08:05:54 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2022-03-30+Aries+Working+Group+Call 08:24:10 From Timo Glastra : I think we can do the same for a generic JWS right? I.e. it doesn't have to be a JWT perse 08:31:31 From Kyle Robinson : If I understand this correctly, the business conversation would be something like: Request: Tell me what DID I should issue a credential to Disclosure: Use DID xxx and here is my signature for that DID 08:31:44 From Thomas Diesler : Is there a use case, where an issuer would not want to have proof of ownership of a DID that is going into an issued credential? 08:32:31 From Timo Glastra : If the issuer has already issued a credential to a certain did, you don't have to do the did ownership dance anymore 08:34:48 From Stephen Curran : I think there is — in the wallet security use case, you are proving that you still control the key — that you are on the same device, since the private key cannot be exported. 08:35:38 From Stephen Curran : Not that I’m saying that is a hands down good use for exactly what Cam is saying — it’s correctable. 08:35:52 From Stephen Curran : Corrletable. 08:36:11 From Stephen Curran : I don’t know how to spell “correlatable" 08:36:40 From James Ebert : I also want to voice that I’m in favor of the attachment—as that is based off of existing code which would require less lift to implement/use. 08:40:07 From Cam Parra | kiva.org : Stephen I think ZKPs could be brought in to what you 08:40:16 From Cam Parra | kiva.org : you’re saying 08:42:12 From Timo Glastra : Thanks for working this out Sam! 08:49:52 From Stephen Curran : Got to step away. This is the last PR to look at. 08:59:16 From Timo Glastra : Can you expect all messages in a protocol to contain a pthid? 08:59:26 From Timo Glastra : I thought only the first one needed it