08:05:29 From Sebastian Schmittner (EECC, Germany) : congratz! :) 08:28:47 From Wade Barnes : I have one Indy-SDK related topic before we end. We’ve been getting a fair number of contributors lately. The builds are failing due to Rust build dependency issues. I’m thinking I need to dig into and resolve that sooner than later. Agreed? 08:28:55 From Michael Schäfer (Bosch) : Need to step out. Thanks and a good day 08:30:39 From Robin Klemens : @Wade. I agree since Indy-Node still relies on Indy SDK and we need a running CD pipeline there. Otherwise, the contributions won't help the community 08:37:36 From Dominic : The public key is generated from the private key using the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. You get a public address for your account by taking the last 20 bytes of the Keccak-256 hash of the public key and adding 0x to the beginning. 08:37:52 From Dominic : Source: https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/accounts/#account-creation 08:38:13 From Paul Bastian : so they are using the hash of the whole public key and thats what we should do as well 08:38:59 From Paul Bastian : did:indy:sovrin:staging:6cgbu8ZPoWTnR5Rv5JcSMB did:indy:sovrin.staging:6cgbu8ZPoWTnR5Rv5JcSMB 08:39:56 From Robin Klemens : Isn't that the idea behind hashing? At any given input create a unique hash value at a specific length 08:42:44 From Paul Bastian : technically right Robin, but it makes sense to take the highest entropy available anyway 08:43:23 From Robin Klemens : which is the whole public key rather than just a fraction of it 08:44:28 From Paul Bastian : did:indy universal resolver driver mvp: https://github.com/IDunion/indy-did-resolver 08:45:35 From Paul Bastian : its kind of a mess, but a first working example that provides the minimal did document from a NYM 08:47:36 From Dominic : Awesome!