09:10:14 From Clecio Varjao : we will probably start with the label oevrlay: 09:10:16 From Clecio Varjao : https://oca.colossi.network/v1.1.0-rc.html#label-overlay 09:10:49 From Clecio Varjao : and then, probably the encoding/format to show photo 09:16:34 From Clecio Varjao : Currently, AFJ nor SDK provides an API for checking the key without fully initializing. That may be something that could be added 09:16:36 From Jason Leach : Digital Identity Guidelines 09:16:37 From Jason Leach : https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/sp/800-63/3/final 09:19:24 From Jason Leach : I have to drop the call. 👋 09:19:56 From Clecio Varjao : https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/main/features/0347-proof-negotiation/README.md 09:23:46 From Akiff Manji : Here is the message thread for context https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/1020263845241032714/1022136923734679562 09:26:31 From Akiff Manji : Doesn't this fit into Machine Readable Governance? 09:28:28 From Akiff Manji : We've also talked about MRG in depth in the past as a valid mechanism and maybe something to start prototyping in the wallet 09:32:42 From Lance Byrd : https://indicio.tech/trust-registry-or-machine-readable-governance/ 09:39:59 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://hackmd.io/AlGHwQPoSCa43eoVLnJiDw?view 09:44:16 From Warren Gallagher : Gotta drop off. Thanks. 09:44:26 From Lance Byrd : https://github.com/decentralized-identity/claims-credentials/blob/main/AGENDA.md 09:52:45 From Clecio Varjao : https://containers.dev/ 09:55:53 From Akiff Manji : Have to drop a bit early but great discussions! 09:57:17 From Clecio Varjao : https://github.com/features/codespaces