00:22:04 Darrell O'Donnell: have you looked at the ToIP Trust Registry Protocol? 00:23:43 Darrell O'Donnell: machine readable governance - to me it has some good data constructs for exchanging business rules; 00:24:20 Darrell O'Donnell: I see them aligning in time - the TR Protocol would serve up data in a format that aligns with the machine readable governance approach 00:24:26 Mike Richardson: 👍 00:26:16 Darrell O'Donnell: i.e. a config file 00:37:31 Philippe Foucault: Or OCA schema to make the machine-readable schema more human-readable 00:42:59 Philippe Foucault: We are working on the Issue open on OCA in the AFJ group 00:44:23 Philippe Foucault: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native/issues/164 00:59:13 Philippe Foucault: Thanks Mike for hosting the meeting