00:04:16 Grace Hartley: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/BESU/2021-12-21+Besu+Contributor+Call 00:04:26 Grace Hartley: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=62232351 00:07:03 Gary Schulte: https://hackmd.io/A_iqjtVQRjSL4M9mLa0ncg?view 00:26:49 Justin Florentine: T3.xl 00:33:22 Rai: Karen feeding? 00:33:32 Gary Schulte: Care and Feeding 00:33:59 Justin Florentine: Karmis bonsai full node is a i3.xlarge with 500gb 1500iops 00:34:15 Gary Schulte: πŸ™ 00:38:24 Jiri Peinlich: even with dao you would need to decide how to distribute the tokens fairly which is basically the same question as who should get the grant, isn't it? 00:38:32 Gary Schulte: right 00:39:18 Gary Schulte: But at least that can be a political will/consensus exercise instead of Consensys being a trustee 00:47:22 Jiri Peinlich: I am really new 00:47:25 Jiri Peinlich: 2 months 00:49:36 Danno Ferrin: Lets go to Discord. Today. 00:49:45 Gary Schulte: πŸ™ 00:50:23 Danno Ferrin: I think at least two votes will on the TSC will go easy on us if we go early. 00:52:57 Gary Schulte: Grace would you reiterate the 3 proposed action items? 00:53:04 Gary Schulte: Discord, roadmap calls, and ? 00:54:42 Gary Schulte: Good ,etric 00:55:05 Rai: Ry jones* 00:57:04 Gary Schulte: I think that could be a big win if we do it well 00:58:15 Rai: Gotta jump 01:01:21 Antoine Toulme: Still no idea who gets tokens and how and when 01:02:41 Antoine Toulme: I don’t understand 01:03:00 Antoine Toulme: We had time months ago, what did we do? 01:03:35 Devon Artis: Thank you 01:03:45 Devon Artis: Have a good one 01:03:50 Jiri Peinlich: happy new year