09:03:08 From James Ebert : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2022-10-11+Aries+Bifold+Users+Group+Community+Meeting 09:13:01 From James Ebert : “Fork” might not be the right word here 09:13:13 From James Ebert : Navigation… 09:29:49 From Kim Ebert : Is there any thought or discussion about AFJ being the right base library for mobile? Are we fairly limited to React Native as a development environment? What can be done to support native apps? 09:31:04 From Clecio : Interesting question ... I think there is a rust or Go client that can also be used in native apps. AFJ probably wont work outside of react native 09:32:35 From Lance Byrd : right, i've heard AFJ isn't ready for web, for instance 09:33:24 From James Ebert : We’ve done some work on native libraries — essentially AFJ but in iOS/Android. The issue there is that AFJ is leagues ahead in terms of features and maturity. 09:33:48 From Akiff Manji : That's wjy I think we should have components that run close to AFJ 09:33:52 From Akiff Manji : why* 09:34:44 From Akiff Manji : Right now Bifold components have been use case specific 09:35:58 From Akiff Manji : Wonder if we can even tap into/expose some lifecycle methods in navigation 09:36:18 From Akiff Manji : to expand on the callback idea 09:37:34 From James Ebert : Hmm—that’d be worth exploring @Akiff ^^ 09:41:15 From Ryan Koch : Haven't there been talks of creating individual use-case UI components for AFJ? 09:41:46 From James Ebert : I think that’s primarily what Bifold has been attempting to do so far ^ 09:42:19 From Akiff Manji : Should we be building cross platform components for example React and React-Native? 09:42:47 From Akiff Manji : What other (type of) applications are we looking to embed these components into? 09:44:05 From James Ebert : I also agree that React Native makes sense today—keeping a narrow-er scope will help make Bifold move faster. This process will further give us experience to better tackle native applications, etc. 09:51:07 From James Ebert : Are you still using patches? 09:51:28 From Clecio : No. we are no longer using patches 09:59:54 From Bruno Hivert To James Ebert(privately) : James I took notes as well, you can ask me if you want some complements. 10:00:55 From James Ebert To Bruno Hivert(privately) : That would be wonderful!