16:05:18 From Timo Glastra : @mike but that's just shifting the problem to another timezone 16:05:52 From Timo Glastra : Anchoring in UTC means countries that have the weird thing to change times two times a year can deal with it themselves 🙂 16:12:03 From Mike Richardson : Then why don't all the other groups do it? 16:13:44 From Timo Glastra : Because even though Hyperledger is an international organization it's mostly focused on americans 16:13:56 From Timo Glastra : Just because others do it is not a good reason to do the same imo 16:14:31 From Mike Richardson : Behave. They are all international WGs the same as us. 16:15:15 From Mike Richardson : Clearly the UTC idea doesn't work. Which is why we had people turning up at the wrong time today. 16:15:32 From Timo Glastra : We've had this way before we anchored this in UTC as well... 16:16:01 From Timo Glastra : Because first someone did it in Indian because that person came from an indian timezon 16:16:10 From Timo Glastra : Then came Jakub in an European timezone 16:16:19 From Mike Richardson : All right let's let people vote on it. If people want to keep it as UTC that's fine. 16:18:09 From Timo Glastra : Yeah sure. If everyone wants to move to another timezone that's fine by me 👍 16:19:07 From Mike Richardson : Most people here are in European time zones so I just thought, let's anchor it on CET to avoid this confusion every six months. But yeah..we'll leave it to the vote. 16:19:21 From Mike Richardson : 😝I'm not that bothered really! 16:21:29 From Philippe Foucault : Question to everybody and Jakub … as any of you found a good explanation of OOB for business people. I’M trying to explain it, but I’m stuck in my IT mindset ;) 16:22:08 From Philippe Foucault : Going to put my question in Discord also 16:27:26 From Timo Glastra : Adding a property to the connection record sounds good to me 16:27:56 From Timo Glastra : If we leverage the oob record it means we have to keep the oob records around forever 16:54:34 From James Ebert : +1 17:01:31 From Timo Glastra : I need to go 17:01:35 From James Ebert : I’ve got to jump—thanks folks :)