00:03:08 Gary Schulte: gm 00:03:14 Gary Schulte: Why so quiet? 00:03:34 Gary Schulte: Releases? 00:12:57 Justin Florentine: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/BESU/Discussing+Modular+Besu 00:27:37 Gary Schulte: :+1: 00:34:10 Gary Schulte: Is t9tool the evolution of Martin’s tool? 00:34:26 Gary Schulte: His transaction fuzzing tool that is 00:34:51 Danno Ferrin: not sure, t9n is testing correct ts layout IIRC. 00:35:10 Danno Ferrin: correct tx layout 00:38:10 Gary Schulte: Happy valentines day besu