08:04:56 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2022-12-21+Aries+Working+Group+Call 08:09:42 From Lance Byrd : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries+DIDCommV2+Working+Group 08:10:24 From Lance Byrd : we'd love to see you Thomas in the Aries didcomm v2 meetings and in our discord 08:16:38 From Thomas Diesler : Here the didcomm-jvm PRS: https://github.com/sicpa-dlab/didcomm-jvm/pulls 08:34:08 From Lance Byrd : Ariel will you be posting these new DIDComm protocols here? https://didcomm.org/search/?page=1 08:39:08 From Lance Byrd : amazing presentation Ariel!! 08:39:25 From Lance Byrd : 👏 08:39:57 From Ryan Koch : ^ fantastic stuff, thank you so much for your effort here 08:45:25 From Alex : Isn’t a profile picture just a logo for a person? We should treat profile pics as trademarked logos 08:47:18 From Stephen Curran : Maybe something like this — https://visual-hash.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 08:53:03 From Rodolfo Miranda : Sam, correct open link is: https://hackmd.io/_Kkl9ClTRBu8W4UmZVGdUQ 08:53:26 From Rodolfo Miranda : The one in the agenda is private I think 09:03:37 From Stephen Curran : Fascinating…I think Aries becomes a ToIP Ecosystem — Layer 4 of the ToIP stack.