in that. So again, this is an anonymously verifying things without having to give away all your information. And this is written mostly in rust 372 01:11:24.740 --> 01:11:30.729 Bobbi Muscara: and there is contributors again. The design is that trust triangle where, 373 01:11:31.030 --> 01:11:47.870 Bobbi Muscara: the issuer can issue a assetation or a claim the owner keeps it in. There ares wallet and when a verifier needs to verify something from that owner. The issue, or no longer needs to get involved because they wrote it on a credential that is verifiable. 374 01:11:48.480 --> 01:11:59.460 Bobbi Muscara: and that is the en on cred library. And then we get into some of these tools. So these tools are hard to pick on a level in the tech stack 375 01:11:59.470 --> 01:12:06.319 Bobbi Muscara: only because they kind of go through the they reach more than one and the first one is Bevel. 376 01:12:06.360 --> 01:12:15.180 Bobbi Muscara: and I know someone on the call? Was it on the bevel? Call If you have any comments, please interrupt me and jump in. 377 01:12:16.280 --> 01:12:19.940 Bobbi Muscara: These are the code based languages, the contributors. 378 01:12:20.500 --> 01:12:26.360 Bobbi Muscara: And what bevel is it? Was the blockchain automate automation framework? 379 01:12:26.380 --> 01:12:35.620 Bobbi Muscara: in the labs for a while. And then when it came out of labs. They wanted it to have a hyper ledger name, so they named it Bevel And now what 380 01:12:35.840 --> 01:12:39.210 Bobbi Muscara: Bevel does is it's almost 381 01:12:39.730 --> 01:12:55.760 Bobbi Muscara: a template for you to set up your blockchain network like what you need, what frameworks you need to get that job done? as anybody here who has taken any of the fabric courses, or the administrator or developer fabric courses. 382 01:12:55.760 --> 01:13:22.890 Bobbi Muscara: You know that setting up your system is harder than the course. So these products make try to make that easier for proof of concepts and education so that you can educate people on how to set up hyper ledger fabric and not really teach them about docker and and and getting your system and your virtual machine. How? so that stuff is already taken care of by this blockchain automation framework. 383 01:13:23.270 --> 01:13:27.020 Bobbi Muscara: The next tool is. 384 01:13:27.970 --> 01:13:31.979 Bobbi Muscara: And again, this is a free course on Edx. You can take it at any time. 385 01:13:32.300 --> 01:13:42.820 Bobbi Muscara: cactus, which came out of the last Hyper Ledger Convention I went to in or global form in 2020, right before Covid hit 386 01:13:42.850 --> 01:13:52.599 Bobbi Muscara: And it was because we were in Arizona that they decided to name it cactus. And now it's cat died because they realized it was incorrect as cactus. 387 01:13:52.660 --> 01:14:15.250 Bobbi Muscara: do. I have? yeah. And this is written in typescript great and go rust. I mean, it's all in there. What it trains to do is to level the playing field to make blockchains interoperable, so it takes some of your key pieces of a blockchain and put them in a playground that other people can join. Other blockchains can play in, so it kind of makes a playground to 388 01:14:15.250 --> 01:14:25.800 Bobbi Muscara: talk to other blockchains. That's the best way I can describe it. It's probably doesn't do it justice. But if you go in and and the Peter is the head of this, and he is 389 01:14:26.350 --> 01:14:30.719 Bobbi Muscara: always willing to teach and talk so if you're interested in cactus. 390 01:14:30.750 --> 01:14:41.459 Bobbi Muscara: Here's kind of where they you go into the cactus node. All the other clients base. You can come in fabric and come in, and I believe there's other other third party 391 01:14:41.760 --> 01:14:44.949 Bobbi Muscara: blockchains that practice talks to as well. 392 01:14:46.370 --> 01:15:08.730 Bobbi Muscara: Galloper. This is to try to figure out again in the lay level playing field. How well your blockchain is performing! It is not a competitive tool. It's not to compare your to Bitcoin, or with aerium, to Hyper Ledger, or whatever it is, just to see benchmarks for your blockchain to see if you're meeting them. So you're kind of just testing the efficacy of your chain. 