00:00:01 Meeting Analytics from Read: Meeting Analytics from Read has been added to the meeting by Bhaskar and Bhaskar. With a timer, talk time, and meeting metrics, Read helps facilitate a better meeting in real-time. A transcript of this meeting will be generated. Raw meeting audio and video data is automatically deleted within 24 hours with no playback functionality. Review our Terms of Service at https://read.ai/tos and Privacy Policy at https://read.ai/pp. Disable features by typing in chat: “timer off”, “talk time off”, “meeting score off”, or “display off”. To opt-out of measurement, type “opt out” and Read will leave the meeting. Install for Zoom: https://api.read.ai/zoomapp/install View Read Metrics: https://app.read.ai/dash/01GAJ2KDD3KCQ6DHXA6F1VAZE3?src=chat. 00:12:09 Simon Dudley: feature flag makes sense to me