00:04:44 Diego López León: can we still keep the tags? not for making the release but for the simplicity of jumping to a "safe" commit 00:05:07 Danno Ferrin: We do tag releases as well. 00:05:18 Diego López León: great 00:13:56 Grace Hartley: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/BESU/2021-12-21+Besu+Contributor+Call 00:14:15 Grace Hartley: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=62232351 00:32:37 Gary Schulte: I like the distribution model. Roll-up execution client is an additional use case that has been proposed as well. 00:35:21 Sally MacFarlane: Definitely value in supporting roll-ups along side 00:36:03 Diego López León: we can take a look at the modules in Tendermint Core https://docs.tendermint.com/master/spec/ 00:37:56 Sally MacFarlane: We have been having discussions in our team about making privacy a plugin 00:39:04 Sally MacFarlane: Spiritual successor 00:43:56 Danno Ferrin: I need to go. TTYL