393 01:15:09.530 --> 01:15:19.540 Bobbi Muscara: transaction speeds that kind of information. This is written in Javascript and go again. It is a benchmarking tool. 394 01:15:20.930 --> 01:15:25.590 Bobbi Muscara: The next full we have in our little landscape 395 01:15:26.100 --> 01:15:27.660 Bobbi Muscara: is cello 396 01:15:28.360 --> 01:15:45.560 Bobbi Muscara: and cello helps manage, create, and terminate blockchain. So if you're running a corporation and you have several blockchains running with several things going on cello will give you a dashboard. This is where the people who do software and interface design. 397 01:15:45.900 --> 01:15:49.390 Bobbi Muscara: this is definitely one of the things you should look at, because 398 01:15:49.480 --> 01:15:58.030 Bobbi Muscara: cello definitely tries to give you desktops. They're always looking to improve them for you to manage your blockchains. 399 01:15:59.510 --> 01:16:03.530 Bobbi Muscara: and then we have. Let's keep going. 400 01:16:06.920 --> 01:16:20.900 Bobbi Muscara: Hello, deep down. Okay, Firefly, again. My personal favorite which is blockchain as a service, it lets you get a blockchain up and running the best possible configurations. It is very pluggable. 401 01:16:20.910 --> 01:16:47.479 Bobbi Muscara: super nodes. They offer nodes for you to run on So they lease nodes to, so you can get your system. That's how the giving chain is up and running. We use their nodes. So it was easy to get up and managing a blockchain is written primarily and go. It is one of the newer ones. It was given to us by Collido, and they're very, very much involved in education of this project. One of the reasons why it's one of the most successful hyper ledger tools 402 01:16:47.570 --> 01:16:54.809 Bobbi Muscara: of even over the blockchains as well, is because of the way they document and communicate their project. 403 01:16:54.850 --> 01:17:05.369 Bobbi Muscara: they're doing such a good job of that. again Firefly offered dashboards to check your workflow. It's a great great product. 404 01:17:05.580 --> 01:17:10.289 Bobbi Muscara: and then so like, I know another person, I'm gonna check her on the call to the sooling call. 405 01:17:10.650 --> 01:17:24.349 Bobbi Muscara: And again, that is a compiler for solidity. so that you can leverage smart contracts from other vetted third parties and use them 406 01:17:25.360 --> 01:17:37.799 Bobbi Muscara: in hyper ledger. so this is the Russ language it's written in and key components. And that's about it. So that was our little quick, brief introduction on the 407 01:17:38.550 --> 01:17:41.360 Bobbi Muscara: okay of the 408 01:17:41.580 --> 01:18:00.899 Bobbi Muscara: tools. So you last week we did the projects. Now we did the tools. So if anybody saw any of those tools that really really in just through. Please start going to the meetings. They're on that public calendar. They're open to everyone again. I I'm so appreciative of the fact that some of you guys have gone out and done that. 409 01:18:01.180 --> 01:18:26.450 Bobbi Muscara: So before we go right into working on the presentation, does anybody have any again this week? We're really concerned more on anything else than getting the presentation to the Mentees out there, so that they know that we're a hand that they can, you know. Call up and shake and say, I need help with this. I want to look like Hyper Ledger. I don't want to have to go back and do the documentation again, because I miss something. You know we want to be there to help them with that. 410 01:18:26.710 --> 01:18:30.319 Bobbi Muscara: so does anybody have any questions. I'm going to look in the chat. 411 01:18:31.210 --> 01:18:42.830 Gianluca Capuzzi: Yes, about The what? What is the meeting? Is there already? a link, a zoom link or not 412 01:18:43.590 --> 01:18:45.790 Bobbi Muscara: for the mentorship meeting. 413 01:18:46.190 --> 01:18:49.039 Gianluca Capuzzi: Yes, on Wednesday. 414 01:18:49.180 --> 01:18:56.640 Bobbi Muscara: Yes, hold on, let me try to get you. That's the link that A Runeman said. Wasn't really working for her. Let me see if I have a different one. 415 01:18:58.090 --> 01:18:59.000 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay. 416 01:18:59.450 --> 01:19:26.879 Gianluca Capuzzi: no. You know what. I'm just going to reach out to Min after this call and have her put it on the calendar of public meetings. Oh, okay, okay, so it will be. It should be there anyway. I'm not. I'm really confused as to why it's not there. Okay, I'll I'll make sure that it gets on there. That will be my to do today. Okay, so I I got the I got the from when I got that calendar invite for the Vintoshi upon boarding that is taking place on fourteenth. 