15:33:52 From Timo Glastra : @jakub sent the transformation code on slack (discord has a character limit?!) 15:40:53 From Ariel Gentile : I think there is something similar in British Columbia for oganization/credential listing including photos: https://orgbook.gov.bc.ca/api/ 15:44:30 From Timo Glastra : Evernym uses `profileUrl` for OOB invitations it seems 15:44:53 From Akiff Manji : I think the issue is standardization 15:45:15 From Akiff Manji : Exactly what Ariel is saying. How would you know what format, etc? 15:45:30 From Akiff Manji : Right now the provinces are assessing OCA 15:45:54 From Jakub Koci : Yes, that’s right. I think it’s quite big topic we perhaps won’t solve right now