11:26:42 From Darrell O'Donnell : “thread_id” is a very oblique reference to a credential 11:31:02 From Timo Glastra : Need to drop. Thanks! 11:32:17 From Daniel Bluhm : From the implementation side of things, I think I agree with Timo that thread ID for revocation notification is a really simple but effective way to communicate which credential or credentials we're talking about 11:33:01 From Daniel Bluhm : It requires keeping a mapping on the holder side to know which credentials are referenced but that provides a clean abstraction away from the details of the credential system 11:38:21 From Darrell O'Donnell : So imagine you’re an Issuer who is using thread_id as a way to track a conversation. Your job is to manage credentials - not threads. You are not likely to consider thread_id for the long-term and likely already have a credential tracking identifier. 11:39:29 From Darrell O'Donnell : If a Wallet can’t track a credential but needs to track a thread_id instead I am scratching my head as to why. “because it is already in the spec” isn’t a good answer for the longer-term. 11:40:25 From Ian Costanzo : For some of our apps we set the credential id (at the holder) to the thread_id just so we have some consistency in id's 11:41:15 From Daniel Bluhm : Fair points. I would counter that while issuers deal in credentials, they deal in exchanges conducted over messages/threads. I wouldn't consider tracking messages to be totally out there for issuers in general 11:41:19 From Darrell O'Donnell : I get it - it works, but knowing what we know now, would you do it that way? 11:41:53 From Darrell O'Donnell : @Daniel - though they could do that, they won’t likely do it well and it can be a very easy barrier to avoid using our approach. 11:42:13 From Darrell O'Donnell : messaging systems are for messaging - not the payloads 11:45:50 From Daniel Bluhm : Good points again :). I agree, It does seem odd to raise information like the thread of a set of messages beyond the agent to the controller/business logic driver. 11:45:57 From Daniel Bluhm : Sounds like a debate for the RFCs repo lol 11:46:13 From Darrell O'Donnell : exactly - can you share the link and I’ll start the debate! 11:57:35 From Daniel Bluhm : I opened an issue on the Aries RFCs repo to capture some of our discussion re: revocation notification credential identifiers :) https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/issues/705 11:57:51 From Darrell O'Donnell : thx @Daniel 12:01:30 From Daniel Bluhm : Thanks for the discussion today and for the presentation @Dave 12:03:55 From Victor Martinez (SICPA) : Very interesting @Dave thanks 12:05:17 From Darrell O'Donnell : gotta roll folks 12:05:22 From Darrell O'Donnell : keep being awesome!