00:05:37 markus: hello :) 00:16:08 Marta Piekarska: https://lists.hyperledger.org 00:16:36 Marta Piekarska: https://chat.hyperledger.org/ 00:17:05 Marta Piekarska: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/groups/public-sector-wg/public-sector-wg 00:17:28 Marta Piekarska: Public Sector WG 00:17:34 Marta Piekarska: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-5h4B9O69l4hLssHEPmtmoVrbTi26kAc 00:19:20 Marta Piekarska: https://drive.google.com/a/linuxfoundation.org/file/d/0B_ObsXjgeZdNSFBrejY3MUpRMTFWQ2tDcjBmRzdDNzhoRVFZ/view?usp=sharing 00:20:51 Marta Piekarska: https://drive.google.com/a/linuxfoundation.org/file/d/0B_ObsXjgeZdNSFBrejY3MUpRMTFWQ2tDcjBmRzdDNzhoRVFZ/view?usp=sharing 00:21:04 Marta Piekarska: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FImw2aGwES-8QyK_rusfGeNQCx0PYnCKyyZKRHFhZlM 00:46:51 Marta Piekarska: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/hyperledger-global-forum-2018/program/cfp/ 00:50:35 bobbi: Idea for Survey https://552950085483010367.weebly.com/hyperledger-wg-survey.html 01:00:42 John Jordan: Happy Friday! 01:07:58 Fred Fox: Hello ~ Is the Conference for Healthcare WG: Paatient/Member Subgroup via Ms. Iannarone starting here in a few minutes (my email reports it as being 9am MST? ~ Many thanks, Fred. 01:20:05 Sumeet: Hi . Just joined. Are we waiting for host ? 01:24:34 Fred Fox: Hell Sumeet ~ My conclusion is (subject to who is on Daylight Saving &/or who is not per each State w/in each USA Time Zone :- ) is that the next meeting (the one above that I reference w/ Ms. Iannarone) is at Noon Eastern Stardard Daylight Savings Time .... I believe that is UTC 16:00. - Fred. 01:26:02 Fred Fox: Aka ;- ) 40 minutes from now.