08:06:28 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2022-09-21+Aries+Working+Group+Call 08:28:45 From Colton Wolkins : Does it cover when a message is sent, but the sender is missing one of the messages? 08:33:33 From Mike Ebert (Indicio) : I like that ThreadState uses any DIDComm message 08:34:16 From Lance Byrd : 👏 08:34:29 From Colton Wolkins : Agreed Mike, it was making me think of methods to potentially share credentials. Such as sharing tickets with other family members to the local football game (potentially) 08:35:24 From Alex Andrei : How does the agreement take place? Does everyone have to agree with the thread id? 08:36:39 From Alex Andrei : Is the idea of a supernode doing what CDN do ? 08:43:49 From Ariel Gentile : So this threadstate is a replacement for sender_order and receiver_order from thread decorator? 08:52:24 From Alex Andrei : Can anyone remove anyone? 08:59:38 From Alex Andrei : Can you also give a rough estimate on group size as well ? 08:59:58 From Alex Andrei : Thank you! 09:00:27 From Alex Andrei : Maybe some delegation is needed with big groups 09:01:25 From Mike Ebert (Indicio) : Doing a micro ledger for 3 people seems like overkill. How many large text message groups are people a part of? How big do they get? 09:01:52 From Karim Stekelenburg : Confidential storage like stuff is probably also needed in case of lots of attachments 09:02:28 From Timo Glastra : 15k 🙂 09:02:31 From Mike Ebert (Indicio) : My average group is like 5 09:04:18 From Mike Ebert (Indicio) : Thanks!