08:06:37 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2022-04-13+Aries+Working+Group+Call 08:12:45 From Timo Glastra : Also if there's still time I'd like to discuss this issue: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/issues/728 08:12:58 From James Ebert : +1 ^ 08:13:39 From Thomas Diesler : Can the CLI handle multitenant AcaPy agents? 08:13:42 From Paul Bastian : @Timo that is the device binding RFC 08:14:03 From Timo Glastra : @Thomas yes 08:14:17 From Timo Glastra : @paul do you mean the link I sent? 08:14:22 From Paul Bastian : yes 08:14:35 From Timo Glastra : And if we're still not out of time then (unlikely, but who knows) I'd like to discuss this discord message: https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/905206466410057728/960899454536417311 08:14:36 From Thomas Diesler : merci 08:14:40 From Paul Bastian : oh sry confusion 08:14:57 From Paul Bastian : its 729 :D 08:15:26 From Timo Glastra : ah ok 🙂 08:18:25 From Cam Parra | kiva.org : V cool! 👏 08:18:50 From Bruno Hivert : Cool demo, thanks ! 08:19:35 From Philippe Foucault : Bravo! 08:21:23 From Sean Bohan (Hyperledger) : Great demo Timo! 08:21:40 From Timo Glastra : You mean Great demo Berend! 🙂 08:23:32 From Sean Bohan (Hyperledger) : Timo & Berend! 08:52:46 From Timo Glastra : For AFJ, we're working on it and getting really close to a finalized implementation. It's taking longer than we expected sadly... 08:57:17 From Sean Bohan (Hyperledger) : I have to drop for another call - thanks everyone 08:58:21 From Aravind Voruganti_GRC SIG : We have GRC SIG Meeting in next 2 min 08:58:33 From Aravind Voruganti_GRC SIG : Hope the call will be ending soon.