08:06:42 From Timo Glastra : Season of docs 08:07:23 From Sean Bohan (Hyperledger) : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehVjMLUjnoPgS8kX4ErpE76N-KWc3AgrCyCxe7bRrtDm6tew/viewform?resourcekey=0-GIaZX6zeX6zvB58FARfOHQ 08:11:14 From Doug Bulleit : Can someone post the link to this doc? 08:11:34 From Sam Curren : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2022-03-23+Aries+Working+Group+Call 08:11:59 From Sean Bohan (Hyperledger) : Season of docs for those who just joined: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehVjMLUjnoPgS8kX4ErpE76N-KWc3AgrCyCxe7bRrtDm6tew/viewform?resourcekey=0-GIaZX6zeX6zvB58FARfOHQ 08:12:33 From Timo Glastra : Aries RFCs need a non RFC way to explain Aries 08:59:22 From Daniel Bluhm : Gotta drop, thanks everyone 09:00:20 From Timo Glastra : https://hackmd.io/2gbdFFO3QAC83nRDhqcEBQ 09:02:09 From Stephen Curran : Gotta run! 09:02:26 From Sean Bohan (Hyperledger) : Thanks everyone