00:10:00 Francesco Andreoli: https://hgf22.sched.com/event/14H6w/from-an-ethereum-1-client-to-an-execution-engine-matt-nelson-francesco-andreoli-consensys?iframe=no 00:13:45 Matt Nelson: is two release tracks/images a bad compromise? 00:27:11 Matt Nelson: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DdtjJ54Kg6ayLZQFA9Ct0CS81LcWrl0hTOSAzeR66O8/edit# 00:27:40 Gary Schulte: having an open and collaborative iteration process on the proposal would be good 00:46:32 Gary Schulte: lol ;) 01:03:37 Gary Schulte: other than slashing risk 01:05:19 Gary Schulte: first I have heard Oceania