15:10:11 From Lance Byrd : ah sorry @Berend I saw you comment on Nov16 but that was a while ago 🙂 15:18:21 From Dmitry Vychikov : How can I join Aries discord channel? 15:18:45 From Niall : https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/941708033434738768 15:19:05 From Dmitry Vychikov : It says I do not have access to it 15:19:10 From alex : https://discord.gg/hyperledger 15:20:28 From Dmitry Vychikov : Thanks! 15:25:16 From James Ebert : Question—are the additions here backwards compatible, meaning can I use both DIDComm v1 & v2 at the same time? I assume not, but I am curious.