417 01:19:26.880 --> 01:19:41.610 Arunima Chaudhuri: but apart from that, I also got a meal having the calendar invites for nineties. I don't know for what it was, but I think all the maintains got it. I asked Kansas on Linkedin. She also got that, and the link was not working for her as well. 418 01:19:41.830 --> 01:19:46.300 Arunima Chaudhuri: I will definitely reach out to them and let her know that 419 01:19:47.530 --> 01:19:55.070 Bobbi Muscara: and then I'll just have her put the the a clean link on the calendar so that everybody can get at it because everybody should go. And then again. 420 01:19:55.220 --> 01:20:17.520 Bobbi Muscara: how much we get done today? which we should get. I mean, it's 2 slides. It's really not a big deal. We'll work on it overnight. We'll just, you know, assign people to do stuff right now, and we'll work on it overnight, and if anybody can meet at 9 Am. To just go over what they want to say or what what they want on that second slide. That would be great. So 421 01:20:18.400 --> 01:20:30.499 Bobbi Muscara: I do everyone when you started this. So right now, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna edit this page. just to give you information. And again, you can start with a blank, Powerpoint, if you want to go to 422 01:20:31.140 --> 01:20:47.280 Bobbi Muscara: on our home page, we had that presentation from Ben. it was, you know. Take that template. If you go to the old learning Materials working group, which I'll go to real quick, because everybody might find this interesting 423 01:20:47.580 --> 01:20:49.929 Bobbi Muscara: in our templates. 424 01:20:51.360 --> 01:20:52.970 Bobbi Muscara: We did 425 01:21:04.940 --> 01:21:10.059 Bobbi Muscara: Logos presentations? You can always go to an old presentation. Why are none of these working? 426 01:21:10.570 --> 01:21:15.230 Bobbi Muscara: I guess they got rid of them. Maybe it's here. Yup. 427 01:21:15.320 --> 01:21:26.140 Bobbi Muscara: there you go branding guidelines for marketers for hyper ledger, so here would be How well this is! I think I shouldn't have found this. But this is interesting. 428 01:21:26.230 --> 01:21:55.790 Bobbi Muscara: the projects we went over all these. This is gone now, this one to deprecated because of a nonpread. So that's different. But this is all the branding. So you can take this presentation and just take this Hyper Ledger foundation and this blue line and make your own presentation. So again, I'm going to drop this in the chat for anyone who's interested in making a presentation. If you guys want to make a presentation just to present to our group that your cell phone? 429 01:21:57.140 --> 01:22:03.000 Bobbi Muscara: so that's very interesting. But I found that page. Let me put this in the chat 430 01:22:08.260 --> 01:22:23.750 Bobbi Muscara: again. So that's something that if you're interested in how to make a presentation, or if you want to make that into the templates for our groups library when we get it up and running again. Our library is going to be under this community. Oh, sorry I hit create. 431 01:22:25.210 --> 01:22:28.619 Bobbi Muscara: I don't want to create under community. 432 01:22:29.130 --> 01:22:30.759 Bobbi Muscara: Come on 433 01:22:32.880 --> 01:22:34.530 Bobbi Muscara: under community. 434 01:22:34.890 --> 01:22:47.819 Bobbi Muscara: we're gonna take over this library section. So we're gonna have the personas, we're gonna have the 2 clicks to their user guides. That's gonna be something that we're gonna be working on just to keep that in mind. 435 01:22:47.900 --> 01:22:53.260 Bobbi Muscara: So the presentation that we have to work on for Wednesday. 436 01:22:53.310 --> 01:23:10.859 Bobbi Muscara: it's just 2 slides it A runa man is going to do this slide. Actually, she's probably going to create both slides. But if you have anything assistance to offer specifically to the mentor programs. And again, we never. I want to try to do that because we never really slow what 437 01:23:12.300 --> 01:23:14.420 Bobbi Muscara: I'm gonna do it this way. 438 01:23:17.780 --> 01:23:20.239 Bobbi Muscara: That's not going to get us anywhere. 439 01:23:38.550 --> 01:23:44.730 Bobbi Muscara: That's it. That Ro does have a project in there. But they just didn't put documentation down, is there? 