10:06:45 From Dinesh Srinivasan : No concerns here 10:19:24 From Akiff Manji : Is the idea here to have component level i18n? 10:19:28 From Akiff Manji : Rather than a global one? 10:19:40 From Akiff Manji : Component encapsulated 10:24:39 From Akiff Manji : Ok I think I can see now the purpose behind the interface then 10:24:55 From Akiff Manji : That could add a further layer of decoupling from i18n 10:25:41 From Akiff Manji : I think we should have a11y by default 10:31:48 From Dinesh Srinivasan : +1 for responsive design to cover tablets. 10:32:50 From Akiff Manji : With the ability to disable 10:32:57 From James Ebert : +1 ^ 10:40:54 From Dinesh Srinivasan : Woot woot that would be amazing. 10:41:58 From Dinesh Srinivasan : Will the native binaries also be included in the npm packages? Or do we still manually need to add them to the android and iOS directory. 10:42:21 From Mostafa Gamal : You will have to add them 10:43:01 From Dinesh Srinivasan : ๐Ÿ‘ 10:43:30 From Akiff Manji : I would assume that would be somewhat of a democratic process? 10:44:11 From Tim Bloomfield : Ontario would need to become more engaged in the PR review process - something that we are not doing now and should be 10:47:28 From Mostafa Gamal : +1 with Json suggestion 10:47:49 From Dinesh Srinivasan : +1 ^ 10:52:59 From Akiff Manji : My only issue is do we care if there are duplicate entries? 10:53:07 From Akiff Manji : Less an issue and more a question 10:55:42 From Akiff Manji : What about interpolated values? 10:55:49 From Akiff Manji : I would avoid them 10:56:05 From Akiff Manji : Unless necessary 10:58:13 From Dinesh Srinivasan : Just curious, will the new framework support *.svg images? Currently images can only be *.png. 11:05:54 From Timo Glastra : For Indy SDK we use this Expo plugin: https://github.com/animo/indy-sdk-expo-plugin 11:06:40 From Timo Glastra : Maybe Bifold could also use Expo? You don't have to use their cloud services, but their prebuild command (which you can run yourself) is amazing! 11:07:34 From Akiff Manji : What was the initial issue with us using Expo? 11:08:16 From Timo Glastra : Catering to too much can also be problematic. Sometimes opinions are good ๐Ÿ™‚ 11:09:14 From Dinesh Srinivasan : https://github.com/animo/indy-sdk-expo-plugin - does it support IOS? 11:10:26 From Timo Glastra : Yes iOS and Android 11:10:46 From Dinesh Srinivasan : Neat.. IOS simulator as well? 11:10:54 From Timo Glastra : Sadly, no ๐Ÿ™ 11:11:00 From Dinesh Srinivasan : Uh oh 11:11:14 From Jason Leach : Danesh, wonโ€™t work because you canโ€™t use the iOS camera simulator for QR codes. 11:11:29 From Dinesh Srinivasan : Duh! 11:11:57 From Dinesh Srinivasan : Ty ty 11:12:20 From Mostafa Gamal : We cannot use Expo so far, we already started customizing some native components per iOS/Android 11:14:27 From Akiff Manji : I would say whatever makes it easier for users to setup the project, why not? 11:15:20 From Mostafa Gamal : But then you are limiting major sector who are already bootstrapping in cli mode 11:15:56 From Akiff Manji : I meant we provide multiple paths 11:16:05 From Akiff Manji : But that might be a lot of overhead 11:16:07 From Mostafa Gamal : Ah okay, makes sense 11:16:52 From Dinesh Srinivasan : +1 for storybook 11:17:00 From Mostafa Gamal : Have to drop, will follow up with the recording 11:17:56 From Akiff Manji : Lets also talk about test coverage since were on that topic 11:20:44 From Timo Glastra : Have to drop. Great session, lot's going on! 11:30:07 From Akiff Manji : I think the core question we should ask is how we incorporate testing and how deep? 11:35:39 From Akiff Manji : Can we also set up a roadmap of how we move through this process? 11:39:48 From Jason Leach : aries-bifold-framework 11:39:53 From Ryan Koch : ^ 11:46:00 From Dinesh Srinivasan : An alternative name recommendation: aries-bifold-core aries-bifold-native-libs And in the future.. (prefix - `aries-bifold-*`): aries-bifold-ui etc,etc