09:04:16 From Steve McCown : https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/2021-06-17+%3A+Identity+Implementers+WG+Call 09:06:00 From jim stclair : FYI< I just did a preso for the IOTSlam conference on SSI and IOT 09:07:27 From Bruce Conrad : Is there a link to that, Jim? 09:08:13 From jim stclair : Hi Bruce, there isn't without conference registration but I'm happy to share my slides 09:11:18 From Bruce Conrad : Great. I’ll ask again during our IoT meeting later today 09:12:43 From jim stclair : Cool, is that a HF meeting? Would love to discuss offline 09:15:48 From jim stclair : Applying to an Enterprise Architecture is key for US Federal use 09:23:01 From Dan Bachenheimer : https://wiki.trustoverip.org/download/attachments/76241/GHPC%20Interoperability%20Blueprint_v1.0.0_June%207%202021.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1623073365535&api=v2 09:24:39 From jim stclair : if you aren't in TOIP, you should be :) 09:36:55 From jim stclair : Happy to talk about Digital Twins 09:37:36 From Manish Dugar : Hello Team, it's great to be a part of this hyperledger group solving for identity solutioning. I'm based out of India, and working on a decentralized authentication solution. Would love to hear if anyone here would be interested to learn more or point me in the right direction (meaning pre-seed / angel investors / partners) Interested folks can reach me directly on Telegram @telejmd 09:43:14 From Bruce Conrad : manifold.picolabs.io 09:48:04 From Bruce Conrad : http://picolabs.io/g/nso/ 09:50:50 From Bruce Conrad : Tag.picolabs.io/ABCDEFGH 09:53:16 From Paul Wenzel : https://manifold.picolabs.io:9090/sky/event/7YpDo5bKTJTNURABN8Giyp/car-key/s/u 09:56:23 From jim stclair : Gotta drop, thanks! 09:57:44 From Bruce Conrad : slides at bruceatbyu.com/s/SovrinIoTwg 10:01:17 From Bruce Conrad : bruce_conrad@byu.edu 10:01:56 From Sam Curren (TelegramSam) : Well done Bruce!