08:14:48 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2021-11-30+Aries+Summit+Session 08:15:25 From Rolson Quadras : I don’t see recording for last weeks session in wiki https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2021-11-23+Aries+Summit+Session. Is it posted or I am looking at the wrong place ? 08:15:44 From Rolson Quadras : Thanks for the update 08:24:17 From Rolson Quadras : On a related note - DIF Credential Manifest has output descriptor for display purposes (friendly name and themes etc) - https://identity.foundation/credential-manifest/#output-descriptor 08:24:28 From Troy Ronda : https://identity.foundation/credential-manifest/ 08:24:55 From Troy Ronda : used as part of: https://identity.foundation/waci-presentation-exchange/#issuance 08:31:22 From Horacio Nunez to Sam Curren (TelegramSam)(Direct Message) : I joined a few minutes late, did the group already talked about SVG credentials? 08:31:30 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) to Horacio Nunez(Direct Message) : not really yet. 08:31:38 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) to Horacio Nunez(Direct Message) : discussing overlays first. 08:32:19 From Mike Ebert : I have looked at credential manifests, and they were almost what I needed... but they're tied to one particular DID, and I needed a way to define the credential "defaults" for all the different issuers in an ecosystem. 08:33:28 From Horacio Nunez to Sam Curren (TelegramSam)(Direct Message) : Thanks! 08:44:05 From Jason Leach : Interesting. I did’t realize you were thinking to display the entire credential via an SVG. Kind of like a PDF. 08:45:16 From Kimberly Nguyen : Would this give issuer's too much control over the look of the credential? i.e. the wallet will then have too varying looks of cards from different issuers? 08:46:13 From Horacio Nunez : To some degree, in the RFC we commented that is important to have default rendering with an emphasis on transparency and credential introspection. Almost like a default look. 08:56:25 From Kimberly Nguyen : If we're able to limit control of the look of the credential to just certain parameters (colour, logo) that would be great. That way, we can ensue that the look is within accessibility standards, visually appealing and consistent. We wouldn't want an issuer to somehow make theirs stand out visually over another credential. 08:58:24 From James Ebert : Looks like Troy may have dropped off? 09:02:31 From Mike Ebert : Yeah, that's true Clecio. Some kind of override/customization of the general scheme would be nice. We probably ought to fix the general case a little. 09:04:12 From Mike Ebert : I'd love to include a credential manifest in a governance file just the same way I am referring to presentation definitions. 09:07:54 From Horacio Nunez : A safe SVG to render everywhere will be very plain. 09:09:20 From Mike Ebert : Luckily SVGs are scalable, so as long as you preserve the ratio of the sides to each other and the ratio of elements to each other, most things should turn out well. 09:12:23 From Mike Ebert : You could use the same aspect ratio as an existing card, like a driver's license or business card, or standard, like 16x9 format screens 09:14:40 From Mike Ebert : Ooooh, a Can I Use for wallets 09:14:54 From Akiff Manji : That would be cool 09:15:09 From Stephen Curran : Aries Wallet Interoperability Test Harness - w00t!! 09:15:54 From Mike Ebert : Is there a chart for different wallets that goes with the test harness? I've never looked. 09:16:48 From Akiff Manji : Are we assuming all credentials will take the form of a card? 09:16:57 From Kimberly Nguyen : exactly 09:16:58 From James Ebert : +1 09:17:31 From Stephen Curran : It’s pretty common to set a size for something that we want many to use…favicons come to mind :-) 09:17:31 From Mike Ebert : Like Google Display Ad formats 09:18:28 From Horacio Nunez : Yeah, I don’t think that multiple aspect ratio is a bad idea, as long as they are easy to define and test. Then app developers will be expected to use certain aspect ratio depending of the type of screen. 09:18:37 From Horacio Nunez : Almost like Apple Human Guidelines 09:22:34 From clecio : What is the fallback for things that are not a card? 09:22:39 From Mike Ebert : I have to leave, drat. I might be able to rejoin. 09:32:55 From Akiff Manji : I would lean on Bifold 09:33:32 From Sebastian Bickerle [lissi@Main Incubator] : Would implement it in Lissi👆 09:37:38 From James Ebert : Could even also specify the governance framework too 09:41:47 From James Ebert : It seems important to do the overlays portion—not just svg display. 09:47:45 From James Ebert : Definitely agree @Stephen, mostly I was just seeing an option in the future with having an attribute for the governance framework. 09:51:59 From Akiff Manji : Same with connections