00:01:46 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2021-11-23+Aries+Summit+Session 00:05:37 Akiff Manji: The link on the Wiki goes to a different room 00:06:15 Akiff Manji: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries+Mobile+Summit 00:06:22 Akiff Manji: The link there 00:06:23 Mike Ebert: The one on this page was good: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2021-11-23+Aries+Summit+Session 00:07:46 Akiff Manji: Oh whoops I was looking at the actual Mobile Summit meeting link 00:07:52 Akiff Manji: Not the WG link 00:11:24 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2021-11-23+Aries+Summit+Session 00:30:02 Mike Ebert: Same thing with mobile devices that are issued by the organization--there could be hundreds of devices. 00:33:34 Mike Ebert: Log centralization 00:34:14 Mike Ebert: (there are auditing requirements for mobile verifications) 00:45:42 Mike Ebert: Thanks for spending a few minutes thinking about that 00:47:43 Clecio Varjao: I am having mic issues … how do you inform the user that information is being persistent? 00:48:03 Mike Ebert: Good thought--what will be stored? 00:49:47 Mike Ebert: Presentation definitions are also going to be nice for knowing about the verification process in advance 00:51:20 Clecio Varjao: I had to register or a zoom account 00:51:47 Sam Curren (TelegramSam): apologies 00:53:20 Sebastian Bickerle [lissi@Main Incubator GmbH]: Someone already mentioned NFC? 00:55:16 James Ebert: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm-bluetooth/blob/main/spec.md 01:06:54 Darrell O'Donnell: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1skHbfJqXaX8er8iUzisNWWnFCMp7bv2ZjKmsq4GXyeA/edit#slide=id.gf81ff01b32_0_4 01:09:20 Stephen Curran: Machine Readable Governance Framework Aries RFC — https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/main/concepts/0430-machine-readable-governance-frameworks 01:10:40 Mike Ebert: Here's the best I've got so far: https://hackmd.io/@mikekebert/HyjBmusEF#/ 01:16:18 Darrell O'Donnell: https://www.continuumloop.com/trust-registries-webinar/ 01:21:27 Troy Ronda: Also look at protocol section - particularly WACI 01:21:55 Troy Ronda: I think some of those interfaces are not related to DIDComm, but rather lower layer (like key management and credential management). 01:22:11 Darrell O'Donnell: +1 Troy - there is a need to separate some concerns 01:22:43 Troy Ronda: also fyi - WACI issuance protocol PR: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/universal-wallet-interop-spec/pull/102 01:23:15 Troy Ronda: Noting the similarity to the Aries Issue/Present protocol. 01:23:51 Darrell O'Donnell: I find WACI PEx and Aries quite similar too. 01:29:25 Mike Ebert: I also have to leave (for a bit), I will be back in about 15 minutes 01:29:57 Darrell O'Donnell: gotta roll - keep being awesome folks 01:34:11 Clecio Varjao: or the mediator provides it 01:34:35 James Ebert: +1 ^ 01:37:17 Antonio Mateus de Sousa: We can use a combination of these solutions instead using only one 01:48:14 Antonio Mateus de Sousa: or use biometrics 01:54:18 Clecio Varjao: I was thinking a relationship (DID) with another wallet would allow that sync 01:58:58 James Ebert: Thanks for the indy clarifications 02:00:11 Clecio Varjao: I need to run to my next meeting 02:00:25 Clecio Varjao: Thanks everyone! 02:00:44 Mike Ebert: I'm not even a mobile guy and this was pretty cool, thanks everyone