00:10:10 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/indy/2019-04-10+Agent+Call 00:20:44 Drummond Reed: This may be rehashing very old ground, but why is it that the testing process cannot use the standard connection protocol with the test agent? Couldn’t the connection just be “thrown away” after the testing is done? 00:22:03 Daniel Hardman: Drummond, we did already discuss and discard that idea. 00:24:47 Drummond Reed: Was just wondering why, but don’t want to take anyone’s time to understand that now 00:48:07 Drummond Reed: Love it - the test control agent controls all the test agents. 00:50:21 Drummond Reed: So you create a single standard connection with the Command and Control agent for the test suite, and the the C&C agent manages all the rest of the test agents and their state for all of the testing. 00:50:28 Daniel Hardman: right 00:53:32 Drummond Reed: I agree with Nathan 00:55:21 Drummond Reed: Isn’t the whole set of tests going to be scripted? 00:56:35 Drummond Reed: We’ve just invented A2A testing. Coolio!!!! 01:05:01 Drummond Reed: So what’s really needed here is TWO agents on both sides. The developer initiating testing needs an agent to talk to the test suite C&C agent to kick it off. Then the C&C agent starts testing the agent-to-be-tested . And the C&C agent sets up/destroys as many test agents on it’s side as are needed for the tests. 01:06:31 Darrell ODonnell: what is needed is a Compliance Suite that runs a set of tests. this is an old and known pattern. 01:07:24 Drummond Reed: Yes, Darrell, but do compliance suites typically handle all the complexity of A2A communications? 01:07:52 Darrell ODonnell: have you ever seen OGC WFS? extreme complexity. 01:08:03 Drummond Reed: Not me 01:30:59 Drummond Reed: I like that