00:03:11 Vipin Bharathan: Please add your names to https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/CMSIG/2022-01-26 00:03:24 Vipin Bharathan: Or any comments that you may have 00:04:24 Alfonso Govela: Hi everyone, Alfonso Govela, Hyperledger Latinoamerica Regional Chapter 00:04:36 Karen Ottoni: Happy new year everyone! 00:14:49 Karen Ottoni, Hyperledger: Join the mailing list! https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/capital-markets-sig/editsub 00:16:23 Karen Ottoni, Hyperledger: Scroll down to Subscribe to the calendar to add all meetings, or click on individual meetings for US/ or APAC program, Mortgage subgroup meetings https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/capital-markets-sig/calendar 00:17:12 Karen Ottoni, Hyperledger: Wiki page: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/CMSIG/Capital+Markets+SIG 00:17:41 Karen Ottoni, Hyperledger: Mortgage subgroup page https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/CMSIG/CMSIG+Mortgage+Industry+Subgroup 00:18:17 Mani Pillai: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has called for responses by March 4 to their regulated digital assets DLT Pilot regime : https://www.esma.europa.eu/press-news/consultations/call-evidence-dlt-pilot-regime 00:18:36 Mani Pillai: Anyone is interested in collaborating and responding to this call is welcome 00:31:36 Bastian Wagner: Hello Stephane, where can I find the report from the house of commons? 00:35:01 Stéphane Mouy: https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/175/economic-affairs-committee/news/160221/central-bank-digital-currencies-a-solution-in-search-of-a-problem-report-published/ 00:35:27 Bastian Wagner: Great thanks ! 00:38:41 Stéphane Mouy: Link to offline article (related to Digital Identity wallets - not specifically CBDCs). https://sgmconsultingservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Offline-Mode-20220125.pdf 00:39:40 Vipin Bharathan: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/CMSIG/2022-01-26 00:45:29 Alfonso Govela: Can you share reference to your paper David Rowe-Francis? Thx 00:51:01 David Rowe-Francis: I shared in the today's email thread. But will post again later. Can I assume it the HKMA and UK papers. If its the UK paper use the online version as it has hyperlinks to the data. Bye for now 00:52:48 Karen Ottoni, Hyperledger: Hi David, please add to the wiki page for this call and people can refer to it there so as to not clog inboxes with multiple messages https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/CMSIG/2022-01-26 Thanks! 00:55:38 Alfonso Govela: thank you David and Karen 00:58:10 Alfonso Govela: Apologies, have to leave at the hour. Thank you Vipin for making this meeting possible. Great conversations as always. Best to you all 01:01:27 Karen Ottoni, Hyperledger: add your name to the list to volunteer to contribute to the response and feel free to start adding thoughts in sub pages https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/CMSIG/Response+to+Fed.+Reserve+CBDC+Paper 01:01:50 Criss D: Thank you all 01:01:58 Bastian Wagner: Thank you! 01:03:29 kumaravel: How can I get the recording of the previous sessions please? I missed few meetings for sometime please. Thanks. 01:03:59 Santanu Mukherjee, Mindtree Ltd.: Thank you everybody , have a nice day ahead 01:04:28 Karen Ottoni, Hyperledger: head to the wiki for previous recordings! 01:05:38 kumaravel: Thanks!