440 01:23:45.840 --> 01:23:48.000 Bobbi Muscara: I'm not sure I'm on the right page. 441 01:23:49.060 --> 01:23:50.920 Bobbi Muscara: I'm definitely not on the right page. 442 01:23:54.810 --> 01:24:00.460 Bobbi Muscara: That's just where I was. Okay, visited the same page. Oh, I'm sorry. this is taking so long 443 01:24:05.910 --> 01:24:07.799 Bobbi Muscara: a little bit more specific. 444 01:24:12.960 --> 01:24:15.220 Bobbi Muscara: Come on, you can do it. 445 01:24:26.510 --> 01:24:30.829 Bobbi Muscara: I have an Excel worksheet with them on. Oh, here we go! That's what I was looking for. 446 01:24:34.520 --> 01:25:01.879 Bobbi Muscara: So here are the projects. The only ones that I pulled out were the ones that had documentation on them. But there's all of these other projects, so that if you're interested in a Roha, you can go to at the mentorship meeting and say, Hey, I'm in. I'm on the Documentation Task force, and I'm just offering my services to the A row. Hot people, because I'm getting to know your program and any documentation needs you have. Please reach out to me if you want to do that. That's great 447 01:25:01.880 --> 01:25:11.199 Bobbi Muscara: cactuses in here. There's but there's all kinds of things that don't necessarily again, ask for documentation, but 448 01:25:11.360 --> 01:25:19.129 Bobbi Muscara: might benefit if they know it's available to them. The only there's one basic project I really want to look at. 449 01:25:19.970 --> 01:25:39.089 Bobbi Muscara: Did you get accepted? I don't see it. Yeah, there it is, this learning tokens. I don't know how we can incorporate this into what we're doing, but it seems like an easy fit. So if anybody wants to work on that one that would be great, because I don't know how they're tokenizing learning. But as the former learning materials working group, and that 450 01:25:39.130 --> 01:25:58.559 Bobbi Muscara: as we're all going to be the head of the library, we're all going to be the librarians. We might want to know what those learning tokens, how that software or how that system works. So in other words, if you learn something, you get a token which you can use to more learning that that gamifying learning sounds fascinating to me, and I know nothing about it. So 451 01:25:58.630 --> 01:26:07.989 Bobbi Muscara: again, these are the mentorship programs. If you find yourself in the Documentation task force and want to help out specifically with one of these projects. 452 01:26:08.030 --> 01:26:18.160 Bobbi Muscara: please put your name down here and meet us tomorrow at 90'clock with what you want to say, because a Runeman will bring a 453 01:26:18.200 --> 01:26:35.099 Bobbi Muscara: present 2 slide presentation, and then we'll show you where you'll fit in, and then we'll practice it and send it over to men. yeah, sure. Okay, so does anybody have. Okay. So we're already. Where would you want people who are interested in this? 454 01:26:35.190 --> 01:26:41.640 Bobbi Muscara: to leave information? Do you want to use this mentorship? T, or do you want to use your 455 01:26:41.730 --> 01:26:51.239 Arunima Chaudhuri: I think on the mentorship tab itself we can make a table, and everyone can edit it and add their names. if they want to like. 456 01:26:51.360 --> 01:26:53.149 Arunima Chaudhuri: make a presentation. 457 01:26:54.090 --> 01:26:56.049 Bobbi Muscara: Got it? I'm putting it in now. 458 01:26:56.770 --> 01:26:58.740 Arunima Chaudhuri: You can just make a table there. 459 01:26:59.010 --> 01:27:04.300 Arunima Chaudhuri: and everyone can put your name plan for what they want to say right there. 460 01:27:14.160 --> 01:27:15.709 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, sorry! 461 01:27:16.060 --> 01:27:17.069 Bobbi Muscara: There we go. 462 01:27:38.160 --> 01:27:48.790 Bobbi Muscara: So I'm not presenting for this. You guys are so a a runa in would put her name. She's going to be interested in the overall presentation 463 01:27:48.790 --> 01:28:16.830 Bobbi Muscara: and she is presenting so that would be a yes. So if you're interested to put your name here, I'm interested in Firefly. I would just like to put my contact information on the slide. I don't want to say anything or Yes, I want to say, Hi! My name is whatever, and I want to help with Firefly or Basu, or the project I saw whatever. So put your name. But what project you're interested in, and if you're willing to speak 464 01:28:17.090 --> 01:28:20.090 Bobbi Muscara: at Wednesday's presentation. 