00:07:58 Grace Hartley: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/BESU/2022-02-15+Contributor+Call 00:10:03 Tim Beiko: Congrats Hart 🎉 00:10:12 Hart Montgomery: Thanks Tim! 00:10:28 Francesco Andreoli: Congrats Hart! 00:10:41 Hart Montgomery: Thanks everyone! 00:11:15 Justin Florentine: Welcome Hart, and congrats 00:11:45 Tim Beiko: Nested link: https://notes.ethereum.org/@timbeiko/besu-cip-proposal-4 00:27:07 Hart Montgomery: I really like this approach because it seems like it will encourage more contributions. 00:27:38 Danno Ferrin: Yes, steps instead of a wall. 00:29:26 Danno Ferrin: Also important for fees is timing _when_ to deploy a contract. 00:33:30 Sajida Zouarhi: +1 00:38:12 Gary Schulte: 👍 00:38:44 Gary Schulte: Two T's 00:42:31 Gary Schulte: Ironically decisions about whether a contribution was “mainnet worthy” could actually disenchant potential contributors. 00:42:59 Hart Montgomery: That's definitely true! 00:44:08 Hart Montgomery: The ideal situation is that the EF makes these decisions as a benevolent dictator, and explains the decisions if people disagree. 00:44:29 Hart Montgomery: We really don't want the community endlessly arguing over this. 00:44:59 Daniela Barbosa: For Clarification , this “Ry” that Tim speaks of is not the Ry Jones on Hyperledger staff. 00:45:12 Danno Ferrin: Rai Sur 00:45:12 Tim Beiko: Rai Sur 00:45:28 Hart Montgomery: I know, but it was fun imagining Ry Jones moonlighting as an Ethereum developer! 00:45:33 Sajida Zouarhi: Yes and we can also have a list of mainnet related streams of work that people can contribute to with the knowledge that they will be considered “mainnet worthy” 00:46:12 Hart Montgomery: Definitely. Clear guidelines as to what should count would make the process smoother. 00:46:23 Danno Ferrin: We will time box this at :45, correct? Release schedule and two proposals I would prefer to at least talk to those rather than put off two more weeks. 00:46:58 Gary Schulte: 🙏 00:47:30 Tim Beiko: Yes, happy to timebox 00:50:37 Tim Beiko: We can discuss this on the Besu discord over the next couple days 00:51:47 Daniela Barbosa: +1 00:51:58 Daniela Barbosa: I do need to drop - thank you 00:52:00 Hart Montgomery: Thanks everyone! I have to drop--talk to you all later. 00:52:05 Tim Beiko: I need to hop too, thanks all! 00:52:43 Sajida Zouarhi: https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/905205502940696607/942920182807023676 00:53:49 Karim T.: Like rotation idea 00:53:50 Sajida Zouarhi: Yes it speaks to past rotations 00:54:12 Sajida Zouarhi: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/BESU/Release+Rotations+2022 01:04:55 Grace Hartley: Yeah I'll follow that up that we don't lose talking to some enterprise customers on transitioning to 17 01:06:41 jiri: What is the opinion on using the java modules to encapsulate components of besu 01:07:33 Grace Hartley: Woooooo 01:09:29 Grace Hartley: Really?!? lol I can't believe fabric does that