00:15:49 Lynn Bendixsen: To add yourself to the attendees list here is the link: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=62243640&draftShareId=41b9fee1-8230-4cd6-b399-cfa07519fdf9& 00:16:05 Char Howland: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/2022-03-24+%3A+Identity+Implementers+WG+Call 00:26:23 Steve McCown: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB1190 00:31:53 Keela Shatzkin @KeelaRShatzkin: No rush! I can always talk fast :) 00:33:54 Jim St. Clair: Concur! 00:34:03 Jim St. Clair: Would like to learn more about that 00:44:57 Dan Bachenheimer (Accenture): ideally the patient (holder) would have an IDENTITY VC that both the lab (issuer) and border agent (verifier) could use to confirm identity 00:46:42 Jim St. Clair: Dan, great question. As you know, ID attestation may incorporate a physical asset since we presume a border agent would get a passport. At a bar or event, I should just present the verifiable claim that I can enter 00:53:02 Dan Bachenheimer (Accenture): proving one's identity to a lab clinician has similarities and differences to proving one's identity to a border official (who can, for example, determine if the passport is authentic - where a lab cannot) 00:53:17 Jim St. Clair: yup, very true 00:54:18 Dan Bachenheimer (Accenture): the similarity is that humans are proven to be less effective at matching unfamiliar faces as compared to modern facial recognition (used by some border authorities) 00:58:20 Char Howland: https://cardea.app/