15:03:24 From karimstekelenburg : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=62237247&draftShareId=3f3bb850-71ef-41c9-b6b3-51610135bd48& 15:03:32 From karimstekelenburg : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Copy+of+2022-01-27+Aries+Framework+JS+Meeting+notes 15:07:47 From James Ebert : With which protocol Mike? 15:07:59 From karimstekelenburg : Issue credential v2 15:11:00 From Berend Sliedrecht : Out of band stuff is not merged, it is a feature-branch right now: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript/tree/feat/out-of-band 15:11:18 From James Ebert : Ahh—thank you Berend :thumbs: 15:34:08 From James Ebert : Here’s the section on versioning on Aries protocols: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/main/concepts/0003-protocols#semver-rules-for-protocols 15:40:41 From James Ebert : I haven’t been keeping up with RN Turbo modules, are they fully out of beta now? 15:41:58 From Berend Sliedrecht : It is available in the non-nightly versions, but very undocumented and not a lot of utility. I think 0.63 already supported it. I do consider it as beta though hah 15:50:21 From James Ebert : Haha awesome, thank you ^ :) 16:02:49 From Philippe Foucault : Thanks