17:40:05 From Elisabeth Green247.org : How can we make carbon credit tokens available to PayPal? service NFT on each illegal logger, miner, and fisher who is trespassing on 17:40:23 From Elisabeth Green247.org : Amazon rainforest set aside for Indigenous people? 17:41:19 From Elisabeth Green247.org : service NFT is a temporary restraining order. The logger, miner, or fisher would have to have an electronic wallet. 17:42:07 From Kyle Robinson : This project seems very ambitious in breadth of scope. Where/what are you planning to start with? 17:42:32 From Elisabeth Green247.org : Solution: use building blocks made of recycled plastic if there is no chance of microplastics and nanoplastics leaching into the ground water. 17:42:49 From George Blumberg : If the world loves forests, it should put a price on their carbon (2021). The Economist Magazine. Print edition Nov 4th 2021 (Updated Nov 8th 2021). Accessed from https://www.economist.com/international/ the-world-should-prove-its-love-for-forests-by-putting-carbon-prices-on-them/ 21806086. 17:44:13 From Elisabeth Green247.org : Solution: make communities safe enough for everyone to live in their own tipi or grass hut. 17:51:58 From Alfonso Govela : Agree. A LCA company, blockchain-based, with two important checkpoints: building permits and mortgages 17:53:31 From Alfonso Govela : https://www.oneclicklca.com/ 17:53:55 From Christiaan Pauw : It appear that there needs to be a persistent and undateable record of each building. Owning a building means owning the associated liability or potential 17:53:56 From Alfonso Govela : "calculate your environmental impacts in minutes” 17:54:36 From Alfonso Govela : Yes Christiaan, buildings are for life, or at least they should be 17:58:42 From Alfonso Govela : buildings are already distributed! 18:00:21 From Kyle Robinson : Thanks George, I have to run to another meeting 18:03:25 From George Blumberg : please feel free to contact me at any time gblumberg@brookes.ac.uk 18:04:30 From Alfonso Govela : Thank you for a great session