08:05:31 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2022-06-22+Aries+Working+Group+Call 08:11:22 From James Ebert : @Stephen Curran Daniel Bluhm & team may be able to lend assistance on the Aries Endorser Service—we’ve had discussions internally about this type of service :) 08:13:38 From Stephen Curran : Good stuff! Thanks, James. 08:52:43 From Paul Bastian : I think the strength of Aries is having different implementatiosn that use different architectures. Interop is on the DIDComm Aries RFC level and NOT on an API level 08:58:02 From Nathan George : Release it!++ 09:02:03 From Paul Bastian : I'm unavailable next week, presenting in 2 weeks then