465 01:28:21.660 --> 01:28:24.310 Bobbi Muscara: is that what you want to do. Is that like, cover it? 466 01:28:24.420 --> 01:28:30.080 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, yeah, that that that works. that we we can have all the information right at one place. 467 01:28:30.710 --> 01:28:42.340 Bobbi Muscara: Yep. And then, when you start working on the presentation, you can also drop that in here. yeah, I will just drop the presentation link link in the present box, and that way everyone can see it. 468 01:28:42.730 --> 01:28:52.460 Bobbi Muscara: Yep, perfect. So again, one slide is for you. The other slide is for everyone else to introduce themselves and attach to a project. Dan, do you have a question? 469 01:28:55.750 --> 01:28:59.469 Gianluca Capuzzi: Yes, also I see Daniel. Sorry. 470 01:29:01.260 --> 01:29:15.210 Daniel Olagunju: Yes, I I'm just concerned. this. Let's talk about the upon our accounting group. I believe all of those things you mentioned earlier also applies to this, to this the cap on accounting group. 471 01:29:15.220 --> 01:29:18.929 Daniel Olagunju: Absolutely did they have a ledger project? 472 01:29:19.980 --> 01:29:22.480 Daniel Olagunju: Sorry I didn't get that. 473 01:29:22.510 --> 01:29:36.509 Daniel Olagunju: I don't know if they actually specifically put in for a mentor a project that you could help with the documentation. Let's go see. 474 01:29:36.960 --> 01:29:38.300 Bobbi Muscara: let's go check. 475 01:29:38.430 --> 01:29:41.610 Bobbi Muscara: I just was there to be able to find the page. 476 01:29:42.900 --> 01:29:43.960 Bobbi Muscara: Oh, that's it. 477 01:29:50.580 --> 01:29:51.809 Bobbi Muscara: but too far. 478 01:29:55.260 --> 01:30:14.709 Bobbi Muscara: and if not they. If they didn't get a mentee this year, they definitely need documentation. Anyway, you might just have to offer. And we can do a presentation specifically for the climate accounting group. If we if that's what we I would I would be into that talking to them and saying, Can we come and and sit in your group and give you a presentation about how we're going to help. 479 01:30:14.910 --> 01:30:32.329 Daniel Olagunju: So let's see the clearly. I was at the meeting the last time they clearly should interest in what we have to offer as regards the commentation. And that is why I was asking, because I, the kids, that I'll be joining. The meeting is going forward to represent Documentation group. So 480 01:30:32.370 --> 01:30:36.950 Bobbi Muscara: I don't know if. 481 01:30:37.500 --> 01:30:41.599 Daniel Olagunju: okay, so what does that mean? Does that mean? 482 01:30:42.060 --> 01:30:55.979 Bobbi Muscara: So for the presentation on Wednesday. It's the welcome to the Mentee program, so there would be no need for you to make a a statement. On Wednesday. I will reach out to the people at at the carbon accounting 483 01:30:55.980 --> 01:31:13.179 Bobbi Muscara: and maybe in July set up some time where you can. We can do a presentation to them about how we're offering to help them, and in that way you get more time to sit in on their calls and figure out what their needs are to bring back to our group so that we can get that done for you. 484 01:31:13.710 --> 01:31:15.870 Daniel Olagunju: Okay, great, thank you. 485 01:31:16.000 --> 01:31:21.919 Bobbi Muscara: But yeah, you're right there. I I'm surprised that they don't have a project in here. 486 01:31:23.640 --> 01:31:29.440 Bobbi Muscara: it's surprising to me, because they always have so many needs. from the community, but 487 01:31:29.470 --> 01:31:30.510 Bobbi Muscara: interesting. 488 01:31:30.650 --> 01:31:44.230 Bobbi Muscara: so thank you for that, though. so you won't be doing anything for Wednesday. But we will definitely put that on in a rudiment if you can make a note so that I don't forget to reach out to the carbon accounting people and offer 489 01:31:44.310 --> 01:31:48.600 Bobbi Muscara: direct assistance in their documentation and presentation needs. 490 01:31:49.050 --> 01:31:52.420 Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay, so reach out to the to which committee 491 01:31:52.770 --> 01:32:01.469 Bobbi Muscara: carbon counting carbon carbon accounting. 492 01:32:02.160 --> 01:32:12.479 Bobbi Muscara: no, that's not going to be on the fourteenth. That'll be just something for us, for after that next week down the road? Yeah, sure I will. I will. I will note that down and remind you. Then. 493 01:32:12.970 --> 01:32:15.719 Bobbi Muscara: okay, does anybody else have any questions? 494 01:32:16.540 --> 01:32:30.150 Gianluca Capuzzi: yes. I I to to summarize the for this week we before Wednesday we should prepare to slide presentation. Right? 495 01:32:30.270 --> 01:32:39.730 Gianluca Capuzzi: Well, no. We're going to prepare the first slide. and we're going to work together tomorrow morning on the second slide. If you are interested in being 496 01:32:39.950 --> 01:32:42.910 Bobbi Muscara: represented. 497 01:32:43.970 --> 01:32:45.290 Gianluca Capuzzi: Okay. 498 01:32:45.470 --> 01:32:51.310 Gianluca Capuzzi: okay, so and and also feel the the the role on that table. 499 01:32:51.860 --> 01:33:08.899 Bobbi Muscara: If you want to be part of. So if you are interested in offering your contact information to the people or the Mentees this year. We're giving them a presentation. A 2 slides during their welcome presentation. 500 01:33:09.090 --> 01:33:33.620 Bobbi Muscara: the first slide of Germans going to introduce what the documentation task force is. And the second slide is specifically, if you want to say I want to help with. I'm just going to use base to again basis documentation needs in that token that learning token here's my email or reach out to me, I'll be on your call on coming to your chat just to introduce yourself to whatever mentee program you want to assist with. 501 01:33:33.900 --> 01:33:35.060 Bobbi Muscara: Is that clear? 502 01:33:35.650 --> 01:33:47.429 Gianluca Capuzzi: Yeah, yeah, no, no, it's clear. And also we we will try to join to meeting public meeting and ask if 503 01:33:47.710 --> 01:33:56.659 Gianluca Capuzzi: if a a group need the foundation apps. It's called 504 01:33:57.100 --> 01:34:18.229 Bobbi Muscara: anyone that interests you. And then just make a note of what call you went on. And then you know that that's definitely where you would be if you find you know again I I I encourage you to go to more than one and figure out which one of the communities is yours. That's what happened to me. I went to a lot of different calls. When I first got in the community. Learning materials. Call this for me. 505 01:34:18.230 --> 01:34:31.160 Bobbi Muscara: obviously, because I'm a teacher. But I fell into the special interest group and the carbon accounting group just because I found them fascinating. so there's not a limit on how you can join just what your bandwidth is. 506 01:34:31.730 --> 01:34:56.829 Gianluca Capuzzi: Oh, okay. And in each team we we can join and ask if we we can. We can say that we we are on task force. The one additional stand up membership program. Okay and ask for if they need the helps for the one for the recommendation. Okay. 507 01:34:58.290 --> 01:35:07.430 Bobbi Muscara: 5 buckets, as I call it. and and the buckets are the same ones we've talked about. Come on, come on, scroll 508 01:35:08.800 --> 01:35:30.769 Bobbi Muscara: right here to get of the templates, the best practices, the onboarding, and then the user guides to and I know somebody was working with. I think it was protein or somebody who was working with Tracy on getting that get repository up and running, so that right away, when the Mentees need to set up a github it's there, so that's great. 509 01:35:31.080 --> 01:35:54.290 Bobbi Muscara: Hopefully, he'll be on the next call. But for again, anyone interested in the presentation to the mentorship program on Wednesday, me the same time tomorrow, 90'clock, with your suggestions. and our roommate will show us the sample. Present, 2 slide presentation and we'll edit it then for our individuals who want to get some facetime presenting. 510 01:35:55.360 --> 01:36:17.860 Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, sure, Bobby. so 9 am. Which time zone are you talking about? Kind of, please? 511 01:36:17.960 --> 01:36:33.490 Bobbi Muscara: Same time tomorrow, and it should be just 10 min. It should just be. This is the presentation. Who wants to say something, and then we, you know, go through it, send it to men, and then we show up at the presentation, and then our 2 slides will be in her slide program. 512 01:36:33.640 --> 01:36:35.470 Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, yeah, I got it. 513 01:36:35.850 --> 01:36:39.519 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, any more questions. Anybody have anything to say. 514 01:36:41.780 --> 01:36:46.640 Bobbi Muscara: Okay, I have a great week. Thank you for coming. I really appreciate everybody's hard work. 515 01:36:48.890 --> 01:36:54.599 Gianluca Capuzzi: Bye, bye, everyone have